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Disappointed with Maria's reasoning for voting for Kenzie. Someone making fire in one moment seems like a petty reason to vote against the person who outplayed you.




that’s literally what the show has been like since its inception lmao, it’s just more pronounced in the new era because players are smarter (and have 40+ seasons to go off of). i can kind of understand that argument for 41-43 (43 especially), but the tika 3 dominated 44 and are all great players, same with reba 4 in 44 and dee is arguably the best new era player, and both charlie and kenzie played great games. who from the top 7 would u have preferred to be in the final 3? surely not liz, venus, or q. maria i can understand but she totally sunk her game by the end and i doubt she would’ve beaten kenzie or charlie had she made it. also, misfit weaklings is extremely patronizing and does not at all characterize most of the 18 players who have made the final 3 in the new era. i’d like to see you do better


Just finished watching. Good laud, Charlie was robbed. Outwit, Outplay, Outlast and Outsob(story)


I just finished binge watching this season... wtf? Charlie was the Svengali behind the Svengali. hands down the best player I've seen in a long time. leaving ALL options open, never saying the word "NO", class was in session watching homeboy play. even and especially controlling Maria and she didn't even know it. and Kenzie????? pfffft!


The “it takes two to beat you” pissed me the heck off omg she didnt earn that win smh. Liz whats the point of u even being on here


Maria wasn't as good as she pretended to be.  She didn't even vote for her rhm, Charlie. He would have voted for her because he was true blue. She cost him the game because she was a bitter he outplayed her!


I know I’m late but I only just now watched the finale. It kind of solidified what I thought earlier in the season when she took Q on a second reward… it WASNT a mistake in a moment of panic. She knew what she was doing and was trying to make herself look better after there was so much backlash.


that. is. 100% FACTS!! that's exactly what she did. talking about Kenzie's story gave her the feels that's why she got her vote! bullshit! she was just bitter because Charlie outplayed her!


Finally finished watching the finale. Charlie should have won. Qs question about "what are you going to do with the money" and the fact that it so clearly influenced the jury's decision, was absurd--and completely irrelevant to the game! It's not about "out-need", it's "out-wit, out-last, out-play". Otherwise why not just have that discussion about the "money" on the boat ride over and forego all the rest? Kenzie (who I liked) even admitted that she was a free-ride on most of the votes. Of the three, only Charlie did ANY heavy lifting (Ben did nothing).


I remember feeling like the moment Tiff said no Swift or rock comments, the writing was on the wall against Charlie and Ben, although I told my husband Ben was going to be the zero-vote player before they even sat down. Then Charlie said he wanted to use some of the money to pay off his student loans, and that was it for him, no matter that he played the best game. Then, after Kenzie's plea, that was the nail in the coffin. Feels like this season, gameplay was secondary to grudges and whoever had the best speech at the end.


Two players both in last place ,when this was an individual challenge. Kenzie gets help to get her plank she did not ask for the help I didn't like it one bit.Why would they allow that to stand.Why call it an individual challenge when everyone else gave it their all with no help. I am confused an disappointed. 


Agree! That should NOT have been allowed. How was that fair?


I feel that the two against one on the puzzle competition changed the outcome of the whole game .I felt the name outwit,outlast and outplay was compromised.How can A player in last place go and retrieve the plank when all the other players did it themselves. Changed the whole outcome of the game.Sole Survivor.


That was terrible. That was so unfair to everyone else. You should not be able to help anyone else. It's an individual challenge!


Thought it was a great twist, it is definitely outwit and outplay so happy for Kenzie


Is this the worst season ever


Not worst probably, but it was a bit of a dud for sure. If you’ve never watched some Australian survivors, go look up where to start and go nuts. You’ll laugh at how bad our survivor is currently compared to some of those. (I’ve heard there’s a S.African one that’s a top notch dragon that I need to find as well). I’d go find some to wash the taste out if your mouth if you hated this one. You won’t be sorry!


AUSTRALIAN survivor is hands down the BEST survivor!! from the editing to the game play! and south african is top notch? i need to go watch!






Someone said it’s confirmed his tie vote would have went to Charlie.


Never thought Kenzie could win it until the moment she said she wanted that money for herself instead of a I-don't-wanna-look-selfish answer. Fair winner for a satisfying end. Also, after rooting for Maria since pretty much the beginning, I'm surprised of how she went from seemingly very centered, caring and honest within the circumstances, to quite a sore loser and an utterly bitter person.


I thought of the Final 3, Kenzie was the most deserving and I'm glad she won. However, I don't agree with the reasoning that many of the jurors gave, namely that she deserves to have the money to start her life. Believe me, I cry through every backstory, but the rational part of me thinks the winner should be picked based on game play, not personal life. I soured on Maria when she went from saying she was going to take the person on reward who needed it most to making them plead their case, and she never did anything to change my mind after that. This may have been a longer response than you were expecting/wanting, but I just finished watching and needed to share my thoughts lol.


Charlie talks about how things have evolved with Maria post show in an interview in Parade and as you might expect, he won't be spending the holidays with her family: [https://parade.com/tv/charlie-davis-survivor-46-runner-up-finale-interview](https://parade.com/tv/charlie-davis-survivor-46-runner-up-finale-interview)


Laughable when Liz said “I would have won. I would have beaten them all. “ when she was sent to jury. Who did she think was going to cast their vote for her? Whining constantly was a huge turnoff. Even when she yelled at Q for not choosing her for the feast. What a joke. She tried to vote him off less than 24 hours before. Why on earth would he take her???


Yes! I know her tantrum over Applebees made for good TV, but how obnoxious. I have food allergies and would never go on the show expecting to be ok without any food. Her decision, not Q's fault. Apparently, she said early on she was used to going without and thought she would be better at it than others. Um, no, honey. Look at Kenzie and Yanu tribe. They went forever without food. Even when they DID win a food reward of fresh fish, they couldn't take it, because they had no flint and no way to cook it. And they weren't holding it against other people, even when Soda talked trash to Yanu about the fact they had no food. I hate it when people make decisions and then make it everyone else's fault that their decision was so stupid. Consequences. And it looks like she was pretty much not good at anything on the show.


The FTC was supposed to be about the Final three explaining their gameplay but this Jury made it about themselves. That 30 second rule was stupid and the producers were stupid to allow that.


Thought it was the best organized and collectivsly planned out jury I've seen in a long time!


Idk about them not allowing it but seriously agree it was garbage. Because I felt like they each were doing a fantastic job answering and then they cut them off. Like that was just annoying. 


Who cares 


I knew as soon as tiff said "no taylor swift songs and rock n roll" it was a biased jury lol.


A pro-Kenzie jury for sure, since those remarks targeted Ben and Charlie. You know Tiff's been at Ponderosa talking about her girl Kenzie with the rest of the jury. And she appeared to be the leader, the Alpha of that jury. I wonder if Maria found out at Ponderosa that Charlie was the first to raise the idea of a Maria blindside. She could have been influenced more toward Kenzie there.


I don’t feel Kenzie should have won as she did not win the game fair and square. I di not like how she won immunity show not have been allowed.




I’m sure this is somewhere but Liz’s disclosure that her wrists don’t work… I died


yeah, that was another play for pity to get something given to her. Glad it didn't work on Ben


Could Liz be any whinier?


Horrible winner horrible finale charlie outplayed her the jury gave it to her cuz she needed the money


Stay mad, girl.


I’m just pointing out the obvious my g


Maria is definitely this year’s villain! 100 percent poor sport! Upset she didn’t make it to the final! She thought Charlie was going home but nope! Did you see her face as Q left! Charlie gave a very respectful answer. I hope Maria’s kids are embarrassed by her selfishness. Seriously she voted to for one of the two people who termed up to get her out!


Maria was truly just jealous of Charlie at that point like wtf


its wild you can touch another persons puzzle in an individual challenge, this will surely become meta in future seasons so either there will be no individual challenges anymore or they have to fix the rules.


I’m sure it’s a rule that they just decided to let slide. They’ve done it in the past. Kinda shitty to let something like that slide so close to the end though. Like woah. But lots of controversy and gets people talking which gets more attention and that’s what they want. 


I wonder if this was considered at all by production before. In the moment, Jeff was probably like, well, I guess this is happening!


So then if Liz brought her own plank over to count then it would be ok because she didn't touch Kenzie's puzzle plank.


I was curious about this challenge:  #1 Do all players have the same combination/# of holes in their plank ? #2 If Liz is allowed to help another player...Does that mean someone can go support someone during a balancing/endurance challenge?


For #1, I'm sure they did because then there is no way for Production to accidentally mess up the plank placement and the matching combination puzzle. Having to keep track of all that means more things could go wrong. So yes in the future to prevent such help Production could make each lane's pieces different. For #2 it's in the rules stated by Jeff that the contestants can't lean on \_\_\_\_, or let their foot or hand touch any other part of the contraption or water etc, so pretty sure someone supporting them is outlawed under though guidelines.


They must fix this. It is called individual immunity challenge for a reason. If they don’t have clear rules to stop this in future, it is just not right


And then Maria voted for her?!?! Incredible


That was my thought as well!


Agreed, Liz robbed Maria of winning the season all cause she was jealous? I don’t get it 


I was all in with a Ben win but glad that Kenzie the mermaid dragon won and sad to see Charlie super miserable on the after show. Cancel the After show!!! Also hated how the Final tribal went , the jury and the questions were so focused on themselves and not on the finalists imo also they talked and laughed over what Kenzie,Charlie and Ben were trying to explain. The 30 seconds to answer felt unnecessary because the FTC is supposed to be where they can talk freely about what they did in the game and their strategy or ties to the jury so give thema chance to explain themselves how ever they want(with or without taylor swit lyrics).


I would love it if at least the after-show was a live, current day event - where Jeff can ask everyone questions once they’ve all had time to reflect and accept the outcome of the game. I get that they need to read the votes and discover the winner while still ok the island- bc with technology and texting and social media…the jurors are totally going to connect and discuss who they voted for and even the finalists will likely know who won before the votes are read 6 months later. But the after-show has no need to be done on the island and could totally be done in present day! 


Or actually do the final tribal live as well as the after show. I realize that it would be a long wait but I think it could be pulled off considering even if the jury and final 3 were all up in social media possibly discussing who they were going to vote for something could still happen to change their minds. I think it would be worth a shot to at least try it one time. The players aren’t likely to forget key moments that would have an impact on the vote. 


You can’t have the contestants vote after the show airs.


Why can’t you? It’s the same people and the same jury. I don’t know why you couldn’t do it that way 


But wouldn't a live FTC mean starving all those players longer?


No not at all. They leave the island and go home and do the reunion show like they used to do in a few months but also do the vote then as well. 


You articulated my thoughts about the final tribal council perfectly. To me, this is the chance for the final 3 to articulate their games to the jury, but instead with this season the jury was constantly interrupting, rushing, and being dismissive towards all 3 of the finalists. It was so frustrating to watch, despite a lot of the questions being good in my opinion.


I liked Charlie. I think Maria screwed him. I agree the jury was ridiculous, setting time limits? I thought they were very disrespectful.


I was shocked that she didn’t vote for Charlie. Sore loser! Pissed that he beat her at her own game. Good example to set for your children Maria.


The 30 seconds rule was Very disrespectful to the final 3 and power play by the jury members. They just think of their 5 seconds glory but forgot that it was supposed to be a forum for the finalist to argue their case


I think that they should have served cheese w/ all that whine.


I have been a Survivor fan from the start and have witnessed many finals where the best doesn’t get the prize. This season had some the most clueless people, but entertaining. I know it’s easy to watch and second quests, but the stupidity of these people was amazin. The right two people made it to the end and in my opinion it was a tie. Liz and Ben were just baggage and didn’t stand a chance. It would have been a much different game if idols had been played. Survivor has become too predictable and some good players eliminated too soon. For a long time I thought the jury made better decisions than the individuals playing the game, but the jury has become too powerful and demanding. I disagree with the free for all questions, need to return to one question each. Don’t know if jury gets to see the episodes Hager voted off, but they should. The audience should have a say so in the winner and at the beginning there was a prize for the best Survivor voted by the audience- $100,000, need to bring it back. I do like the Winner announce that night, it’s better for the players, but make no mistake it was done to save money. For a while Survivor was so woke with every weirdo In the world, and I almost quite watching. This season had better players, but give me a break Liz with no being able to eat and Ben with all his anxiety. Need to play the game and stop the mental resort


Who made Tiff the 30 second time keeper?


Totally unbelievable!


Honestly good cause people be yapping way too much get to the point with your answers




No kidding that was ridiculous, like now she, voted off long ago is making the rules?


She was something special.


Bottom line: Maria is a horrible person.


I don't think it's fair to call Maria a horrible person. She's a person. Humans are messy. I think she let pride and ego get in the way sometimes, but horrible is, well, horrible is Tucker Carlson.


Yes, if that idiot Tucker is the comparison, Maria's fabulous


And petty. And hypocritical. And definitely not as smart as Charlie. I LOVE that Liz helped Kenzie win the challenge to ensure Maria lost. My favourite moment of the season.


I really liked her game play until she screwed Charlie in the end.


Maria couldn't take the fact Charlie outplayed her. 


I wish Maria won. But when was voted off I think Charlie should have won. It’s sad that Maria cannot be a good sport. For all those taking on Kenzie’s side, what did she actually do ? Did she play even 1/10th as hard as Charlie and Maria?


Ya that was pretty weak


Agreed.  She was salty.  I was cheering for her until she started making social blunders.


That’s exactly what happened. She started just socially killing her game. It started with bringing Q. And kept spiraling.




I really don't get the "poor Charlie "/ "evil Maria" stuff going on here. Like, didn't HE vote HER out the game??? What am I missing here?


The spirit in which they finished their game is totally different. Maria got caught in a failed attempt to get Charlie out and she chose to lie, and then was so bent out of shape that he literally outplayed, outwitted and outlasted her that she spitefully voted against him at FTC. I suspected she would when her face didn't light up at seeing him, the way Tiff's did for Kenzie. As a day 1 alliance, I really believe Charlie would have been on that jury backing Maria up and casting his vote for her if the roles had been reversed because he knew that voting one another out at that stage in the game wasn't personal, just necessary. Maria got sour about it.




If she would have been successful at voting him out, he never would of turned on her. Last thing she said to him was make it to the end so I can vote for you. She is a narcissist and a liar.


I can never claim to know anything for a fact, but her more low key edit given how far she went, begins to make a lot more sense given what she does in the end. There may have been a lot less of her to show because she may not have been genuine with anyone out there ever, other than maybe Q.


I think the final three should be given more time to plead their case. There is so much Charlie could have said but it just didn’t fit in the jury’s questions. I dislike how the jury often corners the contestants/limits what they can say out of bitterness. I’d rather be interested to hear why the final three themselves think they should win. Charlie needed that time to illustrate all his behind the scenes strategy.


Why did Jeff give them 30 seconds at the end? Jeff should not have done that!


I think FTC is usually 2-3 hours but it’s edited down to fit in the show. Clearly Charlie did a good job explaining when he swayed three jury members to vote for him who didn’t originally.


The fact he got Liz's vote was impressive for me. The fact he had and lost Venus's is also interesting. But that's assuming we believe them also.


Venus… I know who she is going to vote for… I think it was pretty clear


Oh yeh. That makes sense.


Great example to your boys, Maria. How to be spiteful 101.


This entire season was so unreal. I’ve never seen an entire cast so out of touch with reality. Not a single idol played - not even an idol wasted - because of straight delusions. I almost spit my drink out with Liz though. Not even sure she’s a millionaire atp


Delusions from starvation. Wasn’t pretty. I hope they rethink the food situation. Just because they can do it. Doesn’t mean they should. It was incredibly messy. And it wasn’t due to intense game play it was because they were mentally deteriorating. 


I said that the true character of Maria would come out if she didn’t vote for Charlie since we all know Charlie would have voted for her if she was in the final 3. No honor whatsoever, I bet she’s the mom on the sidelines blaming the other team if her kid’s team doesn’t win😠


"Q' was on the fence between Charlie and Kenzie. Seems like him, and Maria changed their minds at the last moment and voted for Kenzie


This is because of $$ I believe. Which is fair. He just wanted to give the money to whoever needed it the most


Well I think it also comes down to honesty. Because everyone thinks they need a fancy answer to give the money too. But we all know that’s not really what you’re going to do.  But she didn’t give a bull shit answer. She was honest and real. And that’s what made her answer sway them. Not that she needed money per se but that she didn’t feel the need to give some bull shit response. 




I don’t know. That sour grapes look on her face showed she was carrying a grudge and she needed to take it out on someone. Charlie happened to be in her crosshairs.


This was the worst season I have ever watched. Ben and Liz in the final 5 is a joke. They were 2 awful players just along for the ride


Man this season is a let down. With the worst castings (from Bhanu to Venus to Liz) Worst tribal (Tiff obviously manipulating everyone else to vote for Kenzie and making that comment about TS or pop culture and Rock)  Voting for Kenzie just because of the money?? I would've taken it if it's because of her gameplay.But NO! I'm not as good of a sportsman like Charlie and I'm salty about this  Sorry but I'll take 41 or 43 over this trash. 


Kenzie does not need the money and that million dollar would not have changed her life. Let’s award the prize to the one who deserves it and. It for the one who needs the money


How do you know she doesn't need the money? You know her personally?


Tiff sucks.


Charlie was being his kind, diplomatic self when he said the jury always gets it right. He was composed, competent, level-headed, a friend to everyone, but was never arrogant for a moment. Kenzie was great too, but I wish they had tied.


SIA - maybe you can award Charlie the very much deserved win?!


I'm not sure Ben could've handled the pressure of deciding a tie.


That’s what happens if there’s a tie?


Survivor Ghost Island had a tie and the third person who had no votes joined the jury and made the tie-breaking vote. I loved Wendell and picked him out from the beginning as a contender.


That was my understanding from reading others online.


46 seasons of this?


Right? Made me freak out about my age for a sec. I remember when the first season came out lol


Is Hunter still on the show? I haven’t watched it ever but he’s from my hometown. 


When did Tiff become the final tribal moderator?


I’ll time….. 😂


From letting Liz go get Kenzie,s board to letting Tiff run the final tribal council, Jeff has to take better control. 


Exactly. Jeff just let her do it.


Liz being a considered threat to win really came out of nowhere. We were being led to believe that she wasn't a threat the whole season, then suddenly she is? Like what did I miss???


Liz, Ben, and Kenzie were all goats


It was Liz's delusion more like...


Exactly. She would have been lucky to even get 1 vote much less enough to actually win. NOT 


That Liz assist on Kenzie's challenge win definitely felt like stretching the rules a bit. We've seen people give puzzle instructions, but I don't remember a time when someone physically touched someone else's materials. Is this a thing where the producers just let it happen because that is ultimately their decision? Is this precedence for people assembling puzzles or doing part of a challenge for another person/tribe?


The production should have stopped this


I felt Jeff should have said something. Not a fair play. The winner is the sole survivor based on their sole performance, not assisting someone on challenge.


Yeah it should be against rules. Cause ultimately if this is allowed then a group basically can team up to make their target fail. Already choosing who gets voted out.


it obvious against rules . nobody talk about it coz it maria gonna win that and it seem they hate maria. thats why nobody talk this season is a mess charlie/kenzie game is not that good .


Yeah I remember in South Pacific when Sophie screamed at Albert to help her with her pieces and Jeff said helping is not permitted in the challenge. I guess it’s a bit different but still. I think they bend the rules based on what would make for better TV.


Absolutely sounds like production didn’t want Maria to win knowing she was a goner if she didn’t. Hilarious. 




Lmao so glad she called that out!


Even if it costs her a spot on Season 50, it needed to be said.


The fact that someone actually played a strong strategic game and was controlling the votes (Charlie) but only had 30 seconds / a very limited time to put all of his brilliant moves into words due to jury manipulation (Tiff), makes what could have been a good season a very upsetting one. Meanwhile you had Kenzie, (who I thought was adorable and very likeable player) whom made ZERO moves and her only game play was being nice to people and having a hard life upbringing and because of her hard upbrining she is crowned the winner???? Quite infuriating and insulting. If she would have won it on merit of the game for her moves with just one of the "Outwit Outlast Outplay" guidelines I feel like this season wouldn't have felt like a total LET DOWN! I hate it when the jury feels like they need to give the money to someone who is "less fortunate" than someone who may be better off. It only makes me enjoy seasons like 43 that have juries, which are committed to selecting the best player of their season (who is in the final 3) as the title of Soul survivor and NOT those who comes from the lowest socioeconomic status. All this proves to me is outwit outlast and outplay -optional, and being born into hard circumstances- REQUIRED. (People who downvote this probably think that Liz should have been the real winner)


Very well said!


I agree Survivor has gotten away from outwit, outlast outplay and sometimes become a mental retreat for the down and out. I guess the producers who select the players need to do a better job and stop with the DEI crap. The final 3 got to pled their case and jury members only got to ask one question. As someone said earlier, who died and crowned Tiff in charge of the final


We need players who really like the show Survivor and not just some random people who want to be on TV


The people I wanted as final two were Charlie and Kenzie, because I think they managed to make it far by reading people well and while still being generally good people. I do have to respect Kenzie's game because making yourself socially relevant the whole time is an accomplishment and does allow you to advance. And I think I would have respected her win a little more if people had been able to cite specific things about her time in the game that made her a clear winner. I think Charlie played the game more actively than she did and better exemplifies what a survivor is meant to be. But I'm just glad Ben didn't win. Bless his heart but he was such a non threat all along that he skated into final 3 by chance and had no business being there.


Ben should not have played Survivor


Totally agree.


spot on.


Well said. Totally agree. This is Survivor. The winner should be a game player. Instead it’s according to who is nicest? And Maria was just a poor loser.


I want Charlie to win and I disagree what he said about the jury always make the right choice. That is so not so. This jury did not care about Survivor. They just want their own agenda and get their way


You don't win by making the most moves, you win by getting the jury votes.


That's exactly my point. What a let down. The cast members on the jury essentially ruined the season by not picking the best player. Instead they ended up picking a player that didn't make any kind of survivor moves, didn't control one vote, or win anything of consequence until it came to their vote. She could have easily been voted out at any given tribal because she had no control over any part of the game. If survivor's main mantra wasn't "Outwit, outlast, outplay" then maybe we could have another conversation. Unfortunately the jury disappointed everyone when selecting this seasons winner.


The jury was lousy at playing the game and even more lousy at deciding the winner


Hands down in the top 5 worst seasons, CBS and Jeff do better also the team up on individual immunity should’ve been a disqualification 👎


its called “individual immunity” for a reason.


I think maria’s vote change with the kenzie personal life. Basically that she played hard and she needs this in her life. But charlie ultimately played a good game and no one saw it as amazing more of jealousy. This was the most annoying season, high egos, dumb moves. And the top 3 are actually the opposites to that. Lol.


Kenzie…. Does she really need money


Not really but she knew what to use it for plain and simple. I want it for myself cause I don't really earn and I give people opportunities. Ben was really the one who needed it but was just like would want to donate to charities. and music program which is nice but kenzie was kind of more believable. He could have just said it would really get me off living hard on life etc. and also help out. Charlie was like gonna use for family.


worst finale ever… crying babies 


Very ironic seeing how you’re replying negatively to every comment that says they like the Kenzie win.


After 6 seasons, 42 still remains the best new era season


100% agree


Had a great cast, Mike fumbled at final tribal that's why I wasn't upset with the winner of that season. And overall it was a great season.


I’m bout to get downvoted but Kenzie win is worse than Gablers


… how?


I’m a little heartbroken for Charlie, especially with the Maria vote for Kenzie. I loved Kenzie, Charlie and Ben, and was actually rooting for the three of them for the majority of the game (+ Tiff), and I’m happy that Kenzie won, but I’m also sad that Charlie didn’t get the chance to fully articulate his moves! The constant interruptions and 30 second limits were a bit much! I knew this jury was going to be a shitshow because every person on this season thinks they are the main character, and I like the messiness to a degree, but I am also bummed that it felt like it really messed with the final three’s answers. Also Liz is completely delusional with her “I would have won!” comments, I don’t know what game she was playing but constantly telling people that you’re a millionaire and don’t need the money isn’t going to make them want to help you?


I genuinely was stunned that Liz fancied herself the winner. I mean obviously everyone should believe in themselves if they're going to play the game but Liz had no major moves, sat out of multiple challenges, didn't lead any votes and didn't really present as a threat...ever? Plus the millionaire angle meant nobody was rooting for her. She hung around so long because nobody was worried about her and she seemed to lack the discernment to understand that being final four doesn't mean you're endgame.


I hated how the entire FTC was dictated by Tiff who was obviously voting for Kenzie. We didn’t even really hear from like half the jury. The jury talked more than the final 3. Just a shit show and they need to bring back the structured FTC




Liz was such a whiner she should have been out long ago. She's just lucky she lasted as long as she did.


True but she’s such good TV that I’m glad she lasted so long. When she was sprinting up the stairs to vote I laughed out loud at Jeff’s face lmao


When Jeff asked who voted for Charlie and Charlie immediately turned around to look at Maria and her hand wasn’t raised…poor guy


"Look, you can see the exact moment his heart breaks!"


My heart broke with all the close ups on him!


He carried himself well. It was so unfair. I can’t think of what else he has to do to win.


Overall I actually enjoyed this season post merge. I felt a lot of connection to the players unlike many of the new era seasons. Weirdly, when I was watching the final tribal council, I actually felt as though the jury asked good, relevant questions. However, I am very disappointed with the amount of Kenzie backlash, because in my opinion she would have won regardless of the money question. People are forgetting that survivor is a game for 1 million dollars, of course that is factored into the decision made by the jury. Maybe the result would have been different if the price was only $10,000, but that’s not the case. Survivor is designed to make people question their decisions in ways that reflect society, and deeper concepts, not based solely on gameplay. Although I would also prefer that tribal be centered mostly around gameplay, one of the concepts in survivor that showed its self tonight was balancing the financial aspect as well. Kenzie had 2 immunity wins, and built a strong social game. By no means did she only win by her final answer at tribal. There would not be this much backlash if that question was asked (or shown) early on in the tribal. Because the money question was presented so late, of course it’s the most probable explanation for Kenzies win, being that it is fresh in people’s minds.


Q said her answer is the reason he voted for hwr


Maria is evil