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Honestly, the best way of solving this is just to talk to them. Maybe start by talking to your parents about the best way of handling this. I’m sure your family will understand. I’m really happy for you that you’re starting to feel confident taking pictures. That’s a really big step. Maybe something that could help your family on this front is expressing how you want to be taking more pictures with the real you in them! Start replacing the old pictures with new ones!


Thanks for the advice!!!!


Hey man, that sounds really tough to deal with. I totally get why seeing those old photos is so upsetting - it must feel like they're not seeing the real you. It's awesome that your family is supportive overall, but it seems like they don't fully understand how harmful those old pictures can be. Maybe they think they're being nice by sharing "memories", but they're actually hurting you without realizing it. Here are some ideas that might help: Have a serious talk with your parents about how those photos make you feel. Be clear that it's not just annoying, but actually distressing. Ask if they can keep old photos private instead of sharing them. Suggest making new photo albums or displays that only include recent pictures of you as yourself. For extended family, maybe your parents could help explain to them why they shouldn't share old photos. If someone shows you an old picture, it's okay to say "I don't want to look at that" and walk away. Remember, you have the right to set boundaries about your own image. It might take some time for everyone to adjust, but stick to your guns. Your mental health is what matters here. Hang in there, bro. You're on the right path, even if there are some bumps along the way. Keep focusing on becoming more you!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Thanks for the advise I will defo be yousing it!!!!


Other than what others have recommended so far - talking to your family - which is a legitimate option, there is an another, powerful option: Accepting the past. I know, easier said than done, but it's quite a useful skill or mindset to have. The number of photos, issues, mistakes, embarassing moments, regretted decisions are not going to lessen as we live. We can't hang up on the past as it is unchangeable now. It happened, we were there, it shaped us, and we could try to hide from it, but we can not erase it. Look at those pictures by remembering the moment, the feelings, the others who where there with you.


Thanks I'm gonna try that.