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Sarcasm doesn’t really work unless you are having a face to face conversation and there is context.


doesn’t even work then. 80% of people are mindless drones. 


1. Tone, inflection, facial expressions, body language are all lost thru text communications. 2. People who have English as a second, third, etc. language will likely not always understand sarcasm or jokes as they often have cultural connotations the person might not be familiar with.  3. Some people speak thoughtlessly and then try to back track hurting someone's feelings by saying that person "can't take a joke".


You’re also leaving out that the internet is full of little kids who don’t fully understand sarcasm yet, especially when we’re talking about the audiences for YouTubers and Twitch streamers. A YouTuber makes a joke intended for an audience of adults their own age and then they get a whole bunch of comments from ten year olds taking the joke seriously


Schrodingers douche. A person who makes offensive or inflammatory remarks and characterizes these statements as either sincere or joking based on the reactions of others


Sarcasm is also a risk with strangers, since everyone is different, including sarcasm detection levels. That poor girl in the example, she might have been hypersensitive only because she likes the guy and wants to be on his good side, so she was scared he was offended more than if they knew each other longer.


They aren't lost through text communications they're usually understood through context which a lot of people today have an inability to ascertain correctly.


Because the world is so wild and people are so stupid it's hard to tell if they're serious or not.


That's valid. There is an art to sarcasm. Amateurs at it can cause unintentional offense.


Once upon a time we knew who the village idiot was, who the crackpot was. If someone was thought Hitler was right they kept the thought secret. Now you never know if that person on the internet is being sarcastic, or actually believes in Jewish Space Lasers, Lizard People, etc. Hell, you don't know if they are a person...


Poe’s Law. There’s nothing you can say that is so inherently absurd that it can be safely recognised as satire, because there’s no belief out there that is so inherently absurd that you can’t find a single person on Earth who holds that belief in complete sincerity


It pays to be a victim of something... Anything. The other day on ESPN, we had a black dude and a black woman arguing with each other on who was more victimized. It's big business, and everyone wants to cash in on it. You're not allowed to be sarcastic anymore, so people aren't capable of picking up sarcasm.


You are allowed to be sarcastic though ?


You didn't even pick up on my sarcasm there. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly right. And as a hardline rule follower, I'll be sure to never be sarcastic ever.


People generally do, but there is the duel problem of: - many people are simply more comfortable pointing out when sarcastic jokes are stupid/not funny - many people are getting worse at sarcasm, being inundated with internet idiocy, they think they deliver "sarcasm" and are actually just being dumb


This is going to suck for you to read... But you're probably not funny. Those YouTubers aren't funny. They had a moment of viral social momentum that fizzled.


One thing is not being amused by the unfunny jokes, the other is taking the jokes seriously. Like imagine you make a mockumentary about how Earth is flat, providing all the "proof" - there will be people angry at you or some will even start to believe you.


Some things are lost in texting, including emojis and sarcasm...


Satirical comedy died out in favor of incredibly vulgar slap stick style comedy. Most of my friends grew up on Adult Swim and the old Comedy Central. The jokes on shows like ATHF weren’t directly laid out for you, they took some interpretation. Newer animated comedies like Big Mouth and Paradise PD rely on in your face vulgarity. Internet humor similarly shifted from witty creative content to mostly pranks and shock humor.


It's crazy that you chose ATHF as an example of subtle writing.


It was the first to come to mind but yeah home movies would probably have been better lol




People do. A lot of people just aren't as funny as they think they are. There's nothing in your text that would have indicated it was a joke, especially if they actually haven't been hitting you up. You also have to consider the medium you're communicating through. In this case, you were just a bad communicator.


But that’s what the emoji’s were for… Who uses 😤 seriously?


Plenty. Emojis are just another expression of emotion. If something pisses me off yeah I'll give a little 😤 when I text my friend about it. Like it's not that serious but it is true. What OP said sounds like a straightforward, honest statement from OP with some emojis to make it sound like he wasn't *too* serious about it. It's obviously kind of a jokey statement but OP obviously *does* want the new girl to hit him up to hang out. She could have responded with another jokey statement, but instead she cut to the chase to explain herself and apologize for making him feel that way. Maybe she's not into banter. Can't say I blame her, I feel the same way because a lot of people's idea of "witty banter" is pretty lame and unoriginal. I'd rather not bother with their repeated internet jokes and passive aggressive opinions disguised as sarcasm. Unless they're on my level I'm just gonna be real.


how dare they are not into banter 😤


The goofy HUH?!?! Is just one of the many indicators.


It just wasn't funny. It comes across as a sincere sentiment masked as sarcasm, which is a pretty common manipulation tactic.


Yes. I do sincerely want to meet up with people. To do that, I manipulate them into going out with me... bro is it manipulation to want to schedule a meetup? Like you're making people go out when they wouldn't otherwise, right? Anyways, sometimes I say"yo, let's hang out Sunday" But sometimes I'm in a good mood so I just feel like telling people "Where are you RIGHT NOW? I demand your coordinates or else. I expect a reply within 3.14 ant-seconds or I'll bring destruction upon your family" Of course I tone it down for the girls since I can't really expect them to understand our homie humor. (although, remarkably, sometimes they do) If I think of my situation, I may have made a mistake, how dare I do that as a human being. I am used to my very established group of friends. Those friends know other friends who most likely will share the same "language" or "vibes" so to speak. That makes me live in a bubble. This girl, however, was very new. Completely devoid of any context from my own life. Welp, happens. I tell her I mean no harm and that that was a big joke and that's just how I do it. It's all good. I did feel a bit bad. Then she felt bad for me feeling bad. There's certainly something that has happened in her childhood but that's a conversation for another time.


It's not manipulative to want to hang out with people. There are also levels to manipulation. The manipulation is using humor to make her feel bad for not talking to you. A lot of young or immature guys do that; everything is "just kidding." It can be more or less serious, but it's a manipulation tactic.


Wasnt funny to you. Especially in hindsight.


The lack of self-awareness is insane. Typical terminally online idiot: "Why doesn't anyone understand my humor?" "It wasn't that funny." "Not funny to YOU." "You're an idiot." "Wow, resorting to name-calling?" Sure. You're both a couple of fucking comedians.


Wow dude. Nice one. 2 of those lines didnt even happen. Good improv. As well as not even talking about the other half of my argument about hindsight.


Your use of the word hindsight didn't make sense to me. I can imagine what it's like to hit up a girl and not hear back from her. I had the context. Again, there is a lack of self-awareness. You and the OP come across as a type. You fit a type of guy whose responses are predictable, and I was laying out how the conversation was gonna go.


It's less likely your sarcasm will be understood in a text vs when delivered verbally as you don't have the benefit of voice inflection or body language.


Without any knowledge of this person, I’m gonna say people have lots of shit going on in their lives. You may be joking but someone else who has said those exact words was not and there’s no way to tell.


I did take that into consideration... well, afterwards lol. I probably shouldn't be pulling stunts on people I don't know that well


For one, yah can't joke around with people until yah understand em and two most people are just angry now a days


that is fair


I think it is hard to tell (a) someone you don't know very well (b) over text


While you make jokes like that, someone else in their contacts seriously texts like that when they are actually mad, they cannot put it past you




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A lot of it is a lack of critical thinking. People have become more reluctant to question their first reaction to something.


It’s easier to farm upvotes if I pretend to be mad.


Because of post irony.


Poe's Law No matter how ridiculous, nonsensical, or outright heinous an ironic statement, there is someone out there who unironically believes it.


People are tired of sarcasm. It got old




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Simply put: sarcasm only works if the audience knows you and your tone, specifically. As diplomatically as I can put it, channeling my inner Bro (who I thought I had left behind 10 years ago): you brought out that line about 6 months too soon.


Far too many people playing the victim for views/likes/sympathy whatever.


It's because Cancel Culture took over the platforms. This shit did not happen organically. And now people self-censor. 2017 and prior YouTube. Prior, these uber-offended people just got drowned out. People need to focus on the ones who hold HATE in the Core of their Heart.


I don’t think the number of people who don’t get jokes/sarcasm has actually increased, the internet has just put more people in contact with little kids who aren’t old enough/mature enough to understand subtle humour yet (which is why YouTubers have to tone down jokes, it’s because their audience is overwhelmingly children), and online interactions also make misunderstandings more common because it’s harder to read tone in writing than in person But even despite these two things there have always been misunderstandings and miscommunications where people didn’t understand a person was joking


Along with what others have said comes taking things to seriously, nuance, and just applying common sense to what someone else says. A lot of the times most people can't understand nuance or the obvious double usage of some words or a phrase.


Loss of sponsorship and add revenue is a constant threat.


People do, it's just that what's considered funny changed with time. A lot of stuff that was considered fine to joke about by broader society no longer is and some haven't moved along with the times.


Someone mentioned English as a second language, also text communication can be tricky, although your use of emojis was pretty on point. Different friend groups use emojis differently tho. But also, 1 in 30 people are autistic. Sarcasm is hard if you’re autistic.


It feels better to just imagine that the person you're talking to is either an idiot or a bigot, so they convince themselves that even the most absurd statements were meant literally. Dopamine is a hell of a drug.




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Sarcasm has a nuance level of understanding than todays internet or movies where everything is over explained as you would to 5 year olds.


Kids these days are being taught to find something to be offended over... its like social status... The more you can find you have been "wronged" the more "clout" you have. Society is totally twisted and f'ed up because of it. When society eats itself, progress stops and regresses/collapses.


It's text and there isn't a class at school in what Emojis mean.


Younger generations don't have the same level of experience with face to face interaction as older generations and it's much harder to read tone via text alone. They also seem to have skipped their studies on the general doom forecast and are embracing way too much nihilism to accurately measure cynicism appropriately.


People get easily triggered and are unreasonably emotional. They love power tripping on how acceptable it is to have these stupid micro aggressions


# Lack of Intelligence/Intellect.


I don't bother to make jokes or sarcasm anymore. I've had far too many people get outraged from it. I agree a lot it does come down to the lack of face-to-face communication, because so much is lost when it's just a text or post on social media. Emojis don't work as a substitute. Even so, it's not worth it even among friends and even when it's in person. People are just incredibly divided and sensitive.


Sarcasm and jokes don’t work in texting. Even with emojis no one can tell your tone, mannerisms, mood, delivery, etc for sure. Since everyone communicates without talking anymore, humor is gone.


For me, a lot of the "I'm fluent in sarcasm" and "people just don't get my sarcasm" posts people made created this weird thought process where sarcasm, among some, was thought to be like high brow comedy that only certain elite individuals could understand. This made me actually think about it I realized it's probably the lowest effort form of comedy there ever was.


Because a lot of "sarcasm" is someone just actually being an asshole but trying to play it off as comedy


My take is that MANY people have had parents who make everything a joke, lack sincerity, and they're exhausted by the constant need to decipher sarcasm and banter and all that. Sometimes people just want warmth and directness. It's refreshing. When's the last time you felt profound warmth coming from someone you're getting to know? If it's recently, count yourself incredibly blessed.


Or worse—they make a perfectly normal joke and then say "oH sOrRy I gUeSs U cAnT sAy AnYtHiNg AnYmOrE dOnT wAnT 2 b CaNcElEd By ThE wOkEs" like dude, you were fine until you said that; now I'm worried you're a fucking kek maga incel or something.


Text can be misinterpreted due to lack of inflection, facial cues, tone, etc. It's why I don't like to text.   Also the younger generations that didn't grow up in the wild west of the internet don't understand that a joke doesn't have to reflect a person's actual morals or beliefs.  I can make a joke about killing myself - it doesn't mean I'm actually suicidal; I may just see the opportunity for a punchline and take it.


Why did you assume that someone would interpret text the same way you would?


“The appropriate emojis” We are fucking doomed.


Jokes are supposed to be funny.


Nothing to do with them being funny or not. It's about people taking whatever others say seriously when it's really not meant to be serious.


Sarcasm is my second favorite asm.


Everyone's "woke and sensitive " compliant now days. What do you expect. I was watching Richard Pryor vids today. Oooo Myyy I thought to myself. Modern America gen x would run and hide under thier bed they'd be so offended!




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That's the world today. You can't tell a joke, less someone gets offended, yet people show their genitals and buttholes to one another minutes after the first greeting. It's a strange landscape that eludes my understanding.


fetal sulfate defficiency.


Because everyone is on Adderall now which makes everything literal.


Because everyone is just looking for things to be offended by.


We're in the "Be offended!" era.


Man, these people should never come to my stream then 😂 I had a whole ass HILARIOUS conversation about pissing on people the other day.. While playing a game where the objective is to stop a baby from running into traffic and dying


This whole country has turned into a bunch of wussies, that's why, nobody can take a joke


(in both good and bad ways) the world has become incredibly sensitive


Lack of humor 🤷🏻‍♀️