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49% of voters say both should drop out. That’s crazy! Clearly it suggests a great third party performance should happen! >third-party candidate is a guy whose brain was literally eaten by worms


The worm is absolutely out, do not ask questions where the worm is ~~worm~~ RFK jr 2024


A lot of Americans feel every year like they have two bad options. Well, 2024 is unique, because many will be feeling they have *three* bad options.


I’ll take the worm controlling his mind thank you very much (I’m not even kidding)


It's like two old men fighting in a nursing home only this time they are not in a nursing home and one of them is going to get the highest position in the US.


It’s like 2 old men arguing in a retirement home about which pudding flavor is better


But that tan, dude


I'm honestly really curious who would win the presidency if you were to somehow aggregate the opinions of all voters and average them out, then just automatically make the politician who most closely matches the averaged result president. Mostly just because it would be funny when said person would inevitably be hated by voters by pretty much exactly the same amount as Trump and Biden, and a majority, when polled, would say that all three of the candidates should drop out so that a "fresh face" could become president instead. I'm thinking it would be some 50-something white person (could be a man or a woman) who says they don't care about the culture war, but talk about abortion (they're pro-abortion rights but only in first trimester) more than any other issue. They believe immigration and climate change are the biggest threats to America, demanding radical action to support renewable energy and deport all undocumented immigrants. They urge an immediate ceasefire in Gaza but oppose pausing or conditioning military aid to Israel. They want to maintain all existing LGBTQ rights, but constantly rail about the 'Woke agenda' and oppose any expansion of LGBTQ rights. They support considerably expanding the degree of US support for Ukraine, as well as implementing 10% tariff on all goods entering the country. They support modestly increasing taxes on the wealthy in order to keep Social Security solvent, as well as modest increases to Medicare and Medicaid spending (but not large-scale reform), and want this to be coupled with enormous decreases to income tax for the working and middle class without making ANY cuts to ANY government spending programs. However, they insist that reducing national debt is a major priority for them, and constantly criticize Trump and Biden for their high deficits. Serious question: Is there _anyone_ of any real significance in current US politics who more or less matches that description?


I think Trump will win but lose the popular vote




I think the popular vote will be very close but narrowly go to biden


This is actually kinda close to Biden already, but you got some things wrong. I think that only midwesterners want such a high and general tariff, and I do think that increasingly Americans are tired of the woke shtick.


I think it's obvious Donald Trump should not be running for president right now due to Jan 6. But Biden is an open question.