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I’ve come to the end of my spring cut. Vacation for 4 weeks starts on Monday. Can’t wait to go to Punta Cana with the entirely family. Going to have a serious conversation with the wife about returning to competition when we get back. Thanks to u/pm_me_varbies for all the support. Leaving you guys with a sexy front double bicep and hope you are all doing well. Love all you bros 😘😘😘 https://imgur.com/a/UGJJBk2


Goddamn I hope I look like this when I’m geriatric too


lol I edited out the walker


Looking absolutely beefy and dick-skinned old man, nice work!


Thanks brotha! Now it’s time to semi ruin it drinking margs and stuffing my face for a month 😆


It's ok to live a little. I'll sanction it.


Well if I don’t live a bit my wife will use 4 fingers instead of 2 lol. Her words, not mine. I wanna be able to sit without pain lol


Well, that certainly escalated quickly 😳


Yea I have a knack for doing that




What?! She’s a freak


As long as she is keeping our bro happy its alllll good


We’ve been married a long time lol


Looking thick and tight. Excellent work man.


Thanks bro 😘


Damn dude you look great! Lean but thicc thicc please return to comp - for our enjoying of your showings!


Last time I did I lost my mind on a tren cycle. Crazy story. I believe it’s saved in here somewhere still. It’s from years and years ago.


…repost to…um you know…warn us all about the dangers of tren…not to entertain us with your past pain or anything….


It’s a funny fucking story lol. If I can find it I’ll repost it.


Jesus, brother. Impressive work. You're what I wanna be when I grow up. 😅


Thanks bro. Decades of hard work and consistency. We can all get there


I don't have decades, I want it right now! Kidding. I am actually about to cut soon. Im dreading giving up my current lifestyle, but I know I will feel better when I stop eating like an unsupervised twelve year old. 😅


6 days a week I count every calorie and eat clean. 1 day a week I don’t track shit lol. I do that year round. So when it’s time to cut in really just eliminating 1 bad day and lowering overall calories gradually


That is a great way to do it. I just suck at counting calories. Usually I go the carb cycling route when I cut. Without counting calories, it probably isnt as effective, but I am happy with the results usually. I mean, they're nothing like what you got going on, but 😅


Pay the twenty bucks a month for the my fitness pal app and scan all your food in


I went with MacroFactor over MFP because it's $11 a month vs $20 a month. Works well for me. Though I've read if you set your location to Canada on MFP you can get the scan function for free, haven't tried so not entirely sure how that works.


I would, but since I don't like tracking calories, it would be flushing twenty bucks. I used to use it when it was free and even then wasn't consistent. Edited to add: I cook and bake a lot, so tracking the calories becomes a huge pain in the ass even with MFP, and the calories uploaded by users vary so wildly for some common ingredients that it felt about as accurate as a body fat reading from my Samsung watch 🤣 Edited to update: anyone else who tries to sell me on MFP, Im just blocking. I dont have the patience to keep repeating that I wont track calories. 🤣


>the calories uploaded by users vary so wildly for some common ingredients that it felt about as accurate as a body fat reading from my Samsung watch use the macros on the packaging of the ingredients you use. the actual calories don't matter, as long as you stay consistent that's the key. no one actually knows to the exact number how many carbs or fats or protein is in any food, everything is just an estimate in terms of cooking and baking just put the whole recipe in for what you make and you can adjust for the amount you eat based on the serving size. ie say you put in the whole recipe based on 10 cookies, adjust what you track to 1/10th of the recipe if you eat one cookie. it's really not difficult, just requires some careful tracking


Y'all remind me of military medical right now and it is cracking me up.


I mean, I cook everything I eat and I get it pretty damn accurate by logging it in MF. It’s not that inaccurate. I consistently stay on schedule with my weight loss and weight gain. If you were military, this has to be way easier than boot camp. Look in the gym next time you go. Ask the people who have the best physiques. Most of them will tell you they track macros (I agree with you on the point of not measuring calories, I track and measure macros, not calories).


yeah… really odd to be advanced enough to use gear and dedicate so much time to fine tuning your physique and not tracking your macros/calories


I genuinely dont care 🙂 I have said I wont be tracking calories, and that won't likely change. But thanks for the useless advice!


Man…I just want to say that based on everything you write in here, I feel like you are pretty blocked/stubborn on this one weird thing that would exponentially increase the effectiveness of every other healthy habit you have. I’m not one to judge, I’m blocked on the very normal topic of talking to other humans in person. But it’s a little weird to be so adamant and frankly a little defensive about not doing something that you, and everyone here, know would benefit you. Fine to say you won’t do it, fine to ask people to not recommend you do it, kinda strange to get on a pedestal about it. And I think I truly like you friend based on everything I’ve learned about you from your comments. This is a weird one.


Who was this?


4 weeks of vacation? Now I’m seriously jealous.


It’s my wife’s family and my family as well. We are very fortunate in our careers


Looking peeled brotha.


Thanks bro


Quads an NFL running back wouldn’t be audacious enough to aspire to. Fantastic work soldier. Now go gorge yourself for a month😘


Thanks brotha! That’s the plan!


shredded to the gills my man. gonna have some jealous wives looking your way on the beach that's for sure


Until they see my wife’s nonsensical 6 pack riddled with veins lol. She’s a loud intimidating Italian from Jersey. She gets the hoes to back off real quick lol


But thanks bro. 😘


…you are like ten times tougher just for hanging out with her, right?


Well she does know jiu jitsu🤷🏻‍♂️ so idk.


No offense to any youngins in here… but my gym is infested with out of school broccoli headed twigs leaving benches and equipment all over the place. Stacking 5s and 10s in front of 45s down low should be a banishment offense. I walked in to a guy who was using a bench to do preacher curls…in the squat rack to see a mirror better. We have 2 preacher machines already (selector and plate loaded) I miss my home gym, shitty as it was.


In Los Angeles we don’t have this problem we have a worse problem. A specimen called “a fitness influencer with 300k+ subs and a tripod” I would rather take the kids than these dudes. Parking their Lambos in all the handicap spaces, bringing in videographers to follow them around, asking you to step out of their frame, talking loudly into their microphone explaining to breath etc”


>Parking their Lambos in all the handicap spaces Key that motherfucker with a giant dick on the hood.


I would work out in a gym filled with nothing but stinky broccoli headed 16 year olds rather than have to suffer one of those societal shitstain influencer things.


I switched to a 24 hour gym that’s smaller recently because it’s a 6min walk from the house and 2 min drive. Holy highschooler tho. These kids these days man. It’s awful and they just stand around, taking up space, failing to max out on bench all the time, leaving shit everywhere, play fight, and are loud as fuck. I miss a commercial gym with booty to look at between sets😩


All the play fighting is so fucking obnoxious, I swear I see it every time I'm there.


What time are you working out? I rarely see young people in the morning.


Used to be before 8. My schedule has me in there now around 9. If my kids were driving themselves I could get back to 6-7. Kid activities are killing me.


When I was a teenager, I had no interest in driving or getting my license. My dad forced me to take lessons and get my license the moment I was 16. I thought he was trying to be a good dad, in reality he was just tired of taxiing me around.


Couple more years… yes being a chauffeur in the summer is kinda wild depending on how much stuff the kids do.


My gym has become infested with them, the lack of situational awareness and overall entitlement annoys the fuck out of me. I decided to bail and switch to a grungy dirty gym a little further away and love it since they have a no tripod rule which deters a lot of the kids. It’s a shame, because my home gym started out great but the owner became money hungry and started catering to influencers and giving out specials for students at half off so now I’d be fighting high schoolers for benches and whatnot


There's a roving gang of about 10-12 high schoolers at the Anytime I go to and they just fixate on one machine or whatever and have the most ridiculous form trying to do as much as they possibly can, then they just hang around and don't do another set until like 10 min later. Usually go around 4 or 5 but yesterday went at 1 pm and they were all there. It's like just their hangout spot. The funny part about it is, none of them look any better than 9 months ago when I first joined. So glad there is a golds gym opening up a few miles away, hopefully they don't migrate there.


That sounds like an accurate description of every Crunch I have gone to. Usually they take up two at Crunch instead of one. Thats why I am back to a home gym full time. I miss the atmosphere but not the inconvenience. Also, gyms ask you to leave the first time you pick up a broccoli head by the shoulders and move them. 😅


In scenarios similar to this, would it be ok to mention there is a preacher curl machine? I know it totally depends on the vibe the dude is giving off. My gym has no machines and if I stepped into one of those larger gyms, I would totally be ok with a dude told me there's a machine I could do preacher curls on. "Hey man, there's a pretty cool machine over there that is made for preacher curls. You should try it out and see what you think" type of deal. Regarding the weights being left on the rack, unfortunately it does not only apply to weights. Grocery carts being left all over the parking lot, gates left open and animals getting out, etc. Leaving things as good or better then when you got it, has always been a difficult concept for many folks to grasp.


I’ve tried this and had the child try to tell me how some influencer knows more than me and to please move because they are using three other pieces of equipment for the stupid super set.


My gyms the same way except it seems at least those kids attempt to unload their weights. At my gym half of every machine, racks, benches etc are loaded with nobody there and most of the machines are plate loaded with an already limited supply of plates. People fucking suck


The interesting thing I’ve noticed is that every interaction I’ve had with a younger guy is always generally respectful…until they get in their little squad and fall victim to group think Then I get the “ok, old man”


Good morning! Been cruising for three weeks now. Bloodwork exceeded my expectations. I feel great! About to start a cut in a few weeks. Today is chest day! Wishing you all a great day! Obligatory: [https://imgur.com/a/3lP82TE](https://imgur.com/a/3lP82TE)


How old are those tattoos?


30-35 years old. Some of them are in various stages of Q-switch laser tattoo removal.


And how old are you? Asking as another old so I can humble myself through comparison.


I’m 53 years old, my friend. And you?


47. Looking good man!


Thank you, brother!


I moved recently to a new and went to donate blood a couple days ago at my new clinic. I notice two other clearly enhanced fellows there for their own appoints. I thought it was a bit odd to see two at once, because after two years of blood donations at the other place I had never seen anyone else that looked like they were on gear or even all that fit. I asked the nurse how often they have folks here due to prescription testosterone use. She said it makes up almost half of the whole blood donations at this place. My takeaway is that we're heroes! A lot of people get the blood they need because we're a bunch of degenerates with body dysmorphia! Stay juicy my friends.


> I asked the nurse how often they have folks here due to prescription testosterone use. She said it makes up almost half of the whole blood donations at this place. Y'all must have different screening questions for blood donations than we do here in Canada.


One of our screening questions is along the lines of "do you take prescription testosterone?" and that leads to the intake person asking if you're there because your doctor prescribed you to donate or because they "recommended" you donate. The problem with being prescribed to donate is that you then often need a "special" appointment where everything is exactly the same but you have to call in advance and there is way way more tension as they review your prescription. If you just make a regular donation, it's much faster in and out. She did mention that there are plenty of dudes there that claim they are not taking testosterone and do not have polycythemia but still have their hemoglobin cranked well beyond the normal range. The staff just thinks they are idiots for lying, but the blood still goes to good use.


*prescription* test use doesn’t disqualify someone from donating in Canada.


Collecting things is a weird hobby. It’s not even a hobby, it’s just buying shit. Especially when they’re things you can’t even enjoy. Like “oh this vintage GI Joe that costs $5,000 is certainly a great thing to have sitting in a box in a spare bedroom to never be used, or even looked at”


I think some people get off in telling other people they have something rare or expensive. Like the people who buy 10K or more Pokémon cards but don’t even know the Pokémon trading card game works


As a morning gym-goer, I have a question for the evening crowd. Are y’all forgetful, or just leaving your personal equipment like a squirrel storing nuts for winter? Every morning I’m greeted with a plethora of discarded speakers, castaway water bottles, and abandoned belts. That shit is not cheap, how can you just leave it behind like a child in a car seat? Is it still there when you come back? Edit: For those asking, my gym is LA Fitness. A poorly managed LA Fitness, apparently. Staff clean for hygiene, but they don’t re-rack weights or pickup personal equipment.


Sounds like your gym needs a better night crew. I waltz in every morning to a gym that looks like opening day 🥰.


Honestly those people are dickheads that don’t re rack the weights. If you’re strong enough to lift 405 I’m sure you are strong enough to pick up the weight and put it on the rack. The staff can actually get injured specially with the heavier dumbbells.


I never see the strong folks disrespecting the gym. They usually get pissed at others who don’t re-rack their weights. In reality, it’s a bunch of skinny kids loading 405 lbs on their backs to take photos, then doing quarter squats.


Is it like a 24/7 card access? Mine has a staff that cleans it up


It’s an LA Fitness so it’s limited hours. Staff clean for hygiene, but they don’t re-rack weights or pickup personal equipment.


Oh dude I’m horrible about it. I’ve left my wraps (just the wraps, 60 or 80 bucks) laying around and had to ask the owner / employee staffing if they were in the lost and found. Then left my bag - with the wraps and $150 headphones, plus chewing gum, in the locker room for three days. Saturday I forgot to look, Sundays off, Monday lo and behold, still there. No one’s ever tried to swipe my shit. Good crowd. * edit - I see you’re talking more about leaving a mess. I’ve done that ~twice in the last five years lol. Staff do a great job cleaning in there, but it’s 24 hours and one time I left shit racked ~ midnight.


First time using tren, gotta say idk why I put it off for so long.


Get through week 8 and report back.


wait til you come off and you're like "oh wow, I actually felt like shit that entire time"


Such a classic for gear. You say you feel good. You come off to TRT and say wow, I was miserable the entire time. You just get used to the suffering combined with diet and the gym.


For now. There will be a minute when you are balls deep in a street hag and the tren concentration is low enough to realize you have made some questionable decisions.


Ace or Enth? How many weeks in are you? Week 4 or so is when I can’t tolerate the sides/benefits ratio. I like sleep.


Waiting for my first vials to come in the mail 🤪 What you dosing? I plan on trying super low at 50-70 ace pw with 180/100 test/primo for summer aesthetics


If you’re trying Tren for the first time, don’t stack it with primo (or anything besides test). Start with 30 mg ED, 50 is too much for a first timer. If you start at 50, you’re gonna burn out early.


Ya was thinking starting even lower at 50/70 per week so 7.5 to 10 per day


that’s dumb as hell


Tbh I'd probably listen to others advice. I don't really get sides so I tend to overdo it if I'm being honest. Current run is 375 test e3d and 100mg tren ED with 100mg anadrol ED.


Making some pancakes and bacon this AM. Going swimming at e local spring shortly. Gonna try to get a workout in before (who doesnt want a pump before disrobing in public). Either way, its gonna be a good day. And if its not, ill get high as Fuck and pretend. Speaking of, giving up caffeine has lowered my tolerance and it is amazing.


I really need to go on a caffeine break for a month or two to give myself time to readjust. But damn is it hard to give up!


Honestly I didnt intend to. But when I got my BP under control, my caffeine tolerance went way down. Like more than four ounces a day and I get irritable as hell. Shit, a diet Dr Pepper at noon fucks up my sleep at night. So, it was more necessity than desire on that one. 😅


Did you find caffeine was a big factor in BP management?


It didnt seem to have a noticeable effect, weirdly.


My doc specifically has me drink two cups a coffee a day as part of bp management (dissected artery, gotta keep the blood watery).


It wont let me respond to your comment about me being on a pedestal, so here's the gist: I hate repeating myself and when I say I wont count calories because I spent five years doing it and hating it, I shouldnt have to open my phone to five notes about people telling me I need to do it. I do what works for me, and thats good enough. Also, I like you, so figure Ill let ya know Im fucking off from this sub now. I appreciate all your help, though, and hope things go well for you in the future. 🤙


Shoot. Didn’t know that would be a deal breaker. Hope things are ok man.


All good, brother. Just working through some shit and trying to direct my mental energy accordingly, if that makes sense. I do appreciate it, and will likely end up passing through again at some point. I think a break from humanity is needed for a few months, though. 🤙🤙🤙


Understand the feeling entirely (I think…) — hope things work out. Best wishes for you.


It might be hormones, but during the last year where i have been min/maxing everything in regards to training and diet, my sweat has gone from not being smellable to smell like litteral cat piss when coming in instant contact with wool. Any explaination or anybody experienced the same?


It's hormones. Test gives you a smell. My wife notices it but generally doesn't mind.


How much of a difference in attention/attraction from women do you notice when you're lean vs bulked up? I feel like I got really unlucky with my genetics because I store a lot of fat in my face and don't have a super wide jaw, definitely not a feminine face but the second I get above 10% my face looks like I'm on 300mg dbol ED and living off of 5000 cals of ramen per day. I fucking LOVE being huge and strong, but the difference when it comes to dating is just night and day. So I can either be yoked as shit 285lbs with abs deadlifting 900+ getting almost zero pussy, or just be a regular ripped dude and have women throw themselves at me. Just wondering what your guy's experiences are, for reference when I'm legitimately bulked and at my strongest I'm around 25%.


Bold of you to assume I get any pussy at all


With a shirt on, 13-15% gets more attention than 10-12%. Shirt off, obviously the lower number. In terms of body fat for strength, most strongmen are 20% or more. Weight moves weight.


Oh my face looks SO much better when I’m lean. I get chubby cheeks like Regan Grimes in my off season that come down a lot when I’m in prep. As for attention from women, I don’t notice it changes much because I wear oversized clothing for the most part so my shoulders are the part that most people notice and that doesn’t change much off season or prep


Im a competitive strongman at around 20-23% body fat or lower since I’ve definitely leaned up at bit from going on blast, 320lbs body weight. I have a pretty good physique for being a strongman, shoulders traps and back are my favorite body parts. I don’t have tits or a hanging gut haha. I was in a big city with a friend watching Metallica last summer and we got pretty drunk at the bars, and I can assure you that people are LOOKING and just wonder “what the fuck is that”. It’s pretty funny, when people are drunk they don’t even hide it. My friend is 60lbs lighter and leaner but he is juiced to the gills like me but he doesn’t get the same attention. Women mostly look but never walk up though, but it’s evident that they are interested. In my country that’s kinda cultural though, the initiative comes from the man in 9/10 times


What country are you in, if you wouldn't mind sharing? That definitely is one of the things I miss about being HUGE. Fucking EVERYWHERE you go you get blatantly stared at by EVERYONE. Every time I've dated or been in a relationship at that size, whatever girl I was with would always get upset and jealous over the amount of attention I'd get. Girl would notice and point out all the people staring at me, and would take it personally when other guys would come up and start talking about training with me. I used to be really socially awkward and getting jacked has been the greatest thing I've ever done for my social life and skills. 300lb not fat monster of a human stands out like crazy in just about every gym you'll ever go to. Makes it really easy to make friends. I will say I'm happier and feel more "myself" when I'm bulked up, really the only thing about it I can't stand is the face bloat :(


It’s a Scandinavian country where steroids is illegal and extremely taboo. I could literally lose my job if I were to be tested positive for it. It goes against the drug policy. So I will try to remain as anonymous as possible on here. I’m generally very quiet about what I’m doing and I think that’s a big reason I’ve never been caught. Seems like we have the exact same experience about this haha. A question, what’s your beard genetics like? I have a fat face too and look ridiculous without a beard. I go to a barber, keep the beard an inch or so long with a nice fade on the sides. It essentially lengthens my face and makes my head not look like a giant meatball haha. Double chin is hidden under the beard. Maybe it’s something you could try?


Beard genetics aren't great but certainly not poverty either. Looks great from the side, but from the front my stache doesn't fully connect to the rest of my beard, but there isn't really any patchiness anywhere thankfully. Thinking I may try derma rolling and minoxidil to fill it in. It worked EXTREMELY well for the hair on my head when I started thinning, I just got sick of doing it all the time and I prefer being bald anyways lol bald with a shitty beard is a death sentence tho


Im bulking and see myself as fat currently (our standard of fat, not American Walmart fat) and current girl I’m seeing talks to me like I’m a model. I look ridiculous in t shirts or normal wear from my proportions. Definitely better in clothing when you are bulked. But my vibe / demeanor and picture game is significantly better when I’m shredded. I also go for the super tight clothing and compression things and that does the trick to make you bigger like when you are more bulked


Chicks dig the high test water buffalo look.


GOOD FUCKING MORNING GOD DAMNIT! I'm so hyped for today fellas, I finally get my retroid pocket 4.


Just wanted to share the laziest e2 management protocol I've used Current stack 500 test C, 150 tren e, bulking. Around 190lbs at 5'10" [Some pics if you wanna roast me for being small](https://imgur.com/a/eVsHKIi). I don't post gym stuff on social media so I rarely take physique pics. These are the only ones I've taken over the past couple of months I have 25mg Asin pills. If I get sensitive nips, I take a nibble out of one before sleep. If nips still sensitive next night, repeat. If still sensitive, eat half a caber. Worked perfectly so far. I've noticed much stronger and more frequent erections if I take another dose after sensitivity is gone, so e2 probably still riding a bit high even after the sensitivity is gone


[New work setup](https://i.imgur.com/OKEqrMn.jpeg) Unfortunately one of the displays is defective, but other than that, Im loving it. The new mouse and keyboard make a huge difference too lol


You might be able to fix it by tapping on the back or squeezing the top in that exact spot. If it goes away briefly after squeezing it, then it's the ribbon cable.


Unfortunately nothing. I've also tried every combination of cables and whatnot too, but it's actually there as soon as the monitor turns on before an input is even plugged in.


Damn looks like probably got messed up during shipping. Would hope they can send out another to you! That a mechanical keyboard? Looks like some custom key caps going on!


Yeah my supervisor is looking to getting another one shipped. And yup! I went with [this one.](https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-k10-pro-qmk-via-wireless-mechanical-keyboard) It came fully assembled as is. I briefly contemplated going the full custom route and getting a blank board and filling it myself, but I ended up deciding that that would be a little excessive for my job, even for me lol.


Nice! I’ve been using mechanicals for years now and there’s no going back lol. There’s tons of manufacturers now as well and I’ve done some custom ones before as well. They can be quite there own rabbit hole. Hope you like it!


Yeah Ive been using a mechanical one at home for years now. I don't mind using membrane boards, but I'd still rather get a mechanical if I can help it. And since my workstation was getting upgraded and moved anyway, I figured now was a good time lol. It seems like a pretty solid board so far, we'll see with time though. Just gotta get my undo the muscle memory from the old one. Honestly I'll probably dive deeper down the rabbit hole when I upgrade my home setup. I did a ton of research into everything and all the little custom mods you can do, but this thing is going to be sitting in a wastewater lab, so I didn't think it'd be worth it to go crazy right this minute lmao


Oh yea no need for anything crazy there haha. Save that for the home build! I recently got into ergonomic keyboards using a columnar layout so the keys are a little differently placed. Definitely took a while to relearn and overwrite the muscle memory!


Solid choice! That is the best mouse on the market, in my opinion. Just a few years back you couldn't get a good wireless mechanical. Now they're out in spades. The rabbit hole on mechanicals is deep as hell. The one thing I have found helpful is getting textured key caps for common keyboard buttons. I have to hit f2 a lot and it isn't an easy one to get on keyboard position memory. If you have a textured key, you know you're on it just by touch alone.


Imagine test would be available in the “pen” injection form. Preloaded ready to inject form. It’d be so conviennent


It is. Xyosted is test e in a pen and marked up like 900%.


That’s a bit too much of a markup


Sounds like the damn dream.


If you got a pen you could backload it and then figure out the calibration of the clicks.


I feel like I have to tell our couples counselor that therapy just isnt working for me. If anything the process is enabling and encouraging a pattern of behavior which I find hurtful -- being treated like an object rather than a person. Since I've moved out, My husband hasnt made any effort to talk to me about anything other than finances. And honestly its been so bad for so long that disengagement is the only way I can avoid being hurt. Tuesday in our IM conversations he made two statements: > I try to keep you informed about what's happening in my life, but you never ask any questions. 100% true. I'm absolutely pulling away here as a strategy to avoid being hurt. In the past I've just been unable to manage conversations to keep them from What really got my goat though was this: >Can you please help me here by trying to talk to me more? Tell me what you're doing other than your job hunt? He's well aware of numerous things going on in my life which he just never talks to me about: \* My attempt to start a local men's fashion brand \* My fitness journey \* My friends / room mates.


If you've moved out, you're at minimum in a separation, right? Sounds like you're just both on very different pages as to how that separation should play out. You want distance, maybe to move on easier, maybe just to move *past* whatever broke you all. He seems to want to hold you close. Maybe to hold on, maybe just so that the past however many years of intimacy you had don't just disappear in a cloud of smoke. On the surface, without knowing anything at all about the nitty-gritty, these are both very normal and rational responses. They just... clash. And that clashing is preventing you from your chosen path forward, so it's aggravating. You'll need a very frank discussion here, ideally mediated by that counselor.


It seems to me you made up your mind to leave a long time ago. I think staying in therapy with him is _your way_ of holding on, perhaps unconsciously. If you are through with him, don’t keep up the ruse that therapy might get you back together. Stick to business and move on. If you aren’t through with him, commit to the therapy. Right now I think you are just extending the break up unnecessarily.


So a lot of this is honestly me trying to maintain a relationship with our boyfriend who is currently living with my husband in our condo. I want to make sure I'm seen as putting in the effort even if it's ultimately not fruitful. our BF has been clear that anything I can do to calm the chaos will make this easier for him. As for prolonging things: there's a legally mandated 6 months timeline and requirements to try and reconcile. Our divorce can't be finalized until 2024-08-10. My goal is to keep the period of time between agreement and finalization short. Doing therapy was an attempt to tick the "reconciliation" box and de-escalate raw emotions. Honestly, I think it has worked in that last regard. Regardless of my justifications for my behavior, I pulled the plug on therapy yesterday. My husband was 25 minutes late to our session after the therapist had set some hard boundaries with him about punctuality last week. He's very clearly not committed if he can't show his ass up on time.


Sounds about right. I had that waiting period also. My ex made it easy by storming out of our last therapy session because the therapist said something she interpreted as not demonizing me. Sounds like your STBX did you an equal favor. I can’t speak to polyamory as it isn’t part of my experience, but I’m imagining it to be a lot like shared friends — and I had to let all go those go also…


You have to be vulnerable to really connect with somebody. And that’s a hard bullet to admit and take. You are avoiding to get hurt, so you are cutting things up. But you have to decide if you want to fix things, or be vulnerable about your feelings and see if the other person responds in kind. Sometimes, someone has to be the first person to make an uncomfortable move and then the other person takes over the rest. But the first move leaves everyone expecting “if they cared, they would” and that’s how a lot of things die in this world


> He's well aware Just talk and stop being a princess?


How long after a prolonged deficit for libido/ reasonable energy to return. Some sources say weeks some say months Also do you lot go straight from.deficit into next bulk or spend period at maintenance before bulk? If so how long do you spend at maintenance


Maintenance phases are important for recovery. Whether you were cutting or bulking, you just put your body through the ringer. You need some time to recover. Two to four weeks is a good maintenance timeline. For the end of a cut, I like an expedited reverse diet to reduce fat regain. I increase calories 250 weekly until I’m back to maintenance.


Thanks for the input brother!


https://isthereanydeal.com/ For the gamers in here. I fancied trying out No Man's Sky but its £50 on steam. Got it for £20 last night on there and activated on Steam right away.


Have you tried sailing the high seas?


I did but I couldn't find a torrent for the latest update which I want to try out. The usual BS of the file being split into 3 downloads and the second link being broken


Any updates and bugfixes you can usually find on cs.rin.ru


You can play it on game pass for £1


I start my first blast today at 6'2"/208lbs. Let's see how this goes. Doing ye ol classic 500mg week.


[Take photos and take notes.](https://giphy.com/gifs/starwars-star-wars-the-phantom-menace-l3fZK7BgnNHSKpp4c)


You guys keep saying it’s so easy to cut to 12% BF while I feel so weak, no energy, brain fogging and hating it is just killing me. Cutting is terrible.


You are cutting wrong then. Either too much cardio. Too low deficit. Tracking food wrong. Too much gear. Too many fat burners. Something is off that is making things suck. There’s a reason you would cut or prep as far back you want with some cushion if possible. The last few weeks will suck regardless but you can push through. It shouldn’t suck the first week though.


In my opinion, you’ve started your deficit way too steep. Fat loss is about the long game, you make the smallest change for the greatest effect. By starting so steep, you’ve completely shortened the runway. You start at a small to moderate deficit, and you ride that until you plateau. Once you plateau, you make another adjustment and repeat. That’s your runway, you want to use as much distance as possible.


Sounds like you’re trying to rush it and cutting on too much of a deficit Just read the other comments. lol. Because of course you are


Sounds like you need a refeed


It’s only been two days. Yesterday was only 1240 cal, today my plan is 1696 cal. I need to keep this for a week.


Unless you’re 130lbs 1200 cal is way too low


No bueno. That is way too low, and I can almost guarantee your protein intake is way too low. You’re at 200 lbs, you at least need to double your total macros, including doubling your protein. You could be losing a pound a week around 2500 kcal total macros. Your recovery will be soooo much better, you’ll able lift more, and you won’t be flushing your hard-won gains down the toilet. For reference, I’m at 275 grams of protein right now and I weigh less than you. This is a marathon, not a sprint.


That’s wayyyyy to low dude


For those of you who use Juggernaut AI, has it been worth it, especially using it in the 30/70 strength/bodybuilding mode? I’m just looking for a brain-dead progression solution (ie requires no active thought or involvement) that responds to my nutrition, performance and recovery, for my next bulking phase. I want the same effect as a coach telling me, “Just do this,” based on the feedback I provide.




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Don’t know if it’s placebo but does anyone else notice injuries heal a lot faster on certain DHT orals? I’ve noticed I recover faster and any injuries seem to heal quicker. Did epistane in the past and trying winstrol for the first time.


First real calculated cut finished. Bulk and blast begins today.


Why not run at maintenance and enjoy what you’ve built with the cut for a little bit


It's winter here next month, so I estimate i will have enough time to cut in time for summer after this blast.


Ahhh. Dam geography. Didn’t factor that in. Yep. Cold weather = bulking season. What are you planning on running?


Test c 600mg, primo 300mg. Split MWF. Second cycle. First was beginners 500mg test, no ai, but I could have started with a less fat percentage. This time ran average 1700 calories since March 9. Abs with visible veins, thighs like dick skin-veins all over. Just loose skin below belly button , most likely cuz im an old fuck.


I might be older lol. Solid plan. You could even go up to 400-ish on the primo. Many find it shines at 400+


Maybe. I will get bloods done around week 5 and depending on that and how I feel I may bump it up. Thank you for your feedback bro




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I’m using test c 1/2ml injection 3 times a week subq. everything was fine no swelling or pain until about a week ago my I developed a hard lump and swelling down my leg It seems like a infection I started taking antibiotics as a prescription it’s definitely helped the swelling. now the real problem is I’m away for work remotely so I’m 5 hours away from the closest town and I won’t be home for another week what do I do ? No injections until I get another bottle or ?


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Please remove the lab name


I did it’s not showing on my post anyway sorry about the first post won’t happen again


All good man. Try again on today’s thread. I reposted it once you edited it, but you’ll get more traction on the current Daily Ask Anything👍


I appreciate it thank you


I’m using test c 1/2ml injection 3 times a week subq. everything was fine no swelling or pain until about a week ago my I developed a hard lump and swelling down my leg It seems like a infection I started taking antibiotics as a prescription it’s definitely helped the swelling. now the real problem is I’m away for work remotely so I’m 5 hours away from the closest town and I won’t be home for another week what do I do ? No injections until I get another bottle or ?


Im sorry man I promise Im not trying to harass you here. This question belongs in the Daily Ask Anything thread. You’ll get way more feedback there. Today’s new thread will be up in just under an hour if you want to re post it there.


What do you guys think of MK-677?


Waste of money just eat more


Have you tried it?


I have, the sleep was amazing, that’s pretty much it. Only used 12.5mg, took berberine to be safe because my diet was very high carb at the time.


I recently got off of my second cycle. 26M. Solely Test cycle. First one was test c and that went great. This second one was Test E 600mg. 300 mg’s twice a week. By week 5 I completely lost my sex drive and have gained anxiety. I’m chalking this to either overdosing the test or crashing my e2 level? Thoughts? Going to be getting bloodwork done in the next couple days. Any advice would be great. I did not get bloods done before as I’m new to this and am naive. My last pin was a week ago today and am waiting for another week to pass before starting my nolvadex.


Were you taking an AI? If not, I highly doubt you crashed your e2 by taking 600mg of test and nothing else. 600mg is absolutely not overdosing. Fwiw, I get what you might consider anxiety when my e2 is high. I can feel my heartbeat, to the point where it becomes difficult to fall asleep. I don’t lose my sex drive, but my erections will get a little weak. This is easily solved by taking an AI. Gun to my head your e2 was high, not low. Did you have any other symptoms? Acne in weird places? Difficulty sleeping? Oily skin?


After some more digging around I agree. My e2 was high as shit causing the anxiety and loss of sec drive due to the hormones trying to rebalance coming off. Feeling better now. Starting pct Friday. Was not on an ai.


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How to run a test E cycle doing 250-350mg


You can’t, it only works above 350mg and with tren


So you can’t do it with clen ?




Try DAA thread? 200 is not TRT. Did you PCT? Tried HCG? Get blood work? See an endo/urologist? The list goes on…


Why do you guys worry about your balls so much?


Endo "horror" story SEE PHOTOS / Probably missed some details so happy to provide anything else you guys need and update you all with the bloods as they come back but will post everything I have currently. [Test results so far not including the original T/E/Prolactin I state below](https://imgur.com/a/spZSMeL) TLDR: Doc said he is should report me and will not help me unless I make an agreement with him. Looking for advice First lets start with basic info about me so you guys can hopefully help. 26 years old 185lbs at \~12%bf Lifting for 6 years and on my second cycle. 1st cycle was 500mg test E for 16 weeks and now on my second cycle of Test E 500mg weekly on week 8/20 First cycle went well and bloods were pretty easy to manage, I then cruised for awhile until this second cycle. I use the same Test supplier but a different adex supplier and thinking it may be underdosed/bunk due to sides. Now story time I'm in a new state now causing me to not have access to my old doc so I started with a new family doc to get bloods tested, I was 8 weeks in at this point and had been on .5mg adex EOD as that was a good dose for me on my first cycle but this time around I have slight puffy nips and maybe even a little pea size or smaller lump under my left nipple but the doc said they didn't feel it and if its there its very minor however the puffiness is 100% there. These are my only high side effects besides maybe some extra water retention at the ankles but my BP, acne, and mood all seem fine. At this appt they only tested for estradiol / prolactin / total T. These results came back at 168 estradiol, 38 prolactin, and over 1500 total T (didn't give a specific number). Based on this appt I was able to get a referral to an endocrinologist to work with on these levels with the closest one to me that's taking patients being 1 hour away. Today I went to that appt and when the doc came in he asked what was the cause for all these sudden changes and I told him that I was running 500mg Test E weekly. He instantly got angry and said that is far too high above trt dose and is absolutely not ok (rightfully so in the medical world) and I said I understand that and I was using it for bodybuilding which worked fine with my last doc and they were willing to help me through the cycle if needed within reason of course. At this point he did not care what I said and said that is substantially too high and illegal and that he should report me and will not help me (I don't think its legal to report that in minnesota). So to get him to help I said I was hopping off and would like medicine to make it easier. I have everything on hand such as nolva, enclo, adex, caber, etc but figured if I could get prescription to ensure its legit then why not go for it. After some more convincing and making an agreement with him that I would hop off (which is not my intention) he finally agreed to help me. Based on everything i've researched over these last few years what he was advising did not quite seem correct but then again what do I know I'm no doctor. He first told me to just stop completely without taking any more test or ai and that i'd feel like crap for a few months until my body regulates again (no pct?????). He then changed his mind after some more sweet talk to advising 100mg of test ONCE a week MAX for 2 weeks then 50mg ONCE a week for 2-4 weeks... I managed to get him to do a full blood panel on me which is pending results since it was taken today and then he prescribed me adex 1mg every day for a month and then caber .5mg E3D to manage the high E and prolactin. The adex dose seems a lil high to me but the caber seems a little more reasonable. Let me know what I should do and what you all think.


> Endo "horror" story This is not a horror story. This is on one end of the spectrum of exactly what I would expect to happen as a clinician. Not how that works. No, they cannot legally disclose your identity and medical history unless it places your life or others’ lives at immediate risk. If they did (which they won’t anyway) you’d have grounds for a federal case. No, that arimidex dose doesn’t make sense. Let me know if there were other questions in there.


Seems the doctor gave you a reasonable answer. Look at it from their perspective - he manages health, not bodybuilders. We abuse steroids. Wether you like or not, that’s what we do. He can’t in good faith help you abuse compounds because that’s his medical license on the line. PCT is obviously best to completely hop off, but I know many doctors would rather you just come off completely and let you naturally recover to avoid prescribing more shit. He then gave you both a solution for E and prolactin which Ive never even heard of a doc prescribing caber before in these specific scenarios. Some doctors don’t even ask prolactin questions from my experience lol. Anyway. For your obvious goals your answer is to find a different doc. You will have better luck finding a sports doc or somebody who sees athletes, they are much more keen to talk steroids