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He attempts to enact racist policies that aren’t not overly racist, democrats controlled state legislature (Louisiana was very blue at the state level) refuses to play ball, 4 years later he either gets primaried or loses to a democrat in 1996 with bipartisan support against him Duke lost the election by nearly 25 points against a known corrupt former politician. He wasn’t gonna realistically win with the black vote so hard against him (duke actually won the white vote) The only way Duke wins reelection is mass voter suppression.


now what if he ran with the democrats and brought back its traditional values 🤔


It’s 1996. Democrats at the state and national level would quickly repudiate him and he wouldn’t make it out the primaries You can’t erase the past. People remembered Duke being a klan member and that’s what to led to increased black turnout against him. No Louisiana governor election since 1992 has had more voters and people weren’t that excited to vote for someone with as much red flags as Edwin Edwards (obvious opportunist, corrupt, womanizer, etc.)




Choose the Lizard not the Wizard


I know I am joking


I may have studied a bit too much about Louisiana history.


I only know one governor, Huey Long (NOT BECAUSE OF KAISERREICH)


don't forget his brother Earl Long :D


That's fine. There's no such thing as studying too much Louisiana history. I actually just went visit the state capitol recently.


Midnight 1992


Still unbelievable to me that duke won both a senate and governor primary. He shouldn't have ever been even close to a position of power.


Tom Metzger (leader of the California KKK) also won CA-43's House Dem primary in 1980. Lost 87-13 after virtually every single other state Dem endorsed the Republican challenger


he won **how many fucking %** How did 13% of the area decide ,,oh leader of the KKK? Sounds cool!" Like I know not all of california is blue but jesus christ even their reps struck me as more of the ,,Ban Abortion Privatize Education" type of deal, not ,,HANG THE FUCKING N#####S"


I would have to know more about San Diego and California politics around 1980, but I'm guessing a solid chunk of those relative few votes were party-line/people who somehow didn't hear the Klan boss was running. As far as anything else, idk. Metzger was openly racist during the campaign, unlike Duke's bullshit denials because he was born-again. Maybe a "he's a Nazi but I like his ideas that put money in my pocket" working-class white voter base? 87-13 is a resounding defeat, in any case. There is no candidate so vile they will ever get 0% of the vote; Lowtax Looper, after killing his opponent Tommy Burks, still got 5% by simply being the only candidate with his name on the ballot - Burks' wife won 95% with a write-in campaign. More worrying to me, strangely, is that two years later he managed to come in fifth in a "crowded" Dem. primary for Senate with 2.8%/~75K votes (Jerry Brown won with >50%). White backlash and Bradley effect and other well-known electoral phenomena aside, I know he was a decent interviewer, effective organizer for his bullshit as a head of American white nationalism, and a partial Strasserite with a redistributive, anti-corporatist platform that could court extremely disaffected whites to his beliefs. IIRC, he always pushed his economic line first and toned down his racist rhetoric when dealing with the media. Metzger also wasn't afraid to do things like endorse Farrakhan's message on Jews, say he was voting for Obama instead of McCain, go on Oprah's show, or talk about his love of karaoke - make of those what you will. He was in a Louis Theroux documentary, if you've got 80 minutes to kill.


he was in a position of power, a position where he wore a point hat, maybe one against the NAACP, one that was revived by woodrow wilson, one that is barely alive today. The Ku Klux Klan


>he was in a position of power Yeah, he was State Representative at the time.


For as nightmarish as a Duke governorship would be, it would probably go something like this: -Duke proposes a law that would bring Louisiana back to the 1700s -LA legislature shoots it down for obvious reasons -Rinse and repeat until 1995, when Duke goes up for reelection and isn’t playing on Cakewalk mode




As in the words of Johnny Rebel; "Stand up and be counted, show the world that you're a man. Stand up and be counted, join the ku kuks klan."


(Proceeds to radicalize the Louisiana left into borderline bolshevism)




gridlock through those 4 years


Any of the stuff Duke propose will not succeed.


anyone else ever think David Duke looks like a gay rights activist rather than a virulent racist?


Impeached and removed on day one


basically the same as edward’s governorship. duke ran on a very populist platform in both of his campaigns, but nothing changes the fact that the economy was still shit and louisiana had serious financial issues


Probably about the same considering how amicable the republicans in the state were towards him. They agreed with him just not publicly.