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He gets it. If you listen to the podcast he clearly understands that episodes like the most recent one are very popular.


But does he understand why its popular or does he have some other reason he made up in his own head?


This is the real worry. I feel like far too often the wrong lessons are learned. Fire Tokens dont work because your vote is the real currency? Risk taking is cool with Prisoners dillema-likes? Instead lets start arbitrarily taking votes away at summits and auctions.


agree. he might be like , "oohh let's add more drama, let's put in more twists"


People give Jeff and the New Era a ton of shit, and some of it is deserved. However, I think there's been a clear upward trajectory in the New Era seasons. The show is different, and they've slowly found their footing. I don't think Jeff is as hopeless as some people think (like I think the "no more villains" quote was definitely taken out of context and stretched for drama). I think Jeff is sometimes a little misguided, but ultimately, I think he's been trending in the right direction.


I straight up liked 45 and 46 has potential to be better. They're the first 2 of the new era I'd be open to putting in my top 20. I was a little worried during the Bhanu stretch, but I agree with you. Survivor is headed in the right direction. It's not going to be what it used to be, but huge improvement from the first few new era seasons.


One of my friends started watching this season. He has questions (like what “merge” means) But he thinks the show is so fun. Loves the twist. The journeys. Is all on board with the show now. It’s help me watch the show differently this season. I’m enjoying the new era. It’s just been bumpy.


Oh god you think you know more than Jeff? Get over yourself lmao


Venus and Q, with their confident but incompetent gameplanning is making it. Kirby and Feras were great, but with only good game players everybody else just winds up being herded around and it’s too easy for the strategists. Would be stale to have more of that this season. Like Hunter seems on it, but Q’s has thrown out too much chaos for him to be able to be calculated. Maybe it is intentional haha


The difference between Q and Venus is that Venus thinks she’s controlling the game but Q actually is.


i don't know, he's noticed the last episode is getting super positive feedback and im sure understands why but i think he's too set in his ways with his ultimate vision of the show


Have you listened to the podcast? Because it seems like you haven't.


Most people don't, but theyre still 100% sure Jeff is delusional. I think he's more in touch than this sub gives him credit for (which is very little).


no but Probst has a long history of acknowledging what the fans want and then not doing it


“No but I already am set in my opinion and need to keep expressing it.”


correct, if i am proven wrong, i am proven wrong, but i don't think Probst is going to make any changes anytime soon, Probst has never really cared what the fans think ultimately, I don't know why him saying this on a podcast instead of any other outlet is why this time is going to be any different


What’s wrong with expressing their opinion


Because they literally stated how Jeff was "too set" in his own ways based on the podcast. meanwhile, the person who made the comment didn't even watch it and "too set" in their opinion to change it. Even though opinions can change, it's just ironic.


i mean am i set in my opinion? Yes because we've had years of this: Jeff acknowledges what the fans want > he doesn't do it. What I don't understand is why this time is going to be any different? It sounds like you're expecting him to make more episodes like this because of the reaction but i don't think that's going to be the case because Probst does not listen to fans easily, believe me I used to listen to stuff that he said, but the reason why I do no longer is because I know he's not a trustworthy source


i don't know why you got bombarded with downvotes for saying "I don't trust Jeff" when he's shown he's not trustworthy when it comes to understanding the fans. this is the guy who said fans who liked Philippines would love Caramoan, and it took him 16 seasons to bring back the auction, and when he did he put in a bunch of twists.


this is exactly my point, but since he's saying it on his shiny new podcast he understands now? nobodys actually answered my question on why this time is supposedly going to be any different


Nothing wrong with their first post. But seems unnecessary to repeat it in the second comment. Nothing new/relevant to the response was added.


After hearing fans feedback, he got rid of the hourglass and do or die twists: the two things most negatively received about 41 and 42.


I don't think that's why we don't see it anymore, necessarily. The hourglass twist simply doesn't work once you've got players who saw it on TV and anticipate its presence. ETA: I mean, it didn't work at all, but its function is a *surprise* reversal of the game. If you isolate a player after a split IC in a post-hourglass world, everyone expects it and throws the challenge to benefit from the smashing.


Oh like when the fans said they wanted the auction back and he....*brought the auction back* ... like that?


He completely changed it and turned it into a way to lose your vote lmao. And then he took it away. That was really your example of Jeff listening? And you brought sarcasm with that example? Fantastic.


after 15 seasons and with a gazzillion twists which is not what we wanted


Just remember - Tony’s perfect episode was after season 37 :) But yes, largely agree. It’s more fun when everyone is dangerous and vulnerable at the same time.


I would add the Shan and Cody boots as some amazing later episodes as well.


The Shan boot was an incredible episode in an okay season.


I’d argue that most of 41’s episodes were very entertaining. The first hourglass episode and episode 3 (brad boot) were both really poorly presented. Episode 2 was just kinda meh. Other than those three, I feel like every episode had a lot of interesting stuff happening However, there were definitely still some overarching problems like the under-editing of Heather and Erika & the over-editing of Xander in the post-merge


Shan, Xander + Liana Fake, Omar, Cody, Kellie, Kaleb SITD and now this episode with Qs madness are the best episodes of new era and at least memorable beyond their seasons (so far).


I think I’d throw in a couple pre-merge episodes into that as well: the JD boot (w/ Luvu’s failed challenge throw), the bonkers Jenny Kim boot episode, and the Sabiyah boot come to mind


Agree with the last two - honestly had to look up who JD was cause I didn’t find him memorable but I do remember Shan now playing him hard


The Shan boot was SO good. It felt like old school survivor slapping new survivor in the face.


Cody’s boot episode is easily the best of the new era. There’s a reason CBS submitted it for Emmys.


"tonys perfect episode"?


Yeah what episode is he talking about?


It’s the episode in Winners at War where Tony gets extorted for fire tokens which he successfully completes while simultaneously blindsiding the biggest threat in the game Sophie. I think he got 18 confessionals or something like that too, it was a fantastic episode for Tony and overall was hugely popular!


I rewatch just that episode often


It’s the best single episode for one contestant of all time in my opinion.


that episode wasnt even good


Lol maybe to you… I loved it, and many others did as well!


Mermaid dragon will live rent free in my mind for decades to come. Thank you, bhanu


If Kenzie doesn't put out a line of mermaid dragon tee-shirts, she's missing an opportunity. Also, I will be first in line to buy one.


She totally should! I'm actually kinda surprised she doesn't have merch already. She's been in the influencer space for YEARS. I followed her way back when because she was one of the first people doing the really cool hair coloring. When I saw she was casted I was like "wait...that's Kenzie from IG!" Sidenote: her IG is mostly big because she is a really talented stylist and colorist and her content is really cool. So not stereotypical influencer or anything.


She has merch now!


She actually already does. It’s a super cute design


I'll be second. I've never laughed so hard at a confessional


>If Kenzie doesn't put out a line of mermaid dragon tee-shirts, she's missing an opportunity. > So the internet can be mean and vicious and say she's a clout chaser who only cares about her own brand? Or does that only apply to Jelinsky and Carson and the likes?


The internet’s going to hate you no matter what you do. Might as well get paid


I feel like posts like these paint things in absolute black and whites. You just listed three very different people who played very differently and thus deserve their own interpretations. I also don't understand the point of this post either? Trying to point out double standards while shoving complex situations into simple black and white boxes? That's just as bad as a double standard


That person probably isn't in the group of people bitching about merch.


Oof I didn’t think it was that funny…he comes off so scripted! Like trying too hard. Cringey 😂


Hey, fair enough. Having varying opinions is what makes it great


I agree, but every season multiple times we get tons of “This is the best episode of the new era!!” posts, so I have no clue how much prominence Jeff will give to this season over some 43 or 45, which has more of the usual kumbaya casting that we’ve seen in the new era that Jeff is convinced we love


How were 43 and 45 more kumbaya than 44??


I meant more kumbaya than 46. I didn’t add 44 because I’ve seen more and more criticism of it not being a good season recently because how how predictable and boring it was


to be fair tho, the best episodes for those seasons also had lots of drama, everyone voting, fights, etc. The tribal from 43 that had lots of "best of the new era!" posts was "Telenovela" where Cody was booted. In that Episode we get Karla and Cassidy beginning to fight, Karla doing shady stuff, everyone voting, the biggest blindside with Jesse stealing Jeanine's idol and Cody's idol and using it to idol out his best friend, a strong villainous move. Same thing with 45, the episodes heralded as the "best of the new era" had fighting, drama, most people voting, people being blunt etc. So maybe Jeff will see the pattern


Last night was a great episode but we've also had plenty of great episodes since s37...


I hope he also knows that we didn’t want the Bhanu show for the first few episodes.


I feel like the bhanu show might age kinda well, like it may be a campy religious experience on a binge lol


Yeah I think the only problem with the Bhanu episodes was the fact that we watched one per week and it felt too repetitive. If you got to watch one right after the other it would be hilarious.


Someone's already made a post about how they were behind and binged the bhanu episodes back to back and found them hilarious.


Yeah I could imagine how ending the first ep thinking he was safe for awhile only to see him get voted off the very next episode could be really hilarious


I watched them back to back and definitely found them hilarious except for his boot episode. It was just too much. I really feel like they overdid his edit in that one.


I tend to agree, though he probably stuck around one episode too long. Definitely won't be as bad if you're binge watching but still not ideal.


Casuals really like Bhanu. I have a colleague that started the show recently who was said to see him get voted out - she wanted him to go all the way!


Yeah I totally get that. He was a big character and funny as hell with some of his wild reactions. I really think if they would’ve scaled back a couple of his confessionals so that it didn’t feel like 2 straight hours of Bhanu, everyone would’ve been really happy with his casting


This is my first time watching in a decade or so, and I binged the season up through last episode. I can confirm that watching the pre-merge episodes in one sitting was an amazing experience.


Yeah for sure, and watching them live not knowing how deep into the season he makes it made it worse. But on a rewatch knowing its a quick funny trainwreck will age well


The Bhanu show is aging like fine wine now that we're seeing how it ties into the Q show with the guy becoming Bhanu 2.0. And I was already a big fan of the Bhanu show at the time, so I appreciate it even more now.


While he was obviously a terrible player, I thought his episodes and self-loathing/pity and begging people to help him was comedic gold I miss him for that reason alone.


It started as funny and silly and then trended to pathetic with over the top emotional editing. I always liked when struggling players showed that they are badass people. This reminded me too much of Americas got talent when they want the audience to cry every episode


While I agree that there was a bit too much focus on Bhanu overall, personally I found his overreactions pretty entertaining. Especially the bit where he was crying to Kenzie and then just flipped to some weird focus when he asked her to find him an idol, lol.


https://youtu.be/xVbNGjImG1k?si=S8v_WQ3TB2lJycmf&t=162 The way he turn his head and hope appear in his eyes. It's magical.


Tiff straight up refusing to entertain the begging and crying on his knees was the best. She was firm but kind. Girl is a cool cucumber


Pure comedy


The season really picked up once he left, and I really don't think that's a coincidence


Bhanu was a fine character, but losing out on the other castaways was unfortunate.


I wouldn’t have hated the Bhanu stuff had they just gone to tribal in episode 3..I didn’t need to see the same thing two weeks in a row


Nah some of us loved the Bhanu experience


Agree on too much Bhanu. And really it was too much crying Bhanu. If it weren’t for the crying it would have been better.  But my god the crying… worse than Dawn. 


speak for yourself 😍😍🤓🤓


Are you one of the million hearts he has won?


hell yeah brother


Exactly. Bhanu was funny.


but actually so true, i know im always playing it off as a joke here but god damn he was an awesome character


It’s a beaten record at this point but it’s a modern Gabon. People hated it when they had to wait a week and then we see all this incompetence, but binging it back to back is very entertaining


I loved Gabon when it aired.


He did feel the need to justify him, so there's some hope there.


nah, Bhanu was hilarious just like the most recent episode. Different types of chaos but entertaining TV for me nonetheless


Jeff said he would cast Bhanu again in a heartbeat so I’m not sure about that


Please for the love of God speak for yourself. Bhanu was the most entertaining character in a long time.


True. Moreso talking about the players that made the merge mostly


They leaned into it too much, but I had a lot of fun with it


I just don’t know how they tell those two episodes story without the Bhanu show.


We complain all the time about twists, merge-a-tory etc. But at the end of the day it’s about the casting. One character like Q can make such a big impact on things.


And to think, 4 weeks ago the consensus was that 46 was one of the worst seasons in recent memory


Who’s consensus?  I was pleasantly surprised and it kept me watching. I have stopped watching more seasons of Survivor than I care to admit. But this cast was so good that they hooked me. 


I think that anyone that didn’t like Bhanu didn’t like this season 4 weeks ago. I didn’t like him and to me this season has gotten much better since he’s been gone.


There were a lot of people who felt this season was complete ass in the first 3-4 weeks, largely driven by awful players like Bhanu. But the last few weeks have been straight fire.


Episode 3 almost made me quit. I was on my phone most of the time. The Randen medivac was so unfortunate


I don't think it was a consensus. Bhanu was a polarizing character. I, for one, laughed so hard during his episodes. This has been my favorite season in a long time, including Bhanu!


Bhanu was annoying and also the other tribes were highly unlikable to me until they merged. Like I couldn't stand the Siga kumbaya scenes. The tribe with Venus and them wasn't that interesting either. They've all gotten better after merging.


Up til Bhanu boot it was easily the worst but it’s making a comeback now.




I still maintain that episodes like 2-6 were an absolutely miserable slog. Last two episodes have been much, much better. If 46 can keep the momentum it’ll go down as a good season for me, but if I were to objectively rank it so far it might be worst of the new era for me, maybe tied with 44


And now that it’s had one good episode, it’s, what, one of the best to you? This sub has zero conviction. The season is everything wrong with the New Era. If people weren’t so spineless and willing to overlook all of a season’s flaws the second something somewhat exciting happens maybe producers would take their complaints more seriously.


The new era is the end spiral of the Survivor series. It just doesn't have my interest (or most of my peers' interest) using the same Fuji camps, fewer interesting player personalities, less player diversity, large setups but less interesting challenges, fewer duration days, limited to no challenges for rewards, no family visits, no player passage, "fancy" filming technique that adds nothing to series, and no studio winner celebration. Again, most of my peers feel the same. Jeff seems to be trying to keep things interesting at the expense of what made the series great. All good things eventually come to an end. This is one of those times.


I don’t think he gives a shit what the people want. He wants to do what he wants.


Imagine if they cut half of Bhanu’s pointless & grating content and put it on developing the drama/players the first few episodes? Season would be so much better with more people invested. Editors banked on people loving Bhanu and absolutely made many viewers stop watching. I can’t imagine many “new” Survivor watchers stuck on after opening the season with the “Bhanu Saga”. Such baffling editing decisions when the cast has been awesome other than one


Charlie has to name more Taylor Swift songs than Jeff can name survivor players


Jeff is trying stuff because he cares. Some of it works, and some of it doesn’t. Name another game show host who gives it this much personal sacrifice and effort. And don’t kid yourself. The ratings are not significantly up. The same people are watching the show that always were. Some die off, a few looks-loos start watching, but the die hards will stay even through a mess like 39. That number of viewers is the core and is unlikely to increase much.


I hope so. It doesn't help that some people call even the slightest things bullying


Yeah, tired of the constant bully talk. This is a game and for entertainment.


Hard disagree. I think 3 years from now, this episode is totally forgettable with the exception of "remember when Q tried to quit and no one voted for him".


Wait, I’m out of the loop. This season is popular? It’s my least favorite or the new era, besides maybe 41. I just can’t find anyone to root for


Maybe I need to rewatch because it sounds like I’m in the minority in thinking that the last episode wasn’t very good. Dumb gameplay and I don’t necessarily get off on big personalities that aren’t also strong players.


That is completely fair. A big reason why the merge has been entertaining for me is because so many of the people have been playing horribly. It is one of those things where I can't help but laugh at these idiots. But not everyone likes that


Might be an unpopular opinion in this particular thread but i agree


I always upvote these lol because I want to see more of them, and I won’t if people just pile on downvotes. This is easily the worst sub I’ve ever been in when it comes to downvoting for simply disagreeing.


A contrary opinion, even expressed politely, is enough to get downvoted in this sub. I’m not even arguing with anyone.


I disagree, I loved the episode, but you shouldn’t be downvoted because people disagree lol. People should be free to state their reasonable opinions without fear of being slammed


Yeah this has been one of my least favorite seasons. But I acknowledge I prefer the old survivor.


The latest episode felt the most like old survivor imo No stupid lose a votes or twists A delusional player having a bit of a meltdown Players clearly not liking eachother Miles better than the rest of the new era


Yeah that’s true. I’m fine with using a diverse cast, makes for better interpersonal interactions but everyone wants to be best friends DURING the show and that ruins it for me. Compete then become friends


> everyone wants to be best friends DURING the show and that ruins it for me. Compete then become friends Yeah the new era has definitely has this problem, I agree with that


But this cast is definitely NOT trying to be best friends during the show. 


this thread is a pure example of you can’t please everybody 🤣. i loved bhanus character and Q is cancelling christmas left and right lol.


Season 37 was the best season in my opinion!


It's been reasonably entertaining minus the Bahnu saga but we haven't seen good gameplay yet this season which is what I prefer to watch rather than 'characters'. Let's get a season where people who are also good at the game are playing against people who are good at the game. I'm not implying that one archetype is better than the other and we need all physical beasts or all strategy savants, just cast fewer crazy people.


May not be a popular opinion but I do not want another season with Q or Venus at least not so soon.