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So basically she's a bounty hunter in name only because it sounds cool. 


Apparently they thought bounty hunter just means something like “space adventurer“. Reminds me of how Donkey Kong got his name because Miyamoto thought it would translate to “stupid ape“.


This feels just like calling the One Piece crew pirates... they never pirate anything except from other pirates who start shit. They're treasure hunters or adventurers.


They don’t even really hunt for treasure! Nami kinda? They mention a few times that Luffy doesn’t even really know what a pirate is which is pretty hilarious


Isn't the whole point getting the one piece which is a massive treasure trove? Re luffy, that's hilarious. Makes me think the writer figured out what pirate means after a while and decided to lampshade it.


Spoilers for late-stage One Piece anime and manga: >!The true nature of the One Piece has still not been revealed, but the leading theory (which has a lot of evidence behind it and isn't just an asspull) is that the One Piece is something that reveals the secret history of the world that the government has hidden, and may also be a tool to prevent the world's continuing global flood. It's now fairly clear that someone or something drastically changed the One Piece world 800 years ago, and whoever left the One Piece originally failed to stop the calamity. Gold Roger found that hidden secret but, for reasons unknown, he realized he was "too early" to claim it and so he made the declaration to get all pirates searching for it so one crew would find it at the right time.!< Its seriously wild. Edit for further absurdity: >!The following things are either confirmed or all but confirmed: someone is trying to flood the world and the government knows about it and isn't stopping it. There are islands in the clouds. There was an advanced civilization on the moon. There was another advanced civilization on the planet that was destroyed by the world government after possibly inventing the technology to make dreams real and/or perpetual energy. There is either a giant flying airship or an orbital cannon hidden somewhere in the clouds and under the control of one person who secretly controls the government. Devil fruits have wills of their own and there is some concept of fate as a very real thing. Forward-looking time travel exists and its possible something from the past will appear at the right time at the location of the One Piece. Demons may or may not be real.!<


imagine if it’s just a plughole to drain the oceans lmao


That would explain whatever the hell is going on with Enies Lobby.


And Lulusia. It's heavily implied that there is a very specific answer as to what is going on there and its related to the world sea levels rising.




Look at the government’s flag. Five holes. One at enies, one at lulusia. Presumably one at god valley. Look at the one piece world map, it’s wild what’s coming.


What happened to Ennies Lobby is largely suggested to have been a shot from Uranus.


Uh unless Pluton does the exact same thing as another ancient weapon for some reason (we know Poseidon controls ultramassive semi-sentient sea kings so it's very different from the other two), it's more or less confirmed to have been a shot from Uranus. Pluton is still hidden under Wano.


what if the whole ocean is just a kid's bathtime and you can't drain the tub until it's over?


The entire anime is just a daydream of one boy playing with overglorified rubber duckies while having a bath.


His favourite toy is a stretchy sailor.


dragon quest monsters 2 moment, kinda. your island is sinking and you spend the whole game searching for something to plug the hole.


Considering how wacky that whole world is, it would be completely on-brand.


As someone thats never watched One Piece, and the most I know of it was reading about the world itself because I found the worldbuilding interesting, man this sounds complicated. :P


I think one of the highlights of One Piece is that it's actually not complicated to understand. It has a lot of worldbuilding and way too many characters to keep track of, but the main plot is essentially a straightforward goal surrounded by an ongoing mystery gradually being revealed.


It's incredibly detailed and the foreshadowing suggests that it actually has all been planned out this way, since around the end of the first major arc and them going to the grand line. There have been some retcons but a lot of the things being revealed now answer questions fans have had for 10+ years. There are still some major unknowns but we are at the point where we basically know what the pieces on the board are. We just don't understand how they work with each other.


I don't know exactly how much he has planned out But it does seem like he figured out some major characters, and probably what the one peice is a long time ago. But what makes it work really well is every time they find some new island, there's always story there. There's something going on, events to get involved in, learning and growth. That formula can't go on forever, but if done well it can go on for a pretty long time. There's always the possibility of "just one more island" before they get to the next destination, or they get turned around, or moved somewhere else by a storm or who knows what. The world isn't infinite, but just like real life, if you write your world well enough the stories it can tell are infinite


Man, I thought I was up to date with One Piece, apparently there's loads of things I've just missed. I don't think I knew half of this


well some of that was revealed a few days ago. its a really fresh spoiler


When I watched it like two decades ago they were just a bunch of crazy kids on a boat. Then I checked in and they were warlords of some alternate ocean dimension that did martial arts. It's like checking up on the bullied kid from High School after twenty years and finding out he became the President of Denmark or something and you're just like, huh. There's probably a story there. I am curious how it went from one to the other but I don't have twenty more years to catch up.


> I am curious how it went from one to the other but I don't have twenty more years to catch up. Read the manga? If you read 3 chapters/day you'll have caught up in 1 year.


I can't read.


The latest arc in the manga has been a massive dump of world lore. If you're up to date with the anime a lot of it will still be spoilers for you.


>Man, I thought I was up to date with One Piece, apparently there's loads of things I've just missed. I don't think I knew half of this In your defense we learned a lot of this within the last year, and more specifically in the current arc.


It got real wild, in a good way. Currently, we're learning some SERIOUS info in the latest chapters.


you are the first person who has ever made me *actually* start to consider trying to watch through One Piece


Accept that the original stuff is very old. It aired while Dragon Ball did. It does not look great and even though the start of the series is enjoyable it doesn't really get its stride until 50+ episodes in. Watch One Pace, the abridged (non-comedy just time) series available on their own website. It cuts a lot of the fluff if you're in a hurry. Watch the dub if you want second screen entertainment while you do other things. Though the One Pace dub is fairly fast paced. By episode 100 the show is on it. By episode 200 we're into the early stage of deep lore and longterm plot. By episode 400 shit is getting real. By episode 600 we have been given a tonne of breadcrumbs that we can see are part of the same trail but it's not clear what's going on. By episode 1000 we can see where things are going. By episode 1060 we are getting regular lore dumps and it feels like we are *this close* to putting it all together. One Piece does a great job of giving you enough answers that you believe there is a single coherent narrative hiding out there, but keeping the crucial details back as long as possible. Current estimates are that there will be between 2 and 4 more major arcs before the series is complete. We know the next destination of the crew and we also know their final destination and one other place they are likely to go on the way. We are missing at least one stop because theer is a piece of missing navigation information the crew needs to get to that final destination and we know what it is and who has it, but we don't know where that person is.


And I'm out, I don't have time to watch a show of 1000+ episodes


I highly recommend reading the manga. It saves a ton of time to "read" a chapter in 5 minutes than to watch the same thing animated as a 20 minute episode. It currently takes 367 hours to watch all of One Piece. Reading One Piece would take about 93 hours instead. (about 1/4th the time, huge time save)


Neither did I, so I read it. The time it would take to watch and episode you can read like 10 chapters. Took me a few months but I am caught up. Sometimes I went a few days without reading, sometimes and arc was on fire and I crushed like 50+ in a sitting.


No, there's plenty of actual pirates in one piece. The second chapter of the entire series is a pirate crew raiding a cruise liner. Luffy not really knowing what a pirate is and not caring enough to find out is just Luffy being Luffy. His definition of being a pirate is doing whatever he wants no matter what anyone else says i.e being free.


Does this mean Luffy learned what being a pirate is from the Lazy Town song?


Technically he learned from an apprentice of the original Pirate King who himself lived in the same way The reality is that it's not Oda arbitrarily naming people pirates, it's the World Government which is the central fascist organization in the series. There are a lot of reasons they don't want people off exploring the seas, so anyone who seeks the freedom to do that is labeled a pirate, and at some point they started wearing that as a badge of honor. It's not even clear that Roger wanted to label himself a pirate, given the couple of panels we saw of his original backstory. (but plenty of evil pirates still exist, as the parent comment said)


>It's not even clear that Roger wanted to label himself a pirate, given the couple of panels we saw of his original backstory. if my understanding is correct, Rodger didn't even care for the title of being a pirate. But he knew claiming he was a pirate would draw powerful allies, and enemies alike to scrap with/make commradery with. Similar to shanks in some regards. But shanks is still kept so cloak and dagger its hard to say.


convergent evolution


Remember kids, a pirate never takes someone else's property.


Eh the whole point is to “be the pirate king” that just involves getting the one piece. I think nami wants the treasure and Frankie maybe? But luffy wants to be the king even if he has no idea what that means besides “I am the most awesome I do what I want”


In the One Piece world isn't a "pirate" really just someone who endeavors to live outside the control of the world government?


Yea basically


Someone skipped the Jaya/skypeia arc. Luffy knows what a pirate is, he doesn’t know what a hero is(assumes being a hero means sharing his meat, which he absolutely won’t do). Luffys crew robbed the skypeians/natives of their gold and ran away thinking that they actually stole the gold.


lol I didn’t skip it but it’s so damn old at this point lol I did forget. Guess Oda forgot that too because he seems to have no clue what a pirate is in Dressrosa


They did that too when leaving Fishman Island.


In one of the one shots before the full series launched, Oda described pirates falling into two groups - Morganeers, the kind of pirate you're expecting, and Peace Mains who are more like water borne free spirits.


This is the correct answer. At first Oda intended for this concept but soon realized that either it is too limiting or pirates would fall inbetween which made the system obsolete.


It's way better to not have it enumerated. Saying it outright sounds cheesy and feels like the story considers you too stupid to understand the concept without having it spelled out.


Pirates in One Piece are very different to pirates in real life. They are basically groups who outright go against the marines and the oppresive world goverment. The One Piece world is 90% ocean, so basically all the land territory you would find in any map is already part of said goverment. Pirates are basically outlaws. Some act a lot like the pirates we know, but at the same time Luffy's first bounty was placed on his head because he liberated a small town from a tyrant that was paying off said govrrment.


At the same time, the big pirates are more like warlords than actual pirates as they basically govern their fiefdoms.


It depends on what generation of the big pirates you are refering to. Big mom and Kaido (at least later on in his life) were exceptions to what the big pirates normally were. Rocks pirates were all genuinely hardcore killers in that era, and wanted nothing more then to wreak havoc on the world and kill and maim as much as possible if it didn't give them what they wanted. Whitebeard seemingly just wanted people to scrap with like Rodger did. But whitebeard was more of a robin hood kind of pirate. A vast majority of any loot plundered from a raid would be sent back home. With the only keeps being for supplies. In the future, big mom and Kaido both sought to control a kingdom of their own, but at least in big mom's case, it can be attributed to the fact that shes genuinely just old now, and while she can compete on the same level as Kaido, shes a shadow compared to her days in the rocks pirates. So the whole cake kingdom seems to just be her version of "settling down" Kaido literally only wished to establish a kingdom because he was bored, and Oden convinced him to wait for Joyboy because Kaido even by that point in the story was still seeking death. Otherwise its likely Kaido would still be dicking around on the ocean, still trying to die. But leaving a path of destruction in the attempts wake. Every other major pirate i can think of is very much not one to rule a kingdom. We don't know why blackbeard chose to make a kingdom, but it was there for a bit. All of the seven warlords only made the pact as to avoid getting hunted down and massacred by the admirals. Better to have the devils right hand up your ass, then be in their way.


He also beats up an absolute ton of cops, kings, soldiers, and privateers. Overthrows a whole bunch of governments. He may not be a real pirate, but he is a real terrorist.


This one, the disconnect between piracy and what the main characters actually do, was actually 100% intentional. Even the prototype first chapter of the series before it was called "One Piece" had this disconnect as part of the world building.


Ehh pirate doesn't necessarily = thief. Piracy is the boat-borne committing of robbery **or** *criminal violence*. Its just most skewed towards robbery and plundering cause you can't really make money just beating people up. A pirate is essentially just a ocean bound criminal, which in the eyes of One Piece's World Government the Straw Hats are. They're sailing under a unsanctioned flag, they are not engaging in lawful and licensed trade, they have attacked World Government personnel multiple times, they have attacked other pirates multiple times, they have committed numerous miscellaneous crimes such as trespass and property destruction, and committed the very specific crime of the accumulation and dissemination of forbidden knowledge If you're a no-good scallywag breaking a governments laws while sailing an unregistered ship, you're a pirate even if you don't steal a single coin or jewel~


One thing the story shows a few times is that "pirate" isn't always a career or life calling, it can be a _weapon_. Specifically, a weapon used by the world government against those who are tempted to defy it. The Straw Hats need to tell people not to associate with them, or provide plausible deniability, else anyone they interact with is at risk of getting hurt. They're pirates in the world of One Piece because it's a political class, even if they don't engage in what we would call piracy.


Yeah they may not be typical pirates but they are sea faring criminals in the One Piece universe, aka Pirates.


They are opposed to the world government though so definitely outlaws at the very least. Since they are ship outlaws they are pirates. Also not necessarily a new concept from Japan. In Skies of Arcadia blue rogues were air pirates who only stole from the bad guys vs black pirates who were the traditional sort of pirates.


"Space adventurer" sums her up much better. She much more of the literary form of a knight-errant or a ronin; travelling the land in relative solitude, carrying nothing but their weapon, armour, and steed, righting wrongs whereever they go, a tragic backstory where their family was killed by some bad people that they chase or otherwise run into.


One game did have her say the Galactic Federation hired her for a job, so thats as close as its gotten to an actual mercenary. But yeah, she is a space samurai.




I don't have enough Space Ronin games in my life and it makes me angry.


>One game did have her say the Galactic Federation hired her for a job, so thats as close as its gotten to an actual mercenary. Most games she technically works for the Galactic Federation. In Metroid( or Zero Mission) she is hired by the Federation as a last resort to take down the space pirates and recover the Metroid specimen. In Return of Samus she is contracted to kill all the remaining Metroids on the Metroid Home planet. Metroid Fusion she is sent by the Galactic federation to investigate an explosion at a research facility. In Dread the federation sends EMMI robots to investigate a planet with possible signs of the X-parasite. When the EMMIs lose contact the federation hires Samus to investigate. So basically she works for the Federation in all of the 2D main series except Super Metroid where it is more of a personal vendetta.


She's also explicitly working for the Federation in all the Prime games but the first.


I had always assumed between space pirates and metroids she earned bounties hunting them


This has the same energy as a Japanese band (a lot of their songs have been used in video games and anime so not that obscure really) who's name in English is literally "Bump of Chicken". In the Japanese apparently it means something like, a "coward" fighting back after being pushed too far, but without context in English it's just silly. I love that shit lol.


Great band too, though I prefer their older songs. Their name is actually just "Bump of Chicken", like not specifically just in English. They're aware that it's a made-up phrase that they BS-ed a meaning onto lol. Revenge? Counter-attack? of the chicken/coward... or something. They're a wholesome band of middle school(?) friends, a bunch of manga/videogame-loving nerds that got together to form a band to make a name for themselves (which is what I assume they're getting at with their band name).


I'm feeling nostalgic for engrish.com right now.


Japanese adaptations of English, or Japanese people encountering English beyond their level, [is always a recipe for comedy](https://youtu.be/VS3efL1TVoA?si=qqn9WqiU3ZNRKeMM) > Survival game >> ??????? >> Aah, sabaibaru geemu!


As someone that lived in Japan...Anytime I hear some weeb correct someone for not pronouncing a Japanese word 100% correctly I have to chuckle a little. Katakana is basically an official alphabet for mispronouncing loan words. (although interestingly that wasn't always the case, but that's a whole other story!)


> Katakana is basically glorious nippon steel folded over 1000 times


I think it makes a lot more sense if you think about a lot of the Sci-Fi anime that came out in the 70s and 80s in Japan and how common the Bounty Hunter character was in them. If it wasn't a Bounty Hunter it was a Space Cop or something adjacent.


This is also the reason that Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter lol Thanks for creating a stereotype, Boba!


"Stubborn ape"* stubborn is the donkey part; and I think it was just meant to convey that rather than translate to it


He also named Bowser Koopa because he confused bulgogi (Korean grilled meat dish, supposed to make Bowser sound tough) with kuppa/gukbap (Korean rice soup). The guy needs to stick to naming characters in his own language.


In Japanese, bounty hunter is: 賞金稼ぎ (shōkin kasegi) But Japan loves using foreign loan words because it sounds cool, especially in fiction, so they also have this, borrowed straight from English: バウンティハンター (bauntihantā) If you look at Japanese wikis Samus is described as バウンティハンター. So yeah probably they called her that cause it sounds cool and Samus is like this cool other manga character who is a バウンティハンター without understanding that it means 賞金稼ぎ.


And, as with all things, Nintendo's a big company so different parts know and do different things. For example, [this page on Nintendo.com](https://www.nintendo.com/jp/switch/ayl8a/report/vol5/index.html) which contains a profile of Samus uses バウンティハンター five times but doesn't contain the word 賞金稼ぎ even once. In contrast, [this page on Nintendo.com](http://metroid.jp/metroid_version4/hunters/index.html) which contains a profile of Samus uses バウンティハンター once, but *immediately* follows it with "(賞金稼ぎ)". So some folks know what it means (and probably assume that everyone else knows that it means) and other folks don't know what it means (and probably have never even considered it). For anyone who *does* know that バウンティハンター means 賞金稼ぎ, there's very little room for misunderstanding. Even in English, as a kid, I didn't know what a "bounty" was, so "bounty hunter" makes someone sound like a hunter of things called "bounties." Maybe a "bounty" is a bad guy, or a powerful enemy, or a convict, or something. But 賞金稼ぎ literally means "prize money earner." There's no way you could look at 賞金稼ぎ and reject Retro's concept because Samus was "not doing it for the money." While it's not clear that a 賞金稼ぎ hunts down people, the one single thing that it makes totally clear is that she's all about earning prize money.


Yeah exactly, the headline makes it sound like people at Nintendo didn't understand the *concept* of what a bounty hunter even is. But of course they do. It's just a small confusion over an unusual word, which could be easily cleared up by anyone who knows being like: oh, no, you see, バウンティハンター means 賞金稼ぎ.


Probably saw boba Fett as one and were like "that but not a dick"


Had nobody at Nintendo ever watched a spaghetti-western movie? Bounty hunters are usually part of the plot every time, and Sergio Leone’s movies predate Star Wars by 11 years, and predate Boba Fett by 14 years


honestly probably not considering spaghetti westerns are many times remakes of kurosawa films, I wouldnt be surprised if their popularity was lower in the 80s


From my understanding Kurosawa was heavily influenced by the early westerns by film makers like John Ford. You get this really interesting pollination from westerns -> samurai films -> to spaghetti westerns simultaneously with Star Wars. And many many years later we’re back at Star Wars doing sci fi/fantasy westerns based off Japanese samurai films (lone wolf and cub) with The Mandalorian. 


Rule of cool confirmed.


What about Metroid Prime: Hunters?


....can they revive the idea. Cause that sounds awesome


Well, Metroid Prime 4 is still in development, so who knows?


So that gives us until around two weeks after the heat death of the universe.


well Duke Nukem Forever eventually got released....


"Released" in the same way shoving someone out of a moving vehicle is "dropping them off."




No it did not, sir or madam.  It most certainly did not get released.  Ever. In any time line. Please share your magical drugs.


I suppose it depends on your definition of "released", but the DNF 2001 Restoration Project was doing pretty good from what I heard last.


How long ago was that announced? Feels like eons ago.


E3 2017. From what I recall they had to completely restart development halfway through because they just weren‘t happy with it and I‘m guessing they are now aiming to make it a launch title for the Switch‘s successor.


That makes sense. A Metroid Prime launch title would be a killer app of the highest order. Still, 7 year dev cycle is *Ace Combat 7* levels of development hell. That said, AC7 totally revitalized the franchise, so hopefully MP4 will do the same.


It'll sell tens of systems!


Speaking of AC7... Is there a game like it but set more in WW2 era? Something fun and arcadey but more focused on props and Maschine guns? I tried IL2 but it's too different


Yeah.. they 'completely restarted' development *over 5 years ago*. No doubt we'll be hearing about it this summer along with the Switch 2 announcement.


It was announced in 2017, but was scrapped and development restarted in 2019.


I think they announced it a year after switch release. I remember because there weren’t that many games on switch yet and I was starved for any announcements.


Seriously, why can't we just get some kind of media that is just a straight up bounty hunting loop? The Mandalorian would have been perfect if that's all it was, and I'm sure a game sci-fi bounty hunting game with a simple gameplay loop of "get contract, execute or take in contract, get paid, buy better gear and equipment" would be awesome.


This is kind of what [Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercenaries:_Playground_of_Destruction) was.


And that game fuckin ruled


God that game kicked so much ass


You got many replies from people giving you examples of games with bounty hunting, but forget THE game about you collecting bounty from monsters being the player character profession, The Witcher The Witcher series you deadass play as that world version of a bounty hunter, collecting bounties. You have the whole thing of walking to a new town and looking at poster boards for new works, haggling for more money, investigating the threat and collecting the head for the pay. I’m surprised people bring up New Vegas and Red Dead 2 when those are side mode and not the one of the main narrative aspects of those games.


There was that awesome Jango Fett game for the PS2 that was basically that.


The bounty hunting part of that game was strictly optional. IIRC, the bounty hunting part was a bigger part early in development. They switched focus to the story driven missions halfway through development.


MGSV is pretty much this.


It's not *just* that, but RDR2 has enough bounty hunting side quests they could probably be their own game.


Red Dead Online has it, it's not good, but it's there.


A Metroid take on Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is exactly what I've always wanted, and didn't know how much I've wanted it until now. I'd also settle for the same premise, but set in F-Zero with Captain Falcon.


Put it onto a broader Star Fox Adventures-like game with action both on foot and in-vehicle. Throw in F-Zero GX-esque missions and cutscenes and you’ve got something going. I want to have a chase sequence that turns into a fist fight where I can Falcon Punch someone


So I'm basically picturing something like the old "Prey 2," gameplay trailers, and now I _really_ want something like that!


> "Prey 2," gameplay trailer [Youtube Link - gameplay trailers mashed together](https://youtu.be/BPkHZfjK5z4?si=N29aWKmgm2_Lr7rn) [Youtube Link - cinematic trailer] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfHCZAK7p-s)


Yeah the original prey 2 looked like the perfect mix of cyberpunk 2077 and mass effect (in retrospect). Wish someone would revive it as a new IP at least Prey 2 and Hellraid are two games I still kind of can’t get over being cancelled.


Oh, why must this world show some much promise merely to dash it away in an instant


It's sad that the original Prey is basically lost media at this point. Now when people think that game they won't think about spirit walking and a massive alien space ship. They'll think glue guns instead. New Prey was pretty good but the original Prey really put me in a state of wonder. They did a lot of imaginative stuff with Prey. Top it off, it was one of the better portrayals of Native Americans and I don't even know how they managed to weave a compelling story about a man coming to terms with his ancestral heritage into a story that takes place entirely in a space ship with like zero human contact. Also Art Bell was a great touch. I didn't even know about Coast to Coast AM until that game and learned we were listening to fake episodes of a real show.


I absolutely loved the new Prey, but saddling it with that title was a huge mistake imo.


Yeah, you can blame Bethesda for that. Arkane had several possible titles they wanted to use, but Bethesda forced Prey on them for the IP recognition. All it did was contribute to the game's commercial failure, despite being one of the best immersive sims ever made. I'll never not be mad that Arkane Austin was likely forced into making Redfall instead of Prey 2.


It was such a bizarre decision considering how the game had literally nothing in common with the original outside of being a first person game in space. Like, it seems like a bad idea because it both sets the wrong expectations for fans of the original Prey *and* sets the wrong expectations for people who actually wanted a game like the new one.


I think I vaguely remember playing a game called prey where I was like a Native American dude and there was a whole bunch of alien Tech powered by chopped up people like, in the walls and things? I cant quite recall, but I remember it being kind of cool


Yep that's the one. The spaceship had gravity wells that let you treat verticality of walls like any other floor. There were a lot of other really clever optical tricks they did. My favorite was entering a chamber with an orb. You enter a portal and find yourself on the surface of the orb. Guards charge in and you see them detect you on the orb and they pursue you there. They were also doing portal tricks before Portal made a whole game centered around the idea.


Prey 2017 is one of the best immersive sims ever made. It should have been named Psychoshock or something else. Everyone who was a fan of the first made a big enough stink the branding wasn’t worth it in the end, which is really sad because games like that aren’t really made anymore




One of my favorite activities in Red Dead is taking criminals alive to the sheriff.


My kid liked putting people on the horse and then having the horse run off a cliff into the river.


"if its says Dead or Alive, the word is dead" -cant remember the source




I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold..


ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ ... ain't nobody touching my horse. To just throw one away like that? Why that's no feller I'd like to howdy.


>\>played Red Dead Redemption with autistic 8yo step-sister >\>all she did was walk around skinning animals and giggling >\>mfw she killed a prostitute and asked me why she couldn't skin her


Hello, based department?


Kids are brutal


I’m playing red dead one now. There’s this missions you can run into where you can capture or kill escaped prisoners but even if you capture them alive the lawman always just shoots them. It’s really annoying after all that work


Agreed. In both games I felt like such a badass.


I always felt like they didn't know. Samus, for me, never really felt like a bounty hunter. More like a contracted problem solver lol.


Ah yes the Din Djarin approach to bounty hunting. Bring one dude in to establish that yes, I’m definitely a bounty hunter, then go on a series of fetch quests that are much less morally questionable. For Samus: usually Ridley lol


Well in din djarin’s case, baby yoda was also another bounty hunting job, he just choose to flip it around to track a Jedi, and that kinda consumed all his time


lol I am familiar with the show and the in-plot logic for WHY he was doing what he was doing. Just commenting on the amusing nature of a show about a bounty hunter who throughout the entire series hands in only two bounties, and one of them he immediately turns around and takes the bounty back 5 minutes later.


Other M makes it pretty clear they don't know what a bounty hunter is. She is very clearly a soldier in that one.


Well, strictly speaking she left the soldiering and became a bounty hunter. She's not actually a soldier in that game, she just takes orders because the entire plot is a character assassination of everyone involved.


so, a mercenary


I still find it amusing that the setup for Return of Samus is the Federation sent in the military and got wiped out before they sent Samus. In universe Samus is considered an escalation from military invasion. Given her tendency to explode planets this does make sense. At this point the Federation probably just figures sending her is cheaper than nuking an entire planet into oblivion.


She is honestly a terrible bounty hunter. She either kills or thinks she killed her targets and often blows up the whole damn place she was looking in.


Yeah I’ve always seen her as more of a mercenary or assassin than anything else.


In Metroid Dread, it's stated that the bounty for that particular mission was pitifully low. So at least some of the time, the point is just to give legal cover for doing what she wanted to do anyway.


My favorite Metroid fact is that the Varia suit is a mistranslation of Barrier. As V's and B's are the same in Japanese. Kinda neat that Varia became an actual thing though starting with Super Metroid where it protects against heat/lava which is what many of us associate with the name "Varia." https://legendsoflocalization.com/a-look-at-the-metroid-series-varia-suit/


This is good because "barrier suit" sounds lame as hell


Yeah, “barrier suit“ sounds like a failed auto-translation of “armour”.


I feel like if they had gone with Barrier Suit, people would be used to it by now.


ヴァ is a rarely used katakana syllable for "va". But you are right, most of the time "ba" and "va" are indistinguishable.


I'll never understand why they don't just use ヴ more often. Well, the actual reason is that it wasn't standard when many of these loan-words were used. Now there's fuckin' テレビ instead of ティヴィ


You must have forgotten about Metroid 2? Varia suit is in that game and is labeled as such


It didn't protect from heat though iirc? I always thought Varia was for variance and temperature related stuff.


Well, there were no extreme temperatures on sr388 in that game (not sure about samus returns, never played it). But, when you collect it, it is called “Varia,” it increases your running speed, and reduces damage taken by 50%. You could argue that general damage reduction coincides with it being a barrier. It also kickstarted the classic varia suit look, with the big shoulder pads.


They understood what a mercenary contractor was with Star Fox (somewhat) but didn't know what a bounty hunter was and robbed us of a cool Metroid game because of it?


I imagine most foreigners first time hearing the English word "bounty hunter" think of Star Wars. While they did hunt Han Solo, it was never explicitly stated in the context of the movie itself what a "bounty hunter" was and it could very well be an "adventurer". It doesn't help that "hunter" has been butchered from fantasy adventure games to mean "adventurer".


The scene where Vader gathers a bunch of bounty hunters together and tells them whoever finds the Millenium Falcon gets a lot of money seemed pretty straightforward to me.


Not everywhere in the world, but in Japan it's basically always been the case that Star Wars is one of the foreign IPs with the biggest domestic fanbase.


Remember the DS game with its multiple bounty hunters, and like half of them are outlaws? I think mercenary more accurately describes Samus's profession.


GTA but make it Metroid


I feel like that's N64's Body Harvest to a degree.


For anyone unaware passing by, Body Harvest was developed by DMA Design which today is known as Rockstar North, the developer of GTA.


I fucking loved that game.


Honestly the term “bounty hunter” is used so frequently in early anime (and modern anime…) they probably heard it and thought it’s just a cool job for cool people. Like how cowboys in Westerns rarely, if ever, herd cattle.


I’d just be happy to play MP4 before I’m officially a senior citizen. I’d rather have it late and good than earlier and shitty, but it’s hard to wait.


We’ve been looking at that teaser trailer logo for 7 years, please show us something Nintendo, anything!


I can respect the idea of that game, but for me, it would make a better Star Fox game than Metroid. Metroid needs that exploration unlocked by unlocks vibe. I think it's doable in this game. The open world aspect would be in the sense of you can choose what path you want with unlocks.


Captain Falcon and Wolf O'Donnell are also Nintendo characters that are always referred to as bounty hunters. Falcon is only ever seen racing and occasionally acting like a space cop, and Wolf is technically a bounty hunter but it seems like he only ever takes bounties from Andross to kill star fox


Wolf has a hate boner for Fox, and drags his team into it.


There's fear and darkness all around you, The criminals are on the run. Where you going with that Metroid? I'll hunt you down 'cause I'm the dog.


I work in an office just below them and one day we got some of their mail by mistake, so I took it up to their suite for them... They have a very cool work space and the manager I handed the mail too was very chill and polite. I knew they were affiliated with Nintendo but didn't know about the Metroid idea! If I see that boss-guy again I'ma mention this thread and throw in verbal support for a revival lol


They clearly state that Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter and what exactly a bounty hunter is on page 2 of the official F-Zero comic, so someone at least knew: https://fzero-facts.fandom.com/wiki/The_Story_Of_Captain_Falcon


Wouldn't be surprised if bounty hunter was just an English localization decision that they decided to ride with. I don't think Samus has ever been shown to collect an bounties.


In this case I'd say probably not. Bounty hunter in Japanese is: 賞金稼ぎ (shōkin kasegi) But Japan loves using foreign loan words because it sounds cool, especially in fiction, so they also have this, borrowed straight from English: バウンティハンター (bauntihantā) In Japanese Samus is described as バウンティハンター. It's entirely possible they learned that word in a manga or something from context and thought it means a cool hero who catches bad guys without ever making the connection that it means 賞金稼ぎ.


Open-world is the antithesis of a Metroid game. Metroid lives and breathes on gated exploration. An open world Metroid would be like a Zelda without dungeons




Thief kind of also managed to pull gating locations in a pretty open world 'hub' area. And I have heard Elden Ring does it too to a degree.


A gated open world is definitely something that can exist. Heck, Subnautica was kinda like that.


Yeah, same as now, just have places she can’t access until she gets the right gear.


Look no further than Twilight Princess. The overworld was pretty big, but there were many areas you couldn't access from the start - had to repair bridges, unlock the right item, or get access to a cannon to get into the desert.


An open world Zelda without dungeons? You just described breath of the wild and people ate it up. I wasn't particularly fond of it but hey.


You can have an open world that still has areas gated behind different upgrades. Open world doesn't mean the entire world has to be open from the beginning. Arguably 2D Metroid games already fit this description, this would just be expanding the concept.


Tbh, this is something Ocarina of Time and later iterations of that style of Zelda game already did. You realize if you play a randomizer that the only thing really pushing game progression in a certain order is the order in which you gain equipment, which grants access to the next area. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the general gist of it. Being able to go wherever you want after you get out of the beginning area makes it feel a lot like an open world game too, Ocarina of Time just had a necessarily small map due to the hardware constraints of the time.


Retro Studios also worked on a really interesting sounding sequel to Metroid Prime that never got too far into development: https://metroid.fandom.com/wiki/Metroid_1.5 It has a lot of interesting concepts, but doesn't really seem like it would've been in the style of the series. gameplay-wise.


It's funny how most folks in the west saw Samus as a more stoic and armoured bounty hunter version of Alien's Ripley, but Nintendo saw her as just another generic anime waifu. I think Nintendo got the point after Other M's failer. An open world racing/bounty hunting game would work great with F-zero, I think. Considering its filled with bounty hunters and criminals, and has that Judge Dredd vibe.


Ironically the Samus & Joey manga is the only media I've seen that shows Samus actually hunting bounties.


I think an open world Metroid game could be cool, but I don’t think we should turn Samus into a Boba Fett type character. I think she does need to be distinctly heroic in what she does.


Bounty hunters IRL go after criminals. There is nothing inherently evil about being a bounty hunter. Boba Fett just took bounties from criminal organizations. Samus wouldn't.


Samus would be similar morally to Star Fox, who are Mercenaries for hire but it’s Star Wolf who has no qualms being hired by the scum of the solar system. So it’s disappointing Nintendo never wanted Samus to be a bounty hunter like Boba Fett but more altruistic


Always felt so badass in Star Fox 64 when you singlehandedly win the war and then send the feds a fucking massive bill for all the dudes you shot down.


yeah they are either bail bondsmen themselves or the bondsmen hire them to find a person who skipped out on their court dates.


Yeah it's not super glamorous work lol 


Well, Star Wars Bounty Hunters were less traditional Bounty Hunters and more like a cross of hitman/enforcers/trackers that seem to have no real regulation outside of the legally ambiguous guild that could take contracts from anyone that goes through that guild including the government. Bounty Hunters are licensed and regulated. It would be super easy to make her heroic along the lines of a private eye in film noir. Basically make her a free-lance contract hunter of criminal fugitives. Like a Marshal that families can pay to work with law enforcement or law enforcement pays for particularly dangerous work.


Samus Aran: Pet Detective


I too am a bounty hunter. I haven't found any bounties, but I AM looking.


Cowboy bebop is like one of the most famous anime of all time. I find it very hard to believe all of them were unfamiliar with the concept of a bounty hunter. 


Where the FUCK is Metroid Prime 4


I wouldn’t be surprised that the term “bounty hunter” mostly came from the awful 80’s translation rather than Nintendo own perspective