• By -


Deep into my summer cut. Weight was 206.7 today. Maybe another 2-3 pounds before my 3 week vacation to Punta Cana in late May. Looking saucy yesterday so I did a little posing with a friend at the Anytime he goes to. Honestly not terrible lighting there. And not too bad for 41 years old if I do say so myself šŸ˜‰ https://imgur.com/a/ZC3LAjw


Damn boi he thicccc


Thanks brotha. Means a lot. Whenever I get this low in bf im like damā€¦.maybe 1 more time on stage. And then the wife tells me no lol.


I mean, with where you are right now youā€™d probably do well in masters, donā€™t even need to pull much furtherā€¦ ^(do it)


lol some days I really want to. But then thereā€™s days when Iā€™m home with my wife and son and I know I could never sacrifice time with them. Although I have told my wife if she competes again so will I. Weā€™re a team so if I were to do it so would she. But she feels the same wayā€¦she doesnā€™t think she could sacrifice the time with her family. And thank you for the compliment btw. Iā€™d probably kick ass in masters lol šŸ˜


My wife and I are both competing this year. She looks fucking amazing for her first show coming up soon. Bikini class, sheā€™s shredded down hard. Both being in prep at the same time has oddly been easier than expected


Thatā€™s awesome! Itā€™s so much easier when you have the person you love pushing you and sheā€™s right there with you pushing her. I wish you both the best of luck. The wife and I did a few shows together when we first started dating. And she did a few after we made the decision I shouldnā€™t compete anymore. She was figure. And she still holds all that muscle and shape after many years.


Where did you meet her. I need someone like that in my life.


A friend introduced us at a gym a few days after she moved to the state we currently live in. Which is funny because we are both originally from the same state.


i remember when you were 38. boy does time fly


Doesnā€™t it?! I still feel like Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s so to say Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s now is a mind fuck.


i remember positng in here being 35 and thinking im the perfect age for a guy. now ill be 38 in august. and feel like im running out of time lol


Ahh youā€™re good. Just a number. My pic proves that lol. If anything you can say youā€™ve gained more wisdom


I whistled when I opened that pic no homo, you look awesome bro


Thanks bro lol. Couldnā€™t hear you whistle. My hearing is going in my old age lol šŸ˜†


Years of disciplined training and dieting in that physique. Looking great.


Yes sir!!! šŸ˜˜


How did you get so vascular? Is it a specific compound?


Yes - it's lowbodyfatalone.


That certainly helps lol


Honestly, a part of it is good genetics. Iā€™ve been very vascular since I was 13-14 years old. Started seriously weight training at 18. Bodybuilding, powerlifting, eating very clean, using gear, always doing cardio (mostly fasted). Consistency over 23 years. And I never let myself get above the 12-13% body fat range. I count macros year round. In the fall/winter I stay disciplined with nutrition 6 days a week and then 1 day a week I eat what I feel like. Sure drugs help. But Iā€™m not on anything crazy. 14 week mini cut. 200test/150primo/8 weeks of 150mast/4 iuā€™s gh/500 injectable L-carnitine/50var the last 6 weeks/. And this is the most Iā€™ll do.






This made me so hard that every time Iā€™ve been aroused before feels like a lie Good shit brother. You could teach anatomy with how shredded you are rn


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thanks brotha


Yesterday I was feeling bad about how my cut was going. Did a refeed and felt like I looked amazing with a pump today in the gym. Came home and clicked this and now Iā€™m spiraling again šŸ˜‚ p.s. any tips for abdominal hypertophy? My abs (if I can even call them abs) look like a first graders building blocks.


Leaning out would be the obvious first answer. Iā€™ve always tried to do weighted ab work. It never made sense to me to just lift my legs in the air and contract without some sort of resistance. Weighted sit ups, weighted leg lifts, weighted crunches and reverse crunches, weighed twists or dragon twists with a resistance band. Try adding some of that over a period of time. I also brace my core on every rep of every lift. Not super hard but at least keep it taunt. That would be my best advice.


What do your rep ranges look like on the weighted portions if you donā€™t mind me asking?


15-25 usually. 3-4 sets max.




Thanks bro


If you put that in black and white with contrast youā€™d looks absolutely marbleā€™d šŸ”„. Looking sick homie.


Thanks bro! Iā€™m bad with tech. Iā€™m lucky I know how to black out my face lol šŸ˜‚


Got a glimpse into how dumb your average gear user is yesterday. Was talking to some guy at the gym, he mentions heā€™s on clen. My eyebrows went up, because heā€™s like 6ft 270. He then mentioned heā€™s been on 750test for 6 months, cruised on 250 for a bit and had been blasting test for around 2 years. He then mentioned heā€™s never gotten bloodwork done. I told him to get some fucking bloodwork done and cruise for awhile, he then told me ā€œI donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever go below 350mg of test a day again, no oneā€™s ever died from testā€ā€¦.remarkable. Oh and yeah, he pops anavar before pre workoutsā€¦at 30%+ body fat and refuses to do any other injectable because he keeps forgetting to pin his test e. OH YEAH and finally, this guy says ā€œIā€™ve never needed aiā€ā€¦at 750testā€¦ ā€œhave you got blood?ā€ā€¦.ā€nopeā€ā€¦. Wild


People here reading this thinking ā€œheh.. glad im not like thatā€ and they hopped on gear 1 yr into lifting weighing 160lb




So true lol šŸ˜‚


I was 165 lbs jokes on youĀ 


Thatā€™s not even the most absurd thing Iā€™ve heard *this week*. (*See: Iā€™ve been on superdrol for 6 years*). šŸ—æ Itā€™s not quite as bad as it once was - the information prior to people like MPMD and TikTok was almost exclusively legend from days of old - people would take *whatever they could get their hands on*. Nonetheless thereā€™s *absolutely* still people, coaches, former athletes/users who are proponents of the most absurd bullshit. Iā€™m immensely grateful that I found *this exact subreddit* before even having access.


`Iā€™m immensely grateful that I foundĀ this exact subredditĀ before even having access.` So much this. I was so paranoid prior to hopping on that I researched it for a good 6 months and thank goodness it was this sub.


I would have never even remotely considered doing any PEDs if I didn't stumble into this sub. Really, how did I end up in here anyways?


I plan to run my first cycle in the fall and I couldnā€™t agree more that finding this subreddit and reading the wiki has been 100x more valuable than I ever would have imagined. Iā€™m extremely new to Reddit honestly, was introduced to this community by my friend whoā€™s super knowledgeable about PEDs and it seems to be thanks to this subreddit and its users. I have notes upon notes about supplies needed, blood tests for pre/mid/post cycle, and my overall apprehension about turning in the natty card has all but disappeared.


>at 30%+ body fat and refuses to do any other injectable because he keeps forgetting to pin his test e. OH YEAH and finally, this guy says ā€œIā€™ve never needed aiā€ā€¦at 750test I mean what's a bit of gyno if you've already got man boobs to begin with?


Yikes. Unfortunately itā€™s a reality most gear users have no clue what they are doing. So many young men and women just fucking themselves up and they still look fat and natty.


I have a friend like that. 220lb 18% at 6feet on 50 anavar, 50 winstrol and 120mcg clenā€¦ iā€™d be a walking shredded boner at that stack so i donā€™t understand how he canā€™t even have forearm veins lolā€¦


Yeah dude some of the morons at my gym make me question the intelligence of most people. One guy who isnā€™t even that big started his first cycle with around 500mg test and I believe 800mg tren with 50mg dbol daily. Never got blood work, didnā€™t take an ai, has the single worst cystic acne Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. Nice guy tho


50mg of dbol daily and no ai is absolutely INSANE.


Dude is literally a walking science experiment, god bless him for doing the stupid shit for everyone else to observe lmao


Is it? Why? I've done 1g+ of gear with no AI. I've had gyno surgery and don't worry about gyno. Didn't have any adverse effects and felt fine.


DBOL is super estrogenic, especially at 50mg which is a massive dose, along with a shit ton of test.


Cut is going well. Feeling really good on cruise. Energy levels are up, though I suspect that has more to do with my increased deep sleep from a natural supplement addition. I'm waking up 295lbs and definitely feel lighter on my feet. I'm in no rush to get stage ready, so just enjoying training, learning to love the increased cardio, and eating at maintenance. Checked my BP yesterday, and it was 116/58. Lowest I can remember it ever being. Hope everyone is making strides towards their dream physique and life šŸ«¶šŸæ


> 295lbs > feeling lighter on my feet *shocked pikachu meme*


[Me right now.](https://ibb.co/mSd7XhC)


frightening nine foolish vegetable important beneficial fact hungry plough badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope - just carditone, which is a recommendation I picked up from here when my BP was 124/62.


complete smoggy unique smell decide whistle grandiose puzzled spoon heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No problem. I do 30mins of walking at 2.5mi/hr on a steep incline 2x/day. Heart rate usually stays between 125-130.


What sleep supplement have you been using?




The more time passes the fewer butterflies there are but we keep working on the garden!! have a blessed tuesday guys




pretty shitty at that but always looking to improve


Any older guys (50+) still blasting regularly? Any compounds you stick too, any youā€™ve ruled out?


Not 50+ but 40+. Just stick to the basics. Test, gh, maybe some primo/mast and var. best to keep it simple.


Appreciate the response man! Got a dose range you stick to for test?


For me personally, I donā€™t go too far above my trt dose. 200-250. But you can obviously go higher than that.


Upper 40s. Just test and primo these days. Not even sure I can justify an oral, canā€™t find a good reason. (Maybe a beach vacation?) Test around 500, primo 2-300. Plenty.


I am 48 and I stick with test and one deca blast a year. I do not use any orals. I will experiment with lifestyle dose GH once I'm done paying for colleges for my kids.


34, but very much done with anything I would consider too detrimental to health. I stick with test, mast and primo. I've considered adding in very low dose turinabol or anavar during a cut, but never got to it, since orals - to me my eyes, at least - present a larger palette of health downsides (blood pressure, lipids, liver etc.). Dosagewise I wouldn't venture further north than 300 mgs. I think a lot can still be done, though at a slower pace, with a combination of test and primo. Recently I did a phase of 150 test E and 100 primo E for 3 months. Never felt like I was 'on', felt completely normal throughout the course, but did manage to increase arm size somewhat. For reference, I'm 180 cm and 110 kgs and been training for 14 years.


Iā€™m almost 40. TRT all year and a ā€˜blastā€™ for me is 600 test and some GH. I stopped fucking with the other stuff years ago.




I got a second hand surface pro off ebay and that seemed to work quite nicely for annotating pdfs via pen. Not sure about software for writing equations. A second hand ipad might also work well for you.


I'm a professional 3D Artist - you get used to not being able to see where you're writing pretty quickly with consistent use. I remember it caught me out at first too but now I can't imagine having to look AT the tablet and write - the expensive ones with a screen are a gimmick, don't bother.


I had one of Microsoft's surface books a while back. It worked decently for taking notes but had a big learning curve to write legibly. Still had a similar problem with needing to write kind of big too. It was also one of the first models though so it's possible the technology has changed enough to be better now. I'm still in the same boat as you as preferring paper though. (although no pencil for me, I write exclusively in pen unless I'm specifically required otherwise lmao) Expensive art ones are probably better for writing finer but the learning curve is probably still going to be there. And if you're not going to otherwise use it, then it's probably not worth it. But I guess it depends to what degree their site is pissing you off because Ive had to manually input formulas like that for a class before and I could absolutely see myself shelling out $400 to avoid having to do that again.




What brand/model of the cheap tablets did you get? I'm looking around and I am seeing some decent writing being done on fairly cheap ones. Doesn't necessarily solve the issue of learning to write while looking ahead at the screen but still lol. Either way, I would imagine things like that probably do have decent resale value given the utility they have for artists.


Went to my first MMA class in probably a year and holy shit your cardio goes away fast. Could barely make it through a 5 min round sparring and I could do probably 20-25 minutes before, so getting my cardio back is gonna be a lot of fun. Not gonna lie tho, I really missed getting hit in the face. Idk why but something about getting punched makes my little monkey brain happy.


Hell yeah. Blocking punches with your face is as manly as they come. Good shit bro


Facts Iā€™m pretty much progressive overloading my brain so Iā€™ll eventually be immune to concussions


> so Iā€™ll eventually be immune to concussions It's called being dead or a vegetable lmao


Thereā€™s research to support that tbh. Until the steep fall off when your brain canā€™t work around the dead cells but youā€™re sparring not fighting so I doubt thatā€™ll happen šŸ˜‚. The first few punches actually significantly increase your resilience


Real talk you probably know this but sparring your first day back isn't a great idea and there's no good reason to be taking shots to the head in training. Save that for the real fights.


You know its not a bad idea to put on head gear. But i must confess i never bothered getting one either.








Whatā€™s everyones favorite gym bag? I train at my home gym, but Iā€™m going out of town a couple times over the next couple months and I need a good bag to put my belt, shoes, chalk, straps, etc in.


Simple grey and black Nike bag. Nothing special. Lasted me 5 years so far.


I just picked up a KNKG Duffel after just using a standard backpack for the last few years. Liking it a lot so far! Itā€™s pretty big - I went for the larger size because I train strongman and have to carry a bunch of different equipment. No issues carrying everything and has two shaker bottle slots as well as room for an extra pair of shoes. May be a bit overkill though if you wonā€™t be using it for a long time.


I'm generally of the opinion that a bag is a bag and its really not overly important what you get. Historically I've always just used any old sports bag/backpack I've had lying around and used them till they were falling apart before moving on to the next one. That being said, I did end up picking up an Elitefts one with my rewards points back in November. Also managed to get one for free a little bit later and use it for my wife and I's roller skates now lmao. Plenty of space for all my junk. Haven't had any rips or zipper problems either, but it's been less than a year so who knows.


Iā€™ve been using a NoBull duffel for years. First one lasted me 4 years until I replaced it, and only because I spilled my intra workout carbs in there multiple times and it started to smell, not because the bag was breaking


Goddamn power cuts out yesterday within 30 minutes of me being home and comes back on right as I'm going to bed. I mean, on one hand, at least that means I could wear my CPAP. But on the other, it's mildly insulting that any plans I had got fucked and it was only resolved as soon as I ran out of time to do them. Same thing happened to me Saturday too. Wake up, went out to run a bunch of errands, get home around 3, sit down ready to relax, boom. No power til ~8:30. At least then I ended up just spending like 10 hours reading, but I can't start a book during the week and go to sleep on time so that wasn't an option last night lol.


I manage an area for an electric company and I had a raccoon that caused an outage for 1600 people for 6 hours on Saturday, and then a bird for 700 customers for 2 hours on Sunday. Itā€™s very odd but small animals are usually the cause for power outages at substations etc. unless thereā€™s active storms. My guys work round the clock fixing stuff like this and it seems like an inconvenience but remember that the lineman fixing all of this also drop all of their plans to keep the power running and do it 3-4 nights out of the week! It takes a lot to keep things running


Yeah I mean, the one Saturday was an emergency repair of a pole coming directly out of the substation that got damaged and yesterday's was just standard storm problems. I live in the mountains, shit happens, it's annoying but its not like I'm actually mad about it lol.


I get it haha mountain areas are even worse. I live at the tail end of my substations feeder and I have outages all the time. Of course itā€™s in my area too šŸ˜‚




I have a portable generator for worst case scenarios but tbh I usually don't pull it out unless it's off for more than a day. Solar is definitely on my to-do list though.


Not sure if any of you are into photography, but I just found my new favorite camera bag. Can fit a variable lens, prime lens, and body in this thing in such a tiny form factor. Fits in the bottom of a backpack, or in my gym bag! Iā€™m pretty excited about it https://ibb.co/0p04j8h https://ibb.co/6t7WGz4 https://ibb.co/9YB2sY3


Ayyy sick man, I've always wanted to get more into photography (I always take ass pictures) so I like seeing what other people do to have the tools on hand.


The prime lens is basically what I use to take all my gym videos of lifts. It's a 30mm F1.8 Samyang which is a cheap ass plastic chinese lens, but it takes damn good photos and I care a whole lot less if my tripod gets knocked over and the lens breaks than I would if I was using a more expensive lens.


How does one obtain a cool flair? šŸ˜Ž


Be a cooler person šŸ«”


Are you indirectly telling me my responses have not been cool enough so far? I am very insulted by this..


I donā€™t even know who you are


I figured, i was just goofing around. Have been active for a small while now and try to give a few good quality responses every now and again but for sure not enough to get noticed by name.


I was too, it was in reference to that Avengers meme lol I donā€™t know if you read the previously stickied post on the top of the sub but itā€™s in my post history (I posted it). We have preset flairs for people that have earned / deserve them, then funny ones for people who mainly stick to the OT. If you see a flair you want thatā€™s a preset, let me know and Iā€™ll start watching for your comments to contribute to that flair. If itā€™s a funny one you want, itā€™s purely just getting name recognition and posting funny things


> I was too, it was in reference to that Avengers meme lol šŸ«¶šŸ» Ehh Quality Contributor or something like that one would be nice, if my contributions are indeed quality that is. I guess if they are i will see the flair eventually right?


Quality Contributor is generally reserved for those who hang out in the DAA to help others. The quality is because they work hard to put up informative content. If thatā€™s the one you want to work towards, and you think youā€™re qualified, I look forward to seeing you in the DAA!


Thanks for your response. If you wouldn't mind, could you take a brief look at my comment history to see if I am on the right track?


From a brief skim of recent historyā€¦ You absolutely are, Iā€™ll be on the lookout for more of your comments in the future. You have a username thatā€™s easy to skim over, thatā€™s why I havenā€™t noticed yet. Iā€™ll keep an eye out now that I know to look for it šŸ¤˜šŸ¼




Youā€™re welcome




Been a while since I popped in, been grinding on my business for a few months now and feeling excited by the direction its going. Pulled in about 75K in confirmed contracts for the first 6 months, and looking like at least another 75K for the next with renewals and other bids. Living in a moderate cost of living area this has been a boon. I'm bidding on a big job in Texas that's 100K over 4 months, and its all labor since I don't manufacture or resell anything. Feeling grateful for this because its allowed me to focus on the work instead of politics in the corporate world. I get done the same amount of work in 10-15 hours billed that I used to in 40-50 hours a week because I'm not stuck in endless political mires. I just shoot my program/project sponsors and email and they deal with it. Haven't done much lifting but my cardio is on point. Ran a half marathon in sub 9 minute per miles. I know that's pathetic as far as runners go, but considering I'm 39, and I just started running 6 months ago from only biking I'm elated by that time. Sitting around 185 @ 5'10 at 13-15% BF these days which is great; it gives me some gas in the tank for long endurance rides and runs, but I feel decently aesthetic. I just went to Las Vegas and sat around some rooftop pools, let me tell you if you think you're "below average" like I have felt lately, just go there and realize that even if you don't have a hard 6-pack, 15% BF with a good bit of muscle is like top 1% of humanity, its wild. I have just ascribed to the zone 2 training mantra: spend 3-5 hours a week at 120-130 BPM and 1 run a week at 150-160 BPM. I'm seeing huge cardio gains every month now that I've got training figured out, and all this LISS is amazing for keeping the weight off without having to keep a ridiculously strict diet. Taking 80mg twice a week of Undecanoate keeps my T and E perfectly balances and maintains decent muscle mass through all the calorie expenditure. I am over blasting, as I just don't get any benefit out of it, as I lose the muscle I put on because of my endurance cardio. Still absolutely no luck with women, even with tending at my friends bar I am pretty much treated like I'm not human as I'm just average in looks and height. Trying to not devolve into feeling anger, I just feel apathetic at this point and don't even bother trying to flirt, besides I'm far too old at this point to be flirting with 25-30 year olds. I think its been 2.5 years now since I last got laid and I just don't feel that the juice is worth the squeeze at this point with the things I hear at the bar, or from women friends at the gym; I don't think there are women left who aren't juggling 5-10 guys and living the Insta/online dating dream. I'd love a couple kids and to have a decent life traveling and enjoying the world with someone who doesn't demand Gucci, but I think that time has long past for me as the social media world offers far more than I could. If you have any advice for coming to terms and accepting the loneliness and not falling into hate and sadness I'd be open to it. Some days are easier than others, but all the advice out there comes from a place of anger, I want to try to find a place of peace and acceptance. Hoping some guys here who have dealt with this type of thing might have some sage wisdom for riding out the last few decades of your life. The ex wife still wants to get back together, but I just can't fathom living a numb life with someone definitely on the spectrum who doesn't want sex or passion anyway vs living a quiet life alone, I think the alone will just be easier.


Dude it's your mind set.... Women aren't some mythical beast. 5'10 is above average, I know guys who are 5'7 that slay with women. It's your mouth. Stop being friendly in conversation take a chance. Show your interest up front, hit on her man. You put yourself in the friendzone if you take the safe route. She knows you want her. Confidence is key here.


Eh, I've tried everything at this point. It just doesn't work. Read all the books and talked to hundreds of women and asked them out. Flirting just results in disgust from their direction and embarrassment in mine. Was just hoping someone had been through it too and came to terms with it. I've got my career and fitness going for me and that's gonna be what it is. I'll just leave some random niece or nephew a nice nest egg.


Don't listen to that guy lmao. No offense and this is not personal, but he sounds like the typical reddit + YouTube wannabe alpha male pick up artist follower, who parrots "advice" despite rarely or never succeeding with women in real life Here's my secret, took me many years to learn, because I was clueless like most boys and men... you actually need lots of female friends. The friendzone is man's biggest misunderstanding. A few guys know this, but most don't... the friendzone is amazing. You need lots and lots of female friends. Just friends. Never be weird and horny, never be a creep, just be a chill guy who they can just be friends with and hang out with. One day magically girls start flirting with you because you're not pushy, you're just cool, and they can see you're popular with women Also get a nice Instagram and/or Tiktok profile where you show nice moments from your life etc. This sounds obvious for guys who grew up popular with female friends, but if you have a broken brain like 90% of men today, it sounds wrong and unbelievable. Never watch Andrew Tate or similar content, it will give you even more brain damage. Girls get repulsed automatically by people who watch desparate content like Andrew Tate etc.


Just chiming in because your comment was in the mod queue and you peaked my interest: youā€™re on to something really good there. I have a twin sister and weā€™re very close. Because of that, when her friends were around, *I was always one of the friends*. The amount of times thatā€™s been handy as all hell with women is in the hundreds.


Interesting. That's a different way of looking at it. It might even weed out the fucking psychos that have led me to being utterly disgusted with dating. I know that 75% of women may be fucked in the head, but the 25% are completely unaccounted for. I do have plenty of women friends, but after I got annoyed with dating I kind of just quit talking to them. Truthfully its kind of the angry path as well, so thinking about surrounding myself with people at peace again is an appealing way. This is the kind of different path I'm interested in and the reason I made the post. I'm a squared away guy with a great life, but "hitting on women" has only led to the social media nutcases and onlyfans-lite women, of which I have little interest. As I said, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Your way may have no luck for me either as I'm just not a good enough looking guy, but its something I'm willing to give a shot because it's not incel philosophy or pickup stuff.


Don't worry about looks, you probably just look like an average dude. There's plenty of ugly fat guys with nice chicks




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Well I found out yesterday that I passed the background check and am officially starting this new job next Monday. I was a little stressed about that with my history of addiction and shit but thankfully no felonies or anything. On another note, I'm having a hard time keeping my nipples from flaring up and I've been officially cruising for 3 months. I'm taking a dose of test c that I didn't need AI for last time I cruised (140/wk), so it's frustrating. I think the plan is to keep cruising until I can afford some bloodwork and get the sensitivity under control. Already have my blast on hand which will be high test, moderate EQ.


What happened to that crazy guy who used to post here. Can't remember his name but lost his wallet all the time and was hitting up clubs spending lots of money and getting fucked up.




That's the one!


We don't really know. We hope he's safe and unincarcerated.


Sounds like me. I could start posting here a little until he comes back, if that would help.




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread šŸ˜‰. Please direct any questions to [todayā€™s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to todayā€™s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread youā€™re posting to.


As I lean out more, I appreciate the pumps more. Big guy weight wise in the gym right now but with a pump we are roughly the same. Except later he will still be a fatty, and I am not


Put 1.5 ml of Primo into my quad. I knew I was gonna have PIP because after the shot the skin became raise around the injection site and bled a lot. I massaged it right after. This was last Thursday and now my quad is sore, a little fat, and warm around the area with slight redness. No fever but at what point would you bros bite the bullet and get some antibiotics at an urgent care? I've never told the docs I'm on the sauce. Been on like 6 years.


Primo pip is inevitable for a lot of people. Even the swelling of the site can cause low-grade fever like symptoms but is not necessarily an indication of an infection. Give it a week imo


Recently moved to Europe, got a four day weekend coming up. Where should I go?


Depends on what you are into. Lisbon is pretty great.


Prague is awesome!


Depending on where you're situated, the replies below are good bets. Portugal is cheap. I would, however, go to Porto instead of Lisbon. It has a more cozy vibe. Prague is very, very cheap if you like good beer. Fun city as well. You could also go to Poland, which has some interesting architecture. You could also consider venturing to Italy. Milano is a wonderful city, and close to lake Como. Pretty cheap to fly to, and car rental is also a good option for added mobility.


What the hell is mt2 and why do people seem to like it so much? Does all it do is help get a tan? Lol


Good for tanning. Can curb appetite. Can increase libido in some.


Stimulates your body to produce more melanin. Less is more. Also, your moles/freckles might darken disproportionately more to your skin.


Week 6 of my Gamma Bomb bulk and I think itā€™s time for a deload. Iā€™ve never liked deloads but considering my performance is falling off a bit this week, itā€™s probably as good a time as any. If it doesnā€™t help, Iā€™ll add calories. Might have to do that anyway considering my weight trend is stagnating. Added psyllium husk and my bowels are much happier. Right now macros are 200 g of protein, 35-50 g of fats, the rest of my calorie goal in carbs. Fairlife fat free milk still gives me the worst farts. Great way to clear an aisle at CostCo though




Tell him to go buy a bra.


This belongs in the ask anything Tamoxifen will help them not grow tits but theyā€™re still going to turn into a water buffalo and feel like shit. I hope your ā€œfriendā€ has AI on hand


Would an AI really help? Maybe Iā€™m missing something but I think the issue here is the Estrogen is exogenous so stopping aromatisation isnā€™t going to help?


You're correct an AI would be worthless. It only stops the conversation of test into estrogen. A SERM would be better here




Yes thatā€™s not that weird. Come back when you start fucking transgender girls.


Iā€™m going to put that at a 0 out of 10 for ā€œweird tren induced behavior.ā€ Come back to us when you steal the femboy hookers pasties and jerk off into them in front of your girl.


200mg test / 100mg primo/ 100mg deca good ratios?
