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I fucking love milk dude. Couldn’t imagine being lack toads in toddler pants


>Couldn’t imagine being lack toads in toddler pants We just buy milk that's lack toads free


I prefer ice cream [with toads.](https://media.snopes.com/2022/06/290368115_10222890096501268_2238041841307295572_n.jpg)




Protein Ice cream frog flavored


We drip in some lactase and leave it 24 hours


Seems unnecessarily labor-and-patience intensive.


It's a bit cheaper (lactose free costs a bit more) and we always have lactase treated milk ready as we make lots of them. The lactase is free too from my mom's work. Otherwise it would probably not be worth it.


What milk? From what? Cow, sheep, h u m a n?


I got flamed at work because I said my favorite drink is milk, and if that was the only thing I could drink for the rest of my life, I would GLADLY accept


Don’t ever let folks with weak bones talk shit


I drink liquid egg whites from the local supermarket every now and again, and to suppress gag reflex, I just think and pretend it’s milk.


Did 3750 meters nonstop freestyle swimming this morning, bought my mum some flowers, read a book and before I go back to my city we’ll try ramen for the first time. Not bad for a Sunday. Have a good week everyone 🤝🫶


Ramen for the first time? You’re in for a treat.


Well, people warned me it takes a bit of time for your palate to habituate to the new flavors just like in the case of sushi. The quality was premium, the chef had lived in Asia for years to learn the recipes. I finished all of my Tonkotsu and also ate Takoyaky and Chashu. The last one was amazing, the meat melted in your mouth like butter.


Swimming is such fun cardio, I miss having access to a nice pool at the gym - sounds like a perfect day


It really is the best cardio out there for me personally. The feeling of creating speed out of nothing and flowing through the water with absolutely minimal resistance when you get the technique down is priceless. I’m talking about simple freestyle, let alone when I do butterfly, I feel like a fucking dragon doing that and catching people miring.


Well, today should be easy. Setting up a hand and foot massage booth at a conference. The hardest part honestly will be finding the point of contact and getting set up. From there, a breeze. (And yes, I am aware that I am saying the hardest part of the day is making a phone call and carrying a table 100yds.... that should give you an idea how easy life can be) No workout today because I slept an hour past my alarm. Well, not slept, but laid in bed and groped the wife for an hour past my alarm. Soon, gonna make some mango habanero hot sauce (my habaneros are ripening already), and I am pretty stoked about that. But for now, gonna drink a sparkling water (yay day four of no caffeine), and slowly get myself dressed. I hope y'all have a great day. Also, I havent seen anything from Mesquite in a while, so if anyone knows him, check in if you don't mind. Or maybe I have just overlooked it. Either way, I have missed his commentary.


He posted something 2 days ago, but looks like he hasn't posted in this sub for like 10 days, probably just taking a break. If you read this Mesquite, hope you're doing ok dude!


28 days out from my first amateur show.. Some days feel like death, some days feel great. I’ve got to say I’m glad I committed to the show. The main hard part is over, just need to keep pushing. God must be testing me, because at work atleast 3x a week for the last few weeks they have brought in hoagie wrap trays, and mountains of boxes of pizza. My sweet baby jesus does it smell insane. I think my nose got 100x more sensitive to foods with all the bland stuff recently. Thanks for letting me rant lol, doing cardio now and needed something to take my mind off some hunger.


Gonna start mixing my own pre mix rather than buying the over priced pre-made stuff. (Using Eaa/bcaa and creatine alongside these)  Was thinking Caffeine, Citruline Malate and Beta Alinine.  Any suggestions? 


If you can get taurine and arginine for the pump, would be perfect


Edit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10005484/  according to this using both is better than either one alone!   Doesn't Citruline synthesize arginine in the body and get utilized better than arginine does? Couldve swore I've read that Arginine doesn't get absorbed as well and only a small amount of it gets used whereas citruline gets processed into arginine and increases those levels at a better rate. something of that sort


Ive done this. My only advice is to make small batches or you will experience clumping, even with those little silica packs. Not sure why


The 2:1 Citrulline Malate you get isn't chemically bonded, nothing wrong with it just wont get the advantages of bonded Citrulline and Malic Acid. Also don't forgor to dose the Citrulline to cover the Malic acid inflation (9g of 2:1 Citrulline Malate is just 6g Citrulline in practice) Maybe Betaine or Tyrosine as well? What are you planning on using for flavor. Ive been doing gatorade but I feel theres a better option im missing somewhere.


I dump in EAA thats flavoured as well in the pre. Drink the BCAA intra workout. I find my bcaa keeps my hydrated well and tastes good. I dose my C:M quite high, like easily 12g lool The taurine and what you mentioned I'll have to look for and look into.




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I still do it. Either shot if espresso or chew neuro gum. Then citruline and beta Alanine and creatine then a dose of sildenafil (viagra). Greta pumps and endurance just fine. Able to control the caffeiene intake best… that’s what I hate about pres.


Exhaust is fabbed up! https://imgur.com/a/gcYuTPG Car is officially on the road and passed DEQ. It has a tune that’s very close to the build but will be going on the dyno on Wednesday I hope. It breaks the tires loose in 2nd gear when it hits boost… in the dry. Absolutely wild. I can’t wait to get it finalized on the dyno and see how absolutely mad it will be https://imgur.com/a/usjPubR Also, bonus of my pup having an absolute blast at the dog park yesterday https://imgur.com/a/CcFTgPt


Looks sick! What numbers are you hoping for off the dyno?


My goal is somewhere right around 650whp. My clutch is only rated for 700 so I want to stick a bit below that. Plus, any more and I have a feeling it really won't be as fun on the street.


Feel like that’s the sweet spot for a street car. And it’s a 6 speed? Even better. Sweet build man


Of course it’s a 6 speed. I wouldn’t dump all this money into an automatic from the year 2000 😂 Now if it were something like a newer Porsche PDK I might feel different I even had the tick performance stage 3 rebuild done to handle the power [And of course the sweet new shift knob](https://imgur.com/a/wa4pxQM)


😂😂 Hey some do. But I love that you didn’t. I hate that most new sports cars don’t have a true manual option. In a year or two I’ll probably start looking at something in the 50-70k range. Probably a vette or an M3. That shift knob is 🔥🔥


If I had 50-70k to spend I’d be looking at a CT4V Blackwing as well! Unless it’s a dedicated weekend car and then I’d opt for a 2 seater, but since you mentioned an M3 I’m assuming this would double as your daily so I want that sedan for sure. Thanks dude 🤘🏼


Actually no. Would be a secondary. I just always mix it up. Weird to me that the M4 is the 2 door and the m3 is the sedan 😂 I do forget about the black wing. That thing is absolutely sick as well. I run a construction company so always a truck as the daily. No need for practicality in the weekend ride!


I have a 2023 TRD Pro Tundra as my daily. Totally get the truck thing. I have zero reason for a truck other than I like the interior space


Dog! Very happy dog


Hey guys, not sure if this is the right thread, but can someone tell me if I need bloodwork? I set a PR this morning to Celine Dion, so I think my E2 might be high… is it?! TIA


If you are Canadian, this is totally normal and expected.


With that username, I’d think it’s likely


did you cry?


Try Selena Gomez with Overhead Press


I’ve got a consultation for a vasectomy, but I’m a little skeptical if they’ll actually do it. I’m late 20’s, unmarried, and have no kids. Anyone here had a vasectomy while being childless?


Speaking as someone with 0 experience to your situation, simply an observation. I would imagine they will advise against it and give you the whole spiel about if you’re sure and what if you meet the right girl etc.. But ultimately it’s your decision and I can’t see how they could turn you away. Girls get abortions which is a huuge life decision, but ultimately their decision (so I’d like to think that as a man you get the freedom to do what’s best with your body too) Key point: your life, your balls, your decision


UK/NHS here, and also was 31 when i got on the list. But they didnt hassle about it much at all, I've never wanted to have kids, and they didnt particularly try to discourage me from getting it done. Did tell them my gf has kids and wants no more but that was only at the final consent kinda stage. I'd imagine if you were doing it privately you'd get even less.


Just got one 5 months ago or so, 31, not married and no kids. They didn’t even ask anything related to any of that, just said “so you want a vasectomy? Here’s the process, here’s your appointment date” couldn’t have been easier


Sorry for the late reply, I only occasionally browse the sub. I had my vasectomy at 21 years, was childfree at the time (and still am). I had to consult with multiple docs before finding one that was willing to do it The sidebar on /r/childfree has a list of doctors known to be willing to do it on younger patients without children, if you don't want to waste your time searching for a doctor yourself


Using 4ius of growth a day. Doing abdominal subcutaneous injections. Noticing some lumps lasting 1-2 weeks on some of them. What’s the cause of this and does anyone know how to avoid. I’ve since switched to my quads and not noticing them there. Mostly just curious at this point. No pain or discoloration. Just a small lump under the skin


Try reconstituting with less water. Smaller injection volume may help. Also, make sure you are using good BAC water. Could also try IM instead of sub q.


Hey guys, something has been driving me crazy and thought I ask you lads for advice, any advice would be appreciated. My libido is insanely high like I could go at it 4 times a day easily, been insane on gear but even before gear it was twice a day. My girlfriend is at uni and comes back on weekends, in the recent months I have been noticing how the sex life is gradually deteriorating, like some weekends she comes back and spends fri and sat at her mums place and then comes mine for sunday, I kind of expect her to be jumping my bones the moment she steps back in our town, considering we haven’t seen each other for a week. On holidays when she is back for a few weeks I’d expect once a day is normal but feels like there is always something up, she is hungry, too full, too tired. She is a bit shy and quiet but feels frustrating a little when I have initiated every sex we had from day one we met, maybe once or twice I came back from shower or something and shes got some underwear on. She also says she rather the sex be around 10,15min which is quite short for me nowadays when before being able to last 10min was a dream; I thought girls like it to last longer so not sure. I have told her that it feels like she could take it or leave it with sex and she says it’s not like that and she enjoys it. I asked her about her libido but once I didn’t word it nicely and she went defensive and said ‘well I am not running gear like you’ which is understandable to an extent. But the other time I brought it up she said it might be the birth control pills she is taking. I will tell her to come of to see if that makes a difference. This is turning into a big issue for me, one issue is that I am getting sick of not knowing if she is up for it but don’t want to make a move without spending 10 mins messing about to find out she is not up for it and I have a raging boner. Also sick of being have to beat my meat all the time to get over it, which might be turning into an issue, my porn usage has gone up significantly over the past few months which correlates to our sex life going down. I wouldn’t say I am addicted to porn yet, I can still do it without and go without it but it is getting to the point of addiction I’d say. How should I go about fixing this? Any of you guys experience this and how did you deal with it? Sorry about the long wall of text. tl;dr guessing that my girlfriend has low libido, I am going crazy because of it.


I wouldn’t say your gf has a low libido, I’d say she has a relatively normal libido. You have a high libido. You had a high libido before you shot your test through the roof, and it’s un realistic for any of us on gear to expect our partners to keep up. Unfortunately this is a side effect and it’s our responsibility to have the mental toughness to keep it under control. If your relationship with her is good otherwise, and you see a future with her, you need to have a proper conversation with her (ensure you word it nicely this time) and figure it out. Maybe it’s a matter of more messaging throughout the day, getting her in the mood before she sees you. Not all women can go from 0-100 in a snap like we can. Maybe it takes gestures or date nights etc when she’s around to get her into it. That’s where you need to communicate with her and understand what works for her. At the end of the day, if you want to continue with her, you have to accept that she may never have the same drive as you, or it may never be enough for you, and maybe the change actually needs to be on your end. It’s up to you to determine if that’s a deal breaker or not.


This was a problem for me in the past and I'll try to give the simplest advice I can. Don't look at it as high/low libido. Under these terms you will typically search for answers and reasons why you think hers is lower and what you can do to fix it.  In most cases, this is in vain.  You either have sexual compatibility or you don't. Most people try to argue this isnt a big deal and its something you work through. I disagree, this causes a lot of resentment and is unhealthy if it's important to you and not to them.  Take that as you will but don't try to change someone. You may be better off finding someone that is in sync with you.  I found better partners after being in your same position and I haven't had to wait for sex since. Theres no exchange, theres no begging. We both just like to fuck each other. 


When discussing with your girlfriend, approach it with empathy and understanding to avoid defensiveness. Manage expectations considering her school commitments and the need for decompression. Focus on non-sexual intimacy, openly discuss expectations, and encourage her to initiate without pressure. If frustration persists despite efforts, reassessing the relationship may be necessary.


1-, you’re on gear. She’s not. Of course you’ll have a higher drive than her 2- this post gives the impression that you think she’s obligated to give you sex. She by no means is. Judging by some of the other factors, it sounds like you’re pushing that on her which makes her want it even less. 3- ime, bringing it up just makes it worse. Instead work on things that help her want to. Takes a lot more for them to warm up to it as opposed to us guys. IE-compliment her, dates, etc. but the catch is if you go in with the impression you’ll get laid afterwards, it’s like They can sense it and you won’t. 4- also make her want you more. Ironically if you can show that sex isn’t a big deal to you, they tend to want it more. Naturally them being chased makes them want it less, have them chase you. I was a horndog on cycle and aside from tinder whores, couldn’t get laid as I portrayed that when interacting with girls. Since cruising, and focusing having other aspects of life(career, money, hobbies) take priority, girls have wanted me more


I'd say this is normal in a relationship that one have more libido than the other, and it can change along the life, I was leading from 20 to 40, now it is her turn, and I'm happy to serve. So be prepared to make concessions if you want a lifelong relationship. I think there is nothing less desirable for a woman than a man begging for sex, this is really unattractive to them. And I don't even think about couples therapies or that kind of shit. I think if I were living with someone having a sex drive like mine, she would have been a seriously depraved whore, and it would have lead to nowhere. Looking back, I'm happy with the concessions. Now, there is no guilt having your secret garden as long as you don't break hearts.


Backyard is fucking filled with clover this year. No idea how but it just keeps taking over. I feel like I've tried everything... Any advice?


You mean it's taken over a lawn or planting beds? I've just bought a few low cover perennial plants that spread about 30cm each - apparently they're good at competing with weeds for space.


Oh, the lawn! The whole backyard is pretty much clover now.


Thought clover was a better alternative to grass, doesnt grow as much, durable & flowers


Well two things. The wife doesn't like how it looks, and the number of bees in the yard each day is a little ridiculous.


Ah shame. I like how it looks and bees are a bonus, want to trade ha ha


I'm about to start making honey at this point. Lmao.


Get a herbicide with dicamba amd quinclorac in it and soak it. Add a surfactant or some dish soap to the mix also.


I'll try this! Thank you!


Random place to ask, but: Anyone got advice on rebuilding trust in a relationship, I find it really hard to trust once someone has shown me their true capabilities Very broad, but without delving into deep context just wanted to see if anyone can relate or has advice


I trust someone until they lose it. When the trust is broken for me I’ve started to learn to just move on.


I’m with Scooby unfortunately. Once trust has been violated I’m usually out.


GOOD FUCKING MORNING GOD DAMNIT. Stayed up all last night playing ghost of tsushima. yeah, i'm thinking it's kino.


I just started than an hour ago. I have 3 kids so it’ll be a while before I finish. But having fun so far!


The DAA isn’t refreshing on time


Hey guys, I got non distilled tap water in my homebrew. It is chlorine free, can I still filter and pin it? Could trace minerals in the water be damaging? I'd rather not toss the mtren if I can avoid it. Thanks in advance


My dude, you're shelling money for raws and equipment for homebrewing but you can't buy distilled water and BA to make your own bac water? Risking an infection for 20€ bruh


It was a spillage, brewing in gso. I've made my own bac water before, this was just a stupid and clumsy mistake.


I don’t know buddy I inject Chinese bathtub UGL for years, but I use the bacteriostatic water when injecting peptides and never had an infection. I mean heroine addicts use tap water, but I don’t think they are making the best life decisions, maybe someone else could chime in but I’d honestly not chance it.


Absolutely fine but don't make a habit of it


Thank you! I wont do it again


33, 6’0”, 211lbs and 12% bodyfat Currently on 3rd week of 4th cycle, running 350/350 test/primo.. Has anyone ever had a random abscess completely away from any injection site? About a week ago, I got an abscess drained from about where the outside of bicep meets my delt. I’ve never pinned within even 2 inches of that, and haven’t pinned my delt for like 10 weeks. Don’t know of anything else that could have pierced the skin there. Currently running pharma test and UGL Primo(from what I thought was a reputable lab). Have also had sinus issues (potentially weakened immune system for a few months). Wondering if this could be a case of my body not responding well to the gear/solvents in them and weakening my immune system, but would assume the injection site would get infected first. Or maybe it’s just totally random/unlucky abscess like the PA said, without him knowing the UGL piece. Got an elevated C reactive protein test done a few months ago, but got sick day before test. Getting another tomorrow.


Once i pinned my quad and got a abscess about a inch of the pin, not only that but my whole quad went red and was swollen, even the knee felt sensitive. I was injecting the same way for weeks in my glutes, but never the quad. I think its kind of how your muscle reacts to the solvent and the "dissipation" of it. Glutes never had any problem, quad, pinned two times, one abscess and other excruciating pain for 3 days.


Thanks for the response. Yeah, with this one it was 10 weeks after a pin in the delt, so I’m leaning towards it not even being the actual pin, but maybe just weakened immune system from the gear currently being pinned.


It can also just happen randomly from a pimple or something Be wary though abscesses tend to come in groups. I had a random abscess a couple years ago(natty) and kept getting them in random places for like a year afterwards. It really sucked. It’s apparently pretty common to get recurring abscesses once you have got one


Dang that’s no good! Did you have to get all of them drained or did you just keep some antibiotics on hand after the first one?


Most of them needed draining. I only got one drained at the hospital however the rest I had to do myself. I went on several courses of antibiotics before I stopped getting the big ones


Crazy man. Did you get good with an exacto or use a large gauge needle? Lol




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Need way more info to give you any sort of solution Move this to the DAA thread and fill out the template at the top 👍 Edit - you’ve been told to do this already. Third time is a charm


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I did subcutaneous injection on my belly two years ago. I now have a lipoma on my upper abdomen. Quite far from injection site. I used IM needles but was quite careful not to go to deep. I know this is dumb. Did I cause it? Anyone else experience lipoma?


I have several lipomas, and they certainly aren’t from injections as some have been there fifteen years. If you have them they are kind of like wrinkles. Welcome to early middle age.


Thanks. Apparently my ultrasound shows no evidence of lipoma or anything abnormal. Probably a pulled muscle they said.




Please remove the pricing


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Looking for advice. My experience with gear is minimal. One cycle under my belt. Starting my second, pinned Thursday .5 ml (200 mg) of test E. My delt is swollen. Hot to the touch but I don’t have a fever. Swelling hasn’t moved anywhere else. I’m on anti biotics, got the script today, but is it normal for the injection site to swell for so long? My administration was likely poor. And it’s a new source and new Esters. How do you know if your gear is contaminated? Is it normal to have bad reactions like this to different Esters or after not pinning for awhile


0.5ml yielding 200mg means your gear is dosed at 400mg/ml, which is too high of a concentration, and guaranteed to cause injection pain and inflammation no matter what, ever time. Test c is typically tolerable at concentrations of 200-250mg/ml, and test e at 200-300mg/ml. Don't use anything with a higher concentration, don't use blends containing multiple esters. Some people try to dilute the potent gear by drawing up an equal amount of sterile filtered oil, but it's not guaranteed to reduce pip and inflammation, and it's another thing to buy and draw up. Your injection will be fine, it'll just hurt for a while. Toss the vial, get a regular concentration next time.




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Muscle should maintain its myonuclei for 5-10 years, you’ll be able to bounce back relatively quickly. That first cycle - if you choose to hop on - is going to be much more effective after getting back to where you were than before.