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I spend a lot of time on the road and have never had anyone 'bump' into me. (touch wood) Having said that, you should always assume that everyone else on the road is incompetent. Drive defensively. Where did you learn to drive? ​ (edit - not suggesting you're at fault here, I'm curious about both sides of the coin)


Hmm. 25 years of driving I’ve had one mild rear ending which was my fault for not driving more defensively, two front endings in which I couldn’t do much because I was parked, and one person opened a car door in to my side in a car park. I’d wonder if you are driving as defensively as you might? Edit: 14/7/2020 - Quality reporting prowess here, Mercury. Submitting it for the Pulitzer?


Hilarious! Your edit is now appearing on the Mercury article.


Brilliant! There is so much fun to be had with this!


Apparently this 9 day old post with 15 comments is worthy of a Mercury article, behind the paywall of course. https://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/mainlander-vents-on-reddit-about-maniac-tasmanian-driving/news-story/99a6465ee8b3c3bdb3e090984ca8e6db [Edit: and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themercury.com.au/posts/10158754044448408] /u/Them_James /u/spiritofcom /u/LurkForYourLives /u/vecernik87 /u/_lilyisbestgirl_ /u/WileECoyoteGenius /u/FrugalBumblebee /u/stopcopyingmecar - you may want to know that your comments have been quoted and [embedded](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/embeds) in the article.


Awesome. My inane comment has gone down in history. What a time to be alive in journalism. Can you copy paste the body here? I’m not subscribed to that shite but I suspect you may be as a necessary evil.


I would paste the content if there was any! It’s basically “Someone posted on reddit [copy of post] these people replied [embedded comments] these other people also replied [more embedded comments]”. Looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/tMvQmDH.png I wonder what happens if you edit your comment? I’ll take a look if you’re game to do it...


Edited. Enjoy and see if it shows up?


There ya go! https://i.imgur.com/9kNt773.png


Superb! Now taking bets on how long it stays up for.


Yes! Change it to a rant about how pathetic Mercury "journalism" is!


I came here from the article, no rant there.


Just edited but was well behaved.


Part of me is wondering how I can write a little something about supporting non Murdoch media. Fund the ABC!


https://i.imgur.com/oxH0lg9.png I took this screenshot four years ago when reddit first enabled this feature of embedded comments in other sites and this Washington Post article was noticed by someone who posted it to r/bestof. You were more well-behaved than this user indeed!


Man, I have no idea where you are driving, but in have been around Launceston for several years and not a single car bumped into me. Sure, there are *some* people behaving dangerously, but if you keep your distance, you should be fine. If you, on the other hand, try to drive very close to others (as it is needed in some large NSW cities) then it may attract some accidents.


Either you have very bad luck or you're at fault. I've been driving in the Hobart area for 18 years and have had one accident in very heavy rain. I don't think I've ever been bumped into. Car did get key'd in Bridgewater once though.


I fear this may be a case of operator fault?! Haha. In my 8 years in Tasmania driving I had one accident (my own fault - major accident). In my 8 in Melbourne I have also had one (car park ding).


Where abouts in tassie do you live? The idiots are usually the bogans or the snobby people who think they own the road.


Bad rng


I have noticed people think indicators are optional here. And they don't know how to use roundabouts.


Over 20 years of driving and I've had one car drive into the rear of mine and one or two marks on doors from carparks. My wife's RAV4 has a scuff on a rear corner from a twit who couldn't judge where the front of their car was, and a mark on a door and nothing else. I actually see a lot of people complaining about how crazy drivers are down here. I also ride a road bike and I really don't think it's anywhere near as bad as people make out.


My experience is way more often getting stuck behind someone going 30km/h under the speed limit than anything else..


All those patting yourself on the back because you've never had an accident. Let me tell you what a driver said to me in a pile up (no one at fault), "That happened so fast. I only thought idiots got in accidents.". Then, swearing. Accidents are statistically rare. That being said, I report dangerous drivers to Tas Police, 131 444 with registration. Yes, driving behaviour lately seems worse. I do recommend defensive driving courses. May still have accidents but maximize chance of walking away.




Having moved from Tasmania to NSW I much prefer driving in Tasmania. People are far to aggressive and pushy for their own good, tailgating all over the place and generally being distracted. Hell, in one trip from Blacktown to Campbelltown I saw 3 rear-enders, one of which involved 3 cars. I often see crashes on the side of the road and many many near accidents. People refusing to let ambulances get by, or cutting off people who are attempting to get out of the way of an ambulance. The Absolute need to "get one up on other drivers" leading to people cutting in front of others on off/on ramps making traffic come to a stand still. Speeding in any and all lanes, Undertaking cars when they in turn are in the process of overtaking 2 well spaced out cars, even when a third lane is available. ​ God damn, Drivers in NSW need to relax.


How and where are you parking? You're far more likely to get 'bumped into' if you park like a twat.


I feel people here drive too slow more than anything. Nothing crazy though, at least we merge well.


So true. Terrible parking, terrible driving and shitty attitudes on the road. I love Tassie for so much else but the drivers here are fucking shithouse. I never thought to myself I need a dashcam until I got to Tassie. Its a must have.


Hey plz check your inbox