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From everything I’ve heard from Tyson, it honestly sounds like he dumped his earnings into a broad investment fund and used the gains as his financial contribution to the family while being a stay-at-home dad. Basically he has said that Survivor was his job. Honestly I feel like he’s taken the most boring but valuable approach. 


It’s so funny that he did this when he said on RHAP before BvW that he would try to blow a million as quickly as possible. A fun life arc to follow, cocky young guy to dedicated family man.


Oh he's still cocky. Maybe even cockier if you watched him on the challenge usa


At least he has a right to be cocky, that man is great at everything lol, he dominated that show.


Angela kinda dominated, but yeah the 2 of them together was a force


Oh, absolutely. If I'm not wrong, they had 8 daily wins combined and Angela also won an elimination. They were both so robbed it's unreal.


I stopped watching the show after that season and the subsequent commentary. I know my wife kept watching, but I couldn't do it anymore.


I've always thought he was actually VERY intelligent, I think he acted the way he did because nobody around him is as smart as him and life gets boring so he acts outlandish lol


I think Tyson is the rare person who thinks he’s smarter than everyone around him, and actually is


Haha yea did Tocantins tyson say he would buy all the jewels and tiaras; a man tiara?


Tyson being a devoted, financially responsible father is so out of character from what I initially assumed he would be. That isn’t meant to sound mean, just to say that you can’t judge a book by its dry, somewhat mean spirited humor. And to be clear- Tyson is one of my favorite winners.


It’s absolutely Mormon.




Yeah he’s also parlayed his personality into becoming a popular character with a large social following really well. From his podcast sounds like he’s going a lot of influencing and making lots of money doing that


He’s popular and I’m sure he does do influencing, but it’s funny thinking of Tyson selling or hawking anything. It seems like he’d do it so begrudgingly. EDIT: Half an hour after posting this, I got an ad on Instagram of Tyson selling sunglasses.


>it’s funny thinking of Tyson selling or hawking anything Ok, so a totally random connection, but a few years back, my brother-in-law briefly started a small business with Tyson. It was called [Argon Air Guitars](https://argonairguitars.com/). Basically, it's an empty box with an "air guitar," sent as a gag gift. I think they only sold like 50 or so units.


Haha it’s funny cause I agree it seems like Tyson would never be able to take an ad seriously, but he actually does a really good job! Definitely works his sarcasm and humor into his posts


It's very unusual for people to be above it in the reality sphere now. There used to be a lot of judgement in the fanbase for it but now it's accepted unless it's something really shady.


My husband got me a birthday cameo from Tyson and that absolutely sounds like something stupid and fun that he would do for money.


Don’t forget he has his own pickle ball brand. It’s on fire right now


And he's a brand ambassador for Discraft, who is the second largest disc golf retailer. Dude loves niche hobbies/sports!


Idk how Sandra invested the money but I remember a few years back, she said still hadn't gone through the first million so it sounds like she also invested it smartly. She has the same view of survivor being her job!


Best way to do it. Since 2003, if you invested in an S&P500 index fund you'd have 800% return on investment.


How is 2003 relevant at all here? Tyson didn’t play until 2009 and didn’t win until 2013


They probably just looked at data for the last 20 years.


He also has a podcast produced by the ringer, so he’s doing pretty well


If you read through Mary Anne's old posts she claimed she would do exactly this if she won. She outlined her whole plan a couple years back in one of those "what would you do with the money?" Types posts, years before she was even on the show


He also has done the Challenge


I don't know about "richest", but All Stars basically defined the rest of Amber and Rob's lives.


I was going to guess that Rob would probably be the highest. I assume Rob has made a lot of money from other appearances, home renovation show, books, etc.


Yeah, I mean without All Stars, Rob never gets on Redemption Island, he never plays Amazing Race twice (though he didn't win, they still get prize money). Deal or No Deal Island, and books/appearances, etc.


don’t forget their wedding was literally televised


And he had a show


And my axe.


Made me lol


They were paid 7 million for the rights to their wedding. I’ll never forget that number.


Don’t forget island of the idols likely paid him a bit too


Has to have been $50k minimum, likely much more


I heard 100k each but I don’t know where I heard it


He was also rumored to have been paid a good amount in an appearance fee for both his times with Amber on TAR.


Expecting to see Rob on “The Traitors” at some point.


He also sells shoutout calls for $100+ on his website.


To be fair most cast members from recent seasons do that. I got my sister one from Naseer for her birthday a year or so ago. Rob probably has to charge that or he'd just steamroll the newer, less-popular players.


Tbf he got on Redemption Island because of HvV but he got on HvV because of All Stars so it still indirectly checks out


Rumor has it he got a $500k payday for appearing on Deal or No Deal Island


it's funny, 5-10 years into reality TV they realized that leaving things in the hands of "civillians" is stupid, with so much money on the line. That's why there are so many "lifers" inside of reality TV. If you work, they keep bringing you back. In that way, it's not really reality TV anymore. It's constructed and to some degree scripted - you're the "talent" Kinda ruined it all for me.


Survivor has had no returning players for six seasons now


They want more than the basic minimum stipend.


Bruce buddy


Ok but a one episode medevac doesn't really count as a lifer returnee


Rob didn't even leverage his winnings, he leveraged his appearances on the show.


Apart from what others have said. He has 1200 reviews on Cameo and he charges $200 a pop.


Jesus thats 200k if its each a different person.


More than likely only a small percentage give reviews so it’s probably much more


That’s probably chump change to that family. Two time winning Survivor, Amazing Race finalists, 7 other survivor appearances, one other Amazing Race appearance, Survivor staff for a season basically, Deal or no Deal Island appearance fee, Televised Wedding; CBS basically has them on retainer.


And he has a good chance of winning DOND Island too because he's the only one that understands there's an actual social game on that show. He does the same exact thing on DOND Island that he always did on Survivor; when the target is on is back he stirs the pot and gets people worried about somebody else lol.


And they are probably eons cheaper than cbs talent that's on a scripted drama... Hope they know their worth!


Yeah and my husband got me one for Mother’s Day and I was so annoyed at him for spending so much money on it. But it was really nice actually 😂


Imagine if Lex never protected Amber in AS. Their lives and the show would've ended up so differently


I hear you and raise you... If Survivor had caught that Lex was correct in the final four trivia challenge of season 3 Africa (Lindsey/Kelly piercing question) he probably would have won immunity, and the season. So who knows how All Stars would have played out.


Rob supposedly got $250K as an appearance fee for deal or no deal island (with a chance to win millions more especially since they’re clearly rigging it for him) so I’d say it’s made him pretty rich too


I wonder if it's in the other player contracts they can't eliminate him for X rounds. I haven't watched the show, but if there was multi-million that was handed money for doing almost nothing most of his life, I'd want him gone asap.


He did so well in challenges he was never really in danger until last night.


They even got CBS to pay for their wedding [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462509/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462509/)


His page is insane. Also this show looks like it may answer OPs question 😆 Rob and Amber: Against the Odds (2007) Rob and Amber Mariano head to Las Vegas, where Rob wants to use their Survivor and Amazing Race winnings to fund his dream of becoming a professional poker player. Will Amber support him in this venture? Cameras document the ups and downs of their relationship as they take on the pressures of their new life in the fast lane. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0953236/plotsummary?item=ps3821457


I kinda liked their Vegas show.


A televised wedding, two seasons on the Amazing Race, and four more returns to Survivor between them plus Rob’s stint on Island of the Idols. Now Rob is on Deal or No Deal Island where Sandra speculates he was paid $100k just to appear. Even though Rob has done more than Amber, it all stemmed from Amber’s winning season.


Tony leveraged his 1st million into another $2 million during WAW, does that count?


in between he also did game changers because they were offering him enough to come back, and he wanted to build a pool. Mad stonks


“Everyone’s eyes go biiiiiiiinnnng!” But his wallet goes bliiiiiiing!


He also mentioned that he invested in commercial real estate. As a real estate investor, that is a goal that I am working towards.


Kim invested in real estate and now she has her own home remodeling show.


She already owned a couple of stores in really affluent places. I think she must have come from money.


I was thinking of Kim when I read the title. I feel like, outside of Survivor, not merely glomming onto it and RTV in general, ala Rob, Parvati, and Tyson, she is the most successful winner.


Richard hatch by not paying taxes he got the entire mil


Game changer 😩


I know right it’s only 600 grand after Obama takes it


Makes me feel a little bit better the Australian version only pays 500k as our gameshow winnings (as well as lotteries and other cash prizes etc) are untaxed. Now to just get on the show and win....


He also leveraged his winnings to get 50 months of free meals, clothes, and rent




Is that the trick the IRS doesn’t want you to know about?


“IRS employees HATE this clever trick”


Teach me about tax fraud king!


Plus free accommodation at the government’s expense.


Erika and Maryanne also did this by not having American citizenship.


But they didn’t also get there rent paid clothes and food paid for 50 months not efficient enough


Ooh good point those are key parts of that life hack


I read that supposedly he ended up owning the IRS more than a million dollars on his $1 million thanks to penalties and interest.


And that's before Obama


Q is making a killing selling Q-skirts


I want a sQirt.


i’m reading this as skyurt


sQirt > skrrt!


Does this means tht Q wins this season 🤯


Jelinsky does


This is always something that has interested me - what are the winners doing with the money? Are they investing it, squandering it, donating it?


I think I heard Tyson mention - tongue in cheek, maybe - on his recap podcast that he is (present tense) a millionaire which is one of the things that sparked my curiosity. Which winners are still millionaires?


When Tyson was on Challenge UsA he said that if he goes to a restaurant and isn’t the richest person there, he leaves.


thats such a tyson thing to say


That’s a recipe for only going to Arby’s


I fucking love Arby’s.


I love that man so much


I didn’t like him in his first two seasons of survivor but now he’s goated.


So he asks all the guests their financial status before sitting down at a table?


Well, they are not millionaires walking off the show. It's about 640k after taxes. They need another 300k+ to become a millionaire. Easy of you invest the money and don't touch it for a few years, hard if you spend it all on a house or other items. Only Canadians get the full million.


Dang Maryanne eatin in that case


And Erika


Venus as well




I want it to be, lol. If only to watch the fandom lose their minds.


It's actually more an a million in Canada because of the exchange rate, Erica and Maryanne's was closer to 1.5 mil


There’s always one “well after taxes…” guy.


Thanks to Obama!


Calm down Jeff Kent


first of all...isn't there a 30% withholding for canadians on other shows like Jeopardy and Price is Right? that's what i understood. second, why would survivor contestants get paid this way necessarily? the show films in Fiji. also, they aren't gambling, so this isn't a lottery winning, it's a variable wage from appearing on a television show. presumably survivor players ought to be able to get creative with accounting. maybe they incorporate as "Hunter Whateverhislastnameis Inc" or whatever? idk i am not an accountant, but i hear people saying this about canadians not being taxed and i find that hard to believe since it's only online accounts parroting it and i simply can't imagine the neither the IRS nor the CRA believe income you made acting on a tv show is not taxable because your passport is maple scented.


The first winner went to jail for tax evasion. The U.S. government taxes your income if you’re a citizen anywhere in the world above a certain threshold 


Game shows are legally classified as lotteries in Canada so Erika and Marianne would have filed the million under lottery winnings, now normally they would have to pay the IRS but since they technically won the show in Fiji and CBS does have Canadian subsidiaries they may not have to pay American taxes


I mean technically, depending on what their net worth was before winning, even after they win they aren't millionaires. As Richard Hatch discovered you still do in fact have to pay taxes on it. Which I believe is around $300k+.


Well, they are not millionaires walking off the show. It's about 640k after taxes. They need another 300k+ to become a millionaire. Easy of you invest the money and don't touch it for a few years, hard if you spend it all on a house or other items. Only Canadians get the full million.


> Well, they are not millionaires walking off the show They are Billionaires if you are counting in vietnamese dongs: $640k = 16,284,821,528 VND.


Do you happen to know how much 1 million hearts is in US dollars?


I’ve heard that Fabio squandered it


I don’t know about wealthiest but I was surprised to find out Aras owns the sustainable fashion brand Christy Dawn with his wife. Definitely worth millions.


Did not know that! Christy Dawn is HOT right now!


I’ll come back to this thread after Kween Liz leverages her winnings into another multi-million dollar marketing content cooperative


Tell me you’re also a part of r/survivorcirclejerk without telling me you’re also a part of r/survivorcirclejerk




Haha …. I thought about including her with Jimmy Johnson in the “already wealthy” parenthetical.


Tony, I think? I think he invested someone of his winnings into certain projects he was working on.


Well he is in construction


Although not a winner, Rob C has a successful media network


Probably someone with a business today who invested some of it into that business,. Rob owns Mariano Construction. Tyson has his media business, not sure what else he does. Ethan did the Crunch Bowl though I don't know if that was a moneymaker for him, but he also started multiple charities, which can themselves lead to lucrative opportunities via connections with donors and shit like that. Anyway whoever has the most net worth is probably someone who currently owns a company with a high value, and I just assume that some of the money they won went into the business.


Yul? He has worked in high-level roles at Meta and Google. He’s definitely taking home a great salary. He also had other entertainment projects.


I think this counts as "unrelated money after the show" - the question is moreso about who has turned their Survivor experience or the winnings themselves into more wealth.


Yul is a freaking VP at Google and has been there since 2018, Meta from 2013 to 2018. Assuming he kept most of his vested stocks + stock refreshers, dude is likely a multi millionaire.


I feel that Yul would have been on that track regardless of what he did on survivor. Pretty sure he was working at a FAANG before survivor


Ned Schneebly probably


Rupert, while not a winner, was awarded $1M by the show and supposedly has a net worth of $4M according to those celebrity net worth sites. Those same sites have Romber at $1.3M, which is a lot lower than I’d have guessed. Rob certainly has the most prolific reality TV career of any alum. Tony’s first million punched him a ticket to winning $2M in a later season. Can make a similar argument for Sandra. Obvious loser here is Hatch, whose various legal troubles stemming from his million made it a net negative financially.


Those net worthy estimates are basically useless, especially for minor celebrities like survivor winners


Completely useless. I have a long time friend who worked in the tv industry for about 20 years. He was listed on one of those sites with a net worth of $4 million. He sent that to me with a laughing emoji and said it was about $3.7m too high, and that was just because his home had good equity.


I haven’t watched him in probably a decade, but I remember ADoseOfBuckley said their estimates on his YouTube earnings were completely wrong (I think they said he made $750K or so when I’d be surprised if he made 1% of that.)


I remember Glenn, Rob, and Charlie laughing at their supposed net worths on the Always Sunny podcast


Yeah sorry should’ve been more clear in my skepticism of it. FWIW, for Rupert it specifically says the $4M is in property, so presumably there’s a basis in publicly available info?


You wouldn’t know what they have in other investments and debts though. They could have a 4 million dollar house but if they still owe 3.5 on the mortgage then that is only a 0.5 net worth


Colby got an actual TV career, making appearances as himself and as a paid actor. Andrea is literally on TV virtually every day interviewing top celebrities. Russell on his own I'd argue is more prolific than Rob. Rob's a bit overrated honestly, it's not even about him. It's both him and amber as a unit that was interesting. And if you do the math, sandra's survivor career has paid her an average of about 60k/year (i think that's even pre-tax) As far as I understand she doesn't work outside of the show, survivor is her career.


Rumors has it that she made six figures in appearance fees for The Traitors. So even though she didn't win, she won


Queen stays Queen She was so smug that entire season run, I was convinced she won. I guess she did, lol.


If we are talking prolific post-survivor players regardless of winning or not, that title goes to Chase Rice of Nicaragua runner up turned Country Star


I'm not up on Survivor knowledge - please tell me why was Rupert awarded 1M if he didn't win?


“America’s Tribal Council”, aka The fan favorite award in All-Stars - which was probably made for Rupert since Rupertmania was absolutely huge. People who never watched a single episode knew Rupert.


Fan favorite


Because they made America’s Tribal Council happen the week AFTER the All-Stars finale. An entire episode to give Rupert a million and award a bunch of other Rupert-related awards.


The funny thing about Sandra is that her social media presence has such “average middle-aged woman” vibes that it’s hard to remember she’s won $2 million and appeared on several other shows so is probably quite rich.








Brian H possibly? Haven’t heard an update but I know after a couple years after winning his networth went up to 2.5 mill


I haven't heard anything about him in well over decade. But I definitely remember reading an article years ago about how he was staying rich with successful investments of his winnings. If you could average an 8% annual gain on a million dollars since his season was filmed you'd have $4.3 million today.


I think Tony got into flipping houses/real estate investing. Sophie went to medical school, then decided she didn’t want to be a physician. I think being able to walk away from that without debt or regret has got to feel like a million dollars.


I mean, it’s too soon to tell how this will pan out in the long run, but both Erika and Maryanne have taken home the most money for first time players. By my understanding they pay the US tax on the winnings, then they can submit something to the Canadian government and they’ll be reimbursed for it, giving them the full 1 million USD (which in Canadian dollars is over 1.3 million).


Maryanne and Erika being Canadians gives them an unfair advantage statistically


I mean it has to be Amber Brkich-Mariano I'd say Married Rob. He won another mill. Almost won a bunch of other shows.


I read somewhere Denise stapley is worth over 4 million


in my heart of hearts i hope the answer is denise, and i can see how her visibility on tv and how her personality was portrayed would directly lead to an increase in business for her


Ethan did pretty well. $1M was a lot of money for the early winners. They seem to be pretty comfortable


Ik this is about winners but the first player voted out somehow invested their 2500 dollar consolation prize money to get 1000000 dollars and donated that. Considering Richard Hatch went to prison because of tax evasion, I guess Sonja Christopher really was the true winner of that season lol


There are two schools of thought: 1) who is the richest because of the money they won (who used it the best) and 2) who is the richest with the survivor fame. I think 1 is Tyson from what Ive heard. He has said he invested it all and is able to practically live off of that and stay at home. 2) I think is a harder answer- BRob, Sandra, and Parv are probably the 3 that have used their fame the most to get other jobs, shows, etc. Overall who is the best it seems that maybe Rob? But he is also such a public figure that another winner who hasnt said much since winning is living an unknown wealthy life


Liz has more money than all of the winners put together… according to her!


Don't quote me on this but I remember reading somewhere that Brian waited a year to cash the check because he decided to establish residency in a state with lower taxes.


This is not how income taxes work. 


He would’ve been unpleasantly surprised come next tax season then.


This is something that sounds like what Brian would do, but he stayed in CA. I don't know when he moved. [https://money.cnn.com/2003/01/10/pf/millionaire/rp\_millionaire\_survivor/index.htm](https://money.cnn.com/2003/01/10/pf/millionaire/rp_millionaire_survivor/index.htm)


Checks are generally void after 6 months.












All I know is it’s not Fabio 😭


I’m not knowledgeable on all winners but I would assume that the few winners from Canada would have done better since I don’t believe winnings like that get taxed here the same as in the US? Plus our exchange rate lol


i feel like chris u is lowkey a contender


Not a winner but Sonja took like her 10,000 stipened and created an organization that raised over a million dollars in like a year


Elisabeth from Australian Outback was on the view and is apparently to worth $16 million


She's also married to an ex-football player so that might count in to some of it. (Not that Tim made that much money as an always-backup)


Yeah but Tim Hasselbeck has been on ESPN for years. That’s probably a huge source of income


If we’re going by that Heidi married a MLB pitcher with 200 million in career earnings


Pretty sure Rob got paid a shit ton to do Island of Idols. Like near a million cause Sandra and Rob actually lived on the island too


The obvious answer is Elizabeth Hasslebeck. I doubt anyone else has close to 16 mill in earnings. Jimmy Johnson is worth more but you can’t really count him since he walked in famous. Same for Mike White who is around 10 million.


OP's question asks about Survivor *winners*.


Rita from OG Figi parlayed her appearance into TV hosting and producing gigs. She prolly has a nice net worth.


If I had a I guess - Rob / Tyson / Wendell and Kim have all parlayed their appearance into multiple other jobs and tv shows, including multiple appearance fees on Survivor.


Idk Ethan prolly sold millions of cereal/milk bowl thingies


Michelle would be my guess


Definitely Gabler


My money is on Yul being the wealthiest. He started off well off and likely made the most of his prize money.


Maryanne or Erika - just by living in Canada and it being with 35% more (and they can apply to get their taxes they paid back since they aren't US citizens)