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FYI to anyone looking to buy the hardcover editions, volume 2 is a different binding than volumes 1 and 3 as of right now. I contacted Lulu and they reached out to her to see if she can update it but they haven’t heard back. She’s private on Twitter so I have no way to even try asking her directly if she’ll ever fix it. If having them be the same matters to you, order the paperbacks for now.


Why is she acting so harsh to a fandom around her piece of art??


I think it's cause she wants to move past it, and us, so she can focus on her kpop fan fics lol, and then the fandom turned on Brendon so took the opportunity even though Brendon (in my opinion) never really did anything wrong. Yeah he said dumb shit, but idk who doesn't. She just wanted to make her exit of the fandom so she did kinda sucks cause it's a beautiful piece, it really is l


This is so sad :(




Well not all the the links are down, here ya go, https://beggarsnotes.livejournal.com/83271.html




It could be that you're a minor, she won't sell the books to people under the age of 18




Idk why you get 404 error cause I opened the link with my phone and it still works, it might be because it's a private browser, but I can't really say, im not sure




Turns out I was wrong, she deleted them, I literally feared this day since she deleted the other fics, like the black rose season, how a Resurrection Really feels ect. Idk why shes doing it, something tells me she's salty about bts going to the military




I don't think she will, she really hates throam, she won't admit it but I know she does