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Time to clock in


"can't believe we have to spend a Friday doing this shit, fucking hate this, goddamn it----heyyyy, Taylor! We're so happy to be here!"


At least Jason got lot's of friendship bracelets. Lol. This isn't their scene. They like to stay at home or spend weekends down their Jersey Shore house that's on the beach. with family and friends. Travis looked over it at the concert. Video's on X.


Imagine having to see the same mediocre show over and over again and it never changes a bit from show to show. Same songs with the same tracks being played in the background. Can you blame him?


You described a typical NFL game 😅


Not true at all lol


I mean, theres only so many times you can watch a sequined cardboard cutout yell into a microphone for a bunch of 10 yr olds... 


Be fair now. That’s not all she does. She also power stomps around the stage and attempts to dance. The dancing adds a bit of humor to the show as well.


But now the ten year olds are forty year olds and it’s gross and weird.


Jason could be at the od (the bar in the shore town he bought a house in) right now drinking his face off.


Spot on.


https://preview.redd.it/jisj2rb1mz7d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455d4df10a66d5b1494f0cdceefd5df28435533c Clocking in for another day (I am aging myself by posting this but I couldn’t help it).


Morning, Sam 


Morning, Ralph! 😆


When I was in my late 20s and lived near DT-ATL there was a bar there that played Saturday morning cartoons and served cereal I think. Never made it over there 🥴 loved some looney toons sometimes I turn a show on for my kid now


Okay, honestly, I love this.


We had this in Philly, also. Such a good time.


Decades later I realized it described the political duopoly in the USA


This was a great cartoon “ Good Morning Ralph.”


Every Saturday morning




I had a legit punch card once. It was silly, this was 2004ish?


Looks like they didn't get the "jetlag is a choice " memo.


Yeah I was thinking jet lag too


That is the face of a man who regrets pimping out his brother for fame.


No stop that is so true they look like they don’t wanna be there especially Kylie after what happened to her a few weeks ago with a drunk lady


Body language doesn't lie, and neither does a warn out face.


🧨POW!.....spot on




Basically, some lady was banging on their car door and then harassing them for an autograph and a picture and then Kiley Kelce basically yelled in the woman’s face and was like stop you’re embarrassing yourself I can smell the alcohol on your breath look it up on TikTok


The video was actually really hard to find after the first 12 hours


Taylor's team works fast 😂


Can you link?!? I want to see?




I accidentally clicked your profile while trying to like a comment. Saw your banner and had to give you an immediate follow. Inuyasha was definitely one of my first crushes 😍😍


Did he think after dancing with the devil, she wouldn’t collect?


Fucking Swifties are pressed about Kylie’s bracelets 😭


She wouldn't wear Chiefs gear to the Superbowl her BIL was playing in...if she doesn't want to wear a bracelet, not only does she not have to, but she won't. Good luck to them though, thinking they could convince a woman from Philly to do something she doesn't want to do.


Shit. Exactly. I’m from NYC, but Philly women are built the same. All the respect.


Shes said that If Jason ever played for another team she would still only wear Eagles gear


She's a hometown girl and went to Eagles games with her dad. She's always been a fan. She was a field hockey star to.


I LOVE that about her!


Fucking Philly through and through. You have to respect it


lmao realest shit ever


The second anyone even implies that I *have* to do something I don’t want to do makes me double down stubbornly and I turn into a rock with how hard my head becomes lol. I am also a woman from Philly, but I would imagine this is true down the eastern seaboard from Boston to Atlanta


And yet, she's at a concert she doesn't want to be at?




Idk I saw some comments that were all “does she have bracelets on?!?” “I saw her left wrist is empty, but what about her right?!!” As if wearing friendship bracelets is a fucking requirement 🙄


I went to a show last year and didn’t wear friendship bracelets. I think they’re a cute but I don’t find it a requirement to enjoy a show. They need to chill lol. Not everyone in her inner circle are hard core Swifties. I don’t think anyone in Travis’s family was a Taylor fan prior to him dating her but it’s been nice that they were supportive and showed up for a show. Idk why they make something out of nothing all the time.


Totally agree. I hate her fans more than her 😫




It's my distaste FOR her fans that make me dislike her


Contractual appearances. They are counting down on how many bs agreements left


I don’t think they look miserable tbh. I just think they’re walking in a very loud, crowded place and didn’t know they were being photographed. I don’t blame them for not pretending to be joyful 24/7. Plus they have a bunch of kids and are probably tired as heck.


I don’t even have kids and I’m pretty sure that’s what I look like the first few days after an intercontinental flight lol


I got back last Saturday from a last minute week long cross country work trip a week after flying from Washington state to Europe for a week and a half and the back to Washington and I can tell you I probably still look like this. I told my friend I'd see em in a couple weeks, I'm not leaving my house for a bit lmao


This is probably the most realistic explanation. Sometimes the hate really clouds the conclusions they draw on this sub


Yeah ngl some of the comments here are a stretch and I’m not invested in any of this at all, I’m only here because Reddit kept pushing it on me and i was curious. But this just looks like normal people walking in an arena to me, I don’t think you can tell much by it.


If someone snapped a photo of me navigating a crowded a space I’d probably look like I was pissed. They just look focused to me


I look like in the grocery store or pretty much anywhere if I am trying to get around. I don’t even classify myself as someone with RBF, it’s just that if I’m focused on something im not making sure I have a smile plastered on my face


>Yeah ngl some of the comments here are a stretch and I’m not invested in any of this at all, I’m only here because Reddit kept pushing it on me and i was curious. Same. I think it all makes more sense if you just think about this subreddit as anti-Swiftie fanfic.




Yeah they were just holding hands during the same walk in so I don’t think they were that miserable either.


Yeah this is reading into a single photo waaaaay too much. I find TS bland and obnoxious, but the fixation on scouring everything for any shred of indication against these people’s media image is a little much. There’s plenty of tangible things to criticize about them without having to go full Pepe Silvia.


Yeah like it’s a candid photo chill out. Do y’all walk around with grins plastered to your face?


It's sad. People are bashing them for... walking. If they had big smiles on their face they'd be calling them fake.


There’s entirely too many of y’all that give Jason too much credit. It’s the whole Kelce family, including “I don’t like the spotlight” Kylie. They are all thirsty


I logged into the Calm app recently and there is a “relaxing storytime” thing where Ma Kelce is explaining the rules of football. I immediately closed the app.


I’d have deleted the app and canceled the subscription


No way 😂


🤦‍♀️ just…why?


You know why: 💰💰 Monetize, monetize, monetize. Jason just retired, Travis will play a max of three more years but really probably 2 and that’s if he doesn’t have a significant injury.


They are also foreseeing high medical bills for brain damage, it’s good that they save now since they won’t keep their wits when they age


I love your flair


Why does this randomly remind me of the Travis kelce hair dye? Maybe cuz it’s random


No way 💀


I saw that!! I immediately picked another story to go to sleep to


I remember seeing an interview with ma and the only thing visible besides her was a medium sized display of Reynolds’s wrap. This family has no shame in selling themselves out.


If I could upvote this post 1,000 times I would. They’re ALL thirsty. The only Kelces that aren’t are Jason and Kylie’s kids.


Give it time.


They are *all* cashing in on this business deal.


Yeah I listened to the Kelce’s podcast before Taylor and Travis got together and didn’t think Kylie would be very involved in all of the relationship publicity but she’s out here doing interviews and stuff too lol. She’s not as extreme as Jason or their parents but she’s definitely still capitalizing on the fame in her way.


And she exploits her kids (a very influencer thing), which will never be okay to me


People forget how much the Kelces whored themselves out during the Eagles-Chiefs Super Bowl


As a football fan, I didn’t forget. I was sick of them back then.


Right! That whole family loves the attention they are receiving.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Jason pissed off Kylie somehow before the show. Some of the things he says on the podcast are 😬. I cannot imagine being married to someone like that.


It’s also the way he’s walking a thousand steps ahead of her


I hate when my husband does this, we’re not on the Amazing Race and I’m 7” shorter than you, calm it down


Sameeee I usually just say, “it’s fine! you go on ahead and I’ll be there when I get there”


I remember being like all of the pregnant and my husband motoring ahead of me. Usually I’m a fast walker but I was horking around all that extra weight. I was like “no. That’s cool. If I have a medical emergency you can just sit comfortably at our destination while some stranger finds me.” He would be miles ahead like, you’re not going to eat without me, you might as well mosey with me.


“all of the pregnant” - fabulous phrase!


Lmao horking around is a great description 😂


![gif](giphy|vZzjJMiAiSXDO) Same. This.


God, my husband does this too. I almost lost him at the airport in Atlanta on our honeymoon because he was panic-walking to make our connecting flight. I had the tickets. Not sure how far he was going to get without me.


Omg and the Atlanta airport is the absolute worst. It’s always so hectic and hard to navigate.


My boyfriend and I had this exact same fight a couple weeks ago 😂


![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg) That's too funny!


I like to joke that he tried to leave me only a few days into our marriage, but I was literally at the verge of jogging to keep up. You know, that awkward phase between walking fast and running, kind of that stupid looking hop? That was me.


![gif](giphy|xnAKGWny5Vfbi) 🤣🤣🤣 (I know it wasn't like this, I'm sure, but when I was looking up running GIFs, this was too silly not to use!)


Is this Phoebe?!




one of my favorite things about my husband is we are around the same height! same leg length = i don’t have to speed walk 😎


Same here. I hated being tall as a teenager. But I'm very happy with it now.


LOOOOL this Amazing Race reference couldn’t have been better placed 😂😂😂


We're the opposite. I walk fast and it ticks my husband off.


My wife is 7” shorter than me and somehow walks way faster than me. It’s amazing. I don’t understand the physics of it. I can barely keep up sometimes.


Thank you!! Mine does it too. I gave up on it now. I just trudge along at my pace


Reminds me of Donald Trump and Melania.


I remember reading an article about how a guy will walk in front of a woman if he has lost interest in her 😂 I was doing research for a friend…


I didn’t even realize she was in the picture 😅


I was going to comment this too. I HATE when men walk ahead of women like that


I havent seen or listened to a single episode. What are some things he has said?


A lot haha but off the top of my head two of the things that really stood out to me were when his documentary came out, he wanted to wear jeans to the premier which was after his practice and instead of bringing his own jeans with him to practice to change into after like a normal adult person would, he expected Kylie to bring them to the premier for him to change into there (even though she was the one getting all of their children ready to go). To Travis’ credit he pushed back on Jason when he was telling that story because it was ridiculous that he was blaming Kylie for him not being able to wear what he wanted since she was late to the premier. The other one that stood out to me as especially bad was on Kylie’s first appearance on the podcast (I think), Travis and Jason asked her if she’d trust Jason to take care of their kids alone for like an hour or something ridiculously small like that and she said no and they all agreed that Jason couldn’t do that which is insane for a parent.


I can’t stand when men expect women to pack for them. Especially when you have kids, like you’re a grown adult that can choose what to wear. She probably already was in a hassle to get the girls ready.


A man that can't handle bringing a pair of damn pants with him is pathetic. Yay, a 40 year old kid to take care of!


I purposely only pack enough for myself for that very reason because I know my husband would only pack clothes for himself because he was planning to use my deodorant, toothpaste, body wash, ect. Nope!


I thought they were actually discussing if Travis could watch them for an hour.


Kylie said that she can’t leave Jason either for more than a few hours because he had never given their youngest a bottle.


You might be right but I remember something about Jason not being able to take care of them alone because he couldn’t chase after them/do all the activities they wanted without wanting to sit down or something along those lines. Idk he’s had so many off handed comments about not taking care of his own kids that it blends together to me I suppose. I also haven’t listened to the pod since a few months into Taylor and Travis’ relationship so maybe he’s cut down on those things.


Right?! Too many people think Jason is just some goofy lovable guy when he does not parent his own children according to Kylie


Not to mention abandoning her multiple times cause ‘she couldn’t keep up’ seriously????


Their first date story that they love to tell also isn’t great! Where I see red flags every time that story is retold, Kylie clearly saw eagles


Don’t get me started on that, looking at her I always go “why didn’t you just walk out?”


She will eventually


What's the story?


IIRC they met on Tinder, and their first date was at a bar where Jason passed out drunk.


YES! I always thought that about that story. There was nothing romantic about it.


Can you please explain better ? What do you mean by " abandoning her multiple times cause 'she couldn't keep up' " do people seriously don't see a problem with that ?


look at what consciousatlast_ said below


Thank you 👍


He sounds like an absolute man child from their podcast. He’s just another one of Kylie’s kids. Both brothers are idiots.


Do y’all remember her birth story? I would have been so upset if my partner acted like that


I thought I was the only one who had a serious issue with some of the things he says and has done to kylie. And everyone laughs it off and makes it out to be cute and ‘he is just funny’ nothing is funny about him abandoning his wife on vacation on several occasions and making jokes about ‘make me a sandwich’ after that football guy talked shit about women belonging in the kitchen. He is a classic frat boy meanie and I can’t standdddd that he will never be seen that way.


I felt the same! I didn’t get why everyone seemed to think he was this “perfect lovable guy” but I guess there are clearly at least some people that agree with us! I used to listen to the podcast because they do give some interesting insight to the nfl but Jason’s “I don’t want to babysit my kids” personality and the Taylor/Travis stuff got to be too much for me about halfway through the season so I stopped listening completely.


You can see it in his demeanor that he isn’t as great as he is described comeon! And the trajectory that podcast has taken lately is proof enough that this is some kind of Pr stunt I swear. They milk that relationship so hard


Same! I’m from Philly and so many people that watch football are smitten by him. “He’s one of the best things to ever happen to Philly.” Bro, he’s a loudmouth, misogynist drunk who can’t watch his kids. This is the guy you worship, Philly?


I’m also from Philly, and this truly does seem like the type of guy its natives would choose as their champion. I don’t live in Philly anymore. Most of the people there are fucking vile. Crabs in a bucket.


Not to mention he’s now Delco’s finest. Hero of the drunks.


Add possible jet lag, and couple travel - bound to be some discomfort.


Yep. Jet lag makes a lot of couples not like each other much.


Right! He’s disgusting and you just know Travis is worse. 


He seems like a such drunken buffoon. She probably thought it was funny and cute before she was a mother to three young girls. Now their life is kind of a circus and he’s out making an ass of himself weekly.


What does he say


A lot of “joking” about not helping parent his own children and all the things Kylie should be doing for him. Idk it rubs me the wrong way. He just seems like an overgrown child to me.


Agreed. Seems like he doesn’t help out that much with the kids tbh, except for being a “play mate” for them


Kylie is literally the ONLY reason I don't think this relationship is entirely 'fake' - even if is PR... She 100% seems like the one person on this earth to 'nope the fuck out' of this BS, and play no part in it.


Yeah I think this too. I don’t think she’d play along if it was entirely fake, however imagine the amount of stories the tabloids and media would run about TS and Kylie feuding or “hating” each other if Kylie didn’t come around. The vibes I get are that Kylie likes her for the sake of Travis dating her but I don’t think she’s entirely happy about how much her life has become a spectacle since T/T started dating. Like imagine the talk if Jason only attended the show and not Kylie. Not to say she didn’t want to go, but whether it’s fake or not, they all have to keep up a united front. She seems like a low-key, private person. I can imagine she’s not too happy about her life being blown up and thousands and thousands of people doing a deep dive into her personal life now. She also has three young children she’s fiercely protective over and TS fans have no boundaries a lot of the times.


I mean, at the beginning they did say Kylie hated her. Then she suddenly started talking about how great she is.


I don’t think she hates her. I just think they’re different people who prefer to live different lives. I think she likes and respects her but I don’t expect Kylie Kelce to go on NYC lap walks with her and be part of the girl squad. That clearly isn’t her vibe.


Who is they?


I'm unapologetically Team Kylie and this is another reason why I think she's amazing: She's dressed like a normal mom in her 30s. She's not "bejeweled". She's not dressing like a 14yo Swiftie. She's going to Taylor's concert because Travis is dating Taylor and she's not doing the whole "Buying all the sequins to wear to Eras" thing.


I have always liked her. I agree with you. She's going for Travis. I think Travis and the family are fed up with all of this. I just saw on X Travis at the concert. Taylor was singing Love Story and Travis was singing. When it got to the part about the ring and marry me he stopped singing and clapped.


I’m 39 and I’m having a sequin moment. Maybe not body suits, but I wore a sequin pant suit to a gala and I have a sequin skirt and dress. I’m child free and I like sparkles.


I, too, am child free and like sparkles. Namaste


I'm wearing sequins to an event in August. I'm more talking about the "Adult dressing up like she's 14 to go to a concert" thing, I'm in my late 40s. Wear what you love and feel confident in.


Is this where the "late 30s, childfree, sparkle" club is meeting?


Idk this comment is giving “I’m not like the other girls” and comes off a little misogynistic. I see where you’re coming from because I do think TS fans can do some really cringey infantilizing shit. And those people who spend weeks hand-bedazzling a lover bodysuit have way too much time on their hands. But there’s nothing wrong about a mom in her 30s having some fun, throwing on some glitter and dressing silly for a night (nor is there anything wrong with not doing that).


I got the vibe from the comment that she's staying true to herself and not trying to fit into the swift cults personality.


Hear hear - 32 year old mom




They each have to go and watch the other do the same thing at work over and over and over again 😂


Slightly off topic - her hair looks pretty. 😂


Kylie is absolutely beautiful!! 💚


Agree 💚


I can’t believe she sang the surprise songs she did in front of Travis… his friends… and his family 😂 I know we can’t take her choices too seriously but that’s embarrassing


I can't imagine how awful it's got to be to hear a bunch of tone deaf swifties singing along to Taylor Swift's terrible songs. They certainly don't seem to be enjoying themselves and I love that for them!


Idk if Jason or Kylie have been to one of the Eras shows before, but I can’t imagine having to attend MULTIPLE TIMES. Just give me some Benadryl and tape my eyes open and wake me when it’s over.


Throw in some earplugs too. I cannot imagine sitting through even one of her concerts. I've never seen her perform and I clearly didn't miss anything.


I pretty sure this is their first show. Pat Mahomes and Brittany are susposed to be there to.


Those god damn tents. They restricted the view for so many people. People who paid between ÂŁ200-660 Thankfully after a long wait, they moved those who complained to sections with a better view. Source: me. Those mfers blocked my view with their stupid tent.


That’s my resting face. I know this is a hate sub but jeez lol, I’d hate someone to get a candid picture of me in 80% of situations.


Jason looks like he’s so over the whole charade…and Kylie looks even more over the PR BS. I know Travis is Jason’s brother, and I know he loves him…but does anyone else wonder if Jason ever regularly gets embarrassed of Travis? Cause I know I would.


All those carbon emissions for that. Awesome 🙃


I’d be willing to bet that at least Kylie and Jason took a commercial flight, they’re not as flashy as you might think. They live in my hometown actually lol it’s weird to wrap your head around how relatively normal they are compared to the rest of this mess


That lady looks like a person that got dragged to her brother in laws, girlfriend’s show.. and is not a fan of the music lol.


I just saw these two in a Wawa commercial. But I thought Kylie didn’t like cameras on her? Smh


She doesn’t. Generally, she likes to tell stupid stories in order to sound relatable AND pimps out her own little children for money. It ain’t easy


Kylie’s face is screaming “Let’s get the money and GTFO”


i hate them all as much as the next person, but you can’t really expect everyone to be walking around with a smile 24/7


I saw a video of Travis’s posse entering the VIP tent and Taylor’s dad is directing them where to go and Kylie just walks right past him, and doesn’t even acknowledge him 💀


They hate it. I saw an interview with Jason saying they were trying to step back from the whole Taylor thing that Kylie didn’t sign up for this and she does t like all the attention. Mama K is the opposite, she’s just like Travis eating up the spotlight.


Mama kelce is 100% making that coin. I don't think I've ever seen a professional athlete's mom this much...even at someone at the level of michael jordan or tom brady


The entire Kelce family has sold their souls. They have to keep this up for face the consequences of walking away from Taylor Swift. They’ll be ruined by her and her fans. Not sure how or why any continues to cozy up to Taylor Swift.


I wish the kelces can just fuck off


Who are they?


Jason and Kylie Kelce


This is just how people who frequent back of house areas look 


I imagine Jason as the older brother who eventually has his star dimmed by his dumb sib, for no other reason than ‘throwing a breadcrumb’ at a thousand woman and it stuck to TS. Yeah he can throw a ball but really, that’s it. It will end. Jason is no prize, folks. He was brought up in the Kelce Big Hairy Men household where women are there to feed and massage egos. He’s mentally lazy, has a better morale compass than his bro but just by a smidge. His wife keeps his life together. Kylie is aware enough to see through the ever widening cracks of Taylor’s smooth veneer. It must be tough to bite the inside of your cheek and keep up a smile around that chaos. The stench of the grift is in the air. Always. At this point the entire motley crew on both sides can’t wait for this to end. Just like us.


The fact that you don’t know a tight end doesn’t throw the ball shows your assumptions are just that.


Who would want to sit through three hours of listening to her song. I’m sure they’d rather be home watching Ms Rachel with their kids!


Nobody mentioned the fact that Kylie is literally wearing a black t-shirt… to the Eras Tour. To me that says “I don’t care” in an almost blatant way.


In what would? Black shirt and jeans is like a pretty standard “going out” fit. If you go to a club of bar you’ll find tons of women in the same fit.


She’s not a swiftie and fashion isn’t her thing. She didn’t need an Era outfit.


She can’t sing can’t dance whatcha gonna do?




Of course they wanna be there. They live for this shit


Dude they’re walking. When y’all post stuff like this it takes away legitimacy of this sub.


- I mean to be super fair. They are literally just people. If someone was looking out for me and my wife literally all the time I’m sure they could get a picture of us NOT giggling and laughing and being upset that’s how relationships work it’s not always great. - like I get what this sub is about but this is a touch grass moment if I ever saw one