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Wait until they see Dynamic customer demand.


Future Wendy's Order Scenario - Customer - I'd like a #1. Cashier/Order Kiosk- That'll be $24.50. Customer - Uhh, no. Customer in Car- I'm never going to Wendy's again. And scene.


that's the ironic part, there's nothing forcing anybody to stay in line after ordering and I could imagine such mass protests going very poorly for Wendy's franchise owners.


I kind of hope their lines get filled with people cancelling orders.


It would be a shame if everyone did it at the same time. r/wendysstrike




I will sit at the speaker until the price drops.


What’s the price now? …. How about now?


How about now?


Aaaaannnnnnd... now?


At least they gave me a heads up, wendies csn suck a Dave's dead cock.


Franchise owners are not corporate, so no harm for the genius planning this. /S McD and any other fast food chain nearby will have a feast when Wendy starts with this nonsense. The amount of orders piling up will be on the news.


I don't think many people are going to be sympathetic towards the franchise owners. Also, that's just normal business. If I don't like their prices or their product/service, then I'm not going. It's not a protest, I'm just not going to spend my money on something I don't like. It's not like it's my civic duty to go spend money at Wendy's.


exactly. And, as opposed to Uber, for example, they're not the only game in town. You think I can't find a fucking Taco Bell at the same time Wendy's is open? Wendy's shit is expensive already so it's not like a value anyway.


Not only that, but Uber can justify their price hikes based on traffic, weather, gas prices, etc. Wendy's doesn't have all those convenient excuses.


I would be shocked if McDs and BK aren't already working on an ad campaign highlighting their consistent prices.


They probably on the phone with Wendys agreeing to do the same shit.


Yeah the only reason they’ve gotten away with raising prices so high the past few years is because they all did it.


You're assuming the market is free and fair and it isn't at all. They'll all collude to do the same thing when the data shows they can get away with it and get margins up. Soon they'll all be robot burger flippers with dynamic pricing.


Because I’m sure this is just something that Wendy’s came up with… The other fast food chains would never do this. Really? It’s conditioning.


The long drive thru line late night that’s one example of dynamic forces working to regulate customers demand on the restaurant. It’s an inverse relationship. Longer line, results in a reduced number of new customers joining the line.


It is going to suck to be those front line employees


Lmao. Customer: “uh no. Also, since this is bullshit, I’m going to put my car in park and order some door dash from Burger King”


No to mention employees aren’t gonna stick around to get berated by the public.


Exactly. It makes sense for taxis. A lot of people need rides, not enough rides available, so the value of the ride rises. Wendy’s doesn’t have a limited number of burgers available, they have them every single time you show up. Your burger is worth the same amount no matter what time of day it is or how busy it is. And as it is, it’s already too damn expensive. Now, if the spin is “this shit is capped at $8.99, but if you come at 3pm it might be $6.99” then fine. But if it’s not strictly dynamically cheaper at times I don’t see how this could ever be a smart business move, and if it is they’re doing a terrible PR job.


There’s also a pretty limited number of taxi/ride share companies in a given city (like usually under 10)while there is often a different fast food place just down the block or across the street from a Wendy’s. It’s not much of a disincentive just to go to another nearby place. Even if they don’t have surge pricing at a particular time, people are still going to avoid it in this situation, just so they don’t have to play games.


They’ll also avoid it to make sure that they don’t get embarrassed by not having enough money - or by pushing their budget further than they thought they had too. Great for MacDonalds though.


Also, imagine if a guy orders something ahead of you and pays $10 and you order the same thing, but since he got one, now it's $15? You'd be like "nah fam, fuck that."


That’s essentially what these loyalty programs are doing. it’s been proven they shift savings from the loyalty member onto the regular consumer. “Oh don’t want to share your data? That’ll be $2.50 more please”


This Wendy’s I went to actually didn’t have burgers after group one night. I watched a bunch of boomers flip the fuck out. And it’s like eh no worries. I’ll get chicken. No need to scream at like a 16 year old behind the counter.


Those poor staff at Wendy’s. So many people are going to take it out on them.


>Now, if the spin is “this shit is capped at $8.99, but if you come at 3pm it might be $6.99” then fine. But if it’s not strictly dynamically cheaper at times I don’t see how this could ever be a smart business move, and if it is they’re doing a terrible PR job. We already know that they're going to use the current prices as the base, and only increase from there.


Wait until they hear about dynamic salaries!


Well no more Frosties for me


It won’t be Dynamic, customers will have immutable memory of their experience.


And depending on what type of car you drive they can dynamically change the price. 😂


Jesús don’t give them any ideas.


Underrated comment




It’s to combat their shit business model, solely predicated on low wage labor


I was a child laborer at a Wendy’s. They’re awful.


What does this have to do with AI? Isn’t it just MBA’s being dicks?


Every company is at work rn figuring out how to extract more money from humanity while simultaneously reducing costs via AI.


Yeah, but this kind of thing has been around since before AI. Dynamic pricing has been used for online shopping for at least a decade now


It’s an algorithm at best


I can’t imagine going to Wendy’s ever again for fear that I might be overpaying. I’ll just go somewhere else where I know the price is the price.


I will absolutely not participate in dynamic pricing of food


Yeah it’s been hot garbage the last couple of years anyways. Bye


Dynamic drive through turnaround lane blockage … and burger scalping


Honestly, if this were done right where there was a standard price and depending on demand a possible discount to increase temptation for additional demand it might not be such a bad thing. Of course that's bit what they'll do, the whole concept where they'll just increase prices realtime is likely going to kill off a significant part of their business.


Came here to say that. My demand is zero when this launches. To be fair it's already once a year already. Lol


wait til you cant get out of line because there is a car in front of you, a car behind you, and your only ticket out is a $30 junior bacon cheeseburger.


Pays to drive a Jeep. You just… pull out of line.


Yes, that's the point. Increase price during peak demand to lower demand. Stops the business from being overwhelmed while still making as much or more than before.


I feel bad for America in 10-15 years


You should have stopped after America


I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a line at a drive thru that suggests there are demand issues that need solving. Not since the peak of COVID tbh. Most around me look like ghost towns these days, even during lunch.


We have the opposite problem here unfortunately. Franchise owners figured out during Covid that they could staff their restaurant with one or two people and enough people would still wait in line for an hour to get a dried up burger and soggy fries.


I've walked into my local Wendy's and walked right out after seeing the line on multiple occasions. Drive thru full as well. Depends on location it seems.


That kinda makes sense because the Wendy's by my house has a line around the block during dinner rush. McDonald's was also totally overwhelmed when I went there for lunch today. They were telling people to pull forward and wait but it was so backed up we couldn't. Probably wrecked their drive through time.


Recommended response. Go to Wendy’s. Get to front of line. They ask what you want to order. Just reply “I’m waiting for the next pricing change.” And wait.


Yes, once everyone stops ordering, prices will automatically drop due to apparently declining demand, profit!


The security cams will detect the increasing line length as increased demand. Can’t win.


The point isn't to save $.82 on a burger, its to cost them money by holding up the line.


I’m dynamic purchasing


*Look at me - I'm the Dynamic Pricing now.*


Honestly I have my doubts that it’s even going to be truly “dynamic” and not just a flat increase in prices during traditional peak lunch and dinner time hours regardless of how busy or not the line is.


Or people see it doesn’t change and then they all leave the store and never come back. Honestly any place they start doing this I’m never coming back.


Going first thing in the morning to buy up all their burger, fries, and frosty futures for the day then I’ll mark everything up 100% and resell it in the dining room.


HOLD!!! This could be Wall Street bets all over again lol


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Frosty hands!


Buy on the dip


I’m sure the menu prices changing while someone is in line will go over well with their clientele.


“Hey man, why was his burger $5 and mine is $8?” “Sir, this is the new surge pricing model. It lowers wait times, and improves service and customer satisfaction.” “ I saw him pay $5, but when I walk up to the register 10 seconds after I have to pay $8. How the hell does that satisfy me?” “Sir, this is a Wendy’s”


Which direction the prices go depends on what car you're driving in or the clothes you have on.


Better yet, you can get discounts based on the color of your skin or your religious affiliation


Black history month w/facial recognition at KFC is gonna be lit.


Syncing registers with the digital menu boards is already incredibly hard. Add on to that the dynamic pricing and it's going to be a nightmare. I pity the IT team that is going to have to constantly manually sync these registers because I guarantee it's going to fail constantly. Customers are going to complain when they're ordering late at night, but registers are failing to sync out of lunch pricing. Franchises are going to complain when the registers aren't syncing fast enough for the lunch/dinner rush. And these boards are probably being outsourced so if they're not updating correctly then that's going to have to be troubleshot by a third party.


Dynamic pricing will completely end me going out to dinner. The pushing up tips has already slowed it a bit, they can blow me into a coma with this idea.


My wife and I have just kinda decided that going out to eat isn’t really worth it any longer.


My wife and I have switched to breakfast instead of dinner for the most part.


Weekend lunch dates


Nowadays it is better to go to a regular restaurant. Price are the same, if not cheaper and the food is better quality. Eating out is still expensive though.


Literally Aladdin's and the local Chinese place are the only consistent places to eat near us. Well we're saving money


When does it end? You can’t just keep raising prices and gouging consumers forever, eventually your consumers won’t have the financial feasibility to consume. But growth is expected every quarter forever so I’ll ask my question again: when does it fucking end?


You have really good grades so we were hoping you knew


I need dynamic grades


These corporate bastards want it all. So sick of it. Next, they will want us to pay in actual blood donations. Not even really /s


I've heard of people challenging themselves not to spend money on anything they don't really need. Like a mass minimilsm approach. But we'd have to do it by the millions.


I think this will happen by force rather than people opting into it. With wages at a stagnant rate and inflation ever increasing, there will be a breaking point eventually where people will have to choose minimalism or die


Honestly if they were offering blows so good I’d end up in a coma, I might go to Wendy’s.


After that you can go to Starbucks for a hand job


You like money and sex? We should hang out


I see Idiocracy reference, I upvote.


you want BJs from Wendy? "*hello... FBI?*"


This is the result of a system that requires infinite growth. Once a company has exhausted expansion through traditional means, they have to find shittier and shittier ways to leech money out of society


I hear you. First they'll try to pawn it off as a way to pay employees more. They might even do that, but it'll immediately be stagnated and the employees will not come out ahead for long, it'll just be for the rich to become richer.


I thought the sharing of passwords would be a death knell for Netflix, but they made more money than ever. I don’t know what to think anymore.


Guess I’m never eating at Wendy’s again 🤷‍♂️


They had a good run. Their value menu was epic for awhile.


“How many saltines can you give me with my chili before you get reprimanded?”


I went there for the first time in 20 years and it was incredibly poor quality food in a bad environment. I’m not going back again.


Their quality and customer service has really gone downhill the last 5 years.


Wendy’s and other fast food restaurants have jacked up their prices past what I’m willing to accept as it is. Plus the quality and portions have been reduced. I used to go to Wendy’s and get two doublestacks and a biggie fry for a little over $3. Now it’s closer to $10.


You have to use coupons now to get the "normal" price


Just wait until they introduce a subscription to get consistent pricing.


Hadn't considered that but unfortunately it's not as absurd as it might sound. Corporations are openly scrambling for any conceivable way to bleed consumers dry and they want every last drop.


Join Wendy’s Plus for low-demand surge pricing… NO MATTER THE DEMAND? For $5 per month you’ll save more than $6 on a single high-demand surge order. Wendy’s Plus: bringin’ it home. And now, Wendy’s Plus VIP membership: a friend of Dave’s. For $12.99 every month, you can be a friend of Dave’s, for low demand surge pricing, plus free soft drinks every day.


Going to be 20 mill on top of all the people who stop going there.


Agreed. Their prices are insane lately anyway. They can suck a dick if they think I'm going to roll up to an ever changing price. Low cost, reliability and predictability is the key to fast food for me. Trust, zero.


$12 for a #1 with a single patty the last time I stopped at one driving down to family for Xmas. Hard pass.


I don’t remember the exact price but they only give like 3/4 chicken strips for close to $10CAD. Only crazy people would pay that price.


I will spend $0 to introduce Wendy's to "go fuck yourself forever."


This...is my air fryer. And this...is my finger.


There are many like it, but this one is mine?


Without me..., my air fryer is useless, without my air fryer I am useless...


this ones for frying and this ones for fun.


"Surge pricing" and "suggestive selling" ... Quite some time ago I made the not-so-dynamic decision that Wendy's (among other fast food joints) was just too expensive and essentially processed crap masquerading as food. I don't go there, and so they can "surge" and "suggest" all that they want, it makes "zero" difference to me. If I am really stuck with a junk-food craving I head to the nearest Costco for a $1.50 hot dog. Yes, it's still processed crap but at least the price properly reflects that.


Agree with most of what you said, but I wouldn't say $1.50 properly reflect the price of the Costco processed crap since Costco is either selling that at a break-even point or taking a loss on it, which fast food chains obviously can't afford to do.


I've never worried about whether Costco makes any money on those things, but that is all it is worth to me. If Costco cranked the prices of those dogs I would stop buying them as well. Once upon a time "fast food" was meant to be fast and not particularly healthy, but also inexpensive. Now, it's just fast and not particularly healthy.


It's barely even fast anymore, tbh


Corporate greed. I wouldn't mind if the employees get paid better during the surges, but that's never the case. It's pure profit motivation from corporate.


Honestly if you gonna play with pricing that much you can suck my dick. See if I ever go to a Wendy's again. If I want expensive hot trash there is plenty of other places I can go. I don't wanna walk in and wonder if the Dave's single is $8 today or $15. Also don't get me started on fucking wanting tips at a fast food. Aw hell nah. Pay your god damn workers.


Another step closer to the Carls Jnr vending machines in idiocracy


I think we should have customer centered dynamic paying i.e. The fries are old 40% off. No napkins, 15% off, burger was made the day before and ended up in your bag, 50%.


More like “seasoned fries +40%, self cleaning meal +15%, 1 day dry aged wagyu beef burger +50%”


I haven’t eaten at Wendy’s or McDonald’s for years. Why spend so much on shit food when I can spend the same amount at decent restaurant with decent food?


I’m glad Wendy’s is committed to helping Americans eat less fast food.


Customers to test “dynamic going elsewhere “


I stopped using Uber because of the "dynamic prices'" when it cost a $110 to go to an interview from the train station yea no


Imagine blowing all this cash to make people NOT want to buy your food. “Gotta spend money to lose money……wait….”


Fast food prices have literally doubled in the past ~4yrs. If they were going to actually *lower* prices during *off-peak* hours to what they were in 2019, so I could get my fucking spicy chicken sandwich combo for the $6 it *ought to* cost instead of $13, then *maybe* I’d see a path to supporting this idea. But simply jacking up prices even *more* when it’s slightly busier?? Fuck off.


There is never a reason to support this idea. It is fucking beyond moronic. Consumers need to push back.


R.I.P. Wendy’s I guess the bag holders at r/wallstreetbets are going to have to go look for work at McDonalds.


Just let me know at what hour they’re free.


3 AM, bring a crowbar. /s


I would rather eat shit than support this. So I guess Burger King it is.


Death throes of a dying franchise.


Will there be dynamic wages as well?


Wendy's can fuck right off.


They pay the employees more during these times too, right?


They are spending 20 million to lose my business? Well, that’s a strategy I guess.


I'd like to introduce Wendy’s to my dynamic middle finger!


Fast food is over. It’s already way too expensive and not that great. I will never buy fast food again once this goes into effect.


Dynamic wages too?


Tell ya what; I’ll get behind this if they give employees “dynamic wages” with a reasonable base wage that surges when prices surge.


Fuck Wendy’s.


So this is the end of Wendy’s?


That’s a lot of money to spend on a concept that may kill your business.


Is it just me or these are "solutions" to "problems" that never existed or they created themselves type of situation?


I hope people are serious and actually stop going to Wendy's so they realize this greedy bullshit won't stay, otherwise every other restaurant is going to go this route.


So those people who just work the lunch/dinner rush for that 3 hour shift get a higher pay, right?


We are reaching a point where no one can afford to eat out let alone enjoy it .


Goodbye Wendy’s, plenty of options available for a hamburger.


Can we all just boycott Wendy’s now and stop this bullshit from happening?


Price gouging. The name is price gouging.


They keep raising prices while the quality of the food stagnates or gets worse. Now they want to spend a chunk of cash on making us pay more instead of improving? Baked potatoes and funny PR accounts aren't gonna save them from this fuckup.


r/wallstreetbets at the ready. . .


Will that come with Dynamic Service and Dynamic Employee Pay Rates or just Dynamic Profit?


Businesses no longer care about a positive customer experience. Those rare ones that still do, will prevail


Looks like it’s time for “dynamic eating anywhere else but Wendy’s”


I used to eat at Wendy's. I guess I'm done with that bitch now.


Meanwhile I can buy a whole pepperoni pizza at Costco for $10 A whole chicken for $5 A hotdog and drink for $1.50


I strongly oppose the price surging. Capitalist garbage at it’s best.


This is going to be talked in business classes about being the worst business strategy of all time


This is great news. It will make it even easier to avoid these places.


Imagine if they just used better ingredients and paid their employees more?


I won't be in line any longer. I've already stopped going out to eat and going out for fast food for the most part. If I have to deal with this I will be bringing food with me whenever I go out and I won't be going into these places. If the price moves while I am in line no thank you. I don't need your food that badly. Hopefully others will get the message and get out of line. Also do the employees get paid a percentage more as the price increases? Where are the increased prices going? Right into the managers or CEO's pocket? That's not something I am willing to support. They are doing more work when more customers come in after all, they deserve a raise when its busy.


Such a bad decision


How did they know we were screaming for pricing that changes unpredictably?!


I used to love their Spicy Chicken Sandwiches. Not enough to put up with this shit though.


Well they introduce workers to dynamic wages too?


I think introduce is the wrong verb, scam is the word you are looking for.


Wow it only costs $20 million to delete your customerbase these days huh?


Bye bye wendys


Every day it feels more and more like we’re living in a dystopian nightmare.


My favourite fast food as it still had value for pricing and quality. We go over that point like McD’s you just stop buying.


Uber can do that cause they’re the only game in town. You’re one of many Wendy’s.


There was a comedy sketch I saw a few months ago that was exactly about this topic. Now it's a reality, Wnedys corporation must have seen that sketch and thought it's a good idea.


Pair this with data harvesting and you'll have identified individual pricing that is set at what they've determined to be the threshold of what that person is willing to pay for that particular product. My foil hat theory is that Taco Bell is getting ready to do this. When I was in CA for over a year there was a TBell that would tell me to back my car up to a certain post so their camera could see my plates. Makes sense to me. They see car roll up, know based on associated transactions to their plates that they paid $8 consistently for a grilled cheese burrito for 6 months but didn't buy anything for 2 months after they tried to up it to $9, so they drop it back down.


So we get discounts when it's slow, right?


How about you spend 20 million on your employees?


That shit would be so illegal in the EU.


**Never eat at Wendy’s again


Nothing on this menu is worth a surge price


I’m starting to think this was a fake out by a marketing team struggling to get Wendy’s in the news. I bet they do a “customers spoke, and we listened” press release within weeks without spending a single dollar on this farce.


Bye bye Wendy’s. I’m not paying more for your burger at lunchtime vs mid afternoon. Nope. Ain’t happening


Isn’t it kinda illegal to change prices on people from advertised prices or something? Like if a sign says a meal is $10 and I go to buy it and they say “actually it’s $15” Either way it’s going to be a fucking mess and the employees there probably aren’t paid enough to actually enforce this


Screen shot the menus now and fuck them like they are fucking us. I got time honey and I'm petty. Order a bunch of stuff and then drive off. Just put em out of business 🙃


I expect this to fail spectacularly. Americans, you have an opportunity to show the world you are somewhat intelligent consumers


I can buy a semi frozen beef patty, soak it in tallow, cut it into a square, cook it on my cast iron skillet and meld it with American cheese for less time and money


I’m about three “innovations” away from being a Luddite and smashing these when I see them


I truly believe we need to bring back the boycott. Companies are getting very bold and obnoxious in the things they are trying on consumers. Cars are actually having subscription fees for items and devices that are already in the car, etc. I think these boycotts should have two demands. One the obnoxious behavior stops immediately, and two that the people who made the decision for the obnoxious behavior are fired.


Wow I used to like Wendy’s until today. It’s so easy for me to go to literally any of their competitors from now on.


Looks like Wendy's is off the menu boys!


You can tell Dave Thomas is dead and forgotten at Wendy’s now.


I know it’s messed up but at this point it’s worth mentioning. White Castle hasn’t gone up in price and sliders are still 1$-2$. Or like 12 for 10$, iirc