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[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking.


something about supporting a bros ass in times of need maybe?


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


I've been poisoned by my constituents!


Nah, it's about how a white dude will never give a reach around.


No but he'll get his thumb ALLLLL the way up to your He-spot


'how to get away with touching xour buddies without revealing youre a closeted homosexual 101 handbook'


Crabs in a bucket metaphor. There's a sentiment that in the black community, they'll actively prevent members trying to improve themselves through shame or whatever. "oh look at Mr. College boy here, you ain't black" etc


This is somewhat true. I used to get made fun of for doing well in school. It’s a terrible trend where being well knowledgeable is looked down upon. “You talk white” when I would say easily understood sentences, sad.


Or the fact that years of slavery, jim crow laws and segregation, and extreme incarceration over the last decades have made it hard to the point where racist white people draw shit like that or spew X% of the pop but Y% of crime bullshit. Cuz ive always seen more lifting peoples of color in my life.


No one denied those things, but that's not what this image is portraying.


There is a man-eating tiger up in the tree. The black guy is trying to save his buddy while the white guy offers his friend up as an escape plan.


I thought the black guy was going in for a hug and the white guy was giving the other the good ol’ rub in the asshole


Good point. Never underestimate the prostate!




Black guy is giving a reach around.


Looks like he’s holding him like a bowling ball


Asscape plan


You don’t have to be fastest, you just can’t be the slowest.


The white guy is offering his friend as a decoy and the black guy wants the tiger to come down and chase them both.


Take my up vote.


Suck my downvote


I also pick that guy's downvote


the punch line is racism


Agreed. "White men help each other up, black men hold each other back" is the message. I wish I didn't see such obvious racism.


but most won't get it..






It literally is. You just have to make a google search for it. Idk why you're being downvoted. Edit: u/GKBilian states this pretty perfectly.


I thought this was about white parents help their kid prosper, black parents use their kids to get a leg up


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s an appalling message but I can understand the interpretation


Same people who dislike actors for playing a bad person They shoot messengers


I thought they were saying the same thing. Why did people automatically think you were agreeing with it.


Could also be a post about privilege. But I can't tell if the one on the right is being pushed up or just supported, which would be important for the message. Edit: I guess I'm not surprised people still don't know what privilege is. Only had like a decade to look it up, smh.


i don’t think the privilege analysis works with the left one clearly being held back though


Yeah, it does? White privilege isn't about being given boosts because you're white. It's about not typically dealing with additional obstacles due to your race. The person on the left is being held back by someone of their race. It's absolutely more likely this post is just racism, but depending who posted it, it could be either.


lol I don’t know if I agree with that interpretation. If he was being held back by race, I feel like race shouldn’t just be another person but rather like some other illustrated concept (like handcuffs or something idk) That being said, your interpretation definitely isn’t unreasonable and you have an argument to back it up, I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted so hard lol


I do agree that the image kinda sucks at that metaphor, but I think the issue is that the creator could have been trying to be a little too simple with their image, if that makes sense? My brain just went with the 'Don't attribute to malice what could as easily be explained by stupidity' saying. Or in this case incompetence. I just see two people, one white, one not, climbing a tree from equal starting points, clearly aiming for the same goal, where one is carrying the weight of someone of their race, while the other is being assisted by theirs. Both can still fall, both can still make it, and both climbs are tough either way. One is just gonna be worse. The problem with cuffs or whatever is they need a way to actually symbolise ethnicity as being the struggling factor. Any cuffs might be misconstrued as a point about cops or something (which, while definitely contained within the idea of privilege, is not a perfect representation of the whole of it) \---- The main reason I couldn't help but wonder if it was trying to be something else, is because like 99% of the images we see on here aren't even trying to be subtle nor artistic in giving their racist as shit messages. Like, this has no watermarks, or exaggerated caricatures, or anything like that. We don't even see where OOP was originally posted or by who, thanks to the cropping, which would be an easy tell. Either way, my point from the get go was 100% that it COULD have been a really shitty attempt at a metaphor for privilege, not that it's particularly likely that it is.


Mate you are the definition of "when all you have is a hammer"


That doesn't even make sense.


The problem with that is that the guy holding back the black guy is also black.


Not if you interpret the image (and the person saying its deep or whatever) as some r/Iam14andthisisdeep level of artistic metaphor, where the the two characters not climbing are meant to be their ethnicities (hence the faceless, emotionlessness of them) where the poc side is being hindered by their ethnicity, whereas the white side isn't. Like I said on my other comment, It's definitely more likely just straight up racism, but lacking the typical other indications of racist tripe we see pop up on here (Like posted by End Wokeness, or covered in watermarks of racist groups, or full of exaggerated charicatures, that sort of thing) it seemed far too subtle for what racist shit gets posted these days.


eh, it depends… if a white person created this and says this is the reason for some of the systemic issues in the black community and doesn’t talk about the other external factors then yes. however, I am black, and one of the biggest things holding us back as a people is that once of us makes it we either leave everyone else behind or get killed by those jealous when revisiting those areas. A large amount of our community uses each other as stepping stones. My partner is 20 with a 500 credit score due to his mom taking out loans in his name, his brother confronted her about helping and she said word for word “my mom didn’t help me so why should I help yall”. This lady makes six figures and drives a mercedes by the way…. obviously the graphic shouldn’t be a blanket statement of all black parents but we do have an issue as an community of helping each other break these cycles.


It is such a blaring problem, but at the same time, it's mainly due to with greedy shitty people who only care about satisfying themselves more than it is about race. You have parents of every complexion who use their children just because they want a cut of the pay. You have parents of every complexion who genuinely love their children and would do everything they can to help them see their dreams through. This racist ass meme acts like it's so cut and dry. In the current system we're controlled by, classism is extremely prevalent no matter what someone looks like. We're social beings, but are out here being taught that exploiting each other (even people of our own "groups" or family) is the quickest way to power and money, even if it's actually fucking us all over in the end. So many people rather kick the ladder down for a short-term profit than help society as a whole, which would make the world a better place. That's why I think it's stupid when people blindly support celebrities just because they share physical traits with you, cause at the end of the day, they won't give a flying fuck after they get their checks and will begin to look down on everyone else who hasn't "made it." 🤷🏾‍♀️


I mean in this political/conversation climate maybe it could be racism if creator was white but i say its more due the climate than anything else. I get where you are coming from but i ask that why have we make things that way that sane people cant discuss about problems that other group is having without that its labeled as racism. The label and the fear of it keeps the sane people out of the conversation and thats why there is racism involved in many such cases. The thing i am trying to say is that if we label these automatically as racism / something similar it will lead to just that. As people who dont want to be labeled racist dont speak out in fear of such accusation. I dont say that there isnt racism but i think that rumbling around it has become too big of a sentiment to todays people. We should drop the whole racism scene and brake those community barriers so that we wouldnt be so divided. There could be mixed communities, all white-, all black-, all hispanic-, all asian communities but point is to not make a big deal about it, it is what it is and there is nothing wrong in it. Division and labels do not do any good for common folks. I believe that if we got out of these treches we could do so much more for so many people but it will need that complete change of the political/social climate. Ok im pretty sure people are gonna misunderstood what i tried to say but i beg you guys to think about it. Todays climate isnt really good for anybody. Your messages latter part was very enligthing.


This is not my opinion. I am guess at an interpretation of OOP. The white guy is supporting his friend in climbing the tree while the black guy is trying to pull other black guy down, because black people are bad people who won't help their fellow men. Again, not my opinion, just what I think the image is supposed to be saying


I think you're partially correct, but I think you have the creator's intent wrong. I think this meme was made by a black person talking about the black community. There's a perception in some poorer black communities that black people like to keep each other down. Often, when they start a business or try to excel in some way, they feel that the people in their community want them to fail. I think this perception is flawed because I've seen this same sentiment across poor communities of any race. I think it's more of a socio-economic thing where people in poor communities sometimes don't want others from their community to succeed, usually because they aren't succeeding. But anyway, I don't think this meme is meant to say black people are bad. It's more trying to point out a perceived flaw and compare it with a perception of how white people get ahead. Source: I am mixed race, grew up in the deep south, and know black people that share shit like this on Facebook.


Someone I know complains about that happening in her country of birth, and in Australia people talk about “tall poppy syndrome” (cutting down those who are taller than the rest).


The saying in the south is crabs in a bucket. You don't have to put a lid on the bucket bc crabs will always grab and pull at each other, so any that are climbing out get pulled back down. I've heard this to be a criticism of poorer African American areas. They will idealize those who make it out of poverty, but will tear each other down when someone sets their sights higher. Though I gotta agree with the one guy, this kinda mentality is pretty common depending on the situation. The context is African Americans seeking and getting equal socioeconomic footing in the US though, which warrants attention.


Poor white people are more than happy to hold each other back. Also white people in general. Actually, it’s just people in general that do this.


You got the intent completely wrong. "Give 'em guns, step back, watch 'em kill each other. "It's time to fight back, " that's what Huey said. Two shots in the dark, now Huey's dead. I got love for my brother's. But we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other. We gotta start makin' changes. Learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant strangers . And that's how it's supposed to be. How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me? Uh I'd love to go back to when we played as kids. But things change, and that's the way it is". -Tupac Shakur


I like the other guys opinion, with the man-eating tiger, better.


They would have shown the tiger then… and have all for of them be the same


It's a dumbass meme. I'll make it mean whatever I want it to, thanks


What a crazy opinion for you to post


You forgot the /s. people can't understand jokes


I understood the joke and I’m autism, so if people who are not autism get it, and me, mr. autism, gets it too, then I think the /s isn’t needed


Hello Autism, I'm Obsessive Compulsive.


Hello obsessive compulsive!


He said not his opinion, that’s how I interpreted it too


I think that's the joke


Wow he’s literally so racist cancel that man immediately


Not everyone is as obsessed with cancel culture as you are


If OOP is white, then OOP also forgets why white poverty exists and *has* always existed. I guess feudalism just isn't/wasn't a thing either. If this is coming from a black creator, than they're forgetting that other people pull each other down all of the time. It's just not as obvious to us. We should all be helping each other but, too many people only care about quick profits and helping themselves. Just a thought, but it seems like the richest people are the ones who don't kick each other down. Gotta work together to keep the poors fighting each other to get here and ignore the reasons why they're at the bottom of the tree in the first place. We're the ones screwing each other over to become members of the Big Boy Club, and people feel as though 'hey, if I gotta exploit others to get here and kick the ladder down, so be it." It's extremely frustrating how pick-mes and greedy bastards with no morals ruin it for everyone else, and unknowingly, themselves.


I interpreted it as saying that white people are already well off, and can help their kids easily, but it's harder for black parents to help their kids because they're not as well off.


Black people hold each other back, white people help each other. I think that’s what it’s saying


Is this rooted in reality though?


It's brought up in rap music even decades ago. Songs about helping eachother but instead they're fighting eachother. You can look at it being part of gang culture in poor communities or how they try to hold themselves to being better because they're closer and everyone who leaves is leaving their home behind, things like that. It's talked about as a black American culture thing, but it can be seen in poor communities in general. You see it in redneck/poor white communities sometimes with how they view college education as indoctrination, things of that sort. It's awful how we hold eachother back and blame those trying to climb out as being the problem, but it's how some of us try to feel better about our own situations.




According to my black fiance, yes


I am black, the graphic is true… not the only reason why we’re held back but it’s true


My fiancé's sentiments as well


As a black man I get it I seen it




Lol noo I'm living it now


Oh. The crab mentality.


The one on the right wants to finger the guys ass and the one on the left wants to eat it, simple


Its saying that black people pull eachother down while whites help eachother up. I've certainly heard black people who care about their education accused of "acting white", but I'm not sure how common these sorts of things go on.


Cuff the balls, but also reach around.


Don't finger ppl climbing trees


White people help each other while black people hold each other back? That’s what I’m getting from this


The two black men are trying to get up the tree to get away from the guy that likes fingering assholes without consent. On the other side of the tree, you see the elusive butthole fingerer attacking his next victim


Seems pretty clear to me. White guys finger the butthole and black guys give reach-arounds. What's not to understand?


See the point is white people prefer fingering there homies ass while black people prefer a good rimjob


Black men likes touching the penis while white men likes touching the ass


Who's uncle posted this


(not the answer) One of them is giving his buddy a reach around, while the other is going for a between the legs tug and prostate massage.


Two rules of thumb: if an undecypherable meme shows black people and white people, it's probably racism; and if a meme is captioned as "deep", it most likely, definitely is not deep.


You gotta fondle the nuts, not just stroke the shaft


The bottom guys should both be old and white. 🤷‍♂️


White guys will totally put their thumbs up your asshole, so be aware of that.


Unfortunately this is true on many levels.


Four men climbing a massive penis.


First I thought maybe it was "we're all climbing the same tree" then I realized the difference. It seems racist to me, but without commentary 🤷


Abandon parent, return to monke


It's pretty simple. Racists blame the marginalized position of blacks in society on blacks themselves, saying that black culture holds its own people from success by refusing to "pull up one's bootstraps", so to speak.


Whats in the tree, thats so important? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Boyfriends supporting their short kings?


A man will climb a tree to escape two thumbs gaping his asshole


That's so r/wholesome. White people lift each other up while black people pull each other up. So wholesome


the black man is jerking his friend off and the whote man is going for the prostate, both just friends helping their buddies out


These people spend a hell of a lot of time talking about how inferior they believe blacks are to whites, don't they?


The amount of people in this thread who don't understand what is getting shown but still say it's racism is astounding. You guys really need to calm down at one point. The meme is pretty accurate of a conversation that's been going on in poor black communities for decades at this point. I'd argue this is not only a phenomenon in black communities tho. Coming from a poor family and environment myself I know that this is a thing that happens probably in a lot of poor communities.


I think the black guy is trying to pull his kid from the tree and the white guy is pushing his kid up? But what exactly does that mean? That white guys are deliberately putting their kids in danger?


the black guy pulls your pants down while white boy fingerblasts you?


gotta cup the balls


Grey shirts go straight for the ass (inconsiderate, self serving) but white shirts prefer a cheeky reach around (active participant, kind lover)


It looks like the white stick person is holding the other white one up while the dark one is pulling the other dark one back. If I were to guess, it's just racism.


Because white people never try to hold each other back right? /s


Famously never. /s "Oh, what did you say, M'lord!? Yes, sir! Right away!" **kisses ass of royal families and landlords**


Its saying that black people pull other black people down while whites supporteachother up. It's the hand placements really in the image


White people help each other while blacks hold each other back. That's what I gathered at least but since I got no clue what's in that tree, it could be the black is trying to keep his buddy from getting into trouble while the white is getting his buddy into trouble so who knows.


I know! Its trying to say that white people can work together and that black people selfish (Just to clarify: that’s not my opinion)


"White support man while black pull eachother down, haha racism funni"


These come from BP who think that White People like each other and always help one another, meaning they’ve never spent any meaningful time around WP.


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All I'm getting from this is that white guys like a finger in the butt.


Left hand guy is going for the reach around , right hand guy knows you have to cup the balls.


I guess if you’re not super racist you won’t get it


Wow. Racist and confidently incorrect. Two-fer.


Don't wear pants when climbing trees. "It doesn't matter if you're black or white. Heehee. " Michael Jackson.




The black dude is giving his buddy a reach around while the white dude is double fisting the shit outta his buddy’s prolapsed booty hole.


Good ol' fashioned racism (I think?)


Black people pull each other down. White people support each other.


Is that a water line ???? If so that’s make so much more sense!!!! Black can’t swim and white is treading water while pushing up and save a life ?? Or I can waaaaaay off on this one


Black peoples try to tear each other down, whites love rubbing eachother's anuses.


It’s equally hard to climb a tree when you’re being fisted as it is when someone is giving you a hand job?


This is a great message to pass… excluding the racism…




Left side guy gonna get his asshole eaten out. Right side guy bout to get fisted.


Whites help each other up and blacks hold each other back? Maybe?


One is boosting his pal the other is trying to pull him down


Thank you. Now if only that was an accurate portrayal of reality


Very true


Reminded me of [this Chris Rock bit](https://youtu.be/aSaAytiB2bM)


I’m not black, but I think this was done by a black person rather than a white person. If it were done by a white person it’d be more forced and belaboured.


Beware the Bottom Grabbers


Racism? Maybe? Idfk…


The white guy is fingering the other white guy. What’s not to get?


White kids drill each other’s assholes when climbing on trees, obviously.


I think I get what they’re insinuating, and the intent is to make it seem like “if you get it, YOU’RE the one who’s racist”… I think.


‘The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.’ - Bertrand Russell Perhaps the message of the cartoon is that, if the blacks and whites worked together and stopped their divisive behaviour, they could reach the top of the tree together.


Bros got both of his thumbs in there


The moral of this story is to eat your bros ass


They getting attacked by bees


if your friends are stuck climbing up a tree always fist them or eat their asses to give them motivation to continue


The black man is carrying his friend up a tree, the white guy is cupping his friend's ass


The answer is physics.


Something is definitely DEEP.


If you don't fist him, he'll never climb up the tree


Need a bro who will give me a mean prosty while I’m climbing up a tree


The idea is a claim that black people hold each other back while white people support each other thus the reason why the race division exists...


I have met people with crab mentality before and it is disgusting One encounter was all i needed to understand why some people cut ties with their hometown


Ass eating contest?


The black person on the ground is carefully holding the other black person's waist as he climbs the tree. Perhaps he is spotting him in case of an accident. Meanwhile the white man on the ground is fingering the other white man's asshole while he's in a vulnerable position climbing a tree. The colours of these people are purely coincidental imo. The meaning is to bring someone you can trust when you're climbing a tree because someone could come along and finger your asshole without any lube or anything!


The one wants to eat his ass The other one wants to fist his ass


Me and and the homies raw dogging a tree


It's racist lol


If only highly complex issues could be depicted in a simple, stupid drawing…


"dude, your asshole is like roasting hot right now"


Is the guy on the left thumb blasting his tree climbing chum in a bid to speed up his ascent? While the other is pulling his pal away while (presumably) shouting, "Get down, these fuckers are into some weird shit!"


Ah the ole black double reach around and the white oil check, peak nostalgia


I don’t agree with it at all since it’s just blatant racism but it’s trying to see white people will support each other in order to help others achieve their goals while black people will tear each other down to prevent others from reaching the goal first


probably some mental gymnastics that ends in racism I'm betting


White guy is thinking about that man ass


First obe trying to eat ass the other was feeling the ass?


It looks like a racist interpretation of (and I did not coin this myself) Crab theory.


It’s clear the black person is helping his friend up the tree while the white person is taking advantage to molest his friend


I think the joke is racism. Haha!


white people finger the butthole, while black people prefer to reach around


I get it, because this really how my black brothers do me


Racism. The point is racism.


Bros in a hurry to strip each other?


Left side has the black guy holding his son back while the right side has the white guy helping his son....so racist.


Black guy on the ground is pulling down on the black guy in the tree while. The white guy is pushing the other guy up. Basically saying he thinks Black people are hurting or holding themselves/eachother back.




"Get off friend! There's a man who fingers the buttholes of people who climb the tree!"


Basically saying that black people hold each other back and white people support each other (it’s a racist meme)




Black people drag their kids down and whites try to push them up, very racist and disgusting


A much more accurate comic; https://preview.redd.it/d48513kqgisc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3099bb63de03047c0f4bdf38a528af623f027ac


Oh no I get it. Racism


It's a cringey post, but white folks in the comment section... sit this one out, guys. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Ok racist. It’s all yours🤮




I’m not sure, but I guarantee it’s probably racist.