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So tell us, are you a virgin and waiting for marriage to? Or is it only the woman who has to be a virgin? Does that also mean you will not have sex with your future girlfriend until you’re married to her then? I have a feeling the answer to those questions are not going to be good.


We can tell he is.


Yes I’m a virgin and I’m waiting till marriage is that too much to ask for?


Don't know why you're getting downvoted but I think that's a fair preference. However, if you weren't a virgin it'd be a stupid preference and it wouldn't even make sense.


spark longing rotten psychotic rain wide unwritten deranged aware school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh and you're the all knowing one that decides what "good" is? So let's say I decide to start MMA, and my girlfriend likes guys who do MMA, does that mean she now has to do MMA? Notice how utterly braindead that whole argument is


lol what are you on about?


"Most obvious lack of intelligence indicator is when someone can't understand a hypothetical" a simple one at that


It's not that your hypothetical comparison is difficult to understand, it's that your hypothetical comparison is stupid


If it was you'd disprove it, instead you're showing the same maturity level you're so afraid of


Okay I’ll disprove it Say you decide to do mma. Okay. No your girlfriend doesn’t have to do mma and that’s her choice. Not yours. And it never will be. That’s also not the same scenario Because….. Expecting someone to not have sex before you while also choosing to have sex is not the same as making a choice for yourself. In this scenario you’re deciding a choice for your future wife. A choice that you are not going to do for yourself. You asked “does my girlfriend have to do mma too?” Which shows you don’t understand the point because the parallelism to the original point would be deciding that you don’t want to learn mma but expecting your wife to learn it anyway without ypu




mE sTanDaRDs fOr A LaSs ![gif](giphy|BNkHCHnAsZwRi)


Your preference ist 100% immature and if you try to formulate why you want a virgin partner you should be able to see the high level of sexism in that statement. Nothing changes in a person who lost their virginity before you or had xyz partners. You said it’s about waiting for marriage.. are you religious or is there a deeper meaning? Do you yourself wait for marriage or do you just want that for your s.o.?




Mate I think it’s the way you talk about it that makes everyone here assume the worst. If it was simply I want someone who is waiting for marriage like me then that’s fine I respect your values, but the way you described it to your friend and I’m the notes screen shot is extremely vulgar, for example, “I like virgins” comes across as you fetishizing virgins rather then being a reflection of your religious values. I get you’re trying to be funny but that’s where the disconnect here on Reddit is coming from


Hell nah mf would date a girl with 100 bodies 💀


They are absolutely right! Hope this helps 💖




Nope, and no amount of self validation will ever change the facts about you


Lmfao which are?


Yeah it’s kind of a shitty way to stare your preference, especially you shouldn’t speak that way with your friend who is a woman herself Lmfaoo


Nah, your friend is right. Thankfully there's still time for you to grow up.


Yeah grow up fr lol


Your friend is right. Thankfully you’re only 15 so with any luck, you’ll grow up soon enough.


“u fucking wrote it in black a white dippie” she’s right and i want to be her best friend




I’m def not misogynistic I don’t “hate women” I just hate who they could be sometimes as from what I’ve felt from them before. And very sorry for saying “they lack respect for their body” if they have sex before marriage. Entirely I’m religious if you want to hear the main reason that I’d like to have a virgin woman.


stop trying to make all woman fit into your perfect little box. you are insufferable and i really hope you grow up before a woman is cursed with being with you. it's okay to want to to wait until marriage and have your partner share that but the way you come off comes off so egotistical and that you are better than everyone because you want to wait and only woman who want to wait are good.




Why Do You Type Like That 


your friend is right, your standards suck & you are entitled! hope this helps!


WHHHHHHHAT THE INCEL? Brother your dick does not hold that much value.


It’s because your opinion is very antiquated. Why does it matter if they’ve slept with someone else?? People need to be able to love a life before meeting you. They don’t need to sit in a dark closet waiting for you to enter their lives. At any rate, she not giving her body to you. You just sound gross in a really Annoying way. Frankly, you sound like one of Andrew Tate’s little boys. You’re either in your mid twenties or a 12 year old. But I can definitely tell you that you’re going to be miserable and sad waiting for a woman that finds your perspective respectable. No one wants to deal with someone that wants to dictate what they should or shouldn’t do with their body. And lastly, just so you know, any woman who’s saving herself for her husband is going to have some really high standards. Maybe if that is the person you’re wanting,buoy should ask “is the way that I talk attractive at all to the women I’m wanting?” Because I’m willing to bet that any woman who’s saving herself for her husband probably doesn’t want to deal with some child that says shit like “I just like the fact that there wasn’t a guy that plowed the fuck out of her before me” Wow, what a gentleman


I’m 15 let’s set that straight yes I have much growing to do I admit that. And did you not look at my reasonings beside just a guy plowing the fuck out of her? Mainly I’m religious please respect that^^


“I’m 15 let’s set that straight”’yeah dude we can tell I will not respect your religion if that’s your justification for acting like a massive douche towards women. You’re right, you have a lot to learn. And I promise the way you’re speaking is unappealing to every self respecting woman You’re not going to act righteous and then say gross shit about women being plowed through. If you want people to respect you then act respectful. It’s as simple as that. The way you’re acting regarding women is gross and pathetic. It’s time to start growing up. When you’re an adult in the dating world women aren’t going to be interested in a man that has no grace or gentleness and if you said what you texted to this friend it would be like having a knife shoved in your ear It’s unattractive and if your religion bud why you speak like that then it’s also the reason why you’re going to be very lonely




it’s cute that you think these are normal expectations to have. you’re going to die a virgin if you don’t grow up though.


I wish we had a flair for "OP's brain is not yet fully developed" lol


Yeah good luck finding someone. And if you judge *only* women that had sex before marriage then you have issues.


I’m with her, my dude. Grow up.




Hahahahaha you suck


He devoured you I fear ❤️😔


She. He said this shit to a girl.


yeah... no. that's strange on your part OP.


Your "preferences" are extremely immature sounding. You sound like a 13 year old.


if this is the next generation i don’t want anything to do with them. grow up kid


If everyone can know and decide whos the right one at First try we wouldnt have this much problem, reflect on yourself your own mindset and your preferences, perhaps you'll grow up from it soon


i looked through some of the responses, she’s definitely right. i understand you’re religious, those values are what you prefer. but the way you’ve phrased it both in the texts and the description come off incredibly immature and misogynistic. and gross, quite frankly. also, you’re 15(?) so on top of having a lot of growing to do, you have a lot to learn about how actual relationships and people work. you will have people waiting until marriage, but to try to equate sex to someone’s respect for themselves is an absolutely disgusting mindset to have. religious or not. so the way it comes off can very easily seem like you judge those who aren’t virgins. which is none of your business unless you intend on pursuing a relationship with them. so, yeah. with how you phrased it, i think you were wrong. and your friend had a rather valid reaction.


You are both sexists and misogynistic


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Those are pretty reasonable standards for a 15 year old to have, I don’t understand why everyone gets so defensive about it. If you were in your 20s or older still only wanting to date virgins then it becomes more unrealistic and weird.


So you are 15, wanting a virgin is acceptable.... People need to stop being a bunch of hoes tbh. I feel like she likes you but she can't meet that requirement so she got upset about it. If she doesn't like you, then someone else has rejected her or someone close to her for this reason. Her reasoning is coming off as defensive.... Don't take it personally, you just unintentionally hurt her feelings.


Love to see how preferences are applauded for women yet completely trashed for men like in this case. Yes, it’s a stupid preference, but it’s his right to have and not be absolutely shit on for it like in these comments. If you don’t support it you don’t have to associate yourself with the person but you don’t have to start teaching him about life.




lol don’t let the 304s in here shame you about your preferences. People, especially women with multiple partners have lost the ability to pair bond.




I’m a married woman lol. Keep telling on yourself




Don’t project. Just because you’re miserable with your decisions doesn’t mean everyone else is LOL. Virgins exist. Keep coping.




Lol. Sends 2 essays then doesn't want to argue.


Cue the rage of a horde of angry hoes...


Hey man. Just because you can’t get someone to sleep with you doesn’t mean we should all be miserable


Laughing so much, that dudes comment history is a red pill nightmare. Hope he never hurts a woman in real life,he’s defo leaning that way, if he ever manages to leave his mums basement