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The main threat of the G2 comics was a huge Decepticon Empire led by Jhiaxus who split off during the time skip after the Ark crashed in G1 and regard the Autobots and Decepticons we know and love as backward and disordered. Edit: Jhiaxus is a hypocrite who likes to think of himself as an enlightened and evolved leader but can’t contain his violent impulses when confronted with pushback against his regime.


So he’s just like an enemy of my enemy character? Response to edit: oh neat.


It’s a good story. 12 issues and it ends satisfyingly. It’s very 90s. Lots of robot “gore” and ludicrous heavy weapons, but the writing is good and the art is cool if you get on its wavelength.


Along with some great Prime and Megatron moments as they fight side by side. The best one being how Megatron muses over the fact that he is an idiot for bringing Starscream back.


Whats it called and where can I consume this media?


It is just called Transformers: Generation 2. It’s not in print anywhere currently but hopefully Skybound will reprint it eventually. Otherwise I’m sure scans exist somewhere but I’ve had the tpbs for 20+ years so I haven’t needed to look.


The studio also where threatning the team with cancelsation and they named the big bad Jiaxus (Gee, axe us) in response and soldiered on


It you have a chance I'd recommend that toy, it's pretty awesome (coming from someone who had also never heard of the character).


I already have it because I was told it’s very good. The toy is actually what got me interested in the character at all.


Cybertronian* Empire technically


For me, I got excited at this. Had left Transformers behind somewhere in the middle of the G1 Marvel series. But was interested in the new series. The art looked interesting. Got to see a bunch of old characters in action. Was a great premise with a third-party Decepticon foe. Interesting space opera turn. But after 3-4 issues, dunno, it just got a little boring.


Jhiaxus led the Armed Forces. Leige Maximo was the ruler of the Cybertronian Empire in G2, though I can't remember if we got to see any more than a shadow of Liege Maximo in the comics 🤔


We don’t see more than a glimpse of the Liege Maximo. From what I remember you spend most of the comics assuming Jhiaxus is it.


Jhiaxus refers to himself as the "Liege Centuro" I believe in one of the issues


Yeah thats how i remember it, man i wish i still had those comics.


Hopefully Skybound will reprint them eventually.


Annoyingly, I have issues 1-11. Never found a copy of 12.


Furman’s prose story Alignment is the only time the OG Liege really shows up.


I only read one comic from that period (from a showbag), but yes: he's the leader of a new Cybertronian regime that came into existence since the Autobots and Decepticons left. He considered them primitives better consigned to the dustbin of history.


Oh cool, he’s a snob.


The G2 comic has this reveal that before the Great War, Transformers could reproduce by dividing like bacteria. They forgot how. It’s implied that them forgetting is Primus’ will. That as they divided they became less pure, leading to more ignoble traits, hence the appearance of characters like Megatron, who are driven by avarice. Yes, this is an unpleasant racial purity angle. Jihaxus and his kind rediscovered the ability to divide, and consider the G1 guys evolutionary dead ends. He’s also in line to be the favoured of a figure called the Liege Maximo. The guy from who Megatron and the like are descended. Conceptually, the Liege Maximo was created before the idea of The Thirteen and The Fallen, who has supplanted his role as the Cybertronian ur-evil.


That… sounds convoluted.


That's Furman for ya.


Racial purity isn't the same with non human races. Humans simply aren't like that biologically, but there's no reason an asexual alien race wouldn't have bloodlines that are more or less pure depending on whom they descended from and how recently


Or, it’s a terrible idea that has it’s roots in racist ideology. No amount of in universe hand waving can change that. Some people refer to this sort of thing as The Thermian Argument, after the aliens in Galaxy Quest who cannot distinguish between fact and fiction.


... yes, the concept that totally alien beings who are nothing like humans would have different morals and thoughts on things like that is just.. yeah, i cant even be bothered to spell it out for you. Quit being a clown.


Well, I’ll try and spell it out for you then. C’mere have a little Literature lecture. Firstly, context is important. How and why you choose to use an idea in your story. If an author chooses to use the idea of racial impurity they could be doing it for any number of reasons. Could be they want to explore why it’s dangerous. Or they might actually believe in it and want to highlight it as an idea. Point is, these things don’t exist in a vacuum. Yes, you can take such ideas and throw them in simply as flavours to your story, but people are going to point out the implications. Saying a concept is justified entirely because the characters aren’t human and aren’t like us doesn’t exempt it from any kind of critical analysis. That’s a childish read. It’s like cheating at a playground game by saying you’re immune to being got out because you found a special rock. Again, why did the author choose these elements and how did they execute them? It can simply be that they never thought about them in a particularly deep fashion. Since we’re talking about a toy robot comic from the 1990’s, and the author’s various battles when called on using things like gender politics badly, I’d argue he never gave it much thought other than an interesting piece of mythology. Ignorance is a defence but no excuse for bad writing.


This is idiotic, you want to censor media based on your inability to distinguish the difference between completely nonhuman characters with a completely different context of orgin and actual real life human kind. You cannot censor media based on your projections of human allegorical implications onto it. Cybertron is not earth. Cybertronians don't have human genomes. Apples are not oranges. And what's more, in some continuities, the caste system-like assignment of duties is the very reason for the decepticons' revolt in the first place, and the consequences ARE examined. Your drivel is absurd.


Small side point to open with,: You realise you’re talking about the same writer who has, at several turns, forced human characteristics onto Cybertronians? The same hack who decided they have ’CNA’. To get back on point: Does metaphor just not exist in your worldview? You’re accusing me of an inability to distinguish robot biology between human biology, as if that actually a thing? Can you distinguish the difference between reality and fiction? These thing’s you’re talking about don’t exist. They’re conceptual. Metaphorical. So, if a writer choses to tell a story that is tantamount to Nazi Aryan mythology being correct, that’s ok with you, because, hey, it’s a fictional race. Hell, why stop there? Why not have a toy robot comic which uses the Holocaust as it’s basis, and implies that, actually it was the right for one faction to do? For you, I’m sure that’s acceptable because you want to seem clever by affecting some kind of moral indifference. That’s not clever, that’s childish. Purely taking things at a surface level. Does fiction hold no more meaning to you than a mechanical process? Do you watch Starship Troopers and be like ‘I don’t see the fascism, it’s just about humans fighting insects and has no other level?’ Do you watch Universal Century era Gundam and think that it can’t have any relationship to Imperial Japan or it’s postwar legacy? Also, on some level, I’m not even saying these concepts need to be censored, I’m arguing that they need to be considered carefully. Maybe if the G2 comic had been longer, maybe it intended to examine those ideas more thoroughly. Instead it has this moment of revelation where it drops out this mythological concept as fact.


Actually, the more I look at your comment, the more confounding it becomes. You’re digging me up on the grounds that Cybertronians can’t be some kind of metaphor, then start talking about how things are done in different continuities where metaphors are used in a more examined fashion? What the hell even is your argument?


This is a plot point of their whole species, they're NOT HUMANS. You apparently have no capacity to respect the integrity of a story, instead forcing your own moralistic allegories onto it. In starship troopers the point is clearly to portray a dystopian military and then examine the effects. This is not the case for transformers. They are a race of aliens with a completely different genetic and reproductive system. If you can't keep from applying human genetic and reproductive principles to a race of aliens that literally doesn't even have reproductive organs, you need to question whether or not you're reaching. Do you think worker ants are upset at being slaves? No. It's normal for their species. If you wrote a story about ants, it would be absurd for a worker ant to fill the role of queen, soldier or drone. Their society doesn't work like ours, and don't expect it to. NON HUMANS ARE NOT HUMANS AND HUMAN RULES DO NOT APPLY IN THE SAME WAY. Just because a majority of cybertronians are humanoid does not make them human. In one continuity optimus is ok with gridlock keeping a closet full of decepticon heads, are you gonna condemn that for promoting desecration of corpses, murder, and freaky serial killer stuff? No. They're not humans. For humans, that would be extremely concerning. For a cybertronian, that's apparently nothing more than a few raised eyebrows. Things that apply to us do not apply to them, because they are different. People who aren't you don't have to have the same values as you do, and you can't just tell them they're wrong. No deity has spoken and proclaimed your assumptions and beliefs to be correct. You certainly may have good reasons to believe them, but people who disagree may have differing reasons, and you don't have a right to say they're wrong just because you think you're right. Even if you're right about how something applies to you, it doesn't mean anything about how it applies to someone else. Decent people believe as a species that all men are created free and equal and are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The US put that in the constitution. Aliens are not men. They can have their own rules. Our rules do not apply. Not every story has an agenda. Sometimes stories are just simulations of a fictional world, a slice of life from a place that doesn't exist. Not everything has to be an allegory for humanity. Jeez.


It turns out you are the one who is the clown.


Growing up during the G2 era I always felt he was TF version of DC's Mongul, mostly because both fly around in a Warworld. https://preview.redd.it/0w7077ojv5mc1.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdb41f3f4421d9f47d9eeb984930890a540d9eed


The Decepticon Warworld was commanded by Bludgeon, not Jhiaxus. He built it in the time between G1 issue 75 and the G2 series.


All I know his name is a pun: the comic he's from was always teetering on cancelation, so his names "Gee, axe us!".


Dunno but he's a major shelf warmer at my Walmart.


And mine. Which is unfortunate because his robot mode is great he’s just too obscure i suppose


Very cool robot action figure. Very dog-squeeze vehicle mode. More worth his sub $20 price on clearance online and elsewhere.


There's an upgrade kit on ebay that fixes the weird hanging gun issue and adds foot and thigh fillers. He looks amazing to start with but with a fleshed out ship mode he looks sublime.


[Chris McFeely has you covered.](https://youtu.be/Fng679RnEoI?si=LK8fmxvbrwLa0K1o)




His name is also a pun. Jee ax us




https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Jhiaxus_(G2) I’m not familiar with G2 (slightly before my time). But in IDW1.0 he was a scientist during the era of Nova Prime and Shockwave’s teacher.


His tfwiki Page https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Jhiaxus_(G2)


Just go to tfwiki


I just remember the crew righting the G2 comic got frustrated so his name in the office started being Just Ax Us


In the ReGen One series by the same writer as G2 Jhiaxus became a senator before he split away and the cybertronian empire evolved as differently as the events of G2 played out. If you come across any ReGen One paperbacks then check it out too.


Evil scientist, shockwaves predecessor.


I only know of him from IDW where his backstory was mixed with Arcee's.


Ahem. Sit down and let Jhiaxus tell you a bedtime story...


Thanos of Transformers.


More like High Evolutionary I’d say?


The Swarm was more like Thanos.


More like Apocalypse from X-Men.


I can't be the only one who thought that was a Creeper face on his chest before seeing the whole image💀💀💀


People put so much work into “The Basics” videos and TFwiki, and then people make Reddit posts like this.


I’ll do what I see fit, leave me alone.


Who even has the phrase “do what I see fit” ready to go in their brain? You sound like an evil stepdad from old British books. edit: Talking like a villain from Narnia isn't a "grammar" issue, u/Successful-Item-1844.


There is no way you’re targeting not only OP’s ability to ask and gain knowledge through questions, but also their Grammar as if it’s an issue in either realm


Questions about the G2 comics can be answered by reading the G2 comics, which are readily available at the distance of a Google search.


He made Arcee trans.


While yes, that's IDW Jihaxus, this person is asking why he is significant in G2, a sperate thing.


I know, I just wanted to throw shade at Simon Furman’s shit writing


He's done plenty of good writing too, it's just that he has one hangup on gender, which is a fair enough hangup, it's a society that has no need for such a thing, so he doesn't understand how to write it or explain why they didn't show up before.


Creating Arcee as feminist pandering is so bullshit though lmfao


Still my favourite Arcee origin story (Marvel). Different strokes, mate.


He helped her transition after she sought him out.


Let’s not forget that it was poorly written out about how it was forcefully and way more torturous at first. Fuck Simon Furman. But at least they tried to fix it later on.


Overlord tier bad guy, in my opinion.


I only know him for being the dude who basicslly made IDW Arcee into a female and got brutally murdered once she got her hands on him.


I lucked out and found the G2 comics at a used bookstore. It’s a shame that they never got a digital release.


Read Marvel G2. Only 12 issues and it is pretty awesome. That is where he came from originaly.