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Mel really has to stop telling these dudes her personal business. Especially Flip


Going up to Flo Rida in real life is disgusting...they gotta suspend him again for that


That shit is so wild. If I was Mel would be PISSED.


This episode was like the opposite of that last Patreon episode šŸ˜‚


Shes a bird. She can't help it.


Nah, unfortunately she just seems to think they actually care about her.


Bro who told these guys that we wanted more Mel dogpiles, I hate that


Exposed her whole date experience, then questioned her judgementā€¦what???


That shit is so cringe.


She cannot win for losing I swear. And wonder why she stay quiet.


Skipped to the end. So, Joe asked Flip to take the month off and Flip wilded out thinking he wouldnt be paid


Why though Flip ainā€™t even been bad as of late, I wouldā€™ve understood that early on


I think that question she asked mel about holding it down is what caused for him to be told take a few pods off.


I donā€™t remember this, what was the context?


He alluded to Mel not pressing charges against a person who sexually assaulted her and referred to that as ā€œholding it downā€




Lmao this nigga is an idiot I missed that


They cut it out. I wonder what the convo was too.


Damn this shit came out early af. Itā€™s still Tuesday in the west coast.


Facts Iā€™m chilling on my phone


Itā€™s not even on patreon I had to use Spotify smh


Paterson drops at 5 am , podcast app at midnight every week for the last 3 years šŸ˜‚


That man code segment is exactly why niggas stay having to defend themselves against bitter and broken women. A nigga said he wouldnā€™t tell his own sister if he caught her dude with another womanā€¦ Swear if yaā€™ll ever find yourself siding with these dudes in any relationship convo, reconsider. No matter what it is. Cuz youā€™re probably wrong. šŸ˜‚


well said, corny as fuck "i knew me before i know u, mancode is in me" dumbest shit ive heard from him


I cringed so hard when he said that, I was about to drive my car off the road.


He said he never snitched on his homegirls man because he was a good provider. Forget possibly giving ur friend an STD. With friends like that wtf needs enemies.


When it comes to my sister or my mom fuck that man code


She lowkey bodied him with the therapy line. Why would be more loyal to a random man than a woman you are close to? That shit don't even make logical sense. And Ish claim to be logical šŸ™„


Facts, putting some made up ā€œman codeā€ over a friendship is nuts.


That is so fucked. You owe it to someone you love, your sister of all people? Fucking nasty behavior


I must of blanked out on that part about his sister cause thatā€™s wild. You letting someone bring trauma to your FAMILY because of some man code. Where Iā€™m from we protect our little sisters from niggas like this.


I would tell her if I saw it, but I would also trust my brother in law to not do my sister like that if sheā€™s on some like ā€œidk if heā€™s cheating on meā€


Joe treats his employees like his relationships, crazy how he just doesn't communicate with his employees. Then just airs it out publicly, I don't know how Flip just laughed through this.


The sub guessed relatively accurately what happened. Thatā€™s crazy.


The sub is usually right


He learned nothing from the R&M split even though he tried to act so mature about it, not surprising tbh




Joe could use Ice as a foot rest on the show, that nigga still not leaving. What's he got to fall back on? I know he ain't going back to stacking sneaker boxes.


The notice been on the door, they just choose not to read it. Ice and Ish were literally replacements, then he brought Flip and Mel without asking, then suspended Flip without asking, started bringing E off the bench without asking. The only lesson Joe learned from R&M, is this time don't let these niggas think they are anything but employees. Ice, Parks and E are never going anywhere and thatll always be just enough to pod.


I donā€™t think Joe would bring that up on the pod if Iceā€™s relationship did fall off.








Shit I remember when Rory and Sam first moved in together and Joe would do weekly updates to see if Rory was miserable yet lol. Listening back to it is so crazy because Joe was clearly not happy with Cyn at the time so he wanted Rory to join him in misery lmao. Episodes 190 (Crummies) is where you can hear it.


Long term listener here, yes Joe had many subs before, during and after the breakup.


So this is exactly what happened with Rory and Mall the argument then the fake patch up then it lingers until it blows up again so what's the clock on flip


I have no idea how any of his friends wish to work for him. I just don't get it. He treats his friends like shit and some just accept it.


Money, niggas would rather deal with Joe and his bullshit for two days a week then go work a regular job making less than half what he paying for double the hours. Canā€™t blame them but Iā€™d make it very clear to him, im just here for the check, fuck all the fake Buddy Buddy shit.


It canā€™t happen to me type of people. We saw R&M talk with and co-sign Joe until it happened to them


Flip was the one who wanted to address it publicly though


Yeah, but that's like a sycophant trait. Should have left that on the edit room floor.


Lol you donā€™t know that nigga or the inner workings of his relationships. This app really gives weirdos a safe space to unite. And you know Flip was the one who addressed it right? Made for good entertainment. Are you not enjoyed nigga?


He told you how he felt, responded, and what he did cause of the non-communication. I'm not assuming anything these are straight from the horse's mouth. From Joe and Flip. Me commenting on what they addressed is what they want otherwise they would cut it out, you defending the words that came out of their mouths is the weird nigga shit.


This sub is full of parasocial fans and haters who have underdeveloped brains. They think that the personalities displayed on the pod are the same in real life. They think that because the people are real, that every thing that is said MUST be taken at face value. 2020 was the worst thing to happen to podcasts in a sense that all the mentally ill weirdos that were busy with other shit came to become podcast listeners šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Yall Mel haters can suck a dick. " what time did you leave, Mel " " did he walk you outside " This the shit she gotta talk about lol it's so fucking cringe.


Ish be watching a lot of Adam 22 content in his free time heā€™s always referencing his videos šŸ˜‚


He needs someone to blame when the drill rappers kill each other.


Ish was speaking facts


I hate when these high school dropouts start talking about education. Emanny don't even have a GED talking about school teaches you obidience. Nigga how would YOU know




u got me




Flip so corny man, he clearly still in Love with Mel & he SICK that Mel got a new boo. He couldnā€™t wait to hate. Iā€™ll be happy when heā€™s gone lol


Nigga got suspended for being too comfortable with Mel and didn't learn a thing. This nigga is the Draymond of being creepy




But yet these niggas barely mention anything on their relationshipsā€¦they need to let her ass live


ā€œIf you bring him up here, Iā€™m gonna fry his ass up" is so crazy coming from the dude that won't bring his lady around the podcast. I think only Joe (we know he will), Parks, and Ice would be able to do that shit.Ā 


Flip is a creep lol


Joe and ish are too lol


im just listening this man joe talking about ā€œthatā€™s how i know im at unc statusā€ ainā€™t u pushing 50![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Ngl I be missing Ishs feedback but this old nigga guy code mentality they all have up there is annoying and borderline gay to me. I don't be understanding why black men put other black men above their own freedom, family or woman. Or maybe I'm just wack, idk


You just unlocked a portal with this comment, bro. If dudes go that hard on bro code, they likely would if they found out their dude is/was doing some gay things too.


Flip feels forced and the Drake topic is dragging. Now the Twitter space talk is infiltrating the pod. It donā€™t hit like it used to. Sounds very pretentious now.


Been this way for a while good brother.




That part šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


That's what I said too. Things seem so staged. The COE angle is really whack. I was listening to Flip being asked (on the Twitter space) if he was, essentially, truly upset or was playing for clicks in this drama.Ā  Dude paused for a few seconds before answering which was telling. Then he answered "both". How you be truly mad and fake mad over something like this and expect people to take you and the situation serious? Smh. Yet, the pod is praised as "good entertainment".Ā  Which to me is telling and reflective of the mentality of the core audience and how the pod cast crew think of them.


That free will convo melted my brain


Joe story about being honorary Wu Tang member was hilarious šŸ˜†


Echo chamber emanny strikes again. The brotha cannot come up with his own opinion man. Just rewords an already established opinion


Thought Joe was gonna spin that intro into The Kid Frankie by Wiz but remembered he ainā€™t truly tapped into rap like he is R&B haha


Mel shouldā€™ve told them that if she saw their women out there acting crazy behind their back that not only would she not tell them but she would influence the woman Ā to go even crazier. Ā 


![gif](giphy|3o7abIileRivlGr8Nq|downsized) NO ICE


Joes hate for Drake not dropping tracks will they were about to pod is insane


What kind of watch did Parks get? As a watch guy, I laughed when Ish said ā€œlittle fluted bezelā€ and Parks said ā€œthis is a chronograph actuallyā€ Ish just be saying shit sometimes


Sounds like Rolex


Yeah I just got to the end of the pod where they said he got two Rolex's for father's day. So Parks got two Daytonas. Even funnier that Ish just be saying shit. There's no way you can confuse a Daytona for having a fluted bezel. He must not know what that is.


i know Parks was sweating bullets during that Bobbi convo. Itā€™s like they forget heā€™s white


Parks has been around a lot of these convos lol


Yeah but there's a difference between the white dude that is cool and works with black people that hangs around And the white girl that one of the homies is trying to fuck and they trying to use the culture as a wingman


Def a difference but ā€œlet me see you with your white friendsā€ still applies to Parks lol especially off the heels of the Drake not like us convo. Had to be uncomfortable for son


My only thing is I wish people would stop trying to act like Kendrick invited her there I think YG just showed up with her and now people are acting like oh how could you say what you said about Drake and then you're hanging around with her and it's like no the homie brought her


True but in a way, K Dot did kinda invite it upon himself. If youā€™re in your disses calling a nigga a colonizer and saying he uses black culture to his benefit, ppl are gonna point out when one of your contemporaries invites Becky who has the same allegations to chill with the Pirus. Shi itā€™s the same way ppl on here kill Joe when he decides to pander and take certain moral stances knowing his own murky past and even shit heā€™s said on the pod


No it doesn't cuz that would be like saying that Drake is a sex trafficker in an abuser because of his associate Baka I don't think Drake is a creep because of his associate Baka I think Drake has done enough creepy things on his own to be a creep People are just looking for any reason to defend Drake from Kendrick's accusations which again if you actually listen to his argument it's not about Drake being half white it's about performative blackness which he's even more annoyed by when Drake does it because you are black which means the community doesn't have the a natural defense against you that they would have if he was just a regular white guy


That part.


Time stamp? Iā€™m skipping some topics today


You're a clown and don't understand shit if you don't know the difference between people like Bobbi and people Parks.


Both white at the end of the day like you probably


Bof white




You must be new lol


Wow why is flip back weā€™re starting the pod off talking about bbq jerk chicken made by Melā€™s boo . This pod fallowing off bro


I neeeeeeed to see the rooms faces during that pretty privilege comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ainā€™t no fuckin way


That fate vs. free will conversation was a tough listen lmao itā€™s like everyone was having a different conversation and no one knew what the otherā€™s interpretations of the question was. Just nonsense. Emanny talking about Americaā€™s laws. Ish talking about heart disease. Joe and ish debating if we can change our genetic makeup or not. Gotta leave that off the docket


Queenzflip returns... it was nice while it lasted. It was nice getting through a topic without unnecessary interruptions, inappropriate questions, pocket watching Joe to a microscopic degree, and halting the entire pod to slowly explain something to him


don't forget it was nice to not hear the clapping like a little kid


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder... lies and treachery!šŸ¤£


The biggest difference between the crack epidemic and the opioid epidemic is the overwhelming majority of black people killed during the crack epidemic died from violence, not drugs. The white boys in South Jersey that Ish was talking aboutā€”they arenā€™t gunning each other down in the streets. They are straight up overdosing and dying. Thereā€™s a difference. I promise if they start killing each other in rural Pennsylvania the way they did in the Bronx, youā€™d see a different kind of response from law enforcement. And the notion that the US government handled the opioid epidemic with any more care or mercy than the crack epidemic is a total crock of shit. Itā€™s just something that sounds good in your head but when you actually do the research you know they left all those white people out in the cold too.




Yep. And by Ishā€™s logic you would assume that the government cracked down on the parties responsible for the opioid epidemic because of all the beautiful white lives they destroyed. *hand to earpiece* Whatā€™s that? Those companies flooding the country with percs and oxy only paid a modest fine and no one associated with them will ever spend a day in jail? And they are all still billionaires? Ahh well shit nevermind.




Yep. The opioid epidemic has been so destructive that it literally reduced average life expectancy in this country. A truly astonishing feat. But according to Ish, our governmentā€”due to its victims being whiteā€”jumped right on it and handled it. And it not only that but they were much nicer about it than they were with crack. LOLOL.


The whole drill genre needs to die and go away forever. Itā€™s so fucking poisonous and destructive. These kids would rather catch a body than get a bag. Itā€™s literally a celebration of the massacre of black youth. And fuck Ish and Emanny or anyone that tries to blame it on Adam22 or white or Jewish record execs. Thatā€™s a total bullshit cop-out that passes the buck. If half the black people in the industry that presented themselves as pro-black activists stood up and saidā€” ā€œyo! This is done. We arenā€™t fucking with this shit anymore. Itā€™s not getting played at parties. Itā€™s done in the clubs. We ainā€™t signing anyone that does it. It ainā€™t getting no radio spins. Nothing. We are going to snuff this genre out of the culture.ā€ā€”you might actually see some change. But there is so much bullshit surface level social media pandering going on that no one *really* wants to do that. They donā€™t wanna rock the boat. Itā€™s much easier to let them keep killing each other and for us to blame Adam22 and Vlad. Shit is so fucking shameful.


Facts . I hate hearing them niggas talk black lives and culture vulture cause they never put the blame on the lil mf killing not caring bout black lives . Itā€™s always a media person or executive fault . Itā€™s really the lil niggas killing fault and they parents for not loving em fault .




The difference between Hov/Push and the drill shit is simple to me. You canā€™t listen to a Hov record and then walk down the street to the cocaine store and say ā€œIā€™d like to buy 4.5 ounces of cocaine, please!ā€. It doesnā€™t work that way. Especially if you are only 12 or 13. The barrier for entry for that lifestyle is significantly higher and harder to imitate. Especially at the level Hov/Push rap about. There are going to be a million things that happen along the way that make you question whether you canā€”or even want to do that shit. If you listen to a Von or Durk record you just need some liquor and to find out where your uncle keeps his pistol, and bamā€”you are in the game. And thatā€™s all it takes for these kids. And I reject the idea that drill music isnā€™t so bad because of all the money itā€™s made people like Durk and others. How many black people have truly gotten rich off of drill music? 100? 150? 200? How many kids have died mimicking and glorifying that lifestyle? Itā€™s gotta be in the thousands. The trade off isnā€™t worth it. But I do agree with you on the over-sexualized music too. That shit needs to go too.


early as fuck, got my bong ready


Anybody else hate when Joe starts playing the music when topics get serious? Ish was cooking with the slavery was a choice conversation and before it goes any further he starts playing the music and cuts it off. Like sometimes we wanna hear the serious conversations, better than gender wars and pussy talk


I got downvoted to hell when I said some pods back that Mel invites/walks into the dog piling sessions. I gotta double down, and I mean that bc she answers EVERYTHING these niggas ask pertaining to her dating life. She never stops them or plays silent or says next question, nothing. And even when she DOES try and withhold infoJoe will guilt trip her into telling more by saying sheā€™s a trash podcaster. Sheā€™s smart with words and tv shows but sheā€™s gullible as hell with these personal convos. And sheā€™s outnumbered so itā€™s hardly EVER gonna go in her favor. She gotta start pulling these niggas cards or reversing the questions. Idk do something.


Damnnnn I was just getting used to Flip not being there šŸ˜¬


Right. He can go back, to where he was. šŸ™„


Drill music is a symptom. A symptom that needs to be addressed but a symptom nonetheless. At some point somebody is going to have to figure out how to fix the hood. If America wasnā€™t racist af I would want the government to do it but the government canā€™t tell the people who commit the crimes vs the people who just live there. I wish someone would do a study and come up with some type of revolutionary suggestions because this ainā€™t it.


I didnā€™t notice Ice wasnā€™t here. šŸ‘€ didnā€™t even miss himā€¦ šŸ‘€


Flip so corny man, he clearly still in Love with Mel & he SICK that Mel got a new boo. He couldnā€™t wait to hate. Iā€™ll be happy when heā€™s gone lol




They been reading the sub


No. They mentioned several times and Ice even played the single as a sleeper. Joe just said he ainā€™t get a chance to deep dive on the album yet


Wow super early pod! Bet!


Joe sounded hella fake deep during that free will conversation. He was conflating so many other things with the concept of free will.


Im wit emmanny you cant be so into dark matter and shit on house of dragons so easily


Finna listen b4 they take it down šŸ˜‚Ā 




Iā€™m guessing the Vlad barmitzvah joke lol


Lmao corny ass old niggas talking about double standards AGAIN This pod bout to be a smooth 45 mins this week


Shucks, I really thought flip was gone for good. Yes Flip, we donā€™t like you.


Who is ā€œweā€? Speak for yourself.


Really wish flip never came back


No ice on the pod thank the good Lord


Didn't even notice he wasn't there LOL


Flip being gone was nice while it lasted. Might be hate but šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


why is flip back Sound effects , now he telling a story about Mel ford and Florida??? Jesus Christ


Anybody know what sunglasses Joe had on?


These dummies again getting their JT info all the way wrong. That video they mentioned was filmed and uploaded in May!


Nobody calls Jacksonville "Jafghanistan." That's very obviously a nickname made by a person who has never been to Jacksonville or knows anyone from Jacksonville. Anyone from Jax knows if you wanted to mashup Jacksonville and Afghanistan it would be "JAXghanistan." Flip calling it Jafghanistan makes me irrationally irritated.


Flip is back! Nooooooooo


ā€œOh shit you, aliveā€ award šŸ†Ā  šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


did they address WHY joe told flip to take a month off ?? seems like a crazy suspension


They said Vince can change the world šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ish said. And ish is weird lol, he respects anybody with some spanky.


That conversation about his album was hilarious. They juking and jiving around saying they don't really mess with that album.


Damn ish is annoying af..mf start off the pod coughing loud af in the mic..be laughing at nothing like a wounded hyena smh he need to take a month off


I see why people hate Joe, that XXL shout out was nasty šŸ¤¢šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Warranted theyā€™ve been trash for 8 years.


Pod was 200% better without Flip's toxicity, interruptions yelling, and random convos.....


Iā€™m so tired of this conversation about Drake being not part of the culture. So because he grew up in Toronto he couldnā€™t have played basketball?? With crates?? Like what are we talking about here


https://youtu.be/Ixdg1zcl0BQ?si=F3nyaJg7Yj1912LF Just watch this 45 second clip and tell me what you think lol


His story doesnā€™t match with the raps/image thatā€™s portrayed he started off as the actor turned singer/rapper but now says heā€™s a boss with mob ties & a Carribean accent. The ā€œcultureā€ It just keeps changing with that guy when you let him tell it.


Drake grew up with a single mother in a shared house cause his marginal child acting salary was supporting the family till he got into rap. The ā€œcultureā€ is starting to mean black embrace of poverty and lack and not success and excellence. Drakeā€™s entire crew is black, his father is black, has black extended family etc. Itā€™s just goalpost moving at this point and ā€œcultureā€ is starting to mean a lot of indirect things. Itā€™s not even talking about music or movies or dress anymore. Joe wonā€™t accept anyone who didnā€™t grow up like he did and he had two parents at homeā€¦.we even know why he did the blackface pics because it was literally to call out racism, goofy yes but theres a whole backstory there. Joeā€™s just being lazy cause kendrick has the whole gang street angle while ignoring Drakeā€™s literally obstacles STILL TO THIS DAY in the industry


Fam Drake told Kendrick to stop making music like he tryna free the slaves and proceeds to have a Hells Angels member in his music video lmao does that sound like someone of the culture?


Why yall collectivelt try to ruin a joke by seriousing us out? This the hypocrisy niqqas is talking about. But alleging someone is a pdf file is somehow ok? The goalpost moving be absolutely crazy for one niqqa and I dont understand why. Make niqqas nor even want to like him and hes one of my favs


Thereā€™s no goal post being moved bcz your point literally has nothing to do with what I said wtf your comprehension skills are awful


You tried to literally serious out a joke and make it seem like drake is tone deaf or believed to not know of the "culture" or whatever that even is now the definition keeps changing for dot anyways. Thats literally exactly why you bought up that line. I dont get what you arent following.


So jokes canā€™t have truth to them now? And me explaining to you how culture is multifaceted THAT would serious it out nobody is shifting anything for Kendrick nigga relax lol


It aint true because hes literally black.....you dont have to explain culture. I know what the culture is or what it was. But atp yall just saying anything related to dot is culture. Bobbi althoff at the music vid? Culture. Gang members on stage? Culture. Juneteenth? Culture. This be what niqqas be talking about. Im relaxed just tired of the hypocritical standpoints. I rather hear yall say yall just dont like mans. I personally respect that more than trying to fake intellectually explained whats really going on in this beef. Its tiring as hell


Right. This ā€œcultureā€ just means anything the bottom has and can be excused as long as the opposition is hated more. Itā€™s goalpost moving. Joe paying for escorts? Culture Joe being a bad employee? Culture Joe snaking Drake out in the DMā€™s: Culture


I have heard of stripper culture. Im talking bout hip hop culture. Those are two extremely different things. Where for some reason one side is seen as "culture" because they like him more currently. Thats my only initial point. I guess making songs with taylor swift is culture too but I digress


Not once did I say Drake wasnā€™t black tf are you talking about? thereā€™s clearly a difference in how ppl talk about Drake and how they talk about Cole itā€™s about their actions and how they move, that gang shit is a whole different culture that applies to Cali


Gang culture isnt hip hop culture. Again goal post move. Which goes back to mt initial point about for some reason everything this niqqa do is culture to prove some "IYKYK" point that doesnt exist. Its made up. The difference about drake and cole is that drake fucka other niqqas bitches. The end. Cole still gets called corny, boring music, sleepy album, all types of shxt. He just got declined from buying a tesla truck because he dressed like....cole.


Thats not what he said. He said heā€™s RAPPING like that.


How does that shift any of the point of what I just said?


Because Kendrick does a lot of pseudo conscious smartest guy in the room type raps


Drake grew up in Canada in Jewish culture but became an American gangster rapper in adulthood come on now letā€™s stop the debate right here.Ā 


As exhausted as Iā€™ve been through this whole discourse i feel like Joe said everything the best today. Im glad he finally admitted that heā€™s biased and wants to see drakes back kicked in. Instead of acting like heā€™s middle ground like he has been. And he also explained the issue is that theyā€™re all gatekeeping whatā€™s an acceptable background to have in hip hop. I couldnā€™t tell you why itā€™s such an issue with them and Drake but it always has been and always will be. Theyā€™ve questioned it and heā€™s answered it by telling his story in his raps. But they still donā€™t believe it. ā€œYou werenā€™t as poor as us and didnā€™t have the life we had growing upā€. Heavy victim mentality shit. I grew up poor and in a troubled home for most of my young life. Left home at 16 etc. but people had it worse than me. That stuff doesnā€™t matter in real life to people who have grown up. People will always move the goal post to fit their narratives. And no matter what Drake brings to the table people like Joe are never going to believe him. Shit doesnā€™t even matter at this point. Yall lose me at ā€œletā€™s have a conversation about this man we donā€™t know and how we assume his childhood wasā€. Im good on that.


WELCOME BACK FLIPPPPPPPPP! Finally thereā€™s life in the pod again.


I'm shocked people are tip toeing around the story about how Rory was behaving on spaces in regards to the Flip situationĀ  /S


Whatā€™s up with the early drop? No complaint though just wondering


šŸ˜‚i donā€™t want to see anymore flip being mad at Joe posts no more. Unless Flip actually punch Joe in the face. šŸ™„They dragging this Ish hating on Kendrick too. I donā€™t care If Ish hates Kendrick. I doubt Kendrickā€™s people ainā€™t paying any minds to Ish opinion.


Nobody gives af about ish or his opinion lol hes a weirdo


Ish says it donā€™t be about race, and itā€™s about classism however he be the first to bring up the ā€œwhitesā€ šŸ§


Joe is dashing my hopes of a drake interviewā€¦this is just weird energy from him if heā€™s saying he was talking to Drake a month ago...


Flip is back. So this is what, the 327th time yā€™all been wrong about Joe firing Flip or Ish šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The Culture is dumb literally hip hop culture acts like itā€™s not a melting pot of diversity u gotta be inner city black is basically what a comes across I get it I love hip hop but the personality of hip hop is that of boy raised by a single mom emotionally violent /slutty and lacks accountability the over defending of it is wild too me you were raised by two parents in the subs u not culture dumb shit


Did Mel visit Pac?????


Flip could have taken more pods off. He's ruinung the flow of the Pod.. His interrupting. Dumb jokes he's not funny. He's no Druski. Nigga you not In the streets. This gangsta persona you look foolish. No one believes you. Your married with 4 kids relax. Who gives a fuck you from Queens. You not built for nothing but whoppers and big macs. Honestly today's Pod showed. If Dude left the Pod would be no different.


Does flip handle anything by himself without dragging JR into it? The kid is raising the father at this point. Smh


Ish love saying it donā€™t be about race and itā€™s classism, however heā€™s the first to bring up the ā€œwhitesā€šŸ§


Ish and Emanny why canā€™t yā€™all just let the cast get their shit off sometimes??? Your relatable follow-up story isnā€™t always needed. It comes across like youā€™re trying to one up the other person.




And the whole bot talk was something crazy. Drake has low numbers in the beef because heā€™s not using bote to begin with. If he were using bots he would have had more than 200 million listeners on Family Matters (if this statistic is not made up)