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Hey man, i play both jax and olaf, so i can give you advice. 1. Jax will want to take ignite. 2. Jax will win lvl 1 so long as you hold your E towards the end. The idea is you just auto him and stack lethal tempo stacks, and as he goes lower and autos quicker/heals more you start your e. You ignite him when he's lower and his lifesteal is higher, and when he flashes to dodge your e you flash to match. 3. After that it's a matter of who q's first. Jax wants to hit him with his auto, W, e, and then leap away. If olaf q's first, you just rush him, with Q-A-W-E and if he's below 6 you chunk him out. After 6 however, you have to use Q to escape his R then go back in when he doesn't have it. If he has around 70 percent health and you have ignite you can all in him, but wait till he uses E on you before you use your e. I can give you a more detailed breakdown over discord or reddit dm's but it's late here rn so i'll leave it at this.


>wait till he uses E on you before you use your e. Why is this?


His E goes through jax's e, and olaf's R is extended by 2.5 seconds after the initial 3 seconds every time he auto's or E's. His E Cd is also lessened byh 1 second every time he autos you, so if he can't auto you... You can see what i'm getting at.


Olafs E is a health cost vs a mana cost, just another little thing to tilt in your favor


Jax E only reduces AOE damage and ignores autos, which Olaf E is neither, so it doesn’t actually block anything. It’s also a health cost which is only refunded if he kills the target, so if you wait for him to get low, burn his E to put him lower, THEN parry + ignore, he really just dies.


Counterpick will never work if you pick a champion for the first time against someone who actually knows his champion. About 1v1 with Olaf... I've seen this mfer running into 5 people and killing almost everyone, so I don't know...


Broken Blade Flashbacks


He's a bit like volibear or renekton or nasus or tryndamere or fiddlesticks. You must kite or avoid his ult 99% of the time. Once it's over, you can actually kill him fairly easily.


Yeah, kiting his ult which literally makes him unkitable


Kiting doesn't mean CC and run. Kiting means maintaining good positioning.


Just ignore him when he ults. works 99.9 percent of the time. The more hits you let him land, and the more cc you give him the longer his ult goes on. So just do what league players do best and just ignore people LMAO.


> just do what league players do best and just ignore people LMAO. Don't you mean what they are WORST at?


yk what youre right


Only once ever in my games have I seen my team let a Zilean ult expire BEFORE killing a low HP enemy. It was actually an amazing moment in my life to experience. 🤣


It’s not a terrible lane, considering you dodge his Q. A lot of his damage is loaded on the Q + it slows, and if you get hit by it you’re pretty much guaranteed to take 2 or 3 more Qs which is lethal.


Low elo Olafs will spam their Q trying to fish for an engage and go out of mana really fast. All you have to do is position yourself at the max range of it and dodge it every time, and then eventually there will be a window for you to fight when he is OOM.


I can confirm. Most Olafs throw Q after Q to poke/engage me. How do i spot a better Olaf player or a higher elo one? Mostly on low elo are spamming Q and try all-ins early game


Jax and Kled should be impossible to win for Olaf as long as you have a decent mastery on these champions . I can't see a way teemo wins Olaf , as long as he hits 1 Q you are a fried hamster , unless the fucker rushes Zhonya


Honestly, Temmo could go PTA, W max & Boots of Swiftness - Olaf can’t do shit.


Still very snowbally matchup that can go both ways


Idk why you are so massively downvoted, this is literally one of the easiest ways to match Olaf in lane. Now it’s still difficult for you to be more useful than Olaf throughout the game, but if your issue is you are constantly inting to the Olaf every game, this is a really good pick to not let the Olaf get strong, and give your team a chance to carry while both top laners have minimal impact. I have a feeling a lot of the downvoters haven’t even tried it before.


teemo is one of the worst picks on olaf once olaf gets his r it's over teemo will just die every time he sees olaf. Best way to counter olaf is tryndamere. Both champs are statcheckers and tryndamere is better at it. There is no way an Olaf wins against a tryndamere i have 280k olaf i couldn't win against a tryndamere at any point in the game even for once. If you see an Olaf just pick Tryndamere easy win.


Majority of people on this sub just want to rant and complain, they aren’t looking for legitimate ideas that work unfortunately


Teemo with fleet and swifties (E max of course, the other reply is insane for wanting to give up your only damage source) can kite him out pretty well while constantly poking him. That said it's very olaf favored and very punishing but it's playable.


Teemos only damage source is not his E, and it’s not only his Q. The key form of damage is his AA. Going fleet on Teemo does absolutely fuck all because if you’re being chunked by a melee and you need to sustain, you’re already playing the match up wrong. You go W max to DPS melees whilst maintains range and mobility, maxing E does fuck all when you’re perma slowed and you’re face tanking Olaf. Olaf should never be that close to you anyway, and if he is - you’re playing the match up incorrectly. E max is reserved for match ups where you know you can harass and scale safely with little drawbacks. Adding to this: if you want more reference on how to play Teemo / want to build you should have a look at iPav (Challenger Teemo player, who maxes W into melees when necessary).


Ay perfect post for me. Olaf doesn't have many true counters and the more you know your limits on him the more matchups you win. Now it is really dependant on how one plays his Olaf against every match up. Personally I struggle against decent Illaois and Trynds, but those 2 are so crap outside of the lane it doesn't matter. Now I can't say without watching a VOD, but lower elo Olafs probably tend to use their q very wrong and are over aggressive. Let's take the Jax match up for example. A good Olaf will know that any time Jax uses his e he has to play aggressive and look for trades or hard shove the wave. The thing with Jax players in general is that their playstyle is very linear and it makes them predictable. Personally if myself and Jax are both healthy and he goes in for an e and wants to back off with a q later I walk in front of him towards his tower to gap close his leap. This forces the Jax to either abandon the trade or risk getting ran down because Olaf wins a 100-0 early hard (besides lvl 1). Another thing with Jax players is that they are overconfident thinking they auto win any match up involving autos and as I said they get over aggressive, often shove the wave and make themselves a free gank. Now on the Olafs side, a bad olaf player will use his q to poke way too often, especially early, leaving Him OOM and unable to trade, until level 5 that is because his rank 3 and above Q hurt a lot more. Now if you see an Olaf do that and chunk his q far behind you, thats the time you get aggressive. An olaf can't beat a Jax without his Q. You go in for a heavy trade and if he starts running for his axe leap back before he gets to it unless you can get him low enough beforehand. Post 6 DO NOT start a trade ever unless you are much healthier or are ahead, you will get ran down and shat from then because Olaf snowballs insanely well. Jax will outscale olaf but even then olaf can 1 v 1 him becuase you know, Olaf. Now that is all specific for Jax (even though there is more but takes too much time to say everything) In general you are right that Olaf rn is very strong and underpicked so he doesn't get the proper nerf he deserves. As I said I personally struggle against trynd and Illaoi and in low elo those champs probably work very well all around so you can try those, but you must know what you are doing still since no champion can beat him by being braindead. Some recommend Kled and that could work because in a vacuum he beats Olaf, but I feel like Kled is also a lot more difficult to play correctly. His limits are unpredictable and require time to learn and there is more to understand when it comes to macro with him. If you don't like trynd nor Illaoi the last option I'd give you is Akshan. He is beatable for Olaf if the Olaf knows how to hit his Qs but Akshan can be extremely annoying if he can kite. He is a bit more difficult but a lot more useful as well and can be very fun to play. If youd like I can help you with a live review of your gameplay some time. (I am no coach but am master so I feel like I can give you a few tips to help you out)


Did you really just say that Illaoi doesn't do much outside of lane? And in low elo, to boot?


Well, yes. She is extremely easy to play against in later stages due to her being fixated on the enemy standing next to her, she is not a great split pusher, has no cc nor utility and is low ranged. There is a reason you never see her in pro play.


Lol, what does pro play have to do with low elo? She's a nightmare in low and mid elos because you can't stop your whole fucking team from suicinding themselves into her ult in teamfights.


I did say I recommend her in low elo. I was mentioning pro play as a reference as in why she is a bad champion. It is true you can't stop them but the fact that all you have to do is run away from her when she ults making her useless is the reason she is trash.


Trundle seems to work well for me


Akali is a really good counter if you know how to play her. Play passive until level 3/4, then you can trade with E and Q while avoiding taking damage back with W. Level 6 is the best part, as soon as he ults you can engage on him and simply drop W, when his ult runs out (since he can't auto you) you can re engage for free basically. If you are really struggling you can buy a oblivion orb to get some antiheal, besides that build full dmg.


Yeah Akali is hard as fuck to learn though


Actually not that much as you may think. I main her, and i can confidently say that she is not the hardest champ to pick up. Playing her well will require way more time tho, that's where the hard part is. Also the champ itself rn is kinda bad


Chos good for me into olaf. You kinda win his all ins even after 6 with your execute.


Yeah please don't play Cho, any half brained Olaf will just sidestep chos q and run him down since Cho has no mobility and his hitbox big.


Cho is tricky because you can misplay and lose but if you trade right he's honestly got an answer for most things. . Bad chos throw the q first. If you hold the q and use auto + e when he engages he is slowed. Then you just q right on top of him and he can't dodge. You follow with w and another eauto and he either has disengaged by this point or he's all inning. If your both 6 typically he will be in execute range after the second trade. If he never engages your just farming and poking with q e without committing. Not a hard lane tbh if you get even a slight gold diff and go tank it's basically over.


I don't know what games you've seen, but from personal experience I've never lost to cho'gath and for good reason. Even on a bad trade Olaf can heal himself up quite quickly, his 100-0 at 6 is much stronger and should never die to the Cho unless he completely fucks it up and after ravenous Olaf has too much healing. Combine that with his true damage on E Olaf should stomp cho gath every time.


Basically anything that can either match his dueling, or isn’t afraid to be engaged on. Illaoi is a solid one so long as you can hit your Es, since if he wants to truly run you down, he’s forced to just walk at you in melee range, letting you get an E-R off. A smart Olaf will try to dodge the E beforehand or just walk away from your R, in lane with decent farm and items/components, it should be enough to just kill him outright so long as you focus Olaf while you’re ulting, and the spirit if he runs away.


Good wave management.


Personally I play Nasus and Trundle and don't struggle into Olaf too much. Trundle stat checks him, just ult after he ults, and Nasus I usually go an E poke strategy and then just stat check him after lvl 6, making sure to kite his ult out so I can wither him. With Jax I imagine you do the same, when he ults just jump away and hold stun for until his ult runs out.


Champs that can pick and choose when to start and stop trades against him are very good. I've played Jayce into him and he can't do anything in lane. You can poke him, when he approaches the wave you do your all-in combo, chunking him, and then knocking him back before he has time to respond. Make sure you take phase rush to not get chased down by his Q.


Like the guy who suggested akali, jayce is way too difficult of a champ to play only for a counter pick


If you apply that logic when talking to someone in iron your response should always just be to learn the game fundamentals. I was just replying to his question in a way that makes sense to me personally.


High mana costs, beats every champ level 1. Kled beats him at all stages after if you land your mounted Q because the antiheal screws him.


Yorick, he can’t R a wall


The ability to rush Rav Hydra makes him outsustain any Yorick ghoul poke, and Olaf hard wins the melee brawl The W wall sounds good in theory, but it needs 3 points in it to have more than 2 hit point durability. And in any case he can always run flash and force your flash on cooldown each time


Oh yeah you’ll never win a straight up fight with him, but its enough to keep you alive and win the lane or atleast hold him there so he can’t duck the rest of your team. Ghost > flash. And if he ever leaves to Roam its GG


Kled is suppose to beat olaf assuming both players are equal skill level, clearly you just don't understand the matchup well enough. A counterpick can only get you so far, but the champ isn't going to play itself you have to know why it's a counterpick and how you play the matchup and push advantages, you should search up high elo players play the matchup, a simple kled vs olaf KR challenger can go a long way.


Stop counter picking - outscale him


Pick character with cc/dash and good dueling power, but is not dependent on that cc, someone like darius, jax, trynd, kled, etc. Stay kind of close to him level 1. Hes not strong if he doesnt get axe resets, and bad olafs will throw the axe too far, hit him as he tries to get the axe if the axe is behind you. If he w and tries to commit to the fight cc him and then leave to wait for your cds. This is how you fight him until level 6. After 6 you have to watch out for him ulting your cc ability but again if he fucks his axe by chucking it too far you will win.


Dodge axe, poke until he's low hp or out of mana (his early Q mana costs are pretty high) then kill or force a base. Olaf also needs space to run down his targets and wants an even wave or a wave on his side. Keep the wave on your side of the river outside of your turret and he's much less threatening. Finally if you want to get waayyy too dank, boots of swiftness + ghost makes it basically impossible for him to kill you but it's not good on every champ. If your champ can take phase rush that's also useful.


whatever you do and whatever you play the only thing that matters in this game right now due to the decisions made by players is to kill Olaf as fast as possible and as many times as possible. That's all.


Garens the counter you're looking for, you win post six thanks to your ult completely countering his style of play


The correct answer; it’s also easy to play


I mean, since you're looking for counterpicks, I'd suggest Phase Rush Ahri but since you're Iron, I think it's gonna be a hard one to properly pilot there.


Trundle, you would be amazed how much his pillar can fuck with Olaf even in his ult


Have you consider grabbing phase rush and Ghost, focus on csing/range harassing and not dueling him ? Olaf is strong against melee/low mobility champs, but he struggle if he can't reach you to proc ult, going even for Olaf is losing btw keep that in mind as well.


Literally put him in my team and he will sure go 0/7 in first 10 min and yell ff15…


Its simple you said it yourself. Olaf always wins. So pick him. :) no, but for real. Try to pick him and play couple of games with him. Lets say play 10 games with olaf. You will probably lose because u never played him. Thats good-notice what the enemy did and how they won. And try to do the same once you play against olaf


ghost phase rush brand op


Olaf has an absurd early game but falls off late game, the main key is being able to put space between you and kite out his ult. On teemo that means fleet footwork, Jax needs to hold q and not use it to engage, for the tanks I play like Ornn and Sion that means taking phase rush.