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And ice was actually talking to her and letting her get her shit off and agreeing with her. When joe is there ice is always the first to piggy back joe and shit on mel. “No mel, is that… you know what nvm you got it” while doing that dumbass laugh,


The last Patreon was good. They all did good.


I feel like there’s always a post like this when joe ain’t around. And honestly I get it


Yup she feels wayyyyyy more comfortable with sayijg whats on her mind cuz she knows she wont be judged harshly u peep i say this is a safe space thry know how joe makes her feel


Facts…it seems like everybody opens up when Joes gone. And joe manipulate them to digress more or steer it a certain way


Nah joes coming with notes next time


In my opinion Mel is good at podcasting when she is in her element. But as far as Mel on the JBP, she has to go. Joe will not let her shine. Everytime she brings a topic up it talk Joe turns into Kill Tony/Bill Burr


Did you ever watch her pod before she came on the pod ?


These niggaz talk way too much about her sex life unprovoked for them to be slinging that brother talk around. Not gonna lie the way Rory and Mal do it with Demaris is wayyyy funnier and a part of that is because Demaris introduces the shit. If Mel aint introduce it not sure why we spend 30 mins on it every show. They need new material.


“Booty short wearing” 😭😭😂


Yall hyping her up, she still is the weakest podder on there not counting Flip and Parks (who’s main role is as engineer)


… and Flip…


See that’s the thing about being a professional podcaster, You need to be good at your job all the time, not just when the boss is not there. DaFuq? Joe attempts iso plays for MEL all the time but she’s way to selective about topics she wants to take the lead on.


100% agree on that part he does iso her, but also part of being a professional podcaster/owner is letting their cohosts get their shit off for at least 5 minutes and not walk away or step on their shit just because he don’t care about the topic, like ice with his marvel/ video game shit for example.


Knock it off clown. You aint ever watched or listened to any of M4s previous work. Y'all tricks are a trip.


Nigga wtf your incel ass talking about 😂


My boy hates women for no reason… big up Mel


Facts because wtf was that 😂


Hmmm didn't argue with the point I made ? One of is is def and incel. Except somehow you managed to be a trick and an incel....congrats, you playing yourself.


Big bro take a deep breath I still don’t know what you trynna say, slow down on the typing and go get a dictionary, you calling niggas tricks because of a Reddit comment and you don’t even know what that mean


The mental gymnastics you're doing are astounding. I can't call you a trick and an incel but you can call me an incel. Yeah, you got it champ.