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I go to China for business trips, I’m 6’3 decent looking and slay in China. Anyone with halfway decent WeChat game can dominate n China . There’s no variety of men. Thanks


How old are you?




No hating on men


Chinese women absolutely love foreigners. And the further inland you go, the easier it is to get laid and worshipped. The key is to not break your dick in half.


So you’re saying I can become a Chinese god?? Ni Hao fuckers


I don’t know about god, but a local celebrity for sure. The only catch is that you have to be comfortable with shit air quality and weird ass protein at the restaurants from time to time. Everything else is 10/10 experience.


any specific cities you’re talking about tho?


I don’t know, try Nanjing for starters. Easy to get to from Shanghai by a bullet train, one of the old capitals of China, so there is plenty of historical things to see. Loose women who have never seen anyone so handsome like you. What is there not to like? I also heard very good things about Chengdu / Chongqing (they are close to each other). Next on my list for sure.


This guy Chinas. Good insight amigo. I assume next to no English though.


Match with young local girls on dating apps and let them show you around in their city. They will be already prequalified and speak OK enough English to hold a basic conversation. Then you fuck them and all their girlfriends.


😂😂😂😂 I love it, that’s hilarious. What dating apps are used there?


Tinder is still king imo because you will have English speaking girls specifically looking for foreigners. Tantan is okay.


Shiiit I might be sliding into China at some point then.


Does this apply to black men??




Her money will be your money, she will feed you steak, and with the 5 kids she wants your balls with be eternally empty. You might even need to moisturize your Johnson because she's going to destroy it! Kind of sounds like heaven


Your money will also be her money, Chinese culture is very patriarchal. You lead, she serves. But you are expected to provide / pay for everything


Her having your money is no different than in the west. But having someone willing to raise the kids, take care of the home, and cook are huge wins. Most western women won't do it.


Also a huge dowries


5 kids? Bruh. Have you see any Asian folks from China have that many kids? Swear so much passport bro YouTube content is just imagination porn.


Straight simps


>Have you see any Asian folks from China have that many kids? Swear so much passport bro YouTube content Thats exactly how many they were having before Mao came to power and enacted the one child policy. How do you think China has so many people ? lol.


Just Post- war baby boom + The transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society. If you think that is still relevant for today's China, lol, it really shows one's IQ.


And your point is that Chinese people would love to go back to the age of Mao? 😅😂


Dude you are one low IQ individual 😂. What aren't you understanding? Chinese had tons of kids before a brutal law limited them to a one child policy. Many kids was what they wanted before they were over populated and forced not to have them. Do people have to put instructions on how to drink and swallow on a water bottle for you?


The guy who replied to you being a douche has room temperature iq.


"Room temperature iq." Cooked.


Here we go, some idiot that doesn’t read history. No the Chinese people didn’t want to have that many kids, a lot were driven by policy. But that’s irrelevant, because it is evident that China is more like America now and people actually don’t want to have many kids. Have you even been to China? Get your monkey brain some medicine rofl.


[https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/12/05/key-facts-about-chinas-declining-population/ft\_2022-12-5\_china-population\_02/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/12/05/key-facts-about-chinas-declining-population/ft_2022-12-5_china-population_02/) China's having 6-8 kids per woman for some time before the culturual revolution.


You may want to check fertility rates.


https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-fertility-rate-drops-record-low-109-2022-state-media-2023-08-15/ Chinese fertility rates, like a lot of Asian AND also western countries are terrible. Far below replacement rates. The one child policy is gone and Chinese are still choosing to have very few children.


This guy is talking Pre one child policy


Just Post- war baby boom + The transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society. If you think that is still relevant for today's China, lol, it really shows one's IQ.


Have you lived in China? Idk man, I've seen a few families with Hella kids. I saw one Japanese family with 4! 5 is a lot, but I wouldn't doubt em too much.


Exaclty, passport bros are all just bunch of Reddit incels 😂


Must be a sad black dude coping because it’s hard for them to get an eastern Asian women 😂


damn, racist and a white knight, that's a new low


Aww they look so happy together.


An anomaly. He’s conversational in mandarin…


Hows the language barrier? China seems fun and Chinese women are beautiful but I figured they would be very difficult to communicate with. Thoughts?


It depends on the location in China, and what type of Chinese woman. The richer, more worldly Chinese women speak good English, like in Shanghai. The biggest market of single women (over 25, have grad degrees) generally speak good english.


Would you recommend Shanghai as the go to? What other cities would you recommend?


She’s making her dad real upset.




I'm sure you guys can experience this too, if you speak Mandarin like this guy does 😂


CCP is now happy to include black dicks because they know their population is dying.


He having a good time


What did I just watch


Bro. I saw the first video. She’s been in love with this dude since the first time she saw him. So happy for both of them!


Total fake. In all of Asia dark skin people are seen as inferior and Asian country's are far more racist than European countries.


She will cook the guy into perfect steak.




That man has the thousand yard stare of a terrorist hostage in a propaganda video… someone should check up on him.


Yea but do you know her name what’s she’s like what’s she eats her family?


Stop spreading this nonsense.