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He did not want to get out that car really did he


well he asked him if he was okay, he answered yes, mission accomplished


content recorded! it's a win.


I was gonna say, I gave a dude a bottle of water and a banana the other day, but it didn’t occur to me to record and post it.


Damn. Now how is everyone gonna know how awesome and generous you are? /s But fr, thanks for being a decent human, love ya


what about me? i fed my kids today. twice!


I threw a clementine at a homeless dude the other day because the light turned green and he was slow. Caught that sumbitch like Martin Brodeur


What about me, but I only fed my kids once....to the lions...


sorry bro, /r/IAmTheMainCahtracter is over there...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IAmTheMainCahtracter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCahtracter/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This meowsterpiece 🤌](https://v.redd.it/boxttzfoj5va1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCahtracter/comments/12uzpfc/this_meowsterpiece/) \#2: [I am priceless. You may not scan me](https://v.redd.it/pqgy9y9ps8na1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCahtracter/comments/14h7h4b/i_am_priceless_you_may_not_scan_me/) \#3: [Cat singing along to Kiffness x Lonely Cat - Sometimes I’m Alone](https://v.redd.it/iqbqnir6oxab1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCahtracter/comments/14vb36x/cat_singing_along_to_kiffness_x_lonely_cat/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


See you there


No updoots for you.


Interesting that you say that. I was in the parking lot of PF Chang’s, a guy walks up to my car (I was a bit freaked out at first ngl) asking for bus money. Happily gave him some change, totally forgot to record it.


Bruh without doubt in my mind he walked over and placed the food and drink by the guys foot and drove off


It cuts off because he just drove off (my guess anyway lol). Bet he was thinking this is not worth the kindness content up votes!


Did he just stand up too fast?


I was thinking this. Orthostatic hypotension for sure. I was diagnosed with it after being on blood pressure meds for years and then finally getting my shit together and losing like 35 lbs. Once I lost the weight, I didn’t need the meds any longer. I only learned this after seeing my doctor about the near blackouts I was having after sitting / laying down and then standing up too fast. Also dehydration and alcohol use make it worse so I’m guessing this poor old dude is hitting all the marks. Hopefully he has some means of medical attention because it can be life threatening if not diagnosed and addressed properly


I have the same deal. Lost the same amount of weight. Zero alcohol. My BP was amazing (and it sky rockets at the doctor’s office). But I have to be careful standing. And getting out of my truck after sitting.


Add that to the long list of life threatening factors this guy is exposed to on a daily basis. I hope he'll get help, but I wouldn't count on it.


Yeah when i used to drink more alcohol than water i had trouble standing up and can see the moment where i would usually try to get as low as possible after standing too fast. It was not uncommon for me to stand up take like three steps then immediately sit down on the floor. Twice i was not quick enough; once was after a big night and i was doing laundry downstairs. I walked up the stairs and almost made it to my room before the dizziness set in, so i put my hand on the wall to stabilize myself and woke up on the ground confused. “Why did i choose to sleep in the hallway? Whats the last thing i remember?” Another time I was playing with a dog on the floor and stood up to help make food, i felt the dizziness start so i started to get low and everything went black, i felt myself fall but could not move or see. I could hear my ex and her mother start panicking and rush towards me as i fought to open my eyes or move but no muscles would respond. After that i would sit down after any slight dizziness, but it got better eventually and ive not had that in awhile


This may just be dehydration rather than drugs tbh


Probably, I fainted into a glass cabinet because of this. Something wrong with my blood pressure


PlEase seek medical attention before you hurt yourself again. Maybe next time you will fall down a flight of stairs although a glass cabinet sounds pretty awful. Hope you help and get well.


He was probably over heated and stood up too fast.


You can help counteract this by flexing your abdominal muscles super hard when you start to feel the dizzines, it helps the blood flow and can clear up your head/vision instantly


Just have to be recording doing something nice, then make the old man get up. Cmon people. Be better at being kind people shit.


This isn't kindness just some meagre attempt at click farming. I got no generosity for people that do this. The fact that he didn't get out the car sooner than he did tells you everything you need to know.


Seriously, who can watch an old man struggling to get up to get the thing you're offering and not immediately bring the drink to them? This is completely alien to me.


> Seriously, who can watch an old man struggling to get up to get the thing you're offering and not immediately bring the drink to them? > > This is completely alien to me. The guy who made this video is use to having people work for him, not the other way around. Everything he does only benefits him.


Just BMW driver things.


Honestly, fuck people that go up to homeless people with a camera in their face acting like they care about the well being of the person. It's nice that they are giving them food and opportunity or what not but sticking a camera in someone's face when they're at their lowest point is beyond fucked up and embarassing.


"Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" type of thing


Ah, "The Stranger".


No, that's when you sit on your hand till it's asleep and masturbate with same hand.


Precisely. Thankyou


what does this actually mean?


The full verse comes from Matthew 6:3-4, “Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Basically Jesus was saying when you do charity, don’t tell anyone else (not even your own hands may know) about the act of charity, because only if it’s done in secret is it rewarded by God.


But then your still doing it for the reward from Jesus or God. Kinda silly. If you want to help just do it for that reason not for the hope of any kind of reward. The reward you get will be better than anything someone can give you. You will already have the reward just by giving.


What you’re saying doesn’t contradict anything the Bible says. The Bible doesn’t encourage you to only be charitable when it rewards you like you seem to be implying.


Oh ok, well that's what I got from the other person's comment. I guess I am misunderstanding the quote. It said if you do it in secret, only then will you be rewarded by God. So in other words, if you want a reward for giving, don't in secret and God will reward you. I don't know what else this could mean. Maybe you could enlighten me. Thanks


idk man... better than nothing and it inspires people online to do the same wich cant be bad.


I mean, it's good if you want to help people who need it but if you're doing it for your youtube channel then in reality you're doing it for yourself. That's just my opinion. Kinda feels like exploitation to me tbh. Obviously the guy in the video wasn't really aware what was going on or probably didn't even know he was being filmed but in other videos I've seen you can clearly tell the person is super uncomfortable and embarrassed but in their situation they can't really afford to turn away the help so they must allow themselves to be filmed and posted all over the internet which to me is pretty fucked up. I mean, this dude wouldn't even get out of the car or put his phone down when he saw the dude smoke his head and knock himself out cold ffs. That's just my opinion though. Not saying my take is the right take but it's just my take.


Very good points, and I don’t disagree, but personally I’d rather the “influencers” influence potentially good behavior in their viewers rather than some of the typical brain rot


Thankyou and yes, that I can definitely agree with you on. There are ways to raise awareness to these issues and help out without these one on one encounter style videos though, and I wish more youtubers capitalized on different styles of content more than the act of catching people off guard with cameras.


This kind of “helpful” content has been popping up everywhere and while I agree with you I think there are some creators who do it for good faith. I know specifically a couple of people who use the money they get from the views to fund the next persons gift.


Yes, I do agree that there are good people out there who use youtube and the like to help people and bring awareness to the issue that is addiction and homelessness but imo my belief that you shouldn't exploit people who are down and out trumps that. Again, I'm not saying that I am definitively right, but that is my opinion.


It's a good deed, but it's in bad faith. And it's not like he's really helping the guy out in a meaningful way, he bought him some food and sugar water, in exchange for some cheap internet likes. If he wanted to milk it, at least do something life changing for the guy. Trust me, nobody watches these videos and gets suddenly inspired to care and actually do something in real life to help out the homeless.


Oh cool that’s just what the world needs… More entitled vacuous soulless leaches profiting off others misery .


you don’t need inspiration to be good lol. you are either a good or bad person.


For many of these people, this point in their life is a persistent state of being. One time I was driving in NYC when a homeless person came up to my vehicle asking for anything to help while stopped at a light. I had just bought clementines and offered one. They looked unhappy and walked away from the vehicle. I wonder why they wouldn’t accept my perfectly delicious and refreshing clementine.


Do clementines get you high? The answer to that question is why they didn't want it


"oh...." "well shit.. now i gotta bring them to the hospital or something" "i didnt want to actually put in any effort or really help them" "shit i gotta put my phone down" "this is totally fucking up my recording myself being a good person" "i just wanted to feel like i did with as little real effort as possible" "shit" "do i like... set it next to him or something" "oh damn i cant post this on the gram"


There’s no proof he did get out of the car, we know he took the seatbelt off


Pretty sure he just pulled up to the next identical looking homeless man


Sounded like a coconut hitting that wall


I audibly gasped. i can’t believe that guy didn’t jump right out after hearing that!!


I don't think people realize how dangerous a hit to the head like that can be. Dude should get checked out for sure.


I would think that most people would have dropped that phone and helped him immediately.


Then I would unfortunately think you don't live on planet Earth.


Maybe I don't wanna... :/


Nah most people would. Its just that the internet and sites like reddit reward scumbags


Good Samaritan my ass. If he was he wouldn't be filming to make himself look good. He also didn't even jump right out when the guy fell and hit his head.


The irony of recording himself “being nice” to this man while not even doing the bare minimum to be a decent person and help him when he falls 🤦🏼‍♀️


The old guy talking while still down after the fall took me off guard.


Damn I forgot to record myself last time I gave a homeless person a concussion


Dude, that man smashed his head on the wall, you could at least fucking get out and help.


no helping keep filming.


To be fair I don’t even do drugs and if some stranger bought me McDonald’s I’d probably faint also because I’m not use to people doing nice things for me.


Fucking PoS.


Splits his wig against a concrete wall with the sound of a coconut being dropped from a 10 story building and is clearly KO’d “Sir are you Ok?”


HAHAHAHAHA fr though. I was shocked.


Are we're so fucked that we need BMW dudes to come round and donate food to people?


We are indeed.


There was an attempt…. To get likes and subscribes.


What the dog doin?


With Samaritans like that, who needs enemies?


Unintentional homicide?


That was one of the most impactful videos I’ve ever seen.


Why do people record this shit just be good ffs.


Good Samaritan my ass this is so frustrating Jesus. Help people or just mind your business.


It makes me sad seeing people like this, if I was able too, I’d help him and take him in. I’d want to help him back onto his feet. I wouldn’t just sit in my car and watch him fall and hit his head and then ask if he’s alright. I’d check him because he did hit his head somewhat hard. I swear, people don’t deserve to live like that. They deserve better and I hope this guy finds some help to get stable and on his feet again. As for the camera man, be a better person. Don’t just help because you’re recording. Help because you feel like changing someone’s life for the better.




Omg 😭 😭 😂


Who's filming? He's holding the drink in one hand in the bag in the other... Clearly the old mouth filmer... Wait then who's talking.


Head mount or Carrera on his glasses.


'No, I'm fine, *really*


I think he took too little food lately


Call that man an ambulamp.....


Just like bears, never feed the homeless


guy got dizzy when he stood up lol been there buddy been there


Wake up, sleepyhead.


Gravity check






I was putting myself in this guys position, and I wasn’t out of the car either.


He's wearing a sweater in hot weather, probably having a heat stroke


We'll get out and help him you self centered fuck. Only giving him something for YOUR clicks, then he falls and now actually need your help but there's nothing in it now for YOU, so fuck him you say. You're a sad p.o.s.. Reevaluate your life.


I hope he wrecks his BMW into a telephone pole - hate everything about this guy


Good job, agent 47


"Yeah I just slammed my head into the wall at maximum force I think I'm alright John"


Kindness would be doing this but without recording it.


What an ass a ho just fucking get out and give it to him is this the Good Samaritan torso?


There’s no way this is real…the Beamer, the old man, the not getting out of the car for 20 seconds…idk bout this one


He saw that watch and passed the fuck out!