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Cook Islands being a good season


cooks is actually my favorite season. I cry every time any of the aitu 4 gets a confessional. lowkey planning a rewatch now lol


It's probably because I can't track 18 people, but there's always someone on the third or fourth episode that I feel like I'm seeing for the first time. The fourth episode will come along and I'll see a castaway and I'm like, who the heck is this!? Happens to me every season.


purple edits probably don't help


I thought for the longest time candice said "F U Brad!" But it was marissa i believe. I also kept thinking south pacific was season 24 and that one world was season 23 I have no idea why.


I always mix 9-14 up


That for some reason Boston Rob and Amber both met on their first seasons together—imagine my surprise when I watch season 2 and realize he’s nowhere to be found 😂


"Hold up, bro."


For some reason I just figured Ian and Tom were the f2 of Palau. I knew/remembered Tom won, but besides Stephanie and Bobby Jon, Ian was the other person I most remembered from this season, figured that's probably why. Rewatched that final immunity challenge a few years ago and talk about being shocked. That's one thing I like about rewatching past seasons and why I don't like rewatching seasons until it's really out of my mind/memory. The more I forget or misremember, the more fun and shocking it ends up being to rewatch.


yeah i'm doing a rewatch of palau with my mom and I watched the season for the first time not even a year ago so it's kinda annoying that I remember everything, but it's fun catching on to things that I didn't before. Like I thought that steph's relationship with tom, ian, and Katie came out of no where, but no they really did make a pact on day 1 and tom was genuinely trying to link up with her during the merge. also I've found with all star seasons that it's way more fun to watch them when you know what happens. I hated seeing tom and stephenie go out so early in HvV but rewatching it a second time I was able to really enjoy sandra and parv's game play and relish in the fact that jerri lasted so long (and I did cry every time tom and steph had an ounce of screen time and was shouting so loud when tom ousted cirie. Tom is the only straight man that gives me faith in the fact that not all men are terrible lol)


I was 100% sure that Shawna got voted off before Jeanne until a recent Amazon rewatch. I was gagged when Tambaqui lost episode 5 immunity


Similar to yours, I had thought Sugar won Gabon. No idea why. Maybe because in Heroes and Villains, I had associated her with a winner group. But I was legit shocked on a rewatch of that one 🤦


Troyzan was on Game Changers

