• By -


The twice a week is code for booty call. He needs to see a therapist twice a week. You were straight and to the point. What a knob.


Yeah that expression rattled me. Like she’s a sex worker or something, 🤢


lol when I graduated HS, a boy from my grade that I had never talked to before who lived in my neighborhood messaged me on Snapchat and asked if I was free for 30 minutes like wtf 😭😭


So gross! They don't understand we need a warm up...


At least offer an hour cmon man


"Twice a week, PERMANENTLY" Wow, what an offer!


More like a threat than an offer 😉


She should feel special Insert eyeroll here


Everybody knows that if he loves you he'll want to see you 3 times a week


That's awfully presumptuous of you to think there's a therapist out there interested in a twice a week booty call.


I snorted IRL at this! TY for that 🤣




>He needs to see a therapist twice a week 😂😂😂😂


Yeah I couldn't believe that either. He specified how often he wanted a booty call.


Since Im in my 50s Ive seen alot. Been through alot since childhood. Im seeing so many in relationships that are getting mistreated and KNOW that whole song and dance. Both men and women should never be ok with abuse. If it happens and they cry and say theyre sorry, it will happen again.


“I’d love to see you twice a week permanently” SENT ME he sounds like my therapist


He’s a jerk, but that line is fucking hilarious.




Seriously, gotta make an appointment with a scumbag, mfer must have like a list of numbers to call/text


It’s like he picked up a new part-time job




He’s just showing he’s willing to commit 💀


Chiropractors be like


At least it’s not saying “you’re the one who got away” implying he’s not letting her etc;


Fuck off ryan


Yeah I hope his dick gets so infected it falls off


Ahhh yes, fournier's gangrene. Get fucked Ryan.


> fournier's gangrene A patient where I work was diagnosed with this recently. The horror on my face when the doctor was telling me what it was..


So I’m a nurse. I had a patient with fournier’s gangrene. Every day we had to do his wound care, which consisted of the front side, and the back side. On the front side there was a huge open wound on his pelvis area, above what used to be the baby maker. His actual penis was necrotic and falling off. We basically wrapped it in gauze soaked in vaseline. On the backside, we had to pack one of his ass cheeks with gauze, soaked in bleach water. The hole was so large that you could stick your entire fist into it. After that, we would take the bleach soaked gauze, and pack his open scrotum from behind. He was an asshole too, and the whole thing took like a half hour. I’ll never forget the day that he went out for an appointment at the wound clinic and came back without a penis. I was doing his wound care, he asked how it was looking and sat up, and it became clear that he didn’t know either. That was a tough moment.


I cant put into words the respect I have for you, that you were dressing sloughing, necrotic genitals every day. Your stomach must be adamantium fr


lol thanks man, that means a lot. The appreciation keeps me going since the pay sucks. Funny thing is that I have a very weak stomach, I’ll puke just from not eating and having an empty stomach. That stuff doesn’t bother me at all. I love wound care.


You truly are the best of us mate


Wtf they didn't tell him it got removed?


I think they did, I mean they have to. There’s no way the wound clinic is just clipping dicks all willy nilly, they’d be sued into oblivion. The guy was always so zonked out on Dilaudid and Oxy that he probably forgot what the appointment was for instantly after it being made for him.


clipping dicks willy nilly is gorgeous phrasing.


Lol, I was like, there is no way he didn't know.


To be fair, it didn’t matter anymore. It was probably for the best. It absolutely did not function in any capacity. Imagine taking a fucking hot dog, cutting it in half, and grilling it for 6 and a half hours.


I think after reading this section of the thread, I am the one that needs to see a therapist twice a week.


Lol ew.


Great, thanks a lot. Now, I am going to have nightmares from your description alone. I'm too scared to Google it, but I am assuming from the comments on OP's original post that this is a horrible and absolutely terrifying real medical condition caused by some sort of sexually transmitted disease?


Oh. my. Gosh. How in the heck does that happen to someone?


This particular individual was older, and lived with his mother. The origin is…something. He said that he was having issues with his leg and it hurt to walk, so he eventually got some briefs (diapers) and didn’t walk anymore. He just chilled in bed for weeks and never really changed the briefs. Maybe once a day. Eventually his skin broke down and opened up, which lead him to be susceptible to infection. Fast forward 2 years, he basically lived at the hospital. Miserable life.


So bedsore gone wild more or less, thanks to inactivity and neglecting the nasty diapers on him. Good gosh. That is awful. I also googled it (I'm a dummy, I gotta look when someone says don't) and oh my gosh that's horrible. That looks like a "shoot me now and put me out of my misery" issue.


Yeah pretty much. I personally just can’t fathom how you could let it get that bad. I get it, embarrassment, mental illness, whatever. I just have a hard time imaging myself doing the same in that situation.


Why. Did. I. Google. It.


I will NOT Google it. I will NOT Google it. I WILL NOT GOOGLE IT!!


Do not do not do not I regret ever turning off safesearch


Save me from the Google, will you describe what you saw? 😂


The whole public region/stomach turns into a zombie


Used to be pubic. It was it being public that caused all this


The real story behind 28 Days Later. On that note, if y'all haven't watched 28 Days Slater, a spoof YT series about how Mario Lopez turns back into AC Slater every February, going around trying to wrestle everyone in his singlet, calling girls "Pretty mama", looking for Belding, do yourself a favor. [28 Days Slater Episode 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5XRVXE3jFU)


Imagine your crotch but it’s ground beef


This made me laugh so hard 😭


I thought they were joking and made that up 😭


I just googled it with images 🤮


I should've just taken everyone's word for it. 🙃


Same. Fr fr. I was picturing the walking dead where 'zombies' are tearing open 'guts' and eating people.... So much worse. Really wish I'd never..


Yeah that’s bad.


Those images are serious man


I'm too scared to look 🫣


This is why people need to wash their asses and never wipe from back to front.


Shamelessly responding to myself to share this for visibility. So I’m a nurse. I had a patient with fournier’s gangrene. Every day we had to do his wound care, which consisted of the front side, and the back side. On the front side there was a huge open wound on his pelvis area, above what used to be the baby maker. His actual penis was necrotic and falling off. We basically wrapped it in gauze soaked in vaseline. On the backside, we had to pack one of his ass cheeks with gauze, soaked in bleach water. The hole was so large that you could stick your entire fist into it. After that, we would take the bleach soaked gauze, and pack his open scrotum from behind. He was an asshole too, and the whole thing took like a half hour. I’ll never forget the day that he went out for an appointment at the wound clinic and came back without a penis. I was doing his wound care, he asked how it was looking and sat up, and it became clear that he didn’t know either. That was a tough moment.


And I read it twice and googled! I doff my cap to you in this profession 😳😱🤯😬


Hahaha thanks, but I love doing it. I have had many opportunities to leave the field, and for now that’s not what I want. I’m a dude in my early thirties and I’ve been doing this 9 years now. The industry has changed so much, mostly for the worse. Especially with Covid.


THAT’S the energy I’m bringing from now on. You’re better off without him anyway.


In my head, this was a conversation between Ryan Howard and Kelly Kapoor from the office after Ryan got arrested


Omg now I have to go back and read it in their voices


As I'm watching the Office, this is so accurate!


“Twice a week permanently” is he DUMB


I mean…that’s a a relationship of sorts. Perhaps he’s so brain damaged that he thinks this is considered meeting in the middle?! 😂


Right 😂☠️


Mating in the middle...


It’s cause he rotated women in and out of his apt lol once I knew I wanted to dip bye he wouldn’t leave me tf alone


Ewww. Glad you didn’t end up with this turd.


It’s the “did you have a good weekend?” for me 💀


He's probably like _nah I'll win her over bro. Just got to tell them nice things._


Right, like literally just a few days after too 💀


31? Theres no way lol




Mate, the bar is low. Be careful with what you choose to compare yourself with! 😉


Bro you have friends, you know how messed up some of them are. They can't even be with a girl without talking about how amazing it would be to fuck a certain girl, and right away they'll talk about they love their current girl to a lot regardless


Yessir. Didn’t want to commit but didn’t want me to date other men 🤢


Omg..I had someone I was in a situationship with, he didn’t want to commit and slept around with other girls but god forbid another man took me out on a date.


Also the way he’s completely ignoring your feelings in these texts is disturbing. It’s giving sociopath :/ I had an ex like this


They want to have their back up for when they remember they’re the unloveable ones. Barf.


thats fucked up wth




There are guys decades older that play the same games…it’s pathetic


Hey, a lot of my favorite games are timeless and there’s nothing wrong with playing them decades later, like Mario Kart 64


I’m 20 and I know this is no way to talk to anyone, let alone a woman. What a weird man he is


I should say (since I can’t edit my post) we stopped talking 2021, hence the two years. He tried coming back 2022 and I shut that down so hard, so I give myself a pat on the back for that


OP, I just want to say I actually dated a guy like this and it was so awful for me mentally. He treated me like an object and when I finally dumped him, he had the audacity to say “so, maybe we can still be friends with benefits?” 🤢After that I set my standards for men so high I really thought I’d never date again. I actually met my husband later that same year, and he and I have been married for almost three years now. Guess who messaged me last week? I read his message and it was so delusional I laughed. And then blocked him. Surprised that I hadn’t blocked him in the first place! These men are not worth our time, don’t say love isn’t for women like us. It’s dickbags like them who aren’t for *anyone*!


Why is it such a common thing to date an absolute troglodyte almost immediately before finding your husband? Same thing happened to me


troglodyte 😭 im sooo not smart 😂 what is that 🤔




troglodyte is an uncivilized creature. Usually in reference to early hominids.


No clue, I take it as the universe saying “Hey, don’t fuck this up” or “Hey, here’s some recompense for your suffering” lmfao


Beautifully said! Happy for you ☺️


Huge pat on the back!! And seriously how was your weekend?


Good job! Time to shut him down again. He probably likes that he’s getting a rise out of you. He’s trying to prolong talking to you anyway he can.. Either way, this guy is an asshole


#You responded perfectly to him!


Absolutely. Now just don’t ever respond. Again. Even if he’s not blocked. Just don’t give him any more of your energy.


Ryan is a tool who doesn't deserve love, you however deserve to be loved 🥲


Fuck him for offering to see you twice a week. He was an asshole for that. You deserve better and one day you'll get it. 💐


No wait, don’t fuck him. No one fuck him!


Yeahhhh he lied about being busy. He was busy…doing other women lmfao once I found out I left


Here's an article my therapist sent me, on account of I keep coming back to her with stories of men. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/opinion/marriage-women-men-dating.html?unlocked_article_code=1.-0w.bglY.TEwDnv6HNrZO&smid=url-share


Thank you for sharing this. It's sad to see this is such a problem. But I am proud of the women in that article for being single rather than staying with a man that isn't worth staying with.


It's almost like you're talking to a brick wall. Is he even listening? Christ on a bike. You had to repeat the same thing over and over and he STILL didn't get it.


It felt like that. I would block him and he would find ways around that. He would make me feel like I was the only one but I wasn’t. Like every chance I gave him went like that. I often told him “I recognize that we want different things and I want our. Why can’t you leave me alone? Why are you trying to force me to be poly with you?” And he wouldn’t have an answer. So weird


he reminds me so much of my ex but unfortunately we ended up having a baby together so it was much harder for me to leave. i ended up doing it though, now im with the man of my dreams and my ex still wont stop trying to get back with me. he just recently messaged me on reddit and posted in a sub saying “i know we can be a family if we try one last time” bro you fucked so many girls while dating me and your dick is small, leave me alone 😂 the delusion is insane, ive been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now and he is absolutely wonderful and not a big fat cheater with a small dick


He gets it he just doesn’t care. Her passionate replies are providing him negative attention that he interprets as her still wanting him. It doesn’t matter what she says. As long as she is responding and especially with such passionate replies that highlight how much had wanted him. He will keep trying to keep the door open.


which is why i couldnt comprehend why OP keep feeling the need to. whats the point in explaining yourself to someone who doesnt deserve an explanation? literally just block and keep pressing. instead of giving that person energy and time and now here we all are 🤣


That too. Most of the texts on this sub wouldn't have existed if they blocked the other person instantly. But oh well, to each their own.


right not here to criticize just stating my opinion


… and even while begging you to see him, he was not able to say that he would really love to be in a relationship with you What a dickhead


Just wanted to say OP, I also had a completely awful and toxic relationship that left me not wanting to date again, but I think it's important that while you don't seek out dating, don't just leave that option completely closed for yourself. I'm sure you're a fantastic person. Some people are just assholes.


Met my wife when I completely was done dating. It started long distance which I would have NEVER gone for on paper, but we weren't even trying to have a relationship, just kept seeing each other and doing stuff whenever she was in town. Been with her four years, just married her a month ago. Same happened to my old roommate, met his now-wife right around the time I met mine, when we were both fed up with dating and my roommate was putting his life back together to go to law school. He was convinced women were only interested in your income and your height, and was insecure because he didn't have a job and was getting disability and school paid for as a veteran, so he thought that made him a "loser" Then he met someone that proved all of that wrong, who made really good money in her own right and never asked him for anything, and in fact had his back when times were difficult. Sometimes the right thing just comes along and you don't feel like you're "dating" each other; it just feels organic and you click like best friends who were seperated during childhood.


OP, your boundaries inspire me. How you stand up for yourself inspires me. I am far too kind to a man that doesn’t deserve it from me - and he knows it. I was celibate for 3 years (getting sober and developing standards and respect and self love etc) before meeting my ex who fucking shattered all of that apparently. I definitely need to find a therapist - I’ve only had sex one since we broke up last year, and most recently we had reconnected and when he realized I was bettering my life, moving on, going back to school again at 32 - within 3 days he was back with his ex-girlfriend. I am moving soon, thank god, yet still wanted to say goodbye. That man doesn’t deserve shit from me - and you are a damn inspiring badass. Bravo from women everywhere who are too nice to shitty men


This reminds me of this guy who kept bugging me for a threesome and after I told him “not interested I don’t want to see you” he asked me “how many threesomes have you had” like what


Yeah I don’t get why they can’t leave us alone lol I made sure to block this one everywhere though. He felt like a pest


I guess I’m lucky ignoring him seems to do the trick. I hope (if you want) that you find someone more worthy of your tome!




Ryan just doesn't get it


He gets it. Dude just doesn't care. Total douchebag. It's a game to him.


That whole ignoring what she says and pushing his own narrative thing. Very manipulative. Very disturbing.


Ryan sounds just like my ex. He only texts when he is done with his current 23 year olds.


You were having NONE of this and I LOVE IT!! Good for you, my girl. Boss up on his loser ass.


Yeah I can’t do situationships or fwb I’ve tried and it made me too insecure. Kudos to the people who can vibe no strings attached I envy you.🤣😂


Ikr? Situationship is now just a synonym for "torture" to me. Never again 😂 I just can't not get emotionally attached


“Go jerk off and sulk” 🤣🤣🤣


Ryan can take a long walk off a short pier. Quick story. I dated an asshole who couldn’t get enough of me in private, but didn’t like going out with me or even introduce me to his roommate. Then he broke it off over text. We’d only been out a few times so it was whatever. Best part: I met my now-husband a week later, and after a month my ex came crawling back begging for another chance. Love that block! Get fucked, opportunistic assholes!




Same. You can literally spell it out for them. Put it in your dating profile and everything in between. They are missing a brain.


I had a guy that was interested in me for no less than a decade. I finally decided to try to even talk with him, and he went STRAIGHT into just non-stop sex talk. I told him at least 20 times that I don't talk about sex, but I will absolutely have it if it feels right and I like to have it a lot when it happens. He played along for 1 date, we had a super romantic first kiss while watching a beautiful sunset, and then immediate fucking said "man I can't wait to feel those lips on my dick". Now, freaking 4 years after giving him that shot, he STILL hits me up constantly asking for friendship. I fucked up and replied once, and wouldn't you know it? He immediately sent me a fucking audio of him jacking off. I can't fucking stand men.


Oh god lol. Always with “friendship.” Love how coded they are too. Like wanna come over and “cuddle” yeah like adult strangers “cuddle” shut the fuck up lol if you’re going to be creepy at least don’t be a coward about it and say it like it really is🤢 like I’m gonna come over to your place put my life at risk for your lame ass. Had something similar. I’m 23, this was like almost a year ago. Just got outta my first relationship of 3 years was very heartbroken probably should not have been on any dating apps but I was lonely. Met a nice guy, had a nice date at a restaurant. He seemed normal. Opened the door for me and all that. Get home pour out my soul to him over text cause it’s easier for me, tell him I liked him but admit that I’m heartbroken still/unsure not a second later he’s saying stuff like I had a good time and I was pretty but I’d be prettier on top of him 🤮 This kinda unromantic instant turn off stuff is why I deleted all the apps :/


Jeeeesus chriiiiiiiist. I am so sorry! That is absolutely vomitrocious.


Removed for abusive language, or using slurs or language that can promote hate based on identity or vulnerability


You go girl, proud of you. 👏 you deserve better and it’s good you are so happy on your own. Single always tops relationships that make you feel bad about yourself


Dude sounds like my ex situationship too! What is it with bread crumbers who try to act like everything is fine?? Are they gas lighting or are their actions really to insignificant to them to be remembered?


You sound like my sister… She’s now married. Was damn certain she’d never find anyone worthy of her time. Also your ex can’t take no for an answer, what an ass!


I was about to say!! OP don’t let this ruin future relationships for you as hard as it might seem right now. Let this raise your standards and from the sound of it it sounds like you’re really settling into yourself and knowing your worth. Keep goin!!


This is beautifully executed


Thank you 😊 I’m in therapy now lol


It shows


“I’d love to see you twice a week permanently” is the most insane thing I’ve ever read


“I’d love to see you twice a week permanently”


Girl please do therapy before you get any permanent surgery done. Your self worth took a hit from this jerk. You did great on being consistent but I urge you to work on your self esteem before surgery. As someone who has been in your shoes surgery won’t fix how you feel deep down. It’s just a bandaid.


Well congrats on being consistent, im sure someone nice will find you soon 🙂


This is a dutiful reminder, ladies and gentlemen, to go check your WhatsApp. There might be something waiting for you 💅🦋


Honestly you did too much, should Of said fuck off and left it at that


I get he's a dick, but counting yourself out because of a dick heads opinion is wild af.


This is so classic. He ditched her because he doesn't want to commit. She saw the red flags and blocked and quickly moved on which is awesome for her. Ryan got sad that he could no longer get the booty call and tried reaching out a year later. A whole fucking year later and she is still running around in his head having him wishing he could get her. Meanwhile she's out here telling him to fuck off. She is going to be in Ryan's head for at least another year LOL. This might be my favorite post on this subreddit of all time lol.


Lol after all that “Can you unblock me?”


You did good but just because some asshole said these things shouldn't make you feel unlovable. It says everything about him and nothing about you. Just believe there are better men out there, don't take yourself out of the game just because this dude is an asshole. You're way too hard on yourself.


I had this almost exact same thing happen. The man is in his 40s. Those guys never change. He STILL messages me and I just delete them. I’ll block him in one place and he’ll message me in another. Get the hint and F off!!


Go off sis! He clearly doesn't value your time, so he doesn't deserve to have it. You mentioned a proper relationship and he ran for the hills? Good riddance lol! Then he has the AUDACITY to come crawling back, probably because his other options dried up. He wants to get laid so bad, he can talk to his hand. You've definitely made the right call, cutting him off and taking time to focus on yourself. Keeping your own company will always be better than wasting your time on a wank stain like him. Take care of yourself first!


31?! Literally thought he was like 15 with the way he talks and responds.


This is the problem with women. They don't know how to communicate clearly. How's he supposed to know you don't want to hear from him ever again? Should be more blunt.


Whacky! I'm only seeing one side of this how crazy!


I hope whoever you date next treats you better, just because a relationship is casual doesn’t mean they have the right to demean you over wanting a more serious relationship wtf


What’s up with all the back and forth. Why not just block immediately and move on with your day


Because I was like…done done. I wanted to spell it out in such a way that he couldn’t use my words against me, and I was loud and clear. My conscious clear as well. No harm done on my end.


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I second that fuck off to Ryan. What a little bitch.


Damn, buddy needs to take the hint… he must be having a lot of trouble finding another girl, so he’s just trying to get what he thinks is the next easiest thing.


Glad you stood up for yourself.


Two days a week on a permanent basis!? That’s almost a third of a week! What a blessing! If that doesn’t show how much he cares, I don’t know what can because THREE days is just madness. But seriously good for you for standing your ground!! It can be hard when they just keep popping up out of nowhere like horny gophers or something. I hope you find someone you deserve!


How are guys so fucking stupid. I mean I know how… but god damn it must be exhausting dealing with this.


He’s a tool. The worst kind of tool. Net gain for you to have dropped him. You deserve and can find better, caring people who you can relate to (and who can relate to you.) You deserve it! Good luck!


Fuck off Ryan!!!


Genuinely thought this was two teenagers talking, what a shitshow on his end. You made the right call back then and now.


I was hoping we could go see bros LMAO


"okay i'll leave you alone" and then he keeps talking... come on.


One thing about it..I love to see people standing on business! Go u 🫶🏾


Some men in a situationship are just like this where they take advantage of you even after you’ve expressed you want more, they won’t let you leave


I wish u didn’t block him. I enjoy these texts very much.


I have more of him begging but I rather he stay gone lol my peace of mind is better than any potential entertainment


Don't swear off of relationships because of this douchebag. Just don't sleep with people that aren't interested in you as a person if you actually want a partnership. Not every guy sees being blocked as nothing more than an inconvenience. His inability to take a hint is hilarious.


Lmao after all that... "Did you have a good weekend?" 🤣


You don't sound crazy at all


‘Go jerk off and sulk’ 🤌🤌🤌 Love it. Also, have never met a Ryan who wasn’t a complete tool.


My wife said the same thing about love not being in the cards for her. Married nearly 13 years and love her more now than when I first said “I do!” Don’t give up. You are worthy. Lots of frogs to kiss, but your prince is there.


Good on you for saying fuck off and sticking to it. That guy sounds insufferable


I love it. I feel empowered! :)


Damn. For what it's worth, OP, on behalf of all guys, I'm sorry. He's inexcusable.


Why do you even keep responding, just block doesn’t even need your time or attention


What is it that you mean by “women like me”? What kind of woman do you feel like you are?


You must love the drama to keep messaging this dude after you told him no, that he treated you poorly, and that you didn’t care about him.


But do you wanna go to a movie this week?


The last reply should have been the first reply. People love to argue lol


It costs nothing not to answer a text


Did you have a good weekend tho?


he seems really dumb though how did you two even end up together in the first place hahah


I love this energy and hope to have the backbone to carry it the next time I have to deal with the ex who does me like this. Fuck off ryan!


You call her Stephanie i call her Heffany


Pleasee that’s too funny my friends say this to me in real life 😭😭😭


So there’s a chance