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His ears ain’t gonna fit on our coins


Gatefold coins ftw


Change the coins and notes to Steve irwin. Or native Australian animals.


I always thought Steve Irwin was the Fosters of Aussie celebrities. I'm all for Russell Coight on the coinage though


We have plenty of notes that need an update


What notes need an update? As far as I’m aware everyone featured on them are Aussie legends. Bar the $5 notes.


Of course, but as new legends come I think we should update the notes.


You can take a legend and push them into politics, but you’ll never view them the same ever again. Whatever your opinions, consider Peter Garret. Russell Coight might be better left as is?


He was a genuinely good dude with a live for conservation. Even if he was more popular with the public in the US he was still an Australian treasure


Oh, look at what we've got here! It's a beautiful Golden Legacy, nestled up here in the branches of this conversation! Crikey she's a big one! Now she's probably feeling a bit threatened, you see what she wants to do it protect her kids from predators and other aggressive males! I'm gonna poke her with a stick


The degree to which he was like that was played up for jokes


Fuckin oath


I'm just wondering if they can give us an extended queens birthday this year. I really need time to mourn.


Hang on, aside from your local dealer, who the fuck is even using cash these days?


Yer local tradie. Hookus up


Businesses that don't want to get taxed out the ass for using eftpos.


Isn't it ironic that the people who want to stay in the Commonwealth are usually the people who want the wealth to stay out of the commons


Oath cunt


Not much wealth in most of the commonwealth countries mate. Out of the 50+ countries only 5 are developed nations


Haha imagine if I came into your house, raided your cupboard, enslaved your kids and then had the gall to call you poor They're still resource-rich. If they weren't, the US, UK, China and Russia wouldn't be falling over each other to 'bring them civilisation'.


Its bs thing that allows england to win a few medals in cycling every couple of years


Im cooked but this made sense


We're speaking republic. But wheres me anti corruption body?


I would have broken my finger on the right button before I realised there was a left button


This isn’t even a choice. Abolish it immediately!


It's weird that we call Australia a secular country while technically our head of state is also a head of church.


With what in place? I'm no monarchist, but I cannot believe that left to the politicians, I'll see any model of republic get up in my lifetime that I can stomach. Until we get control of our government in a way that more than two thirds of people don't despise the government of the day, I'll most likely be voting no. Either way, I'm not in a hurry. We get it right or not at all.


Why not keep the current system, sans the monarchy? How has having a monarch actually impacted the government at all in the last 5years? 10? 20?


Exactly this. A nice easy change to a constitutional republic where essentially the Governor General (NOT the current corrupt, god-botherer) replaces the Queen and isn't much more than a figurehead. Infinitely preferably to going the nonsensical way-too-much-power-in-one-person's-hands, US route.


The problem is that the Governor General does have a lot of power in the current system. Normally it is only used passively, to prevent absurd legislation from being submitted for signature. But if the position were elected by the public or selected by MPs, then the same veto power would become partisan.


No, it's not so much "used passively" as rarely used at all simply because such legislation rarely/never comes to fruition. His role (apart from the 'dismissal issue' and IIRC that's since been somewhat curtailed) really is just as a figurehead with a nice signature. As for partisanship, there is plenty of evidence to point towards the current incumbent being partisan. There's also some controversy around the ex-Queen having been quite partisan when her finances were threatened. Partisanship is a difficult thing for humans to move away from. Hence why I'd rather have it invested in a Parliament with a Prime Minister where power is significantly spread among the members than risk it with some bozo GG/King/President who is anything more than a warm body doing warm body ceremonial things.


That'd be good but I think they'd want to take the governor generals power away. Which is the sneaky thing people need to consider all the legal stuff where technically it was up to the queen when talking about becoming a republic.


What about the governer general dismissing gough whitlam in basically a liberals coup? Bs it doesnt affect us


Out of the loop on that one. How was the Queen involved?


Governer general is the queen's representative and she gave the okay


The GG made the call, the Queen just gave it her seal of approval because its her job to approve it. She had nothing to do with any of it


So keeping a monarch is the solution?


Absolutely not. Are you joking?


So we're in agreement to get rid of the monarchy.


She wasn't, but it was her powers that he channelled as his own power.


Well it hasnt, but thats the thing, there is no difference between abolish or dont abolish really. Except for big ears on the coins so I guess abolish.


Yeah this is my whole problem. From what I see, there are plenty of very disrespectful people championing the cause at every possible opportunity in the most distasteful way. The Australian Republican Movement is pretty much powered by unsubstantiated, citation free, innuendo laden rhetoric and when it has a point its overshadowed by the former - which only makes me wonder does one think these people have the ability to create a system that is actually respectful if they can't be respectful even in death? I'm not even sure that holding a referendum when you know it's going to not be a clear majority either way is even remotely beneficial for the country to move forward, it's just going to increase division. Doesn't seem very leadership like to me.


Only reason im not for a republic is because that fat mole gina fuckface is for it. Give me my fuckn icac and then we'll speak


The answer to this will have been planned for the last 10 years..




Monarchy > Australian President.


Better pick an Australian King then!


That would be a waste of time.. the cunt's 75 years old already. How long you reckon he's gonna be king?


Australia should just make Kylie Minogue their Queen. Exact same system otherwise.


Should have abolished the monarchy decades ago


Monarchy is useless and shitty, should’ve done away with it a long time ago


Sorry, what?! The death of the Queen is not the correct time to discuss and/or abolish the monarchy. Fucking animals.


Really? I think a lot of the people who voted to keep the monarchy last time did so in big part because the Queen still ruled. Now that she is gone, it seems like a good time to revisit the question.


Abolish it