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The villains were vicious in this challenge. Tyson messing up Rupert’s toe, Parvati dislocating Stephanie’s shoulder, Russel just… being aggressive. And Sandra taking off Sugars top for very little reason.


Don't forget Coach stealing Colby's manhood. Completely shameless.


Colby was on a zero care in the world tour when he seemed to begrudgingly come back to survivor. That was James’ superman in a fat suit.


i’m sorry it’s so iconic to me that his most memorable moments in HvV were “DAMN IT REED” and jeff clowning him before that one reward challenge whereas jerri got the best redemption arc in the history of the show and was seconds away from winning


"I didn't see what happened, I was watching Treasure Island" is still one of the funniest things in the show to me. Dude could not have cared less about the idol clue


He got his appearance fee and was content with everything after.


Apparently he was disappointed by how much production had neutered the experience and made it more about the game than the adventure. For example, unlike his previous seasons, there were “boundaries” that they couldn’t explore past. 


I feel his criticism.


Colby wasn’t on his a game, but he had some great character moments on HvV


LMAO so true how could i forget about that as well, he STAYED unbothered in heroes vs villains


Wasn’t that Allstars??


It's in episode 11 of HvV!


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) (both colby & jerri)




bro knows q burdette 🥶




Q burdette is epic 🥶




Big mistake 🥶🥶🥶🥶




You have to imagine production was just in love at how this challenge unfolded, the Heroes/Villains theme works out perfectly *immediately*.


Jeff literally is smiling and unable to contain himself after Stephenie’s shoulder is popped back in. One of the most obvious times you can see his producer brain. 


I also think he has a shit ton of respect for her. I've always thought she was one of his favorite players. I don't disagree with you, but I think there was a lot of sheer respect for her. Pop that shoulder back in and she's ready to go again.


And the fact that the Heroes win despite all this is amazing. One of the best challenges in Survivor history


Might not even be the best challenge in the first three episodes. The episode 3 immunity challenge is also legendary


Stanford prison experiment


Parvati didn’t dislocate her shoulder lol. Stephanie made a reel about it recently, I think around the start of 46 (Dalton Ross also mentions it in his 2010 article about being in Samoa the first few days)


https://x.com/daltonross/status/869605181754753024?s=46&t=MWt-b8SJ8yQsitEiwwZETQ Yep Stephanie dislocated it accidentally with one of the rounds not shown. Lowkey funny but also I would understand why they wouldn’t show that compared to a villain being villainous. Also kinda crazy that Stephanie dislocated her shoulder to get a point


if someone were to ask me to name the most badass survivor it would probably be stephenie, that girl is one tough cookie lol


Was so happy when she showed up on the traitors, definitely one of my favorite players


yess!! newer fans don’t realize what a legend she was back in the day, rivaling popularity of rupert and colby at a time when the show was much less popular. and considering she’s been much more active in the community coupled with appearances on the traitors/snake in the grass, i wouldn’t be surprised if she returns for 50! seems like a great choice, especially considering her disappointing outing in HvV


Maybe Parvati didn’t…. But Courtney did! She told the universe to do it that witch! /s


Sandra’s move was genius. She thought it would keep her from continuing the challenge but sugar proved her wrong and won it for them


I’m glad sugar had at least one badass moment this season she can look back on after JT humiliated and ostracized her.Her flipping off Sandra was awesome.


more people need to know about the absolute hell that sugar endured behind the scenes in both of her seasons. she truly is a warrior and i’m glad she’s doing well today


Ok. What happened exactly?


JT slept with Sugar before the season and said that they'd stick together throughout the game


Whhhhaaat what an asshole of him.


That sucks but isn’t shocking or unexpected. Did anything else happen?


yes, basically sugar threatened to k!ll herself after getting voted out and almost purposely overdosed at ponderosa. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/SvMKGYDqqw) is a whole thread about it and ik she’s done an AMA on here. really, really dark stuff. love her but she shouldn’t have been on the show in the first place with her dad recently dying before gabon and her history with drugs


The triple blur is iconic. That cast was fucking perfect.




The villains were rough, but Russell was on another level than the rest of them (in a bad way).


Then a hero smashed a villain's face into the post...rupert. It wasn't intentional but it happened.


They saw their tribe name and said "watch us" 😭


Parvati actually did NOT dislocate Steph’s shoulder, they edited it to look like this.


Parvati didn’t actually dislocate Stephenie’s shoulder, she just fell over on it. They just edited it to look like it was because of Parvati.




Actually, Parvati never dislocated Stephenie's shoulder. The "1st" round shown was actually the 6th round. Stephenie scored by slamming her hand on the heroes mat in the first round, which caused her shoulder to get dislocated. There's a Dalton Ross video of it somewhere online that shows this. This is also why Courtney exclaims to "break her shoulder!"


Hold on, let the Queen cook


**Play fair down there!** #PLAY FAIR!


One of the few Jeff quotes I'll always remember (of those he didn't say season over season).


Russell said the only heroes he was scared of were Tom and Stephanie, so I think he was trying to hurt the competition literally.


When did he say that? Tbh I remember hearing that Russel thought Amanda was the biggest threat, that she was like the female Boston Rob (which I don’t fully agree with but whatever).


I remember seeing it on the survivor wiki. I know he thought of Amanda and jt as threats too but maybe not as much


Russell, seeing Amanda who controlled the game and then flubbed FTC: she just like me for real


king and queen of making it to ftc in back to back seasons, not even being totally sure if they won the first time just to have an even worse showing the second time


This is spot on


LMAO at least their FTCs were better the second time around


Amanda's second was definitely an improvement over her first, but was Russell's? I remember him saying he got to the end without any luck the second time, which Colby rightfully called him out on.


Imagine being Russell and not being scared of James.


James and Russell are both from Louisiana, with James being from Lafayette, a city where Russell was the co-owner of a local bar. They both also knew Boo Bernis who was the guy who referred them both to casting. Russell probably saw James as a someone he could relate to and understand while having a mutual connection. 


This is extra important because Russell had comparatively little time to pregame, so having a friend of a friend from a few parishes over would have been a nice ace up his sleeve. Funnily enough, Sugar grew up (partially) in Baton Rouge, about an hour away from Lafayette and I want y’all to take a second and imagine the TV gold an alliance of those three would have produced.


Imagine a James, Russell, and sugar FTC. That’d be glorious


Not for Sugar.


I remember being 10 and seeing this like "christ what the fuck"


This was the first ever episode I watched of Survivor and still my favorite 10ish min span in the show’s entirety. I was used to Big Brother comps so my jaw was on the floor 😭


it’s such night and day big brother comps are like kindergarten camp lol even compared to modern survivor challenges. i love them for their sheer ridiculousness and campiness but i remember feeling the same way after first watching survivor as a long time bb watcher


what season is this?


20 (heroes vs villains)! my (and many people’s) favorite season but it’s all returnee players so def not one you should watch without seeing the cast’s og seasons (2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19) as well as all stars/micronesia


Tom got his revenge at sumo


I still sort of enjoy what we have now, but I miss *this* Survivor.


He took Courtney’s advice.


To be fair to him, Tom was by far the strongest person in that heat, so keeping him on the ground and away from the bag gave the Villains a big advantage Coach might be able to take Colby in a fight, but he’d be no match for Tom


Well yea hes a villain


Tom later dominates him in that sumo challenge with ease.


Relax, bro. Russell was applying the Sharpshooter.


He’s just a sexy boy.


People complaining about the villains... But this was the perfect representation of this season. Do what you have to do to win.


i know it’s been beaten to death about how we don’t have villains anymore but the way people talk about maria on here you’d think she was the second coming of russell. she’s prob less villainous than most people on the heroes tribe lmao


Am I the only one who so that I sees Tom locking his legs around Russell, it looks like Russell is trying to separate Tom’s legs from around him


I’m currently watching survivor for the first time from the beginning, and I just passed this episode. From reading the comments, do the challenges go away or become much easier in later seasons?


They become less physical over time due to the frequency of injuries.


Nah he was just trying to take Tom out of the challenge - which I mean, it's freaking Tom Westman. Gotta do whatever you can when it's a brawling challenge.


There's a reason pro sports have a LOT of research and rules, and sometimes gear going into safety when grown adults can basically just fight each other. This was poorly planned it's lucky nobody got seriously injured.


GOAT shit


Does Russell's energy make anyone else super uncomfortable? Gives me the creeps!


My favorite season by far.


There's a flaaaw in that hold!


I miss challenges like this 😫


The goat


One of the main reasons I've always hated this challenge. Glad we don't see it anymore.


Whatt ?? I completely disagree. This challenge ( along with many more physical duel/1on1 challenges ) need to come back


I just recently watched Micronesia and I love the challenge when they painted their bodies in “war paint” and had to get those heavy bags to their teams side to score a point. Erik straight up body slammed Amanda, it was amazing. 🙌🏽


amanda got the last laugh though🤭


Half the heroes got terrible injuries. I’m fine with this one staying retired.


Yeah there has to be a middle ground between the current “no physicality” and the former “go injure one and another” I liked the “grab this person from the pole” challenge we’ve seen, or basketball in the water E: also, enforce some fucking rules. I doubt they thought out “guy tries to tear another guys ACL” but this should have been an automatic disqualification and forfeit of the challenge. Damn, now I’m just wondering how this season goes if Russel can’t get control.


> I doubt they thought out “guy tries to tear another guys ACL” Well exactly. They didn't think it out at all. Put grown people in a fighting ring for a million $ and what do you expect?


Or at least moved to the water like in Caramoan


Where do you get half from? 2/10 isn’t even close. And behind the scenes, Stephanie’s injury had nothing to do with the physicality of the challenge. It happened when she tapped the mat with her hand too hard. She even posted the clip on Twitter. Battle dig needs to return.


Who cares? I'd rather see them fight and be incredibly than this kumbaya shit that's been the new era


From an entertainment perspective it’s great but it’s not worth the price of admission tbh. Don’t wanna increase the risk of game-altering injuries.


I so completely disagree. We should have more physical challenges like this one. This is an absolute top survivor challenge moment for me.


Aus Survivor still has real challenges fyi. Not sure if you watch or not. 


I’ve heard great things about it but haven’t watched yet! I need to


What a unique and awful take. These challenges are what made Survivor what it was


I mean this take isn’t much better. The core of survivor is still intact even if you don’t have these physical challenges.




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Watching that season now ep.6


Episode 6 is awesome, I'm so jealous if you're watching that for the first time.


He appears to be going for a figure four leglock


It’s been a while since I’ve rewatched HvV but I remember a lot of the villains trying to play into the narrative that they were villains, especially in the first challenge


Survivor Gods know how much I miss him


I always cringe at this scene. It’s such a tough watch. How do you hurt Tom? :(


Good x guard


He’s trying to get him in a sharpshooter to make him tap.


Sharpshooter or Figure 4?


Yep, we miss this in modern challenges. They became too soft - as well as contestants.