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The hold your breath under the grate underwater


That is one of the ones I think I would have a chance with.


I love that challenge because any body type can win it.


Not us short nosed folk


Same. I would crush it. Im a fish outta water


Same, I always think I’d have a good shot at that. I surf, swim, snorkel quite a bit so my lung capacity, knowledge of tide patterns is pretty good, and I think I’d be able to react calmly to getting a bit of water in my mouth or nose. Plus I have a big old nose which I think would serve as a natural advantage.


I would actually have a panic attack


I'm not sure I'd even be able to get myself under the grate to start the challenge 🥲


I get anxiety just watching that. I'd last like three seconds in that challenge lol


I can’t swim and I’m afraid of drowning so this would give me a panic attack


I’m always shocked when I see people go on there that can’t swim because they have to know they are going to have to swim in challenges. Unless they’ve never watched the show 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yup, first one to be eliminated


Living with asthma for 40 years, that's actually one I'd be fairly confident with.


Was thinking just this. Would be able to deal with the anxiety element pretty well.


I would give up immunity for that


I wouldn't even go out to the grate, I'd quit before it starts, just not worth the time


Any eating challenge.


Oh I would be exactly like Wendell, and throw the disgusting food on the ground immediately 😂 I used to really think about that, like if my team was depending on me to eat rotten fish or fried tarantula or something. I just wouldn’t be able to do it! Vote me out!


Fried tarantula? You mean raw tarantula. We're on survivor!


That had deep fried frog in 31


i had this exact feeling watching all those eating challenges literally up until thailand when the loved ones had to eat bugs and stuff to get the reward. i don’t think doing it for my tribe would be enough motivation, like there would still be such a mental block. but for someone i rlly truly loved and hadn’t seen in a long time, i think i’d be able to


I thought the Samoa eating challenge was the worst. Raw seafood smoothies with milk…


I feel like if it was a post-merge challenge, I’m skipping it. If that’s my undoing in the game, oh well. If it’s **pre-merge** and I have a group of people depending on me, I’m at least going to attempt to eat the fried tarantula.


What season was Wendell on?


He won Ghost Island, then came back for Winners at War. IIRC, it was Ghost Island when he took one look at an eyeball, didn’t get it NEAR his mouth, and threw it on the ground as if it was going to bite him 😂


i forgot about Wendell, i loved him sm haha


so does dee


And so did his baby mama


1000% I think I could hold my own in just about any of the other challenges. But the food challenges would destroy me, I gag/vomit on reflex to bad smells and certain tastes and food textures.


My toxic trait is thinking I could do all these challenges when in reality I'd end up like Brandon in the premier of 45


Literally! I’m constantly like “oh I could do that,” “that doesn’t look too bad,” when in reality I get winded walking up my stairs…


Did I type this and forget ?


Haha this is me. I’d have to radically train before even applying just to get to a good fitness level after working in an office every day for several years and leading a bit of a sedentary lifestyle


All of them


Please don’t plagiarize my answer


😂 You would’ve had the journeys from 46 in the bag!




I’d come for Sandra’s title.Not her winning title but her sit out bench one.


Beat me to it.


Holding my arm above my head with a bucket of water.  I’d be out in the first 10 minutes.


Hang on, Jeff's bringing donuts in a minute


Is that the one Tarzan dropped out in less than a second? 🤣


As soon as food comes out.🤣


I’d be good at that lots of practice raising my hand in school and the teacher takes forever to call on me


This was my answer too, I'd absolutely drop out right away. I've got fucked up rotator cuffs and that position would be excruciatingly painful and all too easy to dislocate my arm from there


This is true for everyone given how many stupid rules they added. It was over in like 5 seconds in season 40


This one!


My ceiling is James Clement in the challenge - laughing too hard & yelling “oh bitch” as the water falls on me


I’d be awful at anything that involves balancing. I could probably do the vertical snake maze no problem if it weren’t for the beam they have to stand on while they do it.


I can't balance at all! The one they just did on 46, balancing on the platform in the ocean, I wouldn't even last 5 seconds on easymode


I probably could make it to the top level in 46, but in 42 I would have been out very early.


You could just jump off quickly and say you did it on purpose to suss out the competition like Q did 😂


yeah, i would peace out quickly, so i can conserve energy. the holding-things-for-a-long-time i can do, puzzles i can do, and anything that involves and obstacle course. Everything else, zip


One where they are in the cage drowning as sea increases. Seems like torture


People are so different. I think it'd be peaceful, like becoming one with the sea. I'd have to be handcuffed under there to freak out


Food eating. I have arfid, so my brain already reads most food as being bugs or inedible. Actual bugs and shit would be impossible. Plus I’m allergic to shellfish so if it was involved I’d def be out


I always wondered how people with food allergies handled the eating challenges. I couldn't eat the ballut. Besides the fact that it's so gross that it's psychologically disturbing, I'm allergic to eggs, so the egg part around the duck would rule me out.


I agree with the ballut being psychologically disturbing. I can’t even stand to look at it so no way I’d put it anywhere near my mouth. I don’t even have an allergy I just couldn’t do it.


I'm allergic to eggs too but best believe that balut is going down the hatch!


Anything requiring steady hands like the final immunity of S25. I have naturally shaky hands like Malcolm who honestly you could have given a thousand attempts and I don't think he wins a single one of them.


Was going to comment this so glad I checked the comments first… my hands are so damn shaky for absolutely no reason


I didn’t even think about that. Same here. I have tremors in my hands so I’d never be able to do anything where you have to be steady either.


Came here to comment this. I'm the same way, really felt for Malcolm in that moment because no advantage would've ever helped me win that challenge either


I would lose at all of them. I’m ok on everything, but just ok 😆 Each challenge there will be at least 1 person that would do better than me


You never know. Some people surprise themselves on there!


Get a Grip. I ain't happy at the top of that pole, I ain't holding on very long, and frankly I ain't trying to. Watch my happy ass slide down to the very bottom so I don't break myself falling off and hope my social game is enough that week.


i have no clue how this one isn't the first on everyone's list. Must have a lot of Ozzy's in this sr.


I thought I knew my answer but as I scroll thru these comments I’m like oh yeah I’d be terrible at that one too. And that one. And that one 😂 I don’t think I could even get my big butt up the pole lol


Having to eat something gross. I'm glad they've mostly done away with that one.


All of them so i can stay on the bench near Jefd


pretty much anything except shuffleboard


Bring back shuffleboard as a post merge immunity or even reward challenge so we can have a chance.


I love shuffleboard!


Same here, OP. House of Cards weirdly always stresses me out but ESPECIALLY the Teeter Totter variation of it that they introduced in South Pacific.


i genuinely don’t know why it stresses me out so much, maybe bc it’s SO up to chance- the wind, stacking in any lopsided way; whereas physical challenges i can actually depend on myself. i don’t like how risky the card one is LMAO


I’ve tried it before -not since I was a kid -but I could never get the hang of it. I was obsessed for awhile after watching the Brady’s do it lol but never got it.


Literally anything that involve strength and running lmao


The one done last season for the split tribal (hanging on to a pole with tiny foot holds).


Keep me off the puzzle


When it Rains, it Pours, I'd probably pull a Tarzan and lose as soon as the challenge starts.


The drowning simulator, or eating bugs n brains


The one where you gotta stack blocks with ur feet


Definitely my first thought. The height you have to get, and the ab strength to hold yourself - no shot in hell.


Any challenge where someone is yelling directions for me to follow while I'm blindfolded and tethered to someone.


anything to do with balance. I swear I have the worst sense of balance and it drives me nuts. I almost killed myself on the treadmill because I looked at my phone for a sec, and yet my youngest daughter can play "smash brothers" while running on it!


Same! I cannot look down or read like some people can. I have to look ahead and concentrate on staying on it. Once when I was younger and dumber I saw someone running backwards on it and I swear they made it look so easy. I should’ve known better but nope decided to try it and didn’t even get all the way turned around when I crash & burned. Worst part? I was at the gym so everyone’s looking and a staff member runs over “are you ok?” I waved them off “I’m fine I’m fine”. Limped to the dressing room got my stuff and didn’t go back for a long long time 🫣


I don't mean to laugh but LMAO...I'm not alone, lol


Trust me I told my family and they were tears rolling laughing at me.


The one where I’m not allowed to wear sunglasses ever


Anything involving swimming.


That one you have to hold up a ball above your head with a curved barbell thing (Wendell and someone else won in ghost island). I do not have the bicep strength/endurance at all.


Any that requires balance


Anything balance related


the Philippines final immunity challenge. felt for Malcolm in that moment cause I have super shaky hands too


Holding the ball with the rolling pin while balancing seems impossible


The food eating challenge 100%


Blindfold with caller challenges. Also the eating challenge where they blend the stuff together (I have trouble with that kind of texture.)


That one always seems hard. You have the other people calling and talking so you’d really have to have good hearing too.


Literally any challenge that involves throwing something.


Any swimming challange. **Any**


That hanging from a pole challenge. Climbing up in general. 🤭


That one where they have to climb up a pole and hold onto it with little foot holds that barely their toes fit in. I’d be terrified of falling from the far up so that would probably be my only saving grace lmao


Anything in water. I can't swim.


Anything in water. Especially since Rachel Reilly won't be there to assist me in grabbing a life vest.


This post and these comments are making me feel awful about myself because it makes me realize I’d be bad at almost everything 😳


Anything in water incoming movement lmao I suck at swimming, the endurance challenges over water like burmuda triangle last week id be slick wit, but not swimming


I would consider myself a pretty strong female but I don’t do well under pressure and my balance is terrible so I don’t think I would do very well at any but puzzles would be my worst!


Any balance challenge to be totally honest I'm going out first or 2nd


Anything slide puzzles related.


Ahh nice to see I’m not the only one who can’t get those dang things.


Arm endurance challenges I’d fail so hard at. Running/endurance challenges too. Also that thing where you slide a buoy through a rope obstacle course; I’m cooked. Anything else I feel like I have a decent chance at.


Anything involving holding your body weight up. I'm 185 and fairly muscular, but those are never won by people with my body type. It's always fit, slender women or men. Like the standing on the pole one and holding yourself up is always women with the exception of Tyson or Ozzy. Both are better athletes + better body type for it. I don’t have the willpower to win one of those even if I did have the right body type for it. I'd also lose the hand over head where you're strapped to a bucket because lack of willpower. Can't imagine I'd win last gasp either. I'd definitely panic and not be able to do that cupping technique to breathe.


Anything that involves a lot of running. Swimming? Fine. Puzzles? Hell yeah. Simmotion-style balance challenge? See you in a couple of hours, I'm here for the long haul. When I run, my body turns into a ball of sludge.


The one in China/HvV where they balance the plates


Any one that involves spelling


The one that Jake broke last season. I am far too shaky to even make it to the second level.


Balance, eating, running, and pretty much any challenge that isn't a puzzle or memory based.


Pretty much all the physical challenges that require a lot of stamina. I have none. If it was purely a puzzle challenge like in some of the early seasons, then I might have a chance.


Standing on a platform or holding onto a pole for a long time. If the pain and muscle fatigue didn't get me, the boredom would.


Anything with balance. Would have been our first at the challenge last week


Getting the giant gecko over the grate in the water would be so hard


the one challenge in all stars where everyone had to hold their hand high so as not to tip over a bucket of water. i would be the first to go and loudest to complain at that one


The run and jump and grab a key in water. It seems impossible for short girls 😭


To be honest I think I would lose most of them, but I am 100% sure I would lose the waterboarding challenge from RI, I can't even watch it.


Anything with a lot of running So most of them.


Any puzzles......my AHHD would get me so distracted lol




Oh, I only have to name one, LOL?


Anything where you have to stand still


The underwater one from s1 I can barley hold my breath for 15 seconds(underwater)


For sure it would be something like a "high above the water " challenge .. the thought of dropping into the water from 4 stories above the water makes me shake just thinking about it


The one with the ball going in the top coming out the bottom, then you add a second ball ect. And they come out on alternating sides.


Any challenge with an underwater portion. The saltwater would burn my eyes, I might freak out about holding my breath, and I’m not the fastest swimmer to begin with. Untying something underwater sounds like a nightmare to me. Last gasp seems more doable but I don’t see myself outlasting everyone else


All of the standing on tiny things challenges. All of them. I’d be the worst. I’m 6’5 like 280 size 20 shoes. I seriously doubt I could even start some of those challenges much less win them 😂😂


Gross eating challenges, the water grate one, probably the holding onto the pole


Anything to do with untangling a rope. Breaks my brain. Fine with all the rest


BLIND LEADING BLIND !!! Baby my nuts would be smashed, my knees scraped and fingers broken I wouldn’t do that one at all if I was blindfolded or the one from Samoa/HvV where they were fighting over the ball and then for sure the one from Nicaragua/RI where they were tied to a mill and put under water to get water into their mouth like that one seem so crazy can’t remember but who was drowning there like some woman that they let under water there 😂😂


Building the blocks and placing the flag with my feet.


Underrated - but I hate the digging under a log one. They never dig a deep hole and people just scrape themselves like crazy on it.


Another one I would dislike - are the ones like the net in the mud you climb through. Everyone gets their faces covered and I think I would freak out having mud in my eyes like that


The last immunity challenge in 45 that Dee won. I would have tripped every step I took


Anything standing on something for a long time because of my heel pain.


Anything balance. Or endurance. Or puzzle. Or obstacle course. Or anything in general. 


The one where you stand on a pole


Any eating challenge. Absolutely disgusting, I don’t know if I could do it. I have to really want immunity or the reward to get through eating an insect. Could probably do brain, liver, etcetera.


I’m not the strongest swimmer so I think I’d really struggle with anything swim related


Last Gasp. I could not mentally handle it the moment the water got too high


The loved ones reward challenge in season 35. Me and my family have terrible luck.


the last gasp and gross food eating. i might beat like one person in the last gasp but i honestly wouldn’t even try with the food


The crucifixion one. I miss when you could skip out a challenge and it nachos and drink beer


Any and all of them


The underwater endurance one scares the hell out of me. It’s like being waterboarded for sport 😭💀


food eating and underwater torture, tbh. i have terrible, tiny asthmatic lungs and claustrophobia issues, and i also have SUCH a strong gag reflex i'd gag if something awful touched my tongue - despite my best efforts. i also hate meat tastes.. i wouldn't do amazingly at some arm endurance challenges too but i don't think first out at least ahah


I can’t balance or walk across any kind of beam. So anything involving that I’d be out.


Simmotion. As it goes on, the timing seems luck-based. Can’t figure out an angle to be successful when you have three or four balls going at once.


Simmotion. The balls in the elaborate cage with the switch that changes were the next ball exits. I think I could do 3 balls max. That 4th ball starts to make it super hard.


Any balancing on a small space challenge. I have size 16 shoes so it’s very hard for me when I practice that at home, and I’m also still growing (currently 15 years old)


Any one with eating, I hate bugs and disgusting things I don’t think they do those anymore though


literally any of them. disabled, baybee!


I'm a 6'3" 400 pound middle aged guy with addictions to technology and sugar. Anything beyond the first few minutes on the beach and I would be out.


Any strength challenge, like holding heavy weights above your head.


The eating challenges for sure, but also any of the individual challenges where you are mostly using arm strength. If the majority of the effort needs to come from my tree trunk legs, I’m golden, but if you need a lot of arm strength, I’m toast.


Being around people who chew with their mouths open without attempting a murder anyone while on camera would be my biggest challenge.


The 1000lb gecko


Any of the water ones!


Probably the darts on pearl islands (I would do extremely good at the weird eating one from South Pacific looks so fun)


Eating challenge lol


The literal torture chambers AU survivor loves to use for the final immunity RIP me. 


Anything that has to do with eating disgusting stuff, but they haven't had one of those in ages it feels like.


I'd honestly probably be pretty solid at anything strength-based, and probably toward the middle of the pack for endurance. I wouldn't volunteer for puzzles, but I could probably pull them out. But I absolutely *would not* win the gross food challenges. I'm a super picky eater with an incredibly bad gag reflex. I would probably pull a Phillip Sheppard and simply bow out of the challenge before it even begins. Zero chance of winning it.


The one where you have to build a tower and place a flag with your feet. I don't have that kind of dexterity with my feet, and my foot would probably cramp up anyway.


as a big dude the giant Boulder looks daunting


Every single one 


All of them. Every single one. Won’t stop me from applying but I have no faith in myself. I literally watch these challenges and I’m like, on a normal day when I’m well fed? Sure. On that island? Nah


I’m pretty sure I could not dig “under the log” in the sand to get through. I would immediately panic and die.


i would never be able to figure out that twisty, rotating ball maze that’s always one of the last couple challenges


Any gross food challenge, particularly the ones involving balut or bugs. Though I think those are probably not returning.


The one where you have to build the word immunity with individual letter blocks and hold it up with a rope….I don’t have the patience for that 😭


Any gross eating challenge bc I'm a picky eater or "hold this position" challenge bc I'd get easily bored after 5 seconds and get fidgety lol


Any of these challenges where you have to pull yourself over a higher obstacle


Most of them