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Although this would indicate the flame thrower is a bad pick it's lingering damage after the fact is ridiculously good. Very underutilized gun in my opinion


the flames can hit multiple enemies. the flames can tear through gas/goo. the flames can set walls/floors/ceilings on fire from the other side. i play flamethrower-charge heavy to cause chaos and panic and be a menace


Bingo, flamethrower is only good because of how much utility you can get out of it. In theory it’s the highest DPS gun in the game *if* you catch multiple opponents all bunched up. Also never having to worry about gas is amazing and way underrated


I slept on flamethrower for almost a hundred hours because it feels so weak in the practice range. Tried it out of curiosity about a week ago and I've never had such an easy time getting kills. Something about it just clicked for me and I love it.


same, i tried it once weekend for the lols and i almost exclusively play it for more than 100 hours. I had 0,6 KD and now i almost have 1.0


I'm in pretty much the exact same boat. I'm a heavy main now and my KD is almost above 1 again.


[How it feels to play Flamethrower Heavy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whv4qi2M8wI)


It's really good on power shift


I jumped yesterday on the platform, after I threw flashbang. Fastest 4 kills ever


Also add peaking flames through corners / between stair levels, or even my favourite technic: ignoring enemies to lure them into thinking you are not seeing them coming. Then hide on a near window, corner or staircase and counter their ambush via predict their entramce and peeking some flames just before they realise it was a trap all around. Add mesh shield for extra spice after the initial flames so you stop the first panic shoots. Then, the monkey brain starts playing the escape route, and you proceed to add more fire to the recipe. Is just so satisfying getting fire tick kills


Anyone who shades flamethrower just doesent use it correctly https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/ZZVqNvTgW8


given i cannot aim for shit, i always go for utility stuff. using meele as little to get picks using the grenade launcher as medium+a heal gun and some support stuff


the flames can also penetrate shields in the new patch


Flamethrower ignores mesh and dome shields too, right?


i dont know


I've played against a heavy of your kind. Very intimidating and aggressive style. I like you.


flames can cause me to panic and start missing my hits


My buddy rocks the goo gun and flame thrower. He just goos them then incinerates them while there stuck ive seen him kill so many people it's hilarious at this point


I am getting absolutely dumpstered by the flamethrower in most games.. seems to be pretty well utilized 😭


I've never seen so many flamethrower playes untill the end of the season 1. Now almost everygame theres a heavy with it. +1 including me


I main flamethrower. They toast lights much quicker. We were versing 2 light-only teams and when we got the cashbox in a small room it was insta death for any person entering. Fun times


Yeah the other guns may have higher DPS but when it comes to lights the flamethrower is so much easier to actually hit them with


and when they all line up and you can see 3 health bars going dooooown


I really just wish they gave it a touch more range. Not as much as it used to have, but just a lil bit.


I had lobbys in ranked tonight with up to 3 teams running alteast 1 flamethrower. It certainly has fastly been climbing in popularity since the nerfs to the meta guns last week.


Glory glory glory what a helluva way to die


I use the flame thrower to deny areas. It's an intimidating weapon. The brave will usually knock me out, of course; but I'd say, 8/10 times I'll watch the lingering damage get them as well.


Also 420 blaze it


True i'm currently top 200 World only using it and TTK doesn't mean anything compare to team play :)


I love flamethrower, solely because of this one weapon I have a whole heavy slot just for entirely flame based stuff, flamethrower, pyro nade and mine, goo gun, and just last slot for whatever I feel like lol


Ever since the Lewis gun recoil nerf I’ve switched to the M60 and I’ve gotta say I’ve been loving it. The TTK is roughly the same, it’s got more ammo and the recoil is easier to control!


M60 was always awesome it’s just that fucking reload time


You don't need to reload if you have twice the bullets, just stop reloading everytime you shoot, instead do it when there's noone else around


I understand your argument but it’s not very valid in practice.


I mean it really is valid in practice. Just a ton of people auto reload as if they are getting an active reload like in gears lmao. (I do it too)


Idk when I’m fighting three enemies at once I need more than 70 shots. Then again I play alone and generally have two useless degenerates for teammates


Well 1v3ing usually isn’t the right play anyways lol and still you got barricade or dome shield or specialist that can all stall a reload. I still like Lewis better but just cuz I’m used to it. But ya soloq teammates be rough


The point is that using the M60 sets your reload threshold far above every single other weapon by a large margin. Used properly, that massive mag size effectively gets more skirmish leverage because you're still shooting long after everyone else.


> M60 was always awesome it’s just that fucking reload time It was literally always absolute dog shit compared to the Lewis.


Wut? M60 is absolute dog shit compared to the M60? You good m8


It's gotten several significant buffs that it desperately needed. For example on launch its damage fall-off and recoil made it only effective at close ranges, where the auto shotty was clearly far superior. It didn't compete with the lewis at medium or long ranges either.


They edited their comment. Originally it said M60 both places lol


meant Lewis lol


You must be upset about the fcar nerf


both LMGs have the same reload time


Reload time is identical to the Lewis gun




Hot tip with Lewis recoil, just stop shooting after a handful of rounds and begin again. It resets the recoils pattern and you just control vertical recoil.


Same here. It's just better, waiting for others to catch on and it getting a nerf because the recoil is really easy compared to the other guns.


Hell yea, 420 for the flame thrower.


hell yea


hell yeah


Blaze it


Getting cooked with the boys


never played this game sober looool


My poor grenade launcher is just a joke now. That and 1 charge of C4 means my boom build is dead. sad.


Seriously tho, they took out so much fun builds for the heavy, i see the same shit run everyday now.


Seriously tho, they took out so much fun builds for the heavy, i see the same shit run everyday now.


There is another...




Crazy that the shotgun used to 4 shot a heavy which meant a ttk of 1sec flat. One more shot raised it to over 2 sec due to reload (deserved tho). Actually even lower cuz it used to fire faster so probably had a ttk of like 0.8s which is wild


I used it for the first time today and thought it was horrible. Went right back to the M60


Not deserved imo, it's terrible now


Cap, gun is still top tier.


Absolutely not. 5 shots to kill a heavy from kissing range is just stupid. I'd rather run the sledge, flame or ks23


Have you actually used the SA1216? Keep your cross hair steady ina middle and you will do serious damage a good 15-20ft out


Is your understanding of serious damage 5-10? Because if it is I absolutely agree.


Somebodies not hitting there shots


Somebodies yapping


Somebodies lost an argument 😂


Brother no. I literally just booted up the game to test it. It takes 6-7 shots to kill an heavy from like 10-15 meters. Literally just get any other weapon at that point


Is There a Video For light coming Next? Please remind me, If you do one


4:20 blaze it


Flame thrower is so slow but so aggravating to fight against


i love when they just run


Where hammer?


The dummy was backpedaling so the heavy was never able to kill him


IIRC the dummies can't be set on fire, so the flamethrower ttk might be off.


What about the hammer 😔


I use flamethrower with goo now just to deal with the amount of lights running invis. As soon as I hear the cloak I do a flaming pirouette 🔥💃


I mostly used Lewis in S1 but S2 I've been using M60 instead. I'm not finding heavy that much fun in S2 just because of how bad their weapons are. I wish the KS-23 was better so I could use it.


Yeah. The multiple nerfs were rough. Somewhat warranted, especially nukes, but it feels like we were left with nothing but shields and mediocre guns. Like… I’m glad that the SA1216 got neutered. But could we un-nerf the Lewis and buff the KS-23 so something actually feels rewarding? Spamming the grenade launcher or going brain-off with a flamethrower is fun, but all of the weapons now feel so incredibly… weak. I was really hoping that the KS-23 would be a “skill expression” weapon. High-floor, high-ceiling. But it’s just too clunky to be worth that.


Highest healthpool, best defensive and free burst dmg gadgets, one of the better guns in the game, and still complaining smh


Which gun is good for heavy though? Medium and light have 2 better guns than anything heavy has.


Not complaining in my view, just saying it's not as fun because the weapons suck compared to light/medium. I play those a lot more. If heavy can't frag out as well as light/medium so it's mostly useful for it's utility which is more team oriented. I've been solo queueing for past few months (none of my friends play anymore) so having a good weapon makes a big impact.


The guns don't suck at all tho. Have you seen the TTK on the M60? Or the Lewis gun? That's completely decent


Says the light lol


? Light is the by far worst class in the game with the worst utility and the lowest healthpool. Its only really good gun has comparatively strong recoil and less range


LH1 is an absolute beast. Only slightly lower optimal ttk up close (without any headshots) than the smgs, but its ttk stays consistent at range, and it takes very few bullets to kill any class in the game comparatively. It also just received an undocumented buff that’s really noticeable (had another at the beginning of s2) I agree the light needs some changes, but their weapons are actually really good and not the issue. The XP54 has less damage falloff than the fcar now 😂


Sledge main 🫠🤢🥴


i heard from other people that the m60 has slightly more dps than the lewis gun, did something change?


Now you gotta do it again after the KS buff


Needed to turn up my brightness to tell which gun is which. Iron sights in this game are out of control. Lewis still og huh, recoil pattern on it though I find kinda wild.


Question for the room; why does the class with most health have faster ttk options than medium? I don't understand having more health AND faster damage output (with higher magazine sizes) from a balance perspective.


Because you can just avoid a heavy and out range them


I feel like that's true outside of actually playing the objective. What am I to do when pushing a cashout? Obviously there are ways around it but the class with more health ALSO having more DPS seems strange.


Throw bombs, create long sightlines, come from unexpected angles Heavy is always going to be the last one to make it to safety Lastly heavy excels at being in close if you make it to cash out first and play long he has no use Tanks in a lot of games have high health and high damage but either limited range or mobility


Because this is a range at which heavy excels. Much further and his dps drops dramatically.


Light next please


SA1216 got me like Vito Corleone


[heavy quad kills](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VZumTHUUfQY)


Woah I might just try the M60 again due to this video. Great testing!


The ability to deal with gas alone is a huge plus for the flamer.


Greande launcher really seems like it sucks but I’ve gotten multiple teamwipes with it lol


Gl kills people ? I had no idea


is this before todays patch? shotgun seems a bit slow compared to what it is now.


the lewis gun has 1:40 TTK in the heavies with 350 health and 47 bullets. The M60 has 1:43 with same heatlth and 70 bullets. But the FCAR with 1:35, on a 250 health and only 20 bullets. Why are people complaning about FCAR ?


420 blaze it for the flamethrower ❤️


Heh 420 ttk on a flamethrower


Did you do the medium again after the fact Nerf? I feel like ak is better now


Flamethrowers needs a buff idgaf what any of you guys say, “oh it’s multi use for gas goo” well you need to take out enemies too so uh it needs a buff


I think it’s actually well balanced, I main flame thrower and I really like the place it’s in rn, it is sooo good against multiple enemies at the same time


All im seeing is FT needs a **buff** (i know its balanced)


not including sledge hammer? Jesus man use all the weapons ffs.


Do it yourself


Right cause you couldn’t think of it 🖕


6 weapons fit cleanly into 1 video. I plan on doing all the melee weapons in one video when I have the chance. Being a whiney little baby isn't going to make that video happen any faster.


You didn’t compare all heavy weapons, do it right kiddo. Who cares about the next video, I’m not asking for anything. Straight saying you didn’t use all the weapons 👋


If you're only interested in trolling, I'm just gonna stop responding. I hope your day gets better.


Then stop replying 👍


this is such a stupid test


How? It’s showing the ttk at max center mass damage


this is such a stupid comment


DURRR FCAR IS OVERPOWERED, NERF FCAR. Meanwhile the TTK on Heavy guns, a class with fucking broken ass RPG that takes the majority of your HP instantly and 100 more base health.


The RPG is broken? Thats a new one


You must play heavy then.