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Only *sometimes?* I find your lack of doubt disturbing.


To be fair, i don't read the chat sometimes.


What grinding H2+ Starfortresses does to a person...


The jawa game on dromund Kaas is always the best part of this community


Damn right


I was on Kaas last night for the first time in a couple of years and they weren’t playing the jawa game and i was a little sad. Traditions are important


General chat in this game can either be unhinged nonsense, or cringe nonsense. Thats it


Or political nonsense


Does blue milk come from blue twi'leks?


Ask Vette


You mean ask SW ;)


Do you think blue nautolan would yield similar result as well? What about chiss?


My Sith Warrior says no but is happy to check again.


the worst part about this is, i was male a blue twi'lek smuggler so i can't tell you.


Yes, and it's blueberry flavored. Red twi'leks have stawberry flavored milk, and green twileks have honedew lemons. Trust me, I know this from first hand experience.


I once hoped on for my daily bonus and saw what i can only assume was 10+ players debating who would win in a game of fisticuffs. Frodo or Yoda? I didn't say anything. Just watched these beasts in their natural habitat (the vip lounge) and hop off.


Thinking of this also made me think of a moment where i did the exact same thing except on ESO. I went to the town of Riften and anyone who has played eso can confirm that at midnight weird things happen in riften. I logged on for my daily and there was a white guy, a black guy, and a Latino all hurling racist remarks at each other for 30+ minutes. Before i knew it 20+ players including me had gathered around to watch. At one point a Italian player (Who was on the NA server) starting roasting them as well. By the time i hoped off a hour later a British bloke and Indian man had joined this insult hurling. It was the most MMO thing i have ever seen. Gods i love mmo's.


This is glorious, glorious 😌


It was like a south park kinda moment. Where it was kinda ok cuz everyone was catching strays. It was hilarious and i remember everyone laughing. This would have been around 2016 and we (Americans) can all remember how tense that year was. I think it was just one of those moments where everyone got to have fun and truly forget everything else happening.


Good to know to avoid Riften at night


>Good to know to avoid Rittenhouse at night Don't know what he has to do with this but you do you homie.


It's supposed to be riften, sorry. I'll fix it. I hate Auto correct, it tried it on this one too


This is why I create a channel tab called Immersion and just turn off general chat— sometimes I forget and then I get to Dromund Kaas and my eyes bleed.


on Tatooine too, this is starter planet/Kaas degenerate energy


This is unironically extremely tame for general chat. Especially if you’re in the fleet, the general chat there is wild.


The fleet chat is perpetually unhinged


I swear half the accounts in DK and Imp Fleet chat exist to troll, and it AMAZES me how many take the bait.


Most sane Imp player


this was on ord mantell but i've seen how Imp side can be despite not playing that side too much.


i wonder what comes after mil


King Baras


That looks like some ERP going into the wrong channel


You mean fleet ISN'T the proper channel for ERP?


I remember that one day. Fleet was full of people. Chat normal. Message pops up: "And then I open my pants and slap my hard dick into your face!" Mayhem follows. Hilarious.


So, there's another one of those stupid all hands meetings at work. Several hundred people. At one point the VP mentions ERP, and follows it up with "Who wants to talk about ERP?" I can immediately tell who all the gamers are by who starts giggling.


Perfection. 😂


I still don't know what it means in office speak, I work in manufacturing. Enterprise resource something.


Planning. Enterprise Resource Planning. Don't worry, 2/3 of people attending meetings like this don't know 1/2 of the used abbreviations 🤣


I work for an engineering company with some manufacturing capability. The all hands meetings are a big office job(engineers, project managers, admin, hr, etc) circlejerk. There's rarely ever anything relevant to machinists or welders mentioned, but we're forced to go sit through it. It doesn't matter how they're rearranging the engineering teams. I'm still coming in and cutting parts every day I come to work. I'd rather be on the shop floor than sitting through those meetings.


Absolutely the same. If you don't know it yet I thought you might enjoy this: https://youtu.be/igPIk79wAPg?si=res1Ge_de9hVogq1


I love that channel. ISP, QA, and UX are the ones that I know other than ASAP. I'm guessing most of it's made up.


Maybe he's just really enthusiastic about dairymaids?






Whenever I’m in DK, I just drop the most unhinged shit in chat, and let chaos ensue. I don’t say anything after that


Milking women


Dromund Kaas Chat 👌🏻


I played this game for so long it feels like but barely been on DK. but i know the chat can be bad there.


As bad as it can be fun. Most of the time i was there it was pretty funny. But of course there have been occasions where it was a little too much for me as well.


Reverse onlyfans?!


Real talk. I kind of got turned off from the game a few weeks ago and shelved it after I realized the guild master of the guild I was in was promoting every woman who talked in voice chat on discord to an officer position. What clued me in was one such girl had JUST joined and was talking about how she was a solo player on another server and wanted to try ops, so she transferred a character over to the server we were on. In less than a week she was an Events Officer...all the while there were men in the guild who were actually organizing events, flashpoint groups, and occasional story mode ops that were averaging 10 million or so conquest a week who weren't even considered. And no, I wasn't one of those guys, I was lucky to make about 1 million conquest. Just realized what was going on and noped myself out of playing the game seriously after that.


Almost as weird as people just dropping bible verses in general


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ItsTheWordMan: *Almost as weird as* *People just dropping bible* *Verses in general* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As a Christian myself, I cannot stand that BS. Like, my brother in Christ, there's a time and place, and the chat on a Star Wars game is neither.


Can that even be done?


I honestly don't want to know.


That's probably a good thing. If I had to guess, the lack of this specific kind of knowledge is, at least, one way to avoid jail


Some random person asked if i wanted to get booted offline after i said it was nice to be back online. 🤣




DK chat is still the best. Was level up my BH last night. Got to DK just in time to see a debate on what kind of ball gag is better, rubber or plastic.


Did you actually expected for people paying a monthly subscription for a very old World of Warcraft Star Wars Edition game to be normal, mentally stable human beings?


Like this is somehow unique to swtor. You get a public anonymous chat, you get this content. Unless you're dealing with a really small and specific target audience, or you moderate the hell out of it