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She has that ability to almost immediately move the target off her easily without it look like scrambling. Reminds me of players like sandra


Yes! Tiff is playing Sandra's game!


YES! Wow!


See I’ve been thinking she’s a lot like Cirie, because of her chill energy, being able to work with all sorts of personalities, and getting exasperated with everyone’s nonsense. Even her voice sounds a bit like Cirie’s imo. Edit: typo


The big difference is that Tiff has those GUNs. Does anyone else clock her biceps? She's locked and loaded.


YES - I was so shocked and SO happy that she was able to get the target off her back so quick. AND, to not have a single vote cast for her? Damn! I love Tiffany and want her to win so bad! My concern for her in the coming episodes tho is that her alliances have all fallen apart: Yanu Three are done, the Six never really happened, and now even Kenzie is conspiraing against her? That sucks.


Yeah and I don’t even get what Kenzie’s deal with that right now is, either. It still feels too early to turn on your number 1, especially with this much turbulence afoot. I’ve actually been rooting for Kenzie to win myself, but this has me second guessing myself.


People are too obsessed about being able to claim moves. Just get to the end with a combo of Venus, Liz, and Q and she automatically wins purely by being more liked by the jury


It’s why I think Charlie wins. He seems to be the only one with enough sense to know everybody is trying too hard to make moves. He’s going to roll with the flow of the game. Eventually he will probably get targeted, but it’ll probably be too late by then


Kenzie has big-move-itis. She's had it since episode 1, but the bhanu mess and merge slowed her down for 3 episodes. She's back in full dragon mermaid form. If Q wasn't here, she'd be a major target alongside ben. Ironically, Tiff has received no votes, and neither has Liz or Charlie. Tiff is the bigger threat.


I think Charlie and Maria are the big threats….tiff thinks she has a strong plus 1 but I don’t know about that! lol but both Charlie and Marie operate as one esp with Charlie coaching Maria on not playing on her emotions….the group needs to split thoes two up


Quietly running the game is a much better place than trying to make big moves. Practically no risk. I agree with Maria and Charlie, they understand the big threats and are tip toeing their way around removing them rather than relying on multiple peoples trust/word.


if kenzie wanted to pull something like that she should’ve at least had the sense to wait until tiffs idol was gone. no idea why she tried this early on. and she couldn’t pull it off. i also thought she was going to win, but based on how this cast has acted so far someone’s definitely going to tell tiff that kenzie tried to blindside her and i can’t see that going well for kenzie


I agree I really dont know where she goes from here: The Siga three dont trust her and also dont like that she has an idol (I feel like not playing at this tribal like she told them she would is going to put a big target on her back) Kenzie already wants her out and has decent ties to Siga at this point Tiff wont work with Q Liz is on her own and seemingly going to spiral next episode Venus is Venus Where does she go? I feel like she lost contorl of the game and made herself a target. Im honestly not that high on her or her "move" (she unintentionally got the votes off her)


I don't even think you've told the whole story. It was her argument with Q that led Hunter to think she would vote Q, and so there was a chance he could avoid playing his idol. Even more, she dropped that Q was saying Hunter's name in the midst of the argument... which was the set up for Hunter, and it immediately made Hunter take note, and that's when he started thinking about changing his game play. While I get the attention is on Hunter not playing his idol... I really don't get why Tiff hasn't been getting much credit for such great game play. So many are mentioning Venus and Kenzie for lying to Hunter... but it was Tiff who owned Hunter there. And she STILL comes out of it with her idol in her pocket to boot...


Hunter credits her and only her for why he didn't play his idol. I think that might be important later.


I love he is giving credit where credit is due. Tiff did play that round perfectly.


Kenzie voted Q though?


Kenzie and Venus didn't technically lie because they did vote for Q the first time, but felt like that split was orchestrated in case Hunter did play his idol and he was the main target.


It couldn't have been a split with Q there. Otherwise they'd have to convince Q to vote Hunter. Charlie and Maria are playing the malcom and denise game here and doing it wonderfully. Without those two as a voting block, hunter would still be here. They were overjoyed, and kenzie wanted to out. Just as happy others wanted hunter out. They'd have just as easily voted for kenzie or ben, too. Such a great position for those two. Q telling Charlie to throw is even more laughable considering maria and charlie are doing so well.


Also, the first vote was Q/4: Kenzie, Hunter, Ben, and Liz. Hunter/4: Venus, Tiff, Charlie, Maria. Ben/1: Q. The second vote was Q: Ben, Liz. Hunter: Venus, Tiff, Kenzie, Maria, Charlie. Kenzie didn't need to flip, but why take chances.


Those votes aren’t correct. The 3 Nami + Kenzie were the first Q votes. Everyone except Liz changed to Hunter on the revote. Ok yeah just downvote me instead of fact checking yourself


they were splitting votes


Venus and Kenzie didnt even vote Hunter in the first tribal rounds - they dont deserve any credit


they split the vote


Her smile before the vote was even fully read said it all, she knew she played it perfectly. That was some well earned satisfaction. Meanwhile Hunter being desperate for repeated validation from every single person, and he still doesn't play his idol... I have no words. It was interesting that they were in similar positions to each other circumstance wise, while their gameplay was night and day.


Real. Hunter was my pick this season and it was so frustrating to watch. How many times do you have to tell yourself that you are gonna 100% play your idol before you actually play it man jeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz.


Tiff was my preseason winner pick and I've been loving her game. She successfully navigated the premerge by being in the power alliance despite the disaster of her tribe. Was the #1 to both Q and Kenzie. Did a great job of staying under the radar after the merge. I really feel like if Q hadn't blown up her game by telling everyone about her idol and targeting her last episode, she would've had a clear path to the end. She should get a lot of credit for how she handled telling everyone she was playing her idol and getting the votes off of her (although I don't the she knows she was the main target at first). Hunter in his exit interview alluded to the vote split on him and Q being Charlie's plan, but Tiff was instrumental in getting Hunter to not play his idol so they could get him out. As it stands though, I'm worried about her going forward. Kenzie was willing to turn on her to make a big move, and Maria and Charlie were also going for her. She and Q are done. Her idol is still a big threat to everyone else. Maybe she can pull in Liz and Venus?


I think Venus and Liz would vote with Kenzie if it came down to it. They talked a lot more this past episode, who knows it is Survivor.


Oh I agree, I think it would be a long shot for Tiff to be able to pull together the numbers to do anything. Kenzie has had an excellent social game post merge and everyone seems to want to work with her.


I got the sense that Venus and Kenzie were also lying to Hunter. They were selling him hard on it being Q so he wouldn’t play his idol. It definitely looked like the plan was to split the votes on Hunter and Q in case Hunter played it. 


Putting yourself in their shoes, the only reason for siga to not flush Tiff’s idol next is if they straight up want her to win


That move by Tiff was really impressive. But also the tribe's inertia was really leaning toward Hunter and Q, anyway. Splitting the votes between those two guys was the easiest move for everyone. Far as I can tell, the only reason Tiff was really a suggestion was that someone (I forget who) wanted it to be a big move for their own "resume." The logic was "she'll never expect it." The cast member who started on the bottom for me but is really climbing every episode is Charlie. That dude defeated the challenge beast in an attrition challenge. And the dude he defeated was the dude everyone has been eyeing for a vote out since the beginning. It's like he unlocked the tribe's future with that win.


I think the things that *she* did were good, but her position in the game is substantially worse now considering that Kenzie has suddenly flipped on her for some reason. Like, she’s in a *really* dire spot because of that. She doesn’t have a single legitimate ally remaining.


Agreed.I also didn’t think her further alienating Q was a good move.Thats one person who is still has a vote that other people can pick up to vote her out.The move was flashy good but she has very little room to maneuver right now


I agree I think she is not positioned well. Also I dont get why shes getting so much credit for this move when realistically she unintentionally got the votes off her (which she didnt know was happening) and has no idea what she actually did. It was literally an accident. Also siga is already worried about her idol. tiff saying she wants to play it so people dont worry about it and target her and then not playing it is going to make siga more paranoid about her idol and make her a bigger target. Combine that with her seemingly terrible postiiton in the game I dont know why people are so high on her right now.


i really thought she was gone when everyone was throwing out her name, even kenzie. incredible damage control and she executed it perfectly.


I want to see so much more of Tiff!


She better play it next episode or she’s gone. You can’t bluff your way through an idol twice I don’t think


Huge target she just put. Almost guarantees they put votes on her in case she does this again


I don't think Tiff is winning the game, mostly because if she was, that episode would have been about her and Hunter, not Kenzie and Hunter. Tiff was small potatoes compared to the actual threat in the game.


People keep saying oh tiff is a threat and I kept saying I think Kenzie is more of a threat just looking at it from a social stand point. But the way tiff turned that ship around last night!!! I can see why she is something to be worried about! I think kenzie trying to take tiff out was a bad move but hey maybe that was something they both planned to get people off tiff’s radar


It would be a lot more impressive if she actually knew that votes were coming her way and she did it defensively. Tbh Im not that high on it since she accidentally saved her own ass and is oblivious to it. It wasn't intentional so I cant give her that much credit. I also feel like saying your going to play it to get ahead of people trying to target you for an idol and then not playing it is going to put a target on her back and make people more scared of the fact that she has an idol. Also not really that high on Tiff either way after this episode because I feel like I dont really know where she goes from here: the three siga dont trust her and dont like that she has an idol (mind you she said she was going to play it and didnt so now they will likely be even more paranoid about it), Kenzie already wants her out and has ties with Siga, she wont work with Q, Liz is kind of on her own now and from previews is seemingly going to spiral, and Venus is Venus. Where does she go from here?


I think we got a little Easter egg that Tiffany will win the season, when Kenzie said she needed to get Tiffany out, but maybe I’m reading too much into it


Maybe tiff will also get the idol back in circulation. Shouldn’t there be 2 idols with 2 going out unplayed?


Next out


I think its likely she goes soon too. She is in a terribel postionn in the game with no control. Siga has all the control and is the largest tightest group. They dont trust her and they dont like that she has an idol. tiff saying she was going to play it and then not playing it is going to make that target on her back bigger. Kenzie already wants her out and has decent ties to Siga. She wont work with Q Liz is on her own and seemingly is going to spiral Venus is Venus.




Im think she goes soon too. Shes positioned terrible in the game.