• By -


What army? 80% of this “Army” consists of bot farms in Siberia.


Meal Team 6 and a Russian bot army. Name a more iconic duo.


Trump and full diapers


# Lord, I ain't never seen britches take a whoopin' like that


I tell you, it ain't right!


That's *Steamy* Ray Vaughan.


You mean that feller that died in a helicopter crash?


No, that was Stevie Ray Vaughan. This is Steamy Ray Vaughan.


STEEAMY Ray Vaughn just shits his britches...


What fer?


Trump and his Gold Diaper army. His supporters will be able to tell true patriots from demonic democrats by wearing gold colored diapers. The diapers will be considered a flex and the higher ranking members will be distinguished by the amount of $h!t in their diapers.


That sounds dangerous...


I also love referring to them as Gravy Seals.




The 101st Chairborne


Semper Pie! Dough or die!


Y’all Queida is always a good one too


Vanilla Isis


Yee'Hawdists from Al'Abama


Mayonnaise Mafia


The Chair Force


Point 'em to the nearest Golden Corral or Cracker Barrel and the war is over by dinner time. Over by lunch time if it's on a Sunday.


Victims of Pie Ops.


Hamberders and covfefe


I tried explaining this concept yesterday to someone. They truly don’t understand how influential it really is to that base






Because a fascist minority needs to threaten and harm to control the majority.


I think it's actually because most of them believe threatening violence is a substitute for voicing an informed opinion persuasively. They have nothing intelligent to say. Violence is just how they communicate. Ask their wives and children.


I'm declaring war on stress 


I urge everyone to go read the post on r/Conservative about this story. It's eye opening as to how stupid and brainwashed a group of people can be. Like, above and beyond.


r/Conservative is "flared commenters only" right now so they can have a safe space to seethe and cry.


God they are pathetic. There’s been so many opportunities to jump off the Trump train, but they refuse to ever do so.


According to them, comments from other people with a different view = brigading. 


Perpetual self-proclaimed victims.


Conservative Christians, they all work at Planned Victimhood.


The reason they perceive anything that disagrees with them as an attack and an attempt to personally hurt them is because that's what they do to others. People often jump to certain conclusions because that's something they'd do.


I had never heard that term till I started picking around in there. These people are the biggest bunch of victims I've ever seen.


They ruined familial relationships and friendships for Trump. They are now in the only tribe that will accept them. They got no place else to go,so it's a sunk cost for them at this point. Since 2016 they have made being a Trumper the core of their being. They realize without the cult,they are truly alone now.


Ugh this rings true so much. We've lost a bunch of family to this cult.


But wait! Weren’t those the echo chambers we aren’t supposed to listen to?! Do your own research!!! /s


I just got my ban. Feels good.


Pretty sure they've been flared users only since 2016.


Their prophet has no clothes 


They do like to listen to their own echo


It’s also one of the most bot filled subs. A bunch of bots on there telling them how to feel and act. But they are “free” thinkers 😂


I want an AI to analyze the number of repeated phrases such as 'banana republic' and 'kangaroo court' and compare them to posts without any just to see how many original thoughts exist there. My guess is... few.


If you were to chart out various issues, diversity of opinions, it would form a complete circle.


I love that the fucking conservatives of all people are the ones standing behind a frauding cheater that was balls deep in a pornstar while his imported wife gave birth to his son. Really screams conservative values. I am so glad I'm not an American at the moment, I'd be so stressed out living in the same country as these people..


They banned me a long time ago for something super benign. Like suggesting getting back to conservative professed values that they don’t actually believe in like fiscal conservatism. 🤣🤡


Someone in that sub once commented about some Republican getting busted for pedophilia, “I’m still voting for him. After all Joe Biden is a pedo too” and I replied “ladies and gents, the Republican party summed up in one comment” and I got banned for that lol


They have no moral values (despite usually claiming to be Christian) and project this onto their political opponents.


Same-ish…what a bunch of snowflakes huddling in their safe zone free of any dissenting information and facts


Yep. I got banned for suggesting the same and pointing out that Donald, Tucker, and Ben Shapiro are just whiny little bitches and what happened to rugged individualism, self sufficiency, and independent thought? I got a good response and a lot of agreement in the comments, so I was actually surprised when the ban came. Haha.


The funniest/saddest part was the amount of ppl saying they were going to donate to him because of the convictions. Like wish I could be convicted on 34 felonies and then ppl jsut want to send me money, what a bunch of tools. He's like frigging Jesus and each conviction makes him a martyr to these ppl its bonkers insane.


I keep reminding them that REAL patriots would sell their house for Trump.


> He's like frigging Jesus Funny that you'd say this. More and more I'm finding myself feeling that we're essentially reliving the circumstances that gave rise to Christianity. They have their own reality and their own version of events that they have been told about and choose to believe in. They hate/ostracize anyone who doesn't agree with their own version of reality. They're hyper focused on one person and take any consequences suffered by that person as persecution and an attack on all of them. It is bananas. And it's the dominant brand of Protestant Christianity now, fittingly.


I’ve been thinking seriously about this too! It’s astounding to see this behavior on such a large scale, in real time Edit…to be *amidst* it


Woah reading any of those posts and comments is eye opening.


My god, I spent 30 seconds in there and I feel the need to drink bleach to get clean. The amount of confident insanity in there is absolutely staggering. Completely vile.


It’s horrifying to me that our perceived realities just keep drifting further apart. How do you de-escalate a situation where the opposing sides can’t even begin to understand one another. They think we spout gibberish. We think they spout gibberish. That’s as far as the conversation gets.


The remainder are creepy, basement edge lords, grossly overweight geriatrics, and pretend black ops ninjas.


80% seems low.


Other 15% are bot farms in Turkey/India and Vietnam


The remaining 20% are either on Scooters or need sn oxygen tank


No scooters. They had to sell those off so they could donate more to Trump.


There is no army. They just threw "online" so they could write about it.


Yeah, and they’re SUPER pissed.


Weird how the party of law & order hate when it’s applied to them


One less criminal on the streets, they should be happy instead.


Orange is the wrong color they want to lock up


Orange is the new Black after all.... ^^^/s


Orange Lives Matter


Still on the streets though.


Lmao hilarious


You mean NON-WHITE criminals. Oops. I said the quiet part loud.


He's not white though, he's orange.


Yeah he's a POC... orange color.


You mean POS, Piece Of Shit.


According to them no Republican should ever be indicted for anything and any election they lose is rigged.


Trump literally said it was rigged when he lost the 2016 Iowa GOP primary to Ted Cruz. Going into the Florida primary when polls showed he might lose to Marco Rubio, Trump said that if he lost it would be because it was rigged. When he won the GOP nomination but was lagging in the polls behind Hillary in the general election, he said on the campaign trail that if he lost it would be because it was rigged. When he won the electoral college but lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, he said he didn't really lose the popular vote, it was rigged with illegal aliens voting. And then convened a presidential commission to investigate to find evidence of the so-called 3 million illegal votes, but his own commission quietly disbanded because of course they couldn't find any evidence because it didn't exist. And then once again in the 2020 election when he lost both the electoral college and the popular vote he claimed it was rigged. This is who Trump is and has always been. And it is now who the Republican party is.








Well he is still fundamentally the same person he was at 3yo.


I mean he also regularly shits his pants, so yeah.


That's exactly what narcissistic personality disorder will do to you.


Exactly, I don't know why it was ever taken realistically. Even when he won he wouldn't accept the results. On day one at his inauguration he lied and said he had the biggest crowd of any u.s. president. He has always wanted to be better than everyone else & can't stand when its proven that it's not true.


I have to give credit to Donny- he is consistent in his words and actions. Everyone knows exactly what you will get from him. He has not surprised me since 2017. He is who he is.


To be fair, most elections they participate in are rigged to some degree. That they still lose is just a testament to how unpopular their platform is.


What platform?


The actual official platform was “Whatever Trump Wants”. I suspect it’s still the official platform- their actions seem to support that.


when you come to accept that YOU CAN NOT WIN IF YOU DON'T CHEAT....you suspect the other side must be cheating....too. that or you have to accept you are wrong.....and that's not likely to happen.


Hell, even Republican primaries are rigged against republicans ... somehow.


~~That's Numberwang!~~ That's Fascism.


Well according to r/Conservative and their flared braintrust there is "No evidence" and the jury instructions were "unconstitutional" and the jurors are "bought and paid for" and this is "all Bidens doing". How are we supposed to combat stupidity on that level?


You ignore them and carry on. Like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, you ignore them unless they become dangerous. Then you incapacitate them.


They already became dangerous long ago.


They should’ve been dealt with properly after the Civil War ended. Instead Reconstruction never came to fruition and those feelings and resentments were allowed to fester through the Civil Rights era. Now, the children of Civil Rights-era segregationists and are voting for Convicted Felon and Rapist Donald Trump because they, like their ancestors, never faced the consequences of their actions.


How many toddlers have you incapacitated??


Not like that… Giving them attention is exactly what they want. MAGAs and a toddler in the throes of a temper tantrum both want attention at any and all costs. Ignore them, and they usually stop. When then start showing signs of violence, that’s when you start with the threat of punishment, and you always follow through.


Like, *today?*…


Everyone in that sub apparently is a constitutional scholar




They wave around the bible and the constitution but they've never read either one.


You forgot to mention George Soros.


Also, Trump will definitely win on appeal. Unless he loses, and then that will be rigged too and just more evidence of a deep state conspiracy against him. The fact that it's completely in character for him to have actually broken the law when he tried to cover up his sexcapade with a porn star is irrelevant. The law should not apply to him because they like him.


“How are we supposed to combat stupidity on that level?” Well, we COULD create a potentially lethal respiratory virus that is easily spread but effectively defended against through the use of masks, and then create a vaccine in record time, and then promote those preventative measures relentlessly, but because they don’t trust “woke science shit” they actively resist those measures and a lot of that voting bloc dies out. In tandem with that, we turn all their kids gay with books and trans people and nature documentaries, and they die of shock and confusion. Also, we go to their houses and take their guns away, and then we give the guns to immigrants, whom we have recruited from developing countries’ prisons and mental hospitals. And then we let those immigrants, even the babies, vote, but only for AOC and Biden and Nancy Pelosi. /s


Seriously. I saw a comment in r/conservative saying “if they can do this to him they can do this to anyone!” Like yeah- that’s how the law works. It should apply to anyway who commits a crime. Truly a bunch of crazy idiots over there.


they forgot they were screaming "LOCK HER UP" in 2016 for 33k deleted emails that they have no idea of the contents but was the worst thing ever.


Weird how the party of lock her up, before she was even indicted of a crime, are pissed thst Trump was found guilty of a crime we all know he did. Trump has been doing financial crimes for decades.  He has also cheated on all three of his wives.  What does the Bible say about marriage? That it's a sacred thing, yet this man cheated on all three of his wives.  But these so called Christians worship this man like he is Jesus himself. 


Laws for thee and not for me


This but the exact quote is "There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect"


Laws for thee not for me.


That's the whole point of conservatism. >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


It's all about projection. They know they are full of criminals, so they assume the other party is too.


Well yeah that’s how conservatism works. It’s an in group that the law protects but not binds. They just need there to be an out group that the law binds but does not protect.




https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/10-of-twitter-users-generate-over-90-of-content-study-finds-1.791107 10% of twitter users make over 90% of the content and even less of that 10% engage. add that to bots and you have an extremely poor representation of reality.


I don’t even quite understand the technology we’re discussing here.


Technology used to play a game of telephone.  What the message is and how it's being said made to be very efficient. 


So we're just amplifying this message of terrorism?


The media needs trump so bad.


Just wait for the gravy seals to get tuckered out.


Meal Team 6 is on standby at Burger King


Isn't Burger King the one that just got found guilty on 34 counts?


I thought it was the fucking clown from McDonalds…


Definitely the Hamburgler


Berder King


That the Hamberder King.


MTG’s peen berets are out in full force


Two of those traitors died from heart attacks at the Capitol insurrection on January 6.


And one got shot in the neck.


We reap what we sow


They died doing what they loved most, hate.


They will spend a majority of the time charging their mobility scooters


So the deep state can control state level judiciaries, fill a jury, and guarantee a verdict, but couldn’t stop him from winning in 2016 or slip one past his army of Cletuses?


See also: So the deep state can swing the Presidential election to Biden, but only by about 40,000 votes in the right states, and still not manage to get a House majority and an actionable Senate majority. Trump supporters are fucking delusional.


Also: Michael Cohen went to prison for his involvement in the same scheme. Was his trial also rigged?


Oh, of course not. Cohen totally did all that shit. Completely independent of Trump. (Wanking motion)


That's one of the funniest parts of all the stop the steal shit. They scream that the voting is rigged... except they won the other races. There were a lot of places that Biden won but also the local and state positions all went Republican, so those small-fry politicians were all tripping over themselves constantly trying to claim that the votes were simultaneously rigged but not bring attention to that meaning their win is also invalid.


I keep telling the trumpers the same. They tell me well they only changed the presidential vote on the ballot. SMH


The deep state can rig elections, but are powerless against gerrymandering.


I think about GA’s 2020 elections and these Deep State election conspiracies. The Deep State was crafty enough to rig the election for Biden but it wasn’t crafty enough to prevent a subsequent senate runoff. The thinking was also that every other GOP candidate, including MTG, was re-elected fairly. It doesn’t make sense.


By fill a jury, you mean the jury selected and agreed upon by both the prosecution and defense?


Why yes, yes I do. The appeals process is going to be endlessly entertaining too, lots of “So why didn’t you object at the time?” questions to the defense attorneys. Wait, maybe Trump’s defense got infiltrated by the Deep State too!


I believe I missed your sarcasm on the first pass, but loud and clear now 😹




If you’re vigilant about anything, you aren’t who they are trying to influence.


> It's crucial to remain vigilant about the influence of foreign actors on social media and alternative news outlets. And remain vigilant about electoral fraud. In GA in 2016 Trump won despite polls indicating otherwise (same in WI and other states with non VVPAT balloting). A judge ordered the state of GA to preserve data for a recount and the GOP controlled state deleted all the data (oops!) and said no recount could be done. The lawsuit Curling v Raffensberger then forced Georgia to change ALL balloting systems to be VVPAT and suddenly not only did you have DEM wins of President and Senate but you ALSO had GA becoming the MOST accurately polled race in the country AND they caught GA election officials suppressing Biden's win in the recount. Why do you think the MAGA crowd hates VVPAT systems and wants to get rid of them and replace them with expensive and insecure methods that cripple recounts (e.g. hand only counting of ballots)? Why do you think the MAGA crowd is threatening election workers and then taking their place? They already declared war and Jan 6th was just another example of the lawlessness they feel in attacking election systems.


They'll do nothing about it.


That's not fair. They'll post a lot on the internet about it, then they'll do nothing about it.


The Great Online Civil War of 2024 will go down in history, surely.




they'll show up to vote, which is the most effective thing they could ever do. i would not be surprised if his conviction results in more maga folks showing up to the ballots in anger


That said, keeping up the MAXIMUM MAGA MADNESS for five months is a tall order. They need a new distraction every couple weeks, otherwise it gets familiar and stale.


They’re going to make a lot of angry Tiktok rants from the front seat of their trucks. Soooo many angry Oakley-wearing F250-sitting rants.


Not so sure about that.


It's wild to me how many people will say things like "right-wingers won't do anything about this" in one post, and then in another, wonder "why are there so many right-wing mass shootings these days?". They're already doing something by conducting lone-wolf style terrorist attacks. It's not unlikely that they're going to escalate to something worse, and we need to stop underestimating the horrific shit that they're willing to do. For fuck's sake, *they already stormed the senate*.


The russian trolls behind most of this underestimate the stupidity, cowardness and obesity of maggots.


Where was this MAGA army outside of Trump's trial? All I saw was a couple of loons and a pigeon.


There was the dude on fire. But I think he was just regular crazy, and not politically affiliated.


Alright! Let's storm the capitol! Again! Ok! You go first! No, you go! No, you go! No, you go! No, you go! ...


"I'm sure this time he'll pardon us!"


Thank you- I needed that


Invade on 3! 1! 2! ... Is it on 3 or is it 1, 2, 3, Go?


🤣 Declaration of war???? I bet they’re all ready to cause maximum damage with their keyboards on Truth Social.


If you don’t like the direction the country is going because your idol was convicted by a jury of his peers in a fair and impartial trial, then you are free to leave and move to another country. America probably isn’t the country for you. I hear Russia is lovely this time of year, and the Commies aren’t really so bad once you get to know them—you certainly won’t be conscripted into the meat grinder that is the Ukraine war.


Inciting violence yet again.


People need to take these threats seriously. People are going to die. There is an army of morons out there who will throw their lives away for this degenerate.




No doubt, but Innocent people are going to die from this psycho's incendiary language.


Politics aside, X in the last 16 hours was the most fun it has been since musk took over


You mean Twitter. No one calls it X. Or at least, they shouldn't. Stupid name.


Explain for those who don’t use X?


I think he’s implying the maga tears are delicious


Stop listening to them. Such a small group of idiots. Ignore them and they’ll fade away.


Russia's Internet Research center ordering vodka drenched pizza for overtime.


Yawn. Talk is cheap. Are they actually going to die for Donald Trump? I sure hope not, even they aren’t that silly.


Ashley Babbitt has entered the chat


Actually, she was shot while trying to enter the chat after being told in no uncertain terms to remain outside.


Yeah, and if you've seen the video the moment the first gunshot is fired the rest of those worms shrank back from the door pleading for help and as they watched her die choking on her own blood, trump flag wrapped around her neck.  No one else tried to rush the door. The moment blood starts being spilled they remember they're overpriveleged desk jockeys that don't want to lose their job.


They're going to declare war on the buffet later, that's for sure.


Thought I was in r/politics. Why is this technology?


At this point. Bring it. I am ready.


Me too my fellow Patriot.


So wait, now if I commit a crime and am found guilty, I can just say the trial was rigged and the judge didn't like me, and i'm suddenly assumed innocent? Nice.


r/Conservative is absolutely melting down over this. The mental gymnastics on display would make gold medal Olympian stay in bed and give up because they can't compete.


Are these the same people who protested outside the courthouse during his trial?


Bring it, you ignorant seditionist pieces of shit.


These guys gave up their insurrection the moment one of their own got Babbitized, then ran like cowards. They're all bark, no bite.


Why are MAGA people called conservatives? Conservatives try to avoid any changes but MAGA crowd wants opposite - complete change of the current order, i.e. to disassemble democracy, install tyrans, abandon the law for ideological govern, indoctrinate education and so on. MAGA are radical revolutionaries, like communists in the imperial Russia a century ago.


Wow! This is very interesting technology.


How is this technology...


Why is this in r/technology?


I was wondering the exact same thing. I’m not subbed to news or any of those other subs because all they talk about is politics.


How do trump fans being angry relate to technology...