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I appreciate that all of them were willing to sign a contract to become guinea pigs on TV and expose their behavior to the world for our enjoyment. I truly respect all of them for that.


I am kinda shocked at the amount of "They think they're the main character of the show" comments on the sub. Why wouldn't these people think they're the main characters? We need main character energy on the show for entertainment. Why would people come on the show and think they would be background characters? They probably wouldn't be cast if they thought that.




Right? This happens basically every season where basically everyone who makes the merge thinks they're the main character and 75+% of them are shocked at how the edit shows them


The main character thing is just one of those Reddit phrases in general that people love to use and other people salivate while upvoting because they said the thing. Gaslighting is another. No matter how incorrectly it is used (Hey Hai) people love to toss it around and others love to upvote it


Not to mention some of the most beloved characters reek of main character syndrome. Boston Rob, Russell, Ozzy, Tony, Sandra, Devens, George from Australian Survivor. All excellent tv because of their MCS, but now it’s suddenly an issue this season


I love those that think they are the main character!!! It makes for the most entertaining players


Exactly! I want main characters. I don't want someone committed to being a side character. You're trying to win the game, not be around during the game.


Conversations about this season are unintentional comedies


this season has really laid bare for me how mean-spirited a lot of survivor fans are. like, i get that it's a trashy reality show, but there's been soooo much ugliness in the comments this season.


I think it’s fine to say “I don’t like this player because of XYZ and I think/hope they should lose.” This could include game choices or the way they act/talk to people. It’s not wrong to call out or criticize villainous behavior. I think it only becomes too much on the rare occasion when people go too far and say “omg they are a disgusting POS person in real life and I hope lots of bad things on them. Let me DM them hateful messages telling them how horrible they are and spam review their place of business.”


> I think it only becomes too much on the rare occasion when people go too far and say “omg they are a disgusting POS person in real life and I hope lots of bad things on them. Let me DM them hateful messages telling them how horrible they are and spam review their place of business.” Does this actually happen on this subreddit? If so, I've never seen it. On the other hand I *do* see, frequently, threads like this one calling out people for "hate and vitriol" directed at the players. Calling Q a dumbass and Liz delusional on a public discussion forum dedicated to a show they're participating in is not vitriol. They are characters on a TV show. They signed up for this knowing the risks and potential rewards. If they didn't want to be famous/infamous, there are plenty of other adventures they could have done that aren't nationally televised. That being said, I of course do not condone reaching out to players directly via DMs on any social media platform and spewing insults or threats at them.


The death threats and hate towards contestants is totally uncalled for. But I've never seen death threats here. I see the occasional "I hate X contestant" but that's pretty universally downvoted from what I've seen. I do see a lot of people critiquing behavior or strategy of certain players and then someone jumping in telling people to stop with the hate posts pretty regularly in threads. And for the most part it seems like they're projecting how they think the op feels instead of realizing a ton of different people come here and want to talk about the nuances of the contestants.


> for the most part it seems like they're projecting how they think the op feels instead of realizing a ton of different people come here and want to talk about the nuances of the contestants. Well said. I think this is exactly what's going on.


I have zero idea what OP is talking about, either. I wish these folks would call out people’s comments directly rather than post these blanket scoldings that feel more like karma farming than anything else.


I’m relatively new to Survivor Reddit. I used to be only on Facebook, and then Twitter on the last couple of seasons. It’s really interesting how different the opinions seem to be on each platform. Facebook tends to be anti strong female players and all about the young comp beast white guys. Twitter is basically the opposite. Reddit is kind of a little bit of everything. I know there are some fans that reach out to players personal social media accounts to be mean like Instagram or Twitter. I do tend to think if you’re going to be on discussion boards, you need to have really thick skin and be ok with reading less than positive observations about yourself


It was like this last season. This sub has some issues. A lot of gamebots that think they know better and are better than the contestants on the island.


I saw someone put it once that “this sub is full of people who think they’d be brilliant strategists, but they’d mostly by premerge train wrecks, and the absolute best of them would make a big move at 10 to get voted out at 8”


Everyone shat on Brandon last season and Jess, but a vast majority of this sub would do worse.


It's not new and it sucks. It's a show where people aren't eating or sleeping much while having to be physical and strategic, only to be met with "this person is such a hypocrite", "they're so irrational!", "they don't deserve to still be in the game", etc. Fucking recognize some context people. You can be frustrated with someone without doing a total value judgement of who they are.


I find this a fascinating dynamic. We all, conceptually, understand how much these folks suffer, when it comes to no sleep, no food, rampant paranoia, etc. AND YET! It's so common not to take any of that into consideration when judging the players. Like, that challenge on day 18 should be performed at peak performance, and not the tail end of dragging ass barely waking up in the morning, all cut up and starving and gone.


People here have always been like that.


I think this season got worse. Somehow every single castaway triggered somebody enough to make a dedicated hate post. It wasn’t as bad before.


It feels like the big brother audience migrated


I enjoy the trash and praise talk equally from fans and contestants respectively. If there is ill intent behind anyone's words, it is a sad reflection on who they are as a person.


Agreed. The show is edited in ways that do kind of poke fun at the players…. Are we not supposed to laugh?


The amount of people scrutinizing Liz’s diet like it’s any of their business really grates me


The amount of people saying she's making up all her allergies is infuriating.  Like first of all even if she's allergic to something that doesn't mean the allergy is severe. Secondly she's never outright said WHAT all she's allergic to.


Great point. I knew someone who had like 15-20 allergies and the reaction would vary significantly. Some foods were "get out the epipen" and others would give her a migraine. I found out not too long ago that I'm allergic to chocolate, but it only gives me sinus symptoms. I don't know how, I don't know why, it just is. I can't have wheat either, because it gives me upper back pain for several hours.


I get an itchy throat after eating certain raw fruits and vegetables (my body confuses their proteins for the proteins of plants I am allergic to, which is almost all of them). Sometimes I still eat those fruits or vegetables and take a Benadryl because they're delicious. I'm not making it up. I'm technically allergic to them I just won't die.


Totally valid, of course — but you probably wouldn’t, on Survivor, then make a big show about how you “can’t eat anything” due to that condition, right? Either it’s severe enough that it’s really impacting her island life more than others or it’s simply not a big deal and she can’t quite identify the allergies, their effects, or whether they come from “negative energy” (lol) and it seems like she is trying to have it both ways based on her statements on the show.


First off, I'd never go on survivor LOL. Since they got rid of starting rice I'm outs due to medications I require needing to be taken with food. However if I chose to go on a show where I can't eat anything I wouldn't make a big deal of it.


For sure. I think what can get grating for people is that she chose to make a big deal out of this amorphous condition that sometimes seems prohibitive to being on Survivor at all, by her own statements… but that other times she also can’t really identify/describe and attributes to wild causes. I’m not saying that she doesn’t have some health condition. I’m saying that the way she has gone on to present it (independent of the edit) understandably rubs people the wrong way.


> Secondly she’s never outright said WHAT she’s allergic to Respectfully, I think that this is exactly why people roll their eyes at her claims, the way that she’s chosen to speak about her allergies have made them seem pretty amorphous and unclear… it doesn’t help that she, with seriousness, hypothesized that perhaps her allergies are a result of her unexpressed, pent up feelings (lol).


Yes! A visual population of this fanbase has gotten extremely weird about the contestants and needs to cool it.


Big Brother stan twitter saw Cirie, jumped in, and pissed in the pool soooo hard.


Totally agree. The general way I evaluate players is: 1) neutral (most players) 2) like (a handful LOVE) 3) meh (not strongly negative feelings, just 🤷‍♀️) People are so different and play in different ways, and I think that’s a beautiful thing on Survivor & in life. No reason to get butt hurt based off of the way someone plays (but mainly how they are portrayed) on reality show. Honestly the aspect I find most interesting is the dynamic between players, and when interesting things happen within the game itself/gameplay, like those 4 idols in a row not being played. *** (Agree on “As long as no one is genuinely crossing a line or being problematic irl”)


4. Dan Spilo


5. Mike Skupin


He was alright in-game I suppose. But if we’re including issues post game we gotta add Silas and John Raymond




I think this show is so interesting because it reveals archetypes and stereotypes; not only in the players but in the addicts watching the game itself. It truly exposes human character on all levels.


Harassing contestants and their families is a right enshrined in the Constitution--if you don't want me breaking into your house and writing obscenities on your walls in lipstick, then don't sign up for a reality show. In all seriousness though, I think everyone understands that when you make statements like "This player is nice" or "This player is annoying," both of those statements are based on a curated set of clips designed to build characters and construct coherent storylines, and are just a narrow slice of who that person might be outside the show. That person you see on TV may not be as nice or annoying if you were to meet them on the street. As such, when you read comments that criticize your faves (or even your non-faves), we should be extending those people the same amount of grace as we would have extended to ourselves when talking about other contestants. *Yes*, we understand the inherent limitations of our character assessments--we shouldn't have to insert that disclaimer before we make a remark on the personality of every single contestant, regardless of whether that assessment is positive or negative. Our entire discussion in this forum is based on that mutual understanding.


It’s been getting worse and worse each season


You’re just now realizing that Reddit is full of salty miserable people?


I think thorough discussion, judgments, and whatever else is fine on here. People just shouldn't be contacting contestants or their family or friends directly. By going on the show, you make yourself a public figure.


I don’t think players get as much grace as they use to because the season is shorter, they’re quickly provided a lot of tools they need for food/shelter, and there are more food-based rewards. Survivor seems easier so the players are expected to be “tougher.”


Yeah people have been terrible in particular this season with making judgements and assumptions about the contestants.  I don’t get it 🤷 


lol it’s the internet/social media.


Yes, social media and the internet allow people to say things and act in ways they would never do in person. It brings out the bad in human beings. People have always been mean, the internet amplifies it and makes it even worse. 


Yeah what do people expect its likes this everywhere on the internet not just this sub


You're on reddit this is loser central. People aren't going to know how to take a piece of media as entertainment and fun and they always have to ruin it. That's just how many of these people are.


100 percent agree. I love how messy this season is but a lot of players have experience bullying, racism and hate. We have a responsibility to make sure some of the conversation that are happening here don’t start to breed toxic fans that then go on to bully the contestants. These are real people and we know that online bullying has real life consequences. We need to take some accountability for what is happening to them and ensure that comments that cross the line are called out/reported


I think it's more likely people see criticism of gameplay and somehow think that's "hate".


There’s been A LOT of comments absolutely going in on Liz in particular I’ve noticed even on this subreddit people calling her a manipulative sociopathic liar.


Interesting. I'll be the first to say the dumbest thing she did was bragging about being a self made millionaire on the first few days. However that doesn't equate to manipulative sociopathic liar IMHO. Hell the way I see it she's usually the one being manipulated


People here are convinced she’s lying about her alllergies.


I disagree. People have been dogging on Liz, calling her entitled and that she's a horrible person and whatnot. Bahnu got called a crybaby constantly. People hate on Venus, and Maria. It's almost never about their gameplay, just attacking who they are as a person and their character.


But these are also criticisms of the characters that are being presented to us on the TV show. When I say “Liz is entitled”, I’m saying the version of Liz who were being shown is entitled. I don’t know the real Liz at all, so it’d be silly to think that that’s a personal attack. These people are all super conscious they’re on a TV show and are playing a character. Q especially feels like a caricature. The producers/editors then play up what they want to play up from it. As viewers, we cheer for, root against, praise, and critique them as what is shown.


saying "Liz is entitled" is literally defining a personal attack are you silly? you're not saying "the way liz is being presented on this television show makes it appear as though she is entitled," you're just saying it about Liz, unless you specify it. (you'd also still be wrong - liz is fine)


The point is that it’s absolutely ridiculous to preface all commentary on the actions of people on the show as “the way [castaway] is being presented on this show on the whole and in this situation in particular makes me think/feel that they…”. Any commentary should have this understanding implicitly because it’s literally what all of us are going on, maybe with some context from their social media or limited interviews. You saying she’s not entitled is “the way Liz is being presented on this show makes me think that they are not entitled like many people assume”. Lol I’m as wrong or right as you are. We’ll never know.


I think it's understood by all of us that we're being shown an edited version of these contestants in service of fleshing out character traits and constructing coherent narrative arcs, no? Wouldn't it be more constructive to read other people's comments through the lens of those underlying assumptions? Or do we really have to preface every single comment about a contestant with "The way the show is editing X is..." >you'd also still be wrong - liz is fine "Liz is fine" is just as much a personal remark as "Liz is entitled" and both statements are based on the same (very small) amount of information--it's not like the two of you are watching different shows, after all--your assessment of Liz is just as ill-informed as anybody else's. And yet I don't see you disclaiming your "Liz is fine" comment with a clarifier that communicates "the way liz is being presented on this television show makes it appear as though she is fine." Instead, you just say "Liz is fine" and leave it at that. Maybe we should be holding the same expectations for others as we do for ourselves, and extending the same amount of grace for others in these conversations as we extend to ourselves.


I mean that would be great if it was only based on gameplay, but that’s clearly not true. There is a lot of genuine personal distain for multiple players this season. It feels like every week a new player is called a “bully” “mean girl” “exposing their true nature” any sort of insult. If I only saw people being criticized based on gameplay, I wouldn’t have made this post. But sadly I constantly see contestants being called terrible things on a personal level in highly upvoted comments.


I've also seen quite a few people state that certain players remind them of people they had bad experiences with in their life. People like to project their own experiences onto the players.


Is it criticism to have people say Liz deserved to be divorced, her daughter is/should be embarrassed by her, and that she’s “clearly” lying about her allergies and therefore a chronic entitled liar? That is hate on her, not gameplay.


Jesus people have said those things?!?! Yikes. I just sat "I don't want to watch Q anymore" and feel like trash


All and all, it's a decent group of people. I'd be happy to have a beer with all of them. The only one that I would need a timeout from is Bhanu. That guy would get on my nerves in increments larger than having lunch together. He comes off emotionally needy.


I love coming onto this sub and seeing if my vibes about the castaways are validated. If my opinions about people are reciprocated, it makes me think I’d be a better survivor player than thou because I would never say such socially damaging things. Lol. Or I’ll get mini-triggered by a comment (example: Maria boasting about unmedicated childbirth) and love it when people come on here and name all the reasons why it’s wrong. Makes me feel better. In general, I love both the trash talk and the stans. The personal insults take it too far but I honestly don’t see it a lot. Low key the players signed up for this… social media attacking happens every season.


It's honestly creepy. I honestly blame it on more casuals and oldies and other small-town Americans adopting social media like Reddit and Twitter and expressing the worst shit on their mind for the first time. You should see the Deal or No Deal Island sub... literally dozens of posts and comments calling all the women on the show who weren't working with Boston Rob "vile," "disgusting," "bitches," etc., from 1-2 year-old accounts named "margie1968" or something.


I agree with this except I think if they did cast an old school villain and that person came out and owned the fact they are here to be a villain in their confessionals I don’t think they would get nearly as much hate as someone like Maria


For real, everyone is an armchair psychologist and it's "narcissists" all the way down. God forbid people act with less than perfect regard and grace on a TV show where they're all starving for a month! God forbid people have personality conflicts, someone has to be the bully, someone has to be the victim. I love trash talk but unfortunately I sense some of it is serious.


Obligatory OMG ALL of the sub wanted villains now something something happens and you ALL don’t want villains now?! Shitpost


The ping pong-ing drives me nuts. People were lauding Maria for weeks and then she has one slip up on picking people for reward and suddenly she’s Satan incarnate, people are picking apart every thing she’s said and even judging her on her occupation. A week before she was a lot of people’s winner pick. I also think, and this is a non-sequitur, people who complain about not having villains anymore are suffering from Post Russell Syndrome. You don’t need to be destroying other people’s property and throwing ad hominems every confessional to be a villain. This season has had PLENTY. Venus was a villain with her edit and how unliked she was by most. Q is FOR SURE a villain with the chaos he brought and his ability to flip flop on both other players and from “I am at peace with going out” to “I did that on purpose to stay in”. Maria could probably be considered a villain with how she has been calling the shots and with her last two episodes. Hell, Liz could be considered a villain with her tantrum. If this was pre HvV every one of these people would unquestionably be on the villains tribe minus maybe Maria, but even if she was a Hero you’d be getting “Why is Maria a Hero?” Posts. The way I see it, Q is basically an analog for Coach, Venus is basically an analog for Courtney, Maria is probably closest to a Boston Rob and Liz is closest to like an Abi Maria. All of those people are villains. Fans are acting like you need to be advocating murder openly or something. Rant over.




I've watched every season as they aired, but the last few casts have been VERY bad. I quit on this season a few episodes in and it seems like I made the right decision.


You did. Not one character actually plays an entertaining game. People think otherwise either not watched survivor from season 1 or easily entertained


As someone who adores what Venus brings to the show, I’m really disappointed in her “stans” who harass her “opps” really bringing down the vibe tbh. They’re so comically petty and doing her no favors. They should worry how it will affect how the show casts and edits players or even how future players play.


Welcome to the internet.


This site is judgemental every season. Monday morning quarterbacks. Although there are a few who actually attempted to play Survivor (and maybe even fewer, who made it to the end), there are do many more that know so much more and could do such a better job, yet they are watching it every week from the comfort of their home, eating hot meals, sleeping in soft beds, and not using the ocean as a toilet.


The thing that rattled me the most was the Bhanu hatred by people not knowing his full story it was crazy


If you sign up for a tv show, you are signing up for scrutiny. All public figures should realize this. Fans of the show have seen how casts in the past have reacted to all the deprivations that come with Survivor. There have been some horrendous conditions. When someone excuses players because of the lack of sleep or food it’s a cop out. Don’ t volunteer to have a camera record your every move if you don’t want to be judged


>When someone excuses players because of the lack of sleep or food it’s a cop out. How is it a cop-out?


With regard to Maria, I never disliked her. But, when she asked them to plead their case, essentially beg for pizza, it left a sour taste in my mouth. Then, she said she wanted to take the ones that needed it the most, then let Q who just had a 3-course meal go the next day. She won, she could have picked whoever. But, to do it in that fashion, was disturbing. If she’s like this on TV, I don’t want to know how she is in real life.


You can't be self-aware enough to realize this post is about people like you?


you’re worried she’s a bad person in real life because she made a weird decision in the game? it’s not that serious, you gotta relax a little bit


Then she should have picked whoever she wanted. It was awkward, and all of the other players saw through it. Even Q cackled and laughed hysterically, because he thought it was funny he got picked, having just ate a huge meal. If you say you’re doing it for certain reasons, then completely contradict yourself, that’s on her. All I said was, “it left a sour taste in my mouth”. All of the contestants had their jaws to the floor. Everyone can have their own opinion.


If you're like this on reddit, I can't imagine how you are in real life. 


Generally, people have opinions based on how people act, or don’t, accordingly. I’ll bring over pizza to your house when you know it’s coming, then ask “plead your case why you deserve this pizza”. Then, I’ll go next door to someone that just had dinner, and give it to them. If you knew what I did, you would probably say; “what an asshole!”


But you literally just said “if she’s like this on here, I can’t imagine how she is in real life” — no, they are all starving and lying to everyone. They are there to win the game. She had a tough decision to make, fumbled when speaking and picking. How is that a reflection of her real life? It’s a game, her move, no one is being their ‘real self’ on Survivor. This original post is for people with your mindset.


This comment is exactly what OP is talking about. “I don’t like how she did X in the game, she must be horrible in real life.” What even is that take.


I never said “horrible in real life”. Her actions are a reflection of her as a person.


“Real life” and “reflection of her as a person” are the same thing.


Why would someone like her better for gloating, making people beg for pizza, and all of the survivors were SHOCKED by this.


I think they’re all whiney crybabies — sorry


Hey bud thats what the internet is for welcome to 2024