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Another happy viewer 😆


Oh contraire, I am very happy. Just as I love scrubs and its another comfort show, I still take issue with JDs character at times. Overall I do like penny and I find her redeemable in many ways I just wasn't a fan of just how pathetically, unrealistically dumb they made her in this season.


Eh it’s mostly S6 they seemed to stretch some on the stereotypes. Sheldon’s really quirky and silly in the season too unlike before or after. Probably just writers fatigue after 120 odd episodes


It was funny. There's nothing deeper than that.


Dont know about the other ~~writer~~ co-creator, but Chuck Lorre isn't known for his hugely soft and empathetic touch. He does seem to encapsulate/write "types" well (obvioulsly). But that's the problem with "(stereo)typing". Im not saying he doesn't realise what he's doing- I think he does. He's playing on *both* ppl's empathy and recognition, and also their propensity for schadenfreud and bullying- and even self hate. An example , I think , of how carefully thought about this actually is, is that he/they/the writers and cast, would never *say* that Sheldon was "officially" on the autism spectrum (yep I know "canonically" he is not, not trying to start a side debate- this is just my opinion. Pls take it as such✌). Because ethat would have made it more defintely in bad taste and uncomfortable to laugh at him (or hate him). Perhaps even a legal or political issue for the show. So they keep hammering that it is *not* the case( I have wondered too if since the increase in awareness of the actual struggles in so called "high functiong" autism, that didn't become more of a concern- which is why Young Sheldon absolutley departs from that in terms or general traits. But that's a side quest in my brain. Im digressing. Sorry.) Chuck Lorre's formula seems to be "you'll hate them, you'll laugh at them,you'll kinda weirdly love that- watch how I can make you sit on that sharp edge almost all the time". That slight discomfort is where most of the humour is (its where most humour is- but he seems especially good at holding thay tension almost continuously). Two and a Half Men used to make me laugh too- despite the awfulness of so much of that humour and the incessant bullying- particularly of Allan by both Charlie and his ex wife. But then the ex wife (and allll the women, really- I mean, God 🙄) copped a lot too (from the writers, more than the other characters directly). And on and on. Don't get me wrong. I love Big Bang. But yeah- there's a lot going on in it that is ...kinda twisted. And very often it makes you flinch for sure. I think it's designed that way.


>Dont know about the other writer, but Chuck Lorre isn't known for his hugely soft and empathetic touch. The other writer? Singular? TBBT had dozens of writers over the 12 seasons.


Sorry. Brain glitch. Meant creator/co-creator. Now corrected.


Honestly ya that holds up across the board. I'm a binge watcher of Scrubs and Roseanne too and sounds about right lol. Thank you for your reply :)


Sheldon is very dump too.


Raj was weird but he still got laid plenty of times, even with his creepy relationship with his dog. He dated two women at once and even managed to hook up with Penny. Then there was the heavy chick he hooked up with at the bar and the random chick from the party when he didn't even have to speak to her. So yeah, Raj did just fine, he just never had a lasting meaningful relationship.


Raj got down with Penny?


They got drunk together and ended up in bed together. It's brought up again later that nothing ever happened. It's brought up after that when Emily disliked Penny because Raj told her they hooked up.


The implication was that they were in bed starting to have sex and when Penny tried to put the condom on Raj, and touched his..."light saber", he..."arrived" very quickly before they could go any further. Ironically, he's the one that reminded everyone that Leonard was known as "speed of light Leonard." 😄


Oh man lol that’s a win for Raj she touched it he busted good for him lol  


"You didn't. I did. It was beautiful" lol.


They made Penny dumb the same reason they made Joey dumb in friends. It was funnier and easy. As for Penny and Leonard’s relationship. I actually LOVE that we see the struggle they face with being married. Marriage isn’t easy. And they did a good job showing the harder parts. I hated that Penny got pregnant.


I really wanted Lenard to become a dad because it was important to him but also not at the expense of Penny, who made her feelings clear. What's also strange to me is that Sheldon had children. Couldn't see that going well for him. Babies don't have bathroom schedules.


I think Sheldon having kids is wonderful. I don’t mind that Penny got pregnant. I just don’t like the way they did it. I wish she could have chosen it.