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Best is Fabio. He hung out, didn’t do much and caught a W. Tony Vlachos wished he had as much fun as Fabio


Love Fabio


The best is probably Kim and worst Chris, but my favorite is Tony and least favorite is Ben


I love how basically everyone (rightfully) agrees that Underwood had the worst winning game. For best, my personal opinion would honestly probably be Parvati


Parv’s my pick well. People harp on her potentially losing to Cirie in a 3-2-2 vote at FTC, but it has never been confirmed. Her strategic positioning throughout the game is far and away the best ever, she was perfectly positioned between the fans/favorites, the men/women, and the couples/singles. She covered herself at every corner, but it doesn’t often get brought up because people are so hellbent on holding the unsubstantiated idea that Cirie beats her at FTC against her.


Anybody saying anyone else than Chris Underwood for worst winner have to be kidding lol


Bob is a completely legit answer to this question. He himself admitted he had no strategic game. His social game was mediocre at best. He had one good move all season in not trusting ken and backing out of a promise that was clearly made in bad faith by ken anyways. He’s not a good player and is a premerge boots most seasons. He was decent in challenges but that’s it.


Bob didn’t get voted out


Yeah but it’s really by pure luck lol. I truly think underwood is probably a better player. Besides if Ozzy won South Pacific I doubt people would consider him the worst winner despite being voted out twice and I think some people might even call it a good win so I don’t really buy this argument personally.


Underwood was voted out at final 16, because he gave away a blindside plan to people that he was \*specifically told NOT to tell\* , then basically gets to skip to the final SIX, missing 11 tribals, and gets to hang out with the jury and get told information that the other contestants had no way of knowing. Oh and he was basically given an idol. So literally all he had to do is play his idol, win a challenge / survive 1 vote, and make a fire faster than the other person.


He was given half an idol and the idol still wasn't good until F5 so he had to make it through F6 on his own and hope someone was stupid enough to give him an HII at F5. That's not at all the same as "being given an idol by production." I'm not high on Chris as a winner either but it's just a false narrative to say he got given an idol upon returning to the game. Two people in the game gave/used idols on him in spots where it was absolutely terrible for them to do so.


there are huge differences between ozzy’s south pacific game and chris’ eoe game. i’m south pacific, they knew that redemption island was a thing, ozzy knew it was a fallback option for him. when chris was voted out third, nobody had any reason to believe he could possible stay in the game. ozzy also played more days than ozzy, was voted out once as a move and not a mistake, and won like 5 challenges to get back as opposed to chris’ one challenge. all that said, if ozzy had won, i would still have him as the second worst winner because he got voted out. at its core, the bare minimum requirements to win survivor is to not get voted out and to receive the majority (or plurality) of jury votes. chris is the only winner to not meet those requirements. lack of strategic moves from bob is nowhere even close to as much of a blemish on his game as being voted out.


I have Bob’s winning game higher because he wasn’t voted out third, but as players Chris is 100% better and it’s not even close.


this is it. if you played out both seasons 1,000 times, chris probably wins more than bob. but if you’re comparing the actual winning games that played out, there’s no argument whatsoever because chris was literally the third boot.


His social game must have been better then mediocre to get Sugar to make it a tie vote at the end. I agree though, he is a bottom tier winner and had no strategic game of real note.


Winning over sugar is not exactly indicative of any social game fucking ace won her over for a while.




I agree with your choices. I love Tony, never in a million years I thought he would win in a season of all winners. I thought he would have been voted out premerge, but he played an amazing game. Least would also be Chris Underwood, can't get over the fact he was eliminated 3rd, skipped like 80% of challenges and tribals, and then ended up winning. The win should have went to Devens or Gavin (a guy that has 0 votes agains't him all season).


I think a very underrated winner would be Tom Westman. The dude led his tribe to victory in every immunity challenge and had allies that literally threw their entire game for him! Not many winners could say the same. Best winner IMO As for the worst winner, IMO, Brian heidik. How do you almost lose the game to someone like Clay? (RIP)


Best JT, Worst Chris U


Earl would've played a perfect game if not for a throwaway vote from Rita Chris U "technically" played the game considering the twist, whereas Brian Heidik barely beat goat Clay. Not to mention, he's a legit slimeball


worst = tommy. yes, did everything technically right by never being on the bottom or making anyone mad, but that ruined gameplay for the next six seasons being so intentionally boring. when you remember that survivor is both a gameshow and a TV show, you could say IotI set both components back years. best = WaW Tony. Kim would’ve beat him if she made it, but he was comically superior to his competition by FTC.


best for me is todd and worst is bob


Best is Tom Westman. Worst is Chris U.


Best is either Tony or Sandra if considering multiple wins in chaotic games with a helping heaping of luck. In terms of single winners probably Kim, Parv or BRob. Worst by metrics of days survived is Chris Underwood, but that's discounting the game element that he was able to take advantage of to break the game, which was a design choice by production. He was still able to play the game in his season for all the days on the edge even if its blatantly unfair that he got to commiserate with his eventual jury voters. Worst "full game" winner is probably Natalie W (coattail rider) Fabio (legitimately clueless and not in the loop, left unattended until an epic immunity run at the end) or Bob (game? What game lol)


Best: Tony or Earl Cole Worst: Chris U


Not the best but I remember being impressed with Sarah during game changers. Worst I mean come on Chris underwood


Sarah played an incredible winning game


Parvati and Chris Underwood


Tony and Bob


Best: Boston Rob (utter domination from Day 1. He had a game plan to win and executed it flawlessly) Worst: underwood (no explanation needed. He is the default and only answer)


No Yam Yam , Mary Ann , Erika , Dee ?😂😂😂


Best: Parv Worst: Chris Underwood


best - you could literally make an argument for anyone, the point of the show is to make it to the end without being voted out and get the most votes at the end, i find ranking winners to be a bit of a waste of time because of that worst - Chris Underwood


Parv is the best winner, imo. Worst is tougher, maybe Bob or Chris?


Best: Gabler Worst: Underwood


Worst Chris and Best Sandra.


Tony and Sandra are tied at #1 for me. Worst is Underwood.

