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The karma system encourages three kinds of comments above all others. Jokes, references, and being right, which often manifests as correcting others. Those are the things that get upvoted so those are the things people will post. Even on threads where there is one specific, correct or helpful answer, once that is "solved" the thread will just devolve into those jokes, references, and corrections.


What I've noticed is that the most upvoted comment is relevant and then the second to that in the same thread will make a reference and the third person will make a stupid joke and it totally spirals from there


Does anyone really give a shit about the karma system though. It only shocks me when it's really negative in the red over something I thought was pretty reasonable, aside from that it's just kind of a quick "yeah i agree" or "good thinkin" if I ever click it. And it's always green, if I'm a'clickin. Nothing I think I've written very well has ever been a huge numerical success and yet just a random thought has gotten 2000k+ for, apparently no reason, so, it's kind of meaningless to me, if I wanted to see numbers rise I can make a program that loops +1 and have it print it out. It's so ridiculously stupid a thing to think about, beyond an after-thought--in the literal sense. "Oh look it got so and so many votes, and someone responded to it, they said--" (and then about 100x more thought goes into the actual words)


It's funny how we can vote at any age on Reddit but we need to be 18 to vote in elections. Why isn't voting limited to those 30 and older, if the brain takes so long to develop.


Voting on reddit doesn't directly impact your life as an adult. Voting in elections DOES directly impact your life as an adult


Voting in reddit influence the posts I'll see. My voting in an election has no influence.


Does it though? Voting on which of two orgs will run show, does it really matter? The '14 princeston study said they align with the American people on less than 30% of the issues, even if you vote for someone that has certain things they say it doesn't mean you're voting for those things, it means you're trusting that person to stick to their word, which is... A bit naive in today's world, it's the same org as last time.


Puns also do remarkably well. Because, well, that's a deep subject.


I don’t know many people who care too much about karma. Reddit is a time waster for most.


You don't have to "care" per say, for this to shape the culture of the site. More people see messages that get upvoted (get more karma), the messages people see shapes the culture/their perception of what people want to see on the site, therefore (in general) people will either shift their behavior to align with the culture of the site or they will go to a different site that suits them better.


Sure buddy. You’ve got it all figured out like that famous smart rich dude, Elongated Muskrat.


Also, it's just the nature of conversation. One thing brings up another, which brings up another. Go into a room and say "Let's have a conversation about what type of TV set you had in the 1980's" and by the half hour mark, someone will telling you about how their dad put a pool in the back of a chevy and road around back in the 60's (not even the same decade) and at 1hr in someone will be ranting against one of the puppeteers on sesame street that beat their cousin over the head with a prosthetic leg.


Holding a popular opinion trumps any form of being correct on here; especially, if being correct is unpopular. To that end, on social media, nearly anything that is unpopular gets tagged by others as either hate speech or an expression of mental illness.


I can never figure out if this sub is for ridiculous questions or questions the poster feels he/she *should* know but embarassingly does not..




This is the answer.


Its a parody of the nostupidquestions sub. At some point this sub started getting popular and the new crowd didn't notice this place was parody.


The all too often ironic fate of parody.


It's so nice out today


I'm sitting outside as I type this.


And my coffee was on point


So I was installing this ceiling fan the other day...


You ever seen a grown man naked?


Does your mom count?


Because when an idiot is proven wrong instead of reconsidering their position they change the subject.


Changing the subject also equals "owning" the other person or group.


It's just a matter of time of until every conversation goes to politics on here.


I like potatoes.


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!


Stew would not like a potato stuck in him. He had a bad reaction last time this happened.


I just think they're neat!


Did you ever hear about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Just a game of people becoming overly sensitive over nothing then changing it up to focus on something else to get over it probably.


You're a nazi! 


...a jewish nazi!!


A vegan Jewish nazi!




You are a communist nazi lib Maga alt right incel who is cis and hetro-normative.


This is something I've noticed for the longest while. The third or 4th comment of any thread diverges away from the main topic pretty fast and then separate discussions in the thread begin


It's just how interest works. Thoughts spark thoughts, eventually, like a train, even with little jumps of one board & train stakes to the next, eventually you'll find yourself across the country, looking out the window at a whole other coastline. Which is how I personally prefer it, it's how we naturally do it. Imagine at an informal gathering you put up a white board with a topic on it and asked everyone to stick to it. At some point in the night the kids would start designing shit on it and someone would yell at them for drawing a dirty comic or something, the dog would run and knock it over--unless you're really building something together and the focus is like, survival, business, that type of feel, the impetus just isn't there not to kind of surf, go with the natural flow, whether it's pushing you, or you're pushin' it.


The upvote system encourages echo chambers and group think. I've always been into forums for my hobbies, cars, watches, guns, knives, warhammer, whatever. A few big forums I've been on have tested or implemented the reddit style upvote system. None of the forums ended up using it permanently because of exactly what you're describing. You end up with factual information that people dislike being downvoted, and nonsensical jokes that members have already heard 1,000x being the top comments.




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Because reddit is built to reward witty one liners and flashy insults as opposed to presenting new ideas or actually dissecting a discussion The karma system is a perfect example. If you don't toe the line you will eventually be unable to interact with any part of the site for having too little karma. The flipside is that it's easy to build karma by doing these things that don't actually contribute to anything


Did you hear about that turtle in China? Two packs a day!


Ive always noticed that my conflicts with others beliefs about their right to emotional connection isn’t necessary about how I hated my mother….


Stupid Question get stupid and off topic answer's? YES, that is a QUESTION, now whether or not it is a stupid one is for others to determine. N. S


Because this sub is a parody of r/nostupidquestions, the place to have stupidnquestions answered seriously.


Because why say anything related when you can start copy pasting popular song lyrics one line at a time cus its quirky I guess?


Yeah stupid questions get down voted a lot lol. There is no safe sub.


It's the internet. Welcome


I dont like this question so instead I'm just gonna state that we used to replace peoples blood with milk before we understood how blood transfusions work.


It's a fig Newton of your imagination


I'm thinking about getting a pet; either a puppy or a lizard. I might skip the pet though and get a waterbed. What do y'all think I should do?


A combination of ADHD users, and chatbots emulating users. 


Lots of them are bots. Humans can no longer tell the difference between a bot comment and a human comment. Look up “the dark internet theory” for more info about how shitty the internet is becoming.


nice try bot


Because rails are typically made from hot rolled steel and if you put a platform on any kind of rolls it's likely not gonna stay still.


Fewer well adjusted people sit around commenting on Reddit.


Nitpicking words/statements/sentences. I'll admit I tend to do this too.


The orange cow says banana


Because my balls ache everyday and trump caused 9/11


It's a public forum that has people from all different types of lifestyles,attitudes, mentalities, etc. Also, the craving for internet points attracts these types of people


# WHY DON'T YOU LIKE BANANAS?!? (Because it's easy to go off the rails and go off topic.)


Stupid questions, stupid answers


Becouse I'm a squirrel, a tom cat and a skunk in a trendy trench coat mascarading as a people and is that a distraction over there


Picture it, Sicily, 1934, me and my friend....


Because people who wear white after labor day. that's why.


Probably cause of those Democrats.


I like kittens. Their fur is so soft


They're stupid questions


That is cool and all but speaking of rails, did you know Lincoln's funeral procession helped commercialize Railroad travel?


Why do you like to diddle kids?


i both hate and like this comment, because it's so unnecessary but its also off the rails.....


You got it.


It’s obviously Trump’s fault.