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People who don’t use headphones to listen to things on public transport.


It’s always a eshay teenager who think the world should be grateful to hear his gabber playlist, or some grizzled old tradie who doesn’t give a fuck and blasts YouTube


Or a parent blasting Cocomelon for their kids. Often in a cafe.


Handing a phone with crudely drawn pigs dancing and signing on it is the new dummy


IDK man, once had someone playing one of those covers of The Wellerman and I got to admit, I'm a bit of a sucker for a sea shanty. Kinda want more.


Sounds like you want some sugar, and tea, and rum


Used to be, but lately I'm seeing people of all ages and walks of life doing this. It's like society as a whole has just said 'fuck headphones'


Also, “old Asian man watching videos on Facebook at full volume”


Yes! Have seen people on video calls on their phone’s speakers in the train carriage!


I've seen this regularly too. I like to add background dialogue for these people, particularly troublesome dialogue that leaves the listener feeling defiled. Very subtly, of course!


Similarly, who let their kids play ipad/phone games at full volume in a restaurant. Bring headphones!!


I like listening to the weird ass conversations of people around me. Is there a livestream of that somewhere? I’d love to put my headphones in to hide the fact that I am a chronic fucking eavesdropper.


Definitely this one 💯


People who insist on being noisy in quiet carriages. There is a whole rest of the train for it.


To be fair, who doesn't want to hear 'all eyez on me'. These fine musical scholars are educating the uninformed of Mr Shakur's extensive back catalogue.


People who own big fuck off boats but park them on the narrow street


We live in one of those small side streets so the road is narrow. Had a Car & boat parked a few doors down for nearly 10 years. Checked the rego all the time and it was always registered. I’m not even kidding when I say it has never once been used in all that time. Cobwebs underneath, the road was a slightly different colour. No one in the st owned it but there was nothing we could do because it was registered. A few weeks ago Got a letter from the council telling us about a new abandoned property act. Put a request through, saw them sticker it. 2 days later the sticker was gone so owners must have been notified, then a few days later it was gone. The fucker doesn’t live in the st, have not seen it around our area since it was moved.


This happened to my dad like 40years ago. Some bloke left his box trailer chained to a tree out the front of our place (we were in a back street), dad once spoke to the owner and asked him to find somewhere else for it, and he guy quite rudely said it was registered and he was legally allowed to park it there. Dad shrugged his shoulders and walked off. The next weekend he had a massive yard and garage clean out and filled the trailer to the point the wheels fouled on the mudguards. The guy didn’t come back for a week or two. But I remember him bashing on the door and loosing his shit at my dad. Dad just shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t k ow what he was talking about. The guy took the trailer away and we never saw it again


And caravans and trailers. Especially when they have a big house and triple garage.


The garage is for the motorbike and leaf blower


I stand by the belief that boats shouldn’t be allowed to be parked on streets if you can afford a boat you can afford a place to store it in. They just sit there for most of the year taking up space


Its a key indicator of aspirational middle class, I see it up here in Brisbane too. Enough dosh and income to buy used or finance a new caravan or boat. Not quite enough to have property to store it on or pay for a year round marina berth.


It's deliberate. Many of the people who do this (or park multiple cars on the street) own the properties which formerly had garages and driveways, which they've converted into some living/entertaining area making them unusable for their original purpose.


Drivers who don’t give a thank-you wave after I slow down to let them in.


Alright so I drive trucks for a living, no I’m not an old bloke stuck in his ways thinking he’s the king of the road or an individual with no common sense who shouldn’t be driving cars let alone trucks I am very big on safe driving and getting somewhere later, rather than not at all.. however what pisses me off is a few things 1. Merging on highway on-ramps M4, M7, M5 etc if you’re not going fast enough on the on-ramp I won’t slow up to let you in. I mean it’s not rocket science gauging speed of yourself and someone coming beside you to merge, but if it looks like I can ease off safely to let you in front I will. For gods sake don’t speed up at the last second using all of the merging lane just because god forbid you’re stuck behind a truck for a minute at most before you can use the overtaking lane for what it’s for. 2. Going off the first point stop bloody overtaking only to go slower than me (or anyone you overtake) after you’ve gotten in front - it angers even the calmest of people and it causes chaos for no reason. 3. And on normal roads I don’t understand why people will overtake only to take the next left that you could’ve waited a few more seconds behind me. Instead, now I’ve got to hit the anchors just to make sure I don’t turn your Toyota klueger into a yaris via a series of unfortunate events. And to relate to the comment a thank you goes a long way especially if someone’s slowing down 20+ tonnes to let you in, people don’t realise while you’re driving around or driving to work, we are at work so if you don’t like people bothering you or getting in your way at work just stop and think about what your driving is doing when you put that into consideration


I totally agree! Especially if I’ve really gone out of my way to make their life easier in a stressful driving situation. I always make a huge point to thank the driver who let me in. I know it’s corny but it reminds me that we’re all in this together, working as a group to get where we need to go safely.




Let the airing of grievances begin!


It's a bit early for Festivus...


Drivers that force their way in front thinking a quick blinker or none at all gives them right of way.


A little bit of me dies every time this happens, a blinker is not a notice for other cars to slam on their brakes to accomodate you. Some people I swear.


No. That is what hazard lights are for. Stop anywhere you like, put them on.


And then you hit the brakes to avoid a collision that would've been their fault, and _they're_ the ones who wave to thank you for letting them in, when you didn't.


Or if you honk at them for driving dangerously, they give you the finger.


Nothing fucks me off more than someone that's rushing to get in front of you and then when you finally give them a chance they don't even say thank you at all I mean come on does it really cost anything just to say thank you. 💀💀


I second this. I find that drivers aren’t nearly as courteous as they used to be.


Was in the US recently, this was completely not a thing. It's a single player game over there.


People who block the escalator and then have a sook when you say "excuse me". Just cause you're too lazy to walk don't get frustrated at me.


OMG yes! I'm still salty about this incident haha. I saw an older lady saying "excuse me" multiple times to an older couple who wouldn't move so I called it out a little louder, and the losers went off at me! They both started spewing hate at me, "fuck off you impatient bitch!" while the lady who actually wanted them to move snuck away. So many unhinged people out there waiting to fly off the handle




Oh yeah this grates on me too! It's supposed to make your travelling more efficient, but now it's a bottleneck.


* Spitting in public spaces. eg. Saw someone leaving a Westfield's mall entrance and spat on the carpet right outside. Eww! * People who throw rubbish out the car window. * Drivers who forget their indicator lights and drive for kms straight ahead and i am driving behind them, If i beep i get the finger ????? * Drivers who drive at night without headlights on.


We saw an old bloke hock up some phlegm (and he was there *really* trying to get it all out) and spit it on the floor inside Chatswood Westfield. Not in a pot plant or off to the side, nope straight on the floor in the direct path of those getting off the escalator. I’m a parent, I’m no stranger to other peoples bodily fluids but it was one of the most revolting things I’ve ever witnessed.


Related to cars and rubbish - people who eat their takeaway (always seems to be KFC) or have their coffee in their car at a car park or pulled up along a nature strip and dump the packaging on the floor. Beyond selfish


Ooohthe spitting is nasty. I have a friend who went to China for six months, and came back with a habit of spitting in the gutter (apparently the pollution there is so bad that you kinda have to). Thankfully he stopped when I told him why we stopped spitting in public in first world countries - it spreads TB (and other diseases).


> People who throw rubbish out the car window This is against the law. If you see it, you can report it here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/report-littering-from-a-vehicle


Adding to the last point, people who stop right at the top/bottom of escalators/moving walkways. Especially if it’s in a shopping centre where people have trolleys. I will run you down, and I won’t give a single fuck.


Wynyard station at peak hour return is so bad for this ! People walk down the stairs onto the platform then just stop, creating a huge crowd that is impossible to move pass. It's annoying and dangerous


It's like, fuck, I'm at the bottom, how did I get here? What do I do now? Eyes up from the phone, mate!


I know!! I so don’t care I was getting off the bus the other day with my pram. There was no one waiting to get on. Someone who got off the bus walked right behind me as I was getting off (going backwards as that’s the safest way) and I stepped on her shin. Sorry luv but don’t walk there!! I don’t even feel guilt about barrelling into people trying to get on while I’m trying to get off


I kinda miss having a pram for this reason. Giving people a gentle(or not so gentle) nudge when they are being absolute twats. Having said that though, I’ve seen some truly atrocious pram behaviour in Sydney. But that would be a whole other thread!


I know!! Some people almost use them as weapons. I try to make mine take up as little space as possible. Don’t hog the footpath etc. I mean it’s useful when people are being oblivious but I don’t get how some people would use it in certain ways and put their child in a potentially risky situation I was in town hall recently waiting for the lift and there was a big group of school boys waiting for the lift (I’m bad at ages I’d guess around 14) and when they saw a lady approach with a Walker and I was also approaching with the pram I heard one of them say “let’s go get the escalator” I was so proud of them


Best place for a chat /s


Literally I'm impressed that the amount of times people have stopped at the top of the escalators to check their phone at town hall station I have not bumped into them. Like fuck me it's literally 10 more steps to not get in the way!!!


Similarly to you: people who decide to stop and have a chat in the middle of the footpath.


The lack of awareness is nuts, like honestly how hard would it be to walk 1m to the side of a footpath or whatever just so you're not in the way...the lack of common sense is astounding sometimes.


Or stop in the doorway of a shop to chat to their long lost friend


Any time they block any passage pretty much. They're the same people who'll answer phones in the Cinema or play videos on speaker on their phone while on public transport or at a doctor's office. Only they exist in their world. Until they are shamed en masse by everyone else for doing it they don't learn.


And when you say "excuse me" attempting to walk around them, they still give you that dirty look.


Or they stare at you wide-eyed, baffled by the idea that there might be other people around them?


The utter AUDACITY of other people to use the footpath while they’re chatting 🤦‍♀️


That’s why you gotta say “excuse you”


I don’t know how many times I’ve had to say “what a GREAT place to stop and have a chat” but even that passive aggression doesn’t usually make people more aware.


You can turn this pass-agg into educational easily: “not a great place to stop”. It might sink in one day.


Oh I’ll do you one better: People who walk on the wrong side of the footpath.


I swear this is more of a problem in Sydney (not actually from there just visit a decent amount). The amount of times I’d be walking along and an already too-far-spread-out group in front of me would just suddenly stop…


Or in a doorway to something.


Totally agree with your list. Just want to add 3 of my own from the roads: - while driving, on a multi lane road, if you are not right up to the speed limit then get out of the right lane. The motorway is not a 70 zone. I understand learners and sensitive loads in your car etc, that’s fine. Just use the slow (left) lane. - when merging on to the motorway, you should be using the entryway to get the speed up to at least 80km MIN (ideally up to the speed limit if traffic allows). I had someone merge right in front of me recently while I was doing 90 (in a 90 zone) and they were doing 50. Sometimes driving too slow is the safety hazard. - if you miss your turn, take the next one. Don’t hit the breaks and stop all traffic on a busy road so you can hop across 2 lanes and turn right. Just take the next turn and do a u-turn or make 3 lefts if you need to.


Your second point pisses me off to no end. Even worse are people who come to a complete stop to merge into the motorway.


Yes 100% especially on 4 lane freeway 110km/h and there’s a truck in each lane going no more than 90km/h all in sync. That frustrates the absolute fk outta me


People who smash you in the head with the metal drink bottle in the side pocket of their back packs as they walk past you while seated in the bus


People who put their feet up on the seats on public transport. And who want to share with everyone else what they're watching. Apparently earphones are an unknown thing to them.


I have multiple of the latter, and some of the former, in my lunch room. I've become the office bitch.


Drivers that change lanes to drive up to the front of the queue and then indicate back into the lane they were previously in but didn’t want to wait in.


And then indicate to turn across traffic so everyone they cut in front of has to stop and wait.


I'm from Newcastle, but I used to visit Sydney often to see my bestfriend. She'd just moved from Rockdale to Mount Druitt and I wasn't familiar with the route yet. The first time I visited her, I got to this part where you can either turn left or right. I needed to turn left but accidentally ended up in the right lane because I'd gotten confused. I think I thought the lane I was in was turning left? It was busy after work traffic and I was signalling to get into the left lane and this guy wound down his window and started yelling about how he wasn't going to let me in. I don't remember exactly what he yelled because I was stressed. I remember laughing at him, confused, because I didn't understand why he was so strongly against letting me in, and he ranted the entire time we were at the traffic lights. I managed to get in, and I realised that he probably thought I'd done it on purpose because I didn't want to wait. But I did it because I didn't want to accidentally end up in Hornsby.


Usually give regular cars the benefit of the doubt for things like this, it's happened to me before and I remember how stressful it is accidentally ending up in the wrong lane. Not too much sympathy for ute/taxis though, when they do it, it's pretty obvious they're cutting the line, they speed up rapidly up the other lane and basically force their way back in.


I watch a ute that takes the same way home as me. Every day he turns in the left lane of a 2 lane turn then immediately cuts across traffic to make a right hand turn. Blue trail rider you are a cunt.


Mm this annoys me too. But if it’s a zipper merge it’s more efficient for people to merge lines at the merge point rather than earlier on. [Source](https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/)


Point 2 is my bugbear. I walk a lot and people don’t know how to use footpaths. Walk on the left and move into single file when somebody approaches from the opposite direction. How hard is that to understand?


People walking two abreast from the opposite direction who don't merge into single file on approach really gets my George Costanza-meter going, especially if I have to move off the footpath to avoid barreling into them.


I read a good tip a few years ago on Reddit that actually works. If there is nobody behind you on the footpath just stop and make the oncoming assholes walk around you.


Yeah, I often find that I have no choice but to slow down / almost stop as to not walk full-steam into someone who is showing no signs of slowing or moving. I don't understand?? What do they think is going to happen, a space will magically open up for me to hop into?


This is what I do. Look and stop.


This thread has given me a sense of relief. I thought it may have just been me forcing people left, although I don’t stop, just make eye contact and keep on walking There are lots of locations around the city where paths have ‘Keep Left’ painted, I find myself pointing these out to people too. There needs to be more of them


I like to employ the murder walk approach. Shoulders square, long neck, think murder. But it gets my goat, especially around Circular Quay. I have to get to work, people!




That’s a classic. I walk straight into them.


Try it with a pram… taking the little fella on a walk on Saturday around Surry hills and the amount of times I had to stop to let a three across group continue to walk three across, and actually copped a dirty look from one when I had had enough and just kept walking straight ahead. So sorry your conversation in your active wear was so important


Haven't had to worry about pushing a pram for years but the same s@#t happens at the airport. You're pushing a full trolley and people who are unencumbered just walk in your way and expect you to move. Seriously, this thing steers like a tank and you could take one step to the side. People are so entitled these days and won't do a single thing to make life easier for someone else even if it is a completely minimal effort.


Right or wrong, my approach is stare them straight in the eyes and prepare for impact.


People who are used to driving on the right hand side of the road.


I swear people love to walk diagonally too. I’m a fast walker, and the amount of times I’ll go to overtake someone from behind them and they start zigzagging around and somehow taking up the entire path


I used to work in Macquarie Park and it always confused me why I was the one always giving way when walking through the shopping centre to get lunch, surely it's something both parties should be attending to? I was discussing this with one of the younger members of our staff who was about 150cm tall and probably 40kg soaking wet and she said she was sick of it too, so she had decided to no longer yield. Watching her assertively walking at people much larger than her and occasionally shoulder tagging them in the ribs was priceless. It didn't change anything but maybe those people who she clipped might have thought about why it had happened to them.


>People standing on the right hand side of escalators that are wide enough to accommodate 2x people. If you are standing, stay left. If you are walking, stay right. I've seen and been behind people that do this at the top of escalators, they learn their lesson pretty quickly Also I just find people are very unaware of their surroundings these days, just absorbed in their own little worlds with little consideration. Maybe it's selfishness, too much device use, not enough socialization over the last few years - but I was in Costco at the weekend and people are just downright annoying these days.


Costco is the worst for social awareness. It's like a hotspot for gronks. Ive had too many wild experiences there to enjoy it anymore


No, they aren’t taught by their parents when growing up. Watch parents these days, they let their children wander everywhere and expect everyone else to get out of their way, regardless if they are carrying things etc. By doing this you are effectively teaching your child zero self/social/spatial awareness or basic manners. These children grow up into unaware adults. It starts with parenting your child to learn manners.


>Watch parents these days, they let their children wander everywhere i take my youngest to karate and the bloody karen mums that have their little brats (not participating) just running wild and screaming and the mums do absolutely nothing, not even a word, drives me insane, all these other kids are trying to listen to sensei and learn and it must be hard for them with the chaos these oblivious mums let happen. if my kid did that id be so embarressed id be taking them outside until class is over


Definitely, but half the time it's also older people too


People waiting for the light rail who block opal readers


Yes! And people who take FOREVER to find their Opal card whilst not letting other people go in front of them.


- People who put their bags on seats in peak hour and look surprised when you want to sit down - People who don’t scoot over and make you climb over them - People who have FaceTime conversations longer than 2 mins on a train


People who have loud conversations on speaker on public transport. Some dude really wanted everyone to know how well his mum was doing over the phone the other day.


Absolutely yes to people that make you climb over them! I have a big bag for uni and uni I will hit you in the face if you don’t stand up I don’t want to but I can’t help it also people that insist on getting up before the bus has stopped while I’m in the aisle like I don’t want to be trying to stand up on a bus while it’s moving just wait for the bus to stop I’ll get up


Slow walkers kill me. Especially getting off at wynard and walking up the met center


I wouldn't mind slow walkers so much if they stuck to one side, they meander left to right so when you try to overtake them they slowly start walking in front of you again


People who are rude to hospitality and customer service staff. The customer is NOT always right, and in fact, the customer is usually a moron and an asshole.


There are very few quiet carriages. Why do you have to talk in them? This is my down time. Shut up. And no matter how polite you are about it some people will still rage at you as if you asking them to hush is the same as your threatening to cut their balls off. Fuck off mate.


Honestly can’t remember the last time I saw one. Where did they all go? I feel at 7 am on a weekday every carriage should be a quiet carriage, no one wants to be there and we’re all trying to pretend we’re somewhere else.


I know the Blue Mountains line still has them, idk about elsewhere. But yeah, *every* line should have them.


Was in a quiet carriage on the way to Sydney on the weekend. some little ferals got on and I think one of the little loser thought everyone wanted to hear how he was planning on beating up another kid at the party they were headed to. heard the whole carriage sigh with relief when they got off


People who stand on the footpath in front of a pedestrian crossing but then stop to chat. Are you crossing or not? If not move away!


I hate this, do people not realise it affects the traffic....? Take a step back and like, sort of turn away from the edge.


People who don't turn off their phones or at least put them on silent (not vibrate; we can still hear that) when going to the movies or theatre. People really aren't aware of exactly how much sound can echo when in a quiet room ...


..and answering them while the movie's on


And bringing their babies, and when their baby cries, they don't leave the cinema with them.


I always sit in the back row (I'm tall) and the last time I went to see a movie the kids in the front row were being loud and passing their phones around. Annoying but it didn't really get bad until right at the end so whatever. The couple right in front of me were constantly pulling their phones out to check messages. No sound, but brightness all the way up right in my line of sight. Really fucking distracting like every 5 minutes.


People who slow down to a crawl to read the phones as they walk, especially on narrow walkways, instead of stepping off to the side People who push their prams or trolleys in one direction while looking in a completely different direction People who get to the top of an escalator and stop dead right in front of it to look around People who push in front of you while you're walking only to immediately slow down to slower speed than you were already going Anyone on King St walking in a group. It's a very narrow path. People who stop at the bottom of the stairs of a train platform to look at the timetable blocking you from getting off the stairs People who sprint for a train only to suddenly stop either in the door or right in front of the door to check the timetable blocking anyone else from getting on People who stand in the middle of a bus who refuse to move back then when asked they agonizingly move in increments when it's clear they have to move all the way to the back People who think you have to wait for the turnstiles to close before you tap on People who expect you move out of the way when crossing the road when there are dozens of people walking towards you from their direction and no one else is coming from the side you're crossing from.




People who are in the queue for 5-10 minutes and once we get to the counter they'd be like "Can i have the ..... err........ ermm....... hmmmmm..... errr........... mmmm...... err.... mmmm err errrr errr"


* Performing more than one transaction at the ATM while people are queued up and waiting * Putting your grocery trolley across 3 self serve bays because you don't understand object rotation * Driving in the right hand lane at exactly the same speed (20 under the limit) and right next to the person in the left * Coasting up to red traffic lights from 500 metres away so noone else can turn left until you are done * Not triggering the light sensors because you are parked too far back


* People who stop as soon as they've got on the train, as if there's no one behind them wanting to get on * (linked) People who cram the vestibule instead of heading down in to the empty carriage so no one else can get on / off * (still linked, and the worse) people who stand or even *sit* on the train steps * Stopping to cross at the lights in the only part of the path that's clear for people to walk through, blocking the entire path instead of just stopping a few steps back.


> (still linked, and the worse) people who stand or even sit on the train steps If it's a long haul train and it's full and there's a long way to the next stop I don't see why people can't use the steps? As long as they're willing to move when people want to get past.


Anyone who pushes their shopping trolley out of Colesworth down the road to their house/apartment and dump the trolley somewhere on the footpath. Walk around my suburb any given Monday morning and there are trolley's everywhere because of lazy fucks who won't/can't carry a few bags of groceries home. The other week I saw a group of three pushing a trolley down the road with one (1) grocery bag that looked fairly light. In my local Coles, the trolley wheels lock if they are taken past the external doors which is a clear sign of "do not take these past this point". Coles then have to send out their trolley truck to round up all of the stray trolley's around the suburb. These clowns should really be hit with theft of property charges. I'm sure we've all heard of that trolley/shopping cart theory which gives insight into whether someone is a decent person based on their willingness to return the trolley rather than just abandoning it in the car park. Well these people who take the trolley home with them only to dump it outside their place go above and beyond being self serving arseholes. At least those who abandon it in the car park leave it knowing it's relatively close to a trolley bay, dumping it on the street is a hazard and only serves to place a burden on Colesworth to go to much additional time and effort to pick it up.


Agreed. Bringing home a shopping trolley and dumping it in the neighbourhood is such a trashy thing to do. I wish wheel locks were more common, even though they don't always solve the problem. The other week someone dumped a Bunnings trolley outside my place (the kind with the springy platform beneath the basket). The nearest Bunnings is two full suburbs away. I'll never understand these people.


The couple who stood shoulder to shoulder on the up escalator yesterday, in their own little world, totally ignoring my pleas to move, so I got to watch as my train pulled away from the station from behind their shoulders…


Facetime on the train!! Added points if the person doing it peppers the conversation with "I'll fucking kill them" "they don't know who I am". An undertone or violence and bitchyness is a must


People. More specifically other people.


Hell is other people.


Works in real estate = is an epic cunt.


I had to chuckle when recently at my local Westfield. I was on the escalator and was in a hurry so was walking up, and a family in front of me were all spread out on different steps / sides. No biggie as usually people move over when they see you coming or if you ask them to, and in this case the husband noticed me and told his family to move over - so they all stepped to the RIGHT so I could walk up the left-hand side! At least I could get through, but stick to the left people! Funny


The last one is especially irritating to me. People are so self involved that they don’t even realise that there might be people behind them, in a busy train station especially! I’m an easy going person but I have come so close to yelling at them. One day I might snap.


People who stand at the cash register still trying to decide what they want to eat instead of letting the person behind them go first. There either physical menus, or a big board that says what they have. If you haven't figured out what you want yet, then move aside and let someone else order first


People that bring their poorly behaved children to spaces that aren’t meant for poorly behaved children. If I’m dropping a significant amount of money on high tea or a fine dining experience, I don’t want to have to deal with your screaming kids running around, ruining the ambience. Not to mention the hazard they cause when they get in the server’s way when they are trying to deliver hot foods and liquids to a table. Your kids are bored and don’t want to be here, get a babysitter or plan a picnic in the park instead!


You are never, ever EVER the bad guy for shoving anyone standing in front of the train doors. Fuck those people to hell.


Honestly just the self awareness is what gets me. People stopping in walk aways, at exit of an escalator or lift, the doors of busses or trains. Even the roads aren't safe for it - if you are looking for a particular house number or business and you are crawling along a street in a car, check your fkn mirror and move out of the way so the flow of traffic can be maintained. Seriously just a little bit of self awareness would make transiting from one place to another soooo much better, which is my biggest annoyance about Sydney, we waste so much time trying to get from A to B because our city is so inefficient.


The ones who crowd at the train doors instead of squeezing in to allow for the passengers to board. It literally takes a min or two to get on and off (unless of course you have plenty of bags, stroller etc. which is understandable but I am referring to healthy able bodies that crowd and block pathway to get on) and guards won’t close the doors unless everybody who wants to disembark have disembarked so why tf people crowd at the doors.


I swear people have forgotten how to go outside. Maybe all of these things were around before Covid but I feel like post lockdown society has so much more of these idiotic behaviours and an abandonment of common courtesies. As for the point about standing to the left on escalators, I cannot agree more! I NEVER stand anywhere but the left even when I’m with other people. I went to London for a holiday and they stand on the right and people get very annoyed if you’re in their way! They have signs up and everything. I had to train my brain to stand on the right even though it felt so wrong.


The last point hits. People on their phones while walking, especially when crossing a bloody road. Just watch where you're fucking going. I'm not moving out of the way anymore, if they're not watching boo bloody hoo.


This has been driving me insane lately ESPECIALLY when crossing roads! I let them bump into me now.


Holidays in Japan are extremely calming for this reason. People respect people, and are incredibly (possibly overly so) considerate.


Amplified music on the beach. I don't want to endure your shitty commercial EDM you inconsiderate teenaged twat, I came here to relax and hear the waves.


Same goes for National Parks and hiking trails


OMG! Especially on walking trails. Shut the fuck and listen to nature, not your shitty yelling.


People walking slowly and in a group or a way they means you can’t pass them.


I was walking my dog the other day and these two slow-moving guys were taking up the whole footpath, side by side. I got my dog to commence the overtaking process as he is small enough to fit in the tiny gap they’d left. Dude seemed genuinely surprised when my dog appeared beside him. Sigh. ETA: people who don’t move out of the way when you want to pick up food at a counter are also exasperating.


Did I write that post under a different username ? All of what you mentionned !!!


Car drivers who are either ignorant of, or deliberately negligent of the rules surrounding passing cyclists on the side of the road. Many drivers pass cyclists within centimetres when you are meant to leave a minimum of one meter gap when passing cyclists. Even when there is plenty of room to pass with a safe gap, ive seen psychotic drivers seemingly go out of the way to run you into the gutter. Ive had to literally stop riding my bike altogether this is such a common occurence. In one extreme example one guy literally bumped my handlebars while passing me, knocking me over into the gutter. He then had to stop at a roundabout 20 meter futher down the road. As i passed i said watch out mate you almost killed me back there. He then started screaming profanity at me and i laughed it off and kept riding. He then followed me all the way home and got out and tried to fight me outside my house. So yeah, my biggest pet peeve in sydney is psychotic car drivers haha




When people just stop in the middle of an entry to a shop. You're not the only one here, fucking move! Arrogant drivers that deliberately put their indicators on after they're already half in your lane NPCs with zero spatial awareness


People who walk past and cough right next to you without even trying to cover their mouth


People who refuse to move out of the pram/wheelchair seats on public transport. I regularly have to be assertive and ask people to move when I'm on trains and buses with two kids in a double pram, they often have no awareness about it but are generally fine once I've asked. But I got into an argument with a lady who refused to move out of the seats a couple of months ago. There were other accessible seats she could use but she was just flat out refusing. It ended with multiple other passengers arguing with her to move which she finally did.


People in general.


People who slow down when changing lanes in traffic. Proper driving lessons and common sense should tell these people its safer to be at speed instead of intentionally putting your car on a rear-end course with traffic.


People not using indicators - the amount of bmws, range rovers and big cars not using them around the place is genuinely laughable. Just because you spent your money on the car doesn’t mean you’re exempt from keeping others safe on the road


People who leave their trolleys next to their car and drive off.


All of this is accurate and in this post Covid world, I’ve started loudly telling people to fuck off. Or saying “what the fuck is wrong with people” once I finally get past the fuckers


People who walk in a huge horizontal line on shared pathways has to be up there. I was running at a fairly slow pace along a temporary footbridge used for the construction near Barangaroo headland and encountered a family literally blocking the entire width, and had to stop and walk until they got to the end One of the women literally laughed and said “haha he had to stop” I get it, your family are the most important citizens of Sydney and everyone else can just go and get fucked.




Kinda makes sense if you think of pressing the button equating to being at the front of the queue. Imagine pressing the button and a bunch of people push in front and then you have to wait for the next lift cycle.


This is the first time I've ever heard of this social etiquette rule too.


If I have to squeeze past you, I'll just tread on the ends of your toes. I'm north of a hundred kilos, I don't really "squeeze" anywhere.


People who indicate but don't change lanes and then have their indicator on for ages because they're too oblivious to the tick-tick sound and the indicators on their dash


People who come to a dead stop at the top of escalators is worse than the stairs or Opal gates. Like theres literally people behind you that can't stop! it's worse if escalator is full and theres no way to dodge them. Or if theres an entire family and they all stop once they off the escalator. I always give elderly more space on the escalator because I expect them to take longer to get off. Also please supervise your kids around the escalator!! As cute/funny as it might be to see them going down an up escalator...it's not going to be cute when they take a tumble down it and other people shouldn't be dodging your kids runnign up and down the escalator, it's not a playground!


As someone who has moved around the world a bit for work, let me tell you that the above points are not unique to Sydney and are common practices amongst the human race. Not here to vouch for Sydney, I’m just saying that the average human is either dumb, ignorant, or oblivious of their surroundings.


People who walk slowly and somehow, by way of Some trick of their gait, make it impossible to quickly pathfind past them.


There's 2 kinds of people that annoy me at a busy petrol station. First are the people who decide to do their weekly shop inside while their car sits at the pump. The second and much more common are people that get back in their car after paying, and then just sit at the pump for ages. What are you doing? Just put the key in and go.


People standing up as soon as the seat belt sign turns off


This gets me too. Like…where are you going? We’re all stuck in this metal tube until those doors open.


On my drive to work there is a speed bump that 2/5 drivers will swerve out of their lane to avoid. It’s before a large curve in the road. Like you’re slowing down anyway? Oh, and people that line up and flow into the isle/footpath and not along the wall or drinks fridge by the checkout. Bonus points if someone then pushes in because everyone is queued in a as n orderly way


People who cut the cue in traffic when they jump in at the end of the turning lane. And those that let the bastards in as it means some poor cunt at the end of the cue misses the lights.


People who walk slowly up the stairs when the train is right there at the platform. I get that you don't wanna get on that train, but other people behind you might!!!!!


Related to OP’s gripes, people who come barging out of shops onto the footpath without even looking.


Drivers who swerve into the adjacent right lane to make a left turn...


People walking around busy shopping centres looking only at their phone instead of where they are walking. Basically saying to everyone "I'm not going to fulfil my part of the shared duty to avoid collisions, everyone else can take up that load for me".


People with prams/trolleys that take up the whole walkway and have no self awareness to others around them so you’re stuck walking at snails pace behind them.


People who sit on the train stairs but don;t get up at the stations to let people use the stairs for their intended purpose. I'll confess, I've "accidentally" kicked plenty of people in the back of the head who haven't moved.


People blocking a doorway while having a chin wag.


Or its variation, in the middle of a supermarket aisle for a chin wag.


People who talk on the quiet carriage. There are fuck-off big signs everywhere there’s no way they don’t realise they’re on one.


Don’t enter an intersection unless there is room for you on the other side 🤬


Mate, you just described the peeves of every urban dwelling person on Earth. They can all be summed up as "move bitch, get out tha way."


Your entire list can just be summarised as “people who dong have any understanding oh how to share a public space”


Light turns green and then only they decide to put on indicator to turn right.


- Ppl who stop in the middle of the shopping aisle or entrance to, to have a chat with someone (often with trolleys or prams blocking the entry) - omfg move & be considerate of others! - drivers who weave in & out of lanes only to end up at the same or close to the position in traffic if they just stayed in the 1/same lane! - drivers who don’t drive the damn speed limit, if you can’t drive the clear indicated speed limit get off the rd! Apparently 20 is the new 40, 40 the new 60 and so on and so forth. - drivers who don’t look out for motorcyclists, I don’t ride but I’ve been on the back of enough bikes to have experienced this and it’s freaking scary how oblivious some ppl are - use your damn mirrors ppl! Edit - delivery drivers who leave your food or parcel IN FRONT OF YOUR DOOR!!! So you can’t open it without knocking it over. Like wtaf I wish I had their address and I could deliver a package/food to them the same way!!


People who don’t leash their dogs. (I say this as a dog lover). The entitlement is just off the charts.


People who push themselves onto a train, past everyone else who waited patiently for one. If you're late, you let yourself on AFTER everyone else who have queued appropriately have gone on 🤦🏽‍♀️. THE MANY TIMES I've been pushed into the sides of the train just because some loser who got there late wanted a seat first.


Successive Sydney city planners for decades


Haha fuck i love grumpy Mondays!


Oh my... There are tons: * Music without earphone / headphone. Just F off seriously * People who put their feet on the seat. Bonus \*sshole point for wearing dirty shoe * People who walk slowly in the middle of the way WHILE playing their phones * People who use 2 seat to sit in the rush hour * KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN FFS, WE DO NOT CARE YOU HAVE A NEW BUSINESS CLIENT TODAY * People who try to jump over the opal gate * People who put their shopping bags on the seat in a rush hour * People who sit and spread their legs like redbull gives you wings * People who don't want to share a seat nearby in a fully packed bus / train * People who littering * People who drives with a shitty exhaust pipe on their non sport car


I feel like people have less and less situational awareness/spatial awareness now. They expect everyone to just move around them as if they’re not an inconvenience. I hate feeling like I’m playing space invaders in real time just to go grocery shopping. It’s exhausting trying to work out routes around crowds because people can’t be bothered to just be aware of their surroundings and walk into me, shove my basket and look at ME like IM the inconvenient one… ugh.


The Opal gates? People who use their phones to tap on/off. Your thick case is preventing your NFC antenna to connect - there’s about 20 people stuck behind you in the queue as you wave your phone frantically trying to get it to register, then spending another 20 seconds trying to work out if it actually did register. Just use a bloody physical Opal or credit card - works 100% first time every time for me.


I think you can summarise that list as "inconsiderate people".


It so annoying when people from Australia walk on the left, but people from everywhere else walk on the right. Pedestrians start fighting for 0.5m of walkway when the walkway is 10m wide. We need to universally agree on one side to walk and put in controls to keep them on that side, especially on stairs and tight pedestrian walkways. Town Hall station has 'keep left on the stair' signs but are completely ignored. Something that worked well in Japan is that there were foot prints stickers on the ground to guide people.


people driving 10 to 20 below the speed limit in perfectly fine weather/traffic


Maybe the flip side to your first point, people who travel on the train right by the doors but don’t get off and then you have to squeeze past them uncomfortably, especially on the Tangara trains with the pole in the middle of the door. When the train is full and there’s no more space inside it’s understandable but if there’s space then get out of the bloody way!


People on bikes or scooters (or anything else) who think they have the right of way in heavily congested pedestrian areas. The amount of people on bikes in and around Central station is insane and despite the hundreds of other people walking and taking up 99% of the space, those on bikes think they should have the right of way.


TBF Chalmers Street right outside of central is a nightmare for both cyclists and pedestrians. They made what was a bike only lane in front of the dental hospital a shared path and then it also leads to that busy crossing in front of Woolies, which is also a shared path, before a cyclist can get onto the proper bike lane that leads to Eddy Ave.