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I know it’s just a standard party game, but I’d love to see them play shuffleboard again


It was SO GOOD in Tocantins. Sierra desperately needing immunity, and sliding into first place RIGHT AT THE END... only to get knocked out at the last possible second. Crushing.


That and Colby somehow clutching up in HvV were what came to mind for me


he REALLY wanted to watch treasure island


Pinball wizard from Millennials vs Gen X. That’s the challenge where the players have to throw a ball to the top of a plinko machine and they can solve a puzzle while the ball bounces its way down, but if they don’t catch it in time, then it rolls into a long chute, and during that time they can’t work on their puzzle.


I love the concept of this challenge but iirc Adam kind of broke it, you can easily manipulate to help another player in hopes of blocking a third. I am guessing that’s why it’s not been brought back


There’s a workaround for that: walls.


extremely valid counterpoint! I’d be down for that


Have the family members answer questions on video and they have to guess what the family members said


confessional from a college aged superfan who is vaguely athletic and has short hair: "as a student of this game, I knew this could happen, so we rehearsed all of these answers"


Bring back the fish sorting challenge from Thailand Or that other weird one from Exile Island where you had to relay throw the fish and then chop the heads and tails off.


Only for reward challenge but I always had fun with the challenges where they try to fill a bucket of mud using only what they can scrape off their bodies. Seemed relatively fair but was something different


The Mixer. We have a dearth of social challenges since they won't do Touchy Subjects or Fallen Comrades anymore. But the Mixer is great.


Any challenge that involves memorization. To my recollection we've seen memorization as part of a challenge in Panama, Tocantins, Worlds Apart, and Kaoh Rong. There's likely others I'm missing. We did see a memorization "challenge" in 45 but it was for an advantage.


Ima get flack for this but Piranha Feast is one of my favs


You can't be serious? I don't know anyone who likes that challenge


well you know me now!! haha i personally love it and would love to try it if i ever got on the show. It's unique IMO and i know everyone else hates it but, i just really like it. idk, i'll probs get downvotes for that one haha


It was disgusting and I loved it


THANK YOU!!! I wana see it come back so badly


That challenge is fucking disgusting and a recipe for covid.


uhhh i mean, considering they're all already eating from the same bag of rice and same fish and live on top of each other basically i don't really think covid will become a bigger threat just cause of the challenge... lmao. i guess this is just my hot take on survivor haha


They’re not putting their mouth in the bag of rice or on the fish though.


okay fair but also... it's covid? lmao they have to take many covid tests basically up until they're already on the island. And they're only surrounded by themselves, and the crew who also have to take repeated tests. I highly doubt covid is a concern for anything on survivor when the season begins filming. Leading up to it? Sure.


Even if they’ve all quarantined, that doesn’t change the fact that exchanging spit is an easy way to exchange other diseases.


i feel like they'd strongly vet them for any kind of medical issue, including diseases, before putting them on the island. Cuz i mean they share coconuts after drinking from the same one, and nature made spoons when eating rice, etc., so they're already exchanging spit


Not in quantities of the amount they’d be doing in that challenge though.


i guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, cuz i personally don't think there's any actual significant medical caution to the challenge other than maybe accidentally cutting your gums or lips lmao


Clear the Deck!


The one they did in Tocantins, where they had to throw clay pigs through a bunch of sticks that the other tribe set up. It was really fun and creative, and I never see it getting talked about. Also the dance off.


I’ve always liked the one where some people are holding up a tribe’s basket, and the others are throwing coconuts in there in an effort to make it harder for them to hold it. First tribe to drop loses. There could be some interesting dynamics if they did it with 3 tribes


The one in Micronesia where at the end you had to have your whole tribe standing on a small platform


The loved ones trivia challenge in Africa. So much character development in so little time.


Battle Dig


Kicking and screaming


Anything but the flying kites


That one with the pigs from Tocantins.


Survivor Australia had this one, where it’s set in a circle with a giant pole that 2 people from each team need to push against each other. And then you had to push the opposing team back to a certain spot to win a point. Hard to describe - but was awesome to watch.


Ik what you're talking about. I think that challenge originated in survivor SA and it wasn't just 2 people but a whole tribe. Unfortunately, one tribe completely dominated the other tribe and someone got severely injured. I think they were able to somehow stay in the game but they had a cast on, I even think a neck stabilizer it was really bad. This was a very early season though. I think Maldives??? I cannot remember. So that's why they only do 2 at a time.