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Realistically Rose, there are many people who match her perfectly and she has done the least insane stuff


Some of these things are wrong: Chef Pee Pee never turned Bowser into a Zombie, he just gave him food poisoning. Cody never bullied his Mom when she was a teacher, most of the stuff that happened was because Junior and Joseph told him to do certain things. The thumbtack prank you can count, but pretty much everything after that was Junior and Joseph setting him up. Marvin isn’t really abusive.


Took me a bit to realize some of issues i made on the post and didnt realize that bowser wasn’t a zombie


marvin’s pretty normal, i don’t think he’s a bad person at all. sure he hits jeffy every so often but who wouldn’t if they had a son like that


He constantly feeds jeffy greenbeans and refuses to move on to a new vegetable. I bet the reason Marvin can’t pay his house payment is because he’s spending it all on greenbeans.


I'd never say this in another case but Jeffy. "Odd" isn't really a bad thing if you think about it, his psycopathy may be from his mother or a disorder, the only really bad thing is his spoiled kid side


Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) could be the reason why Jeffy acts that way, along with his mom’s neglect and Marvin’s and Rose’s parenting skills being more ineffective on Jeffy. side note: the (Disorder / Condition) was supposed to be after ODD because its a disorder Jeffy probably has but i placed Psychopath after the ODD and forget to change it


I don’t think jeffy is psychopath


No he definitely is, to be a psychopath you have to not feel remorse, guilt or emotions for the wrongs you’ve committed. That describes Jeffy perfectly.


I think the psycopathy was mainly caused by Marvin not being that good of a father and his friends not exactly being good people either. If you put Jeffy into a realistic family he'd probably turn out okay as an adult.


I'd say Mario but they're all little messed up, also Rosalina did throw a hammer at Mario Just for texting his ex so she's not anymore put together then the rest of them, they're all goofy anyway.


Loan dolphin kinda


Rose or Joseph are the most sane


How has no one mentioned Woody


Probably Brooklyn guy or rose


Susan Smith, the assistant nurse with her calling out Brooklyn's insensitivity at times.


Probably Junior. I mean he is a kid and with his abusive father he got his meanness from bowser but in the recent episodes he’s just been stupid.


What about the time he killed his dad because of a package, constantly annoyed his friends and chef pee pee, killed several people with the WTF button for his own desires (although he brought everyone back that doesn’t fully justified his short-time genocide for the things we wants), his obsession over penelope, and more things that i didn’t list down but there are moments where he just doesn’t want to listen to the people warning him, especially cody and chef pee pee


Again he’s an idiot and Juniors been pretty ok in the recent vids since his dad isn’t really mean to him anymore


thats fair i guess, although i think the things he’s done in the past makes him far from sane even if he’s improving over the years


Ngl I’d take rose. I wpuld say PP but he can’t cook for shit and would definetly poison me.


Hard to say but Rose is defo a big option


Since when was Mario abusive


There were certain moments i recalled where Mario was hitting Jeffy, one was when Mario punched Jeffy off the bed in a hotel because of him jumping on the bed, he punched Jeffy in Jeffy Gets Fixed where he also punched his eyeball. First Day of School where he straight up attacked Jeffy at the ending. Jeffy’s Tantrum where he hit Jeffy with the belt because he broke the TV although I feel like it was justified than abuse in some way


if he broke my tv im beating his ass tf?


Its why i said “justified than abuse” guess its more like discipline because any parent would beat their child for breaking a tv because they wouldnt get a $2.99 app


Let’s be honest most of it was more discipline than abuse, in almost every instance Jeffy was being a bad ass child


Rose. Dk why that’s not the obvious answer


Probably rose


Matvin isnt really abusive


Unless you count him only feeding jeffy green beans as a form of abuse.


That doesn’t count. Even if the joke is annoying, he’s still feeding Jeffy, which is not abuse. It might not be something that he likes to eat, but it’s not illegal.


Rose might be stupid but she was spitting when she said that green beans weren’t a proper meal.


pretty sure there was an episode where brooklyn guy said that it WAS abuse


That only counts if it’s something actually damaging to the child. Green Beans don’t affect Jeffy in any way besides that he just doesn’t like how they taste. He doesn’t have any allergies. He just thinks they’re gross. It’s literally the equivalent of a child not wanting to eat their vegetables. But I will give it that Marvin wants Jeffy to eat green beans straight out of the can is definitely not the way to go. There’s not even any protein in it. He could at least cook them before giving them to Jeffy.


But Marvin ONLY gives him green beans, no meat no protein not even a drink.


Bro Mario buys Jeffy McDonald's


Typically only after Jeffy Chucks the green beans. Remember the mad cow disease vid where He planned to eat both his and Jeffy’s burgers and left jeffy a box of green beans?


Oh right


That was jeffys foster home... rewatch the video


yeah i'll be honest, that was the only scene i remembered from that video, so i'll take that L


Rose and Brooklyn t guy


marvin ig


I'd say Woody since he's a guy who likes Shrimp he's never done any heinous things and did save the world one time


Pixie Goblin I guess, although he might have PTSD


Honestly I would say marvin


alright slow down there chief, when the fuck was cody a rapist, he bullied his mom because he didn't think it was her and they made him do it, and i don't think marvin was a robber on purpose, idk when he killed joseph but it was probably on accident. brooklyn guy tortured junior because that's what he was told to do.


In the Remote, Cody froze time and kept them frozen in time for 5 years. Right before resuming time, Junior and Joseph were lying down and after resuming time, they said that their butts were hurting and with Cody being lewdful. He pretty much raped them while time was frozen. While Cody didn’t know that the sub teacher was his mom, he still went to put the tack on the chair and spit in her coffee because of his friends wanting him too. Also Cody killed Joseph in Cody the Magician and made him disappeared for a year but i don’t know if Cody killed Joseph by accident but I think Cody purposely killed him to use him as another magic trick to bring him back. The Military School had Brooklyn Guy torturing Junior with the toilet covered in shitstains, kept him in a cage to watch Thomas burn and in the obstacle course, he had the participants killed off by the landmines. Even if he’s tasked by a higher up, thats pretty fucked up with Brooklyn not giving a shit. I may not have this correct but i believed there was an episode where Mario and Bowser robbed a store. Jeffy’s Speeding Ticket had Mario and Jeffy robbing a store to payoff Jeffy’s speeding ticket even though it was Jeffy’s idea to rob a store


One of the middle guys.


Since when is Jeffy a psychopath?


Rose or Marvin


To be honest, out of all those either Chef Pee Pee, Brooklyn T. Guy or Marvin are the most sane ones, but ima go with Brooklyn T. Guy.




Goodman the best


Joseph’s mom 💀


Brooklyn guy is also a terrible parent I mean he did in fact neglect his own daughter to watch some heat game that he would later on act so childish about and get over not to mention he is in fact a Dick to the Applebee's waitress.


As annoying and terrible of a person as rose is she prolly is still the most righteous outta all the others tbh taking everything into account


There’s a theory that Brookie let DBTG take his place to run the military school class Junior was in.


There’s nothing wrong with jeffy he’s just very stupid


Honestly junior cause he literally manipulated Cody into apologizing for what HIM AND JOSEPH DID AT CODY’S PARTY and has also been a terrible boyfriend to Penelope for idk HOW long and the one character I have a INFINITE HATRED for but I also hate jeffy ever since he came to Sml and at least the old junior was kinda resemble


Honestly Mario


when did btg kill junior?


[The Pinch Pinch Pinch episode](https://youtu.be/2EpFiVwwWw8?si=bWWkMa0pKg1b_Vyr)




Duggie, all the awful shit he did as Black Yoshi was retconned due to the lawsuit and he hasn't really done anything as bad as the rest since he got reintroduced.


Who tf said Bowser was a deadbeat dad? Brotha was devestated when he found out his ONLY sons leg was broken, and didnt allow him to go to laser tag cuz he tought itd be dangerous


I feel like there were more times where bowser didn’t cared about his son than he actually cared, adding in the belt beatings from the pre-jeffy school videos. He also spend most of his time in his room watching tv and not being there for Junior in several episodes even when Junior’s friends are there with him.


Your mixing up the words "strict" and "deadbeat." You have to give him some credit, he had a rough childhood. He probably thought his parents way of raising him was bad, sure, but he probably doesnt realise thathis way of raising is bad. Also, Bowser tries to bond with Junior multiple times. Not to mention, Junior kind of is a brat sometimes. And in that time, in his mind, belt beating is probably normal, considering the way his parents raised him.