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This nigga flip met Flo rida and the first thing he thought was to discuss Mel


1,000 other questions. He worry about Mel's old work. He's corny 🌽 for that.


That's why hos channel is in quick sand..he too busy being a groupie


Yes best part of his channel he stopped . The interviews with G Money were great.


That was corny. Mel not worry about him but flip when up and said something.


Imagine a stranger asking you about someone you dated 10 years ago. Bruh, what?


That was str8 sucka ish idk y she tell him stuff


Mel is an idiot she should've been stopped telling him shit. That time living in LA made her ditzy as hell.


Flip wanna fuck Mel lol I bet he asked if the pussy was good


He should have saluted him just to see if Flo rida do the salute from the back of his big ass 8 head.


They think it’s compelling. Joe will shut down actual interesting conversations, but he’ll wear the Mel shit all the way tf out. Makes no sense to me


But won’t speak on him and Sade problems/situation ever lol


They spent 20-30 minute's disecting her date. We don't need a week to week report on Mel's dating life.


I already knew that was coming with Flip’s return


Flip & Ice need to be banned from joking on Mel... To me, they lean on it too much. They both give me the vibe. "If I humble her, then she'll let me hit."


They do lean into it too hard. Butterball Flip . Bro you married leave the womean alone. Ice no comment. I don't believe none of his dating stories lol


They don’t want to be the butt of the jokes. Ice couldn’t take it and Flip as a comedian being out joked by everyone is a bad look. They make Mel the easy target to get strength off of. “Look we’re roasting Mel again, aren’t we hilarious”!


But it not. Flips act is getting old. His interrupting and laughing at shit that's not even funny. Trying to make it funny. Yeah ice will walk off the pod if you roast him to hard.


Joe is desperately trying to push a promiscuous image onto her and have her lean into it. It’s also creepy when he makes constant innuendos. That spatula thing he did will always sit in the back of my mind Anytime something is brought up against him.


 They lucky Mel let’s that shit ride cause most women would have dipped already. Mel being in the industry has probably dealt w horrible things so she is numb to it


She probably isn’t numb but she needs the Job ore than it’s worth complaining and she’s probably at least somewhat comfortable at this point. But it’s still weird. Also As Odd as Joe Is I think he is self aware enough not to push it to SA levels


I think he just don’t want a case. Joe is definitely a creep. 


This !!!!!!!


yeah she def just needs the job.. she’s already expressed the main reason she’s there outside of money is because she’s closer to her friend group in NY. she should find another gig though or just continue with acting. the pod is very low vibrational for her


What is the spatula thing?


I think it was around 3 Episodes ago when Mel Asked if she could go with them on a trip and he insinuated she could go anywhere with Joe and His girl, and she would get “flipped” meaning fucked. Then he started doing audio and visual effects of Sponge-bob in the back of Krusty Krab.


Disgusting behavior from fake boss


BIS.....QUICK Btw....the woman who has spent her entire life being a video girl, a bar tender, a lingerie model and currently has an onlyfans and moves across country to work for Joe Budden pushes a promiscuous image on herself


You’re too stupid to argue with. 😂


What in what I said do you disagree with? Would you call a woman in her late 40s with an onlyfans and has been in what? 4 situationships promiscuous? Btw...do you think it's wrong for a woman to be promiscuous? Cause you're acting like it is. The irony be killing me lmao


No I would not call that Promiscuous. Promiscuous to me is a woman that sleeps around consistently. Not someone who gets In a Relationship and it fails after a couple months. Maybe mell might be promiscuous but we do not know because she doesn’t share that information which is what Joe wants. I wouldn’t hate someone for being promiscuous unless they have a trashy personality.


Maybe Joe who has known Mel for 3 decades knows about her and her history? Again, shes a 47 year old with an onlyfans, whose history is known by rappers, and who just put her feet in Emannys face just a few months ago and constantly insinuates shit between her and Ish who is in a relationship. Fine, you don't have to use the word promiscuous if you don't want, but I don't get why people want to act so naive about Mel and act like she has no agency in her actions.




Nah, engaged with kids. Wanna try to stay on topic and not just throw out random insults?


Yall it's not funny anymore. Constantly brining up Mel dating life. Yall 40+, what kind of gossiping housewives shit is this. If she your friend. Why you snitching on her dating life. She was shocked by you revealing Jerk chicken chef man. Nigga is you a cop? Why you sntich on her for the 50th time . Damm Why Flip you snitch on everyone? Her dating life is not entertaining content. Then if she's your friend, why you always telling her business? This weird energy you like Mel nigga we get it. Telling her business all the time why??? Her dating life, we don't have to hear about it every week. Let her live man damm..


You never learned how. To type out a full sentence. What the fuck. Is with all. The misplaced periods.


Sorry grammar police. Don't give me a ticket.


Facts I hate when ppl do that this not school


Your vs you're is Grammer police. This is trying to read retarded






Hard to take you seriously when talking about 40+ yo people being immature and you having a 4th grade reading level.


4th grade you do know this is reddit..not the office. Get off your high horse Mabel


If you know how to write then it comes out naturally no matter the setting. It’s just funny how you wrote that because I’ve seen people speak English as a second language string sentences together better than that. 😂


he got nothing to offer if he dont snitch on somebody. Flip was actually good this pod on the battle rap topic not sure why he thinks hes on his show where he do that shit all day.


All them niggas wanna beat. Even Ish.


Accurate. You don't got to be so obvious with it the thirst. Joe might have beat back in the day who knows lol


Nah, Joe gives off hater vibes he wasn't able to. Mel was in music videos and was that girl, top 5 video girls. Joe wasn't big enough for her at their music peaks.


She pours her heart out just for them to shit on what she said for the next 6 months smh


She can't go on one date. With them clowning her. Clown ice nigga act like he Denzel to the ladies. Ice getting any women sounds funny. Yet they act like all ice stories is real FOH.


crazy the one with glasses looks like ice too lol


I wouldn’t care if it was genuinely funny. Every time they do it, it’s worth a chuckle at best. Shit is low hanging fruit.


Very low hajg8ng fruit. That's why it feels tired, when they bring it up.


Because they’re all obsessed lol


Shit remind me of when niggas would get around a girl in middle school and not know how to act. Yet they claim they’re so good with women. Straight cornballs smh. What happened to the pod I loved??


Not sure but yeah..remember when a new girl showed up at school who was fine. Half the niggas in class don't know how to act and act all goofy and thristy around her. That's the Pod now.


Not to mention Joe been super childish over these last few episodes. He’s very possessive over Mel. It’s like he told himself he doesn’t care if his feelings for Mel show, he tired of holding back 😂 when Mel said Ish had handsome privilege and Joe interjected and asked if she thinks her and Ish are the only ones with pretty privilege I lost it 😭😭 I think Mel would be a good look for Joe but not the other way around.


And she didn't want to hurt anyone else's feelings. So she said yeah. Of course she was only really referring to 1 other person on the pod and that would be E, he's the only one that's traditionally handsome. Ice and flip...not all that great looking. Joe isn't hideous, but he's also an acquired taste when it comes to BEAUTIFUL/ handsome.


You can tell when some people are old souls and when some are younger ones. Flip seems like he’s on his first lifetime 😭


That boy good!


Classic movie. Eddie was genius for the multiple roles he did .


I think Flip is secretly in love with Mel


Ain’t no secret.


Yall dont think its weird that the guy told everyone in Jersey. Thats a red flag if its true and Mel needs to run. Its also clear that the guys want to fuck Mel. If you didnt see it before, hopefully you see it now


Very clear these niggas can't conceal there hornyness and lust for Mel..niggas is not smooth about it one bit lol


There's no way joe thinks the audience enjoys that shit. He be getting it off for his own personal enjoyment cause them segments be so trash like extremely trash I find myself having to fast foward


Mel hasn’t had a man commit to her in years.. that shit doesn’t exist crodie


They lucky Mel doesn't know how to shit talk and is super reserved cause if she wasnt she'd fuck around and hurt some feelings up there. I wish they would put don't call me white girl confidence shit talking Skills and honesty in Mel's body for a episode or 2. Niggas might really fuck around and leave with tears in they eyes. Especially Flip. Nothing worst then getting told harsh truths by a beautiful woman. Flip would he in the bed with his wife tossing and turning behind that roast


I don't know why they think Mel dating life now is good content. That shid make Flip/Ice look crazy and Joe and ish look lame for not calling them out. Let that woman live


Shit is nasty work and kills the flow of the pod. I'm tired of that shit


They hate the mfs hittin that cuz they never will touch that gold standard pussy wit the ghosties and shit. Mel must taste like vanilla covered pennys at this point.


It’s funny to me. She’s a good sport on it most times.


Speak for yourself. I think it adds to Mel's presence on the pod. It gives her something to share.


They think if they simp to her on Reddit enough they're going to be her next BF. I have never seen a sub get so defensive whenever someone speaks to a girl they don't know.


Alright y’all have killed the real definition of simp at this point.


Nigga is you crazy. Just because I wrote about Mel doesn't mean I want to be with her. We here to discuss the pod..


Alexa , play cry me a river by Justin Timberlake


Lmao I swear