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I have entered the part of my life where I genuinely don’t give a fuck what other people think. That helps.


I just got to that part of my life too! Is nice. 😎


Excellent username!


Why thank you!


Right? I’m almost 40 and have been smoking for 25 years. It’s legal in my state now. I got so sick of feeling like a criminal and having to hide that I’ve now entered my true stoner phase. I no longer hide the fact that I absolutely adore weed and I’m gonna smoke forever. Full stop Edit: the stigma surrounding weed in 2024 is night and day to what we experienced growing up in the 80s/90s/00s with the war on drugs


Dude, I'm in my 50s and have been smoking since my teens. The most glorious day of my stoner existence was taking a huge hit off a joint while I was waiting for a crosswalk light, with a police officer standing right next to me. My second most glorious day was using my credit card to buy weed. Both of these days only occurred in the past 2 years. I spent 30 years of my life hiding it away like a criminal. Fuck that shit... I'm smoking everywhere now.


I’m 47 and been smoking on and off since I was 14 so I get it. Walked out of the dispo the other day with a quarter in my hand. Just as I walked out a cop pulled someone over right in front. My first instinct was oh shit the cops. But then I just smiled to myself and went on my way.


Dude it’s been 3 years in Jersey and I only just recently fully lost my paranoia about it. I forgot for the first 2 years that it’s ok to have it in my car lo It feels fucking awesome


This is for you and all above people who are in legal states. I come from another country where it’s illegal and they also do drug tests for drivers where obviously even if you didn’t smoke that day, the results will still show positive if you smoked a night before or even days before.. (they’re saliva tests but even if you go for blood, your % of metabolites would be quite high i guess) Question is, do you guys get drug tested when driving? And so, how does it work for weed which stays in your system so long? They started drug testing more and more in our country, now i can barely even drive cause i’ll just get a sentence


It's still here among the older crowd even here in Canada though. Most people don't care true but almost everyday at work I hear an older guy constantly telling his friends how weed gives people brain cancer and other bs that's straight out of the 70s lol. Always going on about how Bob Marly died from smoking too much weed and telling other stories too. The guy also thinks it's better for you to smoke a spliff mixed with weed and tobacco in it then a joint with pure weed in it.


If that's true, then Willie and Snoop would be dead x 5.


It would be hard not to slap the shit out of that guy for making up that Bob Marley garbage, considering how he really died. Fuck cancer.


Dont know about brain but def not good for lungs/throat :( thats why i slowed down considerably/switching to edibles


There barely is one in any state that has any form of popular medical program. I’m 32 but even now from when I was about 16 - the difference is night in day. I thank CO for going full rec when they did because that’s when we saw the shift


YUP. I strategically could not give a flying fuck.


This is me. My spouse (non smoker) understands and supports. My doctor knows, and takes that into account when discussing treatment and medication. Anyone else's opinion is irrelevant to me.


This is key. I'm nearly 50 years old. I'll do as I see fit. Lol Fuck what anyone thinks.


Here here! We should form a club!


when you realise that the only thing that matters in life is being kind - bringing people up instead of tearing them down like crabs in a bucket - that's when you have it made.


and about when does that part of life start cause i’m dying over here with that


I'm 23 and have been in that stage for the last 6 years.


If you are I commend you. But I always thought I was carefree. It wasn’t until it hit mid forties and my mortality really smacked me in the face. I’ve got less time left than I’ve lived. That really opened my eyes to a lot of things. It’s cliche but time is short. Never really understood that until the time was getting shorter.


Yeah agreed. It's your ego that cares. Not you. Overcome your ego and you'll stop giving a fuck what other people think and what perceptions you have about yourself


Also helps that I have friends that smoke and some more than me. So even living in an illegal state makes it feel normalized


I think you're great


It really helps


Have been in this part of life for a minute now.


Respect this.


Been there for about 10 years, it’s so much better.


GET OFF MY LAWN!!! (Me too…)


My "don't give a fuck meter" is filling, but not full. So ready for that meter to fill up. 😎




This is the key right here!


This \^.


I did when I was younger. Now I'm old and wise enough to know that unless someone is paying my bills then their opinion is 1,000% irrelevant.


This 100%. With my parents especially, if they have a complaint, they can take that up with my rent and car insurance


I wonder if this would’ve been the case 30-40 years ago. It’s not a secret to anyone that cost of living and wages have not kept pace over that timeframe. People have less to spend. Working more, so less time to go to events. Meet less people. This effect is exacerbated by the internet. The result is a selfish society. We don’t look out for each other, because we spend enough energy, and perhaps more importantly, money, looking out for ourselves. Maybe I’m looking at the past through rose-tinted lenses, but there’s no denying the fact that the middle class is dwindling by the day. What’s you have left is people struggling to make ends meet while there are others doing everything in their power to hang onto wealth. What is the social implication of that?


Dude, its just weed. Nothing social implication about it. I grew up and lost all my fucks about what anyone else thinks about my life or choices and that is EXACTLY how it should be.


I smoked every day, multiple times a day for 3 years and started to think, you know, maybe I should cut back. My memory has been foggy, my mood has been short, must be all the pot. And I felt a little better but not really? I think I've found the actual culprit. Crippling social media/phone addiction fueled by YouTube shorts. So uh, I'm doing less of that and overall less toking. And feeling better.


I started using my screen time option on the iPhone and a widget for the Home Screen that tell me how much time I’ve spent in each app (even settings, ig or whatever) I’ve reduced my use heavily in the last 6 months, and just use it when I’m stuck on traffic like right now. This is the real culprit of all the problems everyone is talking


I found that I internalized judgment from people who couldn’t handle their substance use and passed their opinions onto me. This caused me to look at my own use with an overly critical eye at times. The positive aspect of it is that I quickly can course correct if I’m over doing it.


This makes so much sense. There is so much stigma.


Personally, my relationship with pot changed for the better once I started going to therapy. I grew up in a very strict home with parents viewing pot as truly "of the devil." Over a decade later, after discussing the topic many times with my therapist, we determined that I had internalized some of their judgemental attitude myself. I didn't actually believe that there is nothing wrong with smoking pot. I don't judge myself anymore for smoking pot. Feeling guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed is a waste of time. You gotta reframe your attitude with pot... I'd wager to say that you might have had judgemental family and in turn you self judge. You KNOW there's nothing wrong with pot, now you have to BELIEVE.


generational trauma in a nutshell 😢


This is very helpful, thank you!


I couldn't tell you how many years it took for me to help my wife see that her usage is medicinal and non-problematic.


It sounds like the only person judging your behavior is you. Consuming cannabis as an adult is morally neutral. You aren't harming or exploiting anyone. There's nothing wrong with taking something to unwind and relax at the end of the day, and you can do a lot worse than weed. If you feel your consumption rates are out of control, that's for you to decide, measure, and correct. Too much is a matter of personal perspective.


I really hate social media and Reddit, but responses like this make me glad I checked in today.


If my options are to sit around watching TV until bed time or sit around watching TV while high until bed time, what's there to feel guilty about? I don't feel bad about being more relaxed and sleeping better.


I like this thought process.


There was a brief period in my early 20s when I was genuinely concerned that "the world" was going to label me a loser because I wasn't making a lot of money and I was a "pothead." I'm currently in my early 30s and it's amazing how many people my age are now *really interested* in the fact that I can casually get high and lead a successful life. Basically, you're fine OP!


I’m knocking on 30 as well and this is something I have also dealt with. Weed never inhibited my drive to succeed and out of my friends and family I make considerably more money/ outwardly appear more successful than a lot of my peers but I also smoke like a chimney most of the time and whenever someone new finds this out they seem to be flabbergasted….Considering I used to drink like a fish and that was negatively impacting my life when I swapped to weed I noticed a night and day difference and now don’t really judge myself harshly for simply preferring a natural substance that grows out of the ground vs highly processed poison that can literally kill you if you drink too much.


This sounds like a you problem, its 1 or both of these things. 1. You need to get over worrying what other people think. 2. You think that weed is doing something detrimental and you're on here looking for validation. If you see a problem with it, it might because you are having a problem with it. I smoke weed daily and weed is: increasing my anxiety, reducing available oxygen in my blood, giving me the munchies which has contributed to weight gain and unhealthy vitals like blood pressure, and more. I used to brush these off, but now I'm in stage 2 hypertension and actively working on these things. If weed is causing you problems and thats whats making you think this way, then you might need to make some changes. Otherwise, See number 1


It's interesting to see both sides of the coin in the comments here Not sure why I felt like putting my thoughts out there but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I'm successful and have my shit together, I don't let that stuff bother me.


You know what? It your human fucking right to smoke weed. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. Cannabis rights are human rights!


People who take ambien and other nighttime meds don’t generally feel like losers, so why should we?


i honestly think it’s literally the weed that does this. like, i don’t feel this way *until* i am high. and once i am, it happens really often. i am personally going through a big adjustment period, with lots of things changing in my life—in a way that makes me go “how did i get here?” so i think my mental state is already primed to go to that place. maybe yours is too. edit: hey, whoever you are, thanks for your concern. genuinely. i’m fine, though. i see a therapist. i’m not at all depressed, i just have anxiety. i was just diagnosed with a chronic illness a little over a year ago, and it’s been tough to deal with, mentally. but i’m good.


Yesssss! Doing a lot of inner work and healing.


Three and a half years in, and I still take a guilt trip every time I smoke (daily user). I grew up in the 60s/70s so the propaganda was beaten into our young brains with a cast iron skillet. Hope to get over it sometime.....


One or two gummies a night or a 24pk of beer a night? Who has the problem?


Two gummies are prob healthier for you than even two beers, alcohol feels so gross and toxic


Just on sugar content alone, you are correct.


Two gummies is not the same as 24 beers 😂


*Exactly* my point 😉


I love that these are the only 2 options lmao


I live Weed Fucking Central Northern California and now that its been legalized for so long, and theres a dispensary every few blocks, youre more stigmatized for Not smoking in general. It's like you have to try not to get sucked into weed culture here. No one cares of you drink alcohol, they just hope you won't abuse it and ruin your life. The same goes for weed. Just have some fun with it. Also sometimes if im smoking and im stressing about something while im high, ive taught myself to drop it because im wasting my high. Dont waste your high by stressing about being high.


I couldn't give a fuck anymore. I've become really good about not making excuses to myself and rather owning my own decisions. If I wanna smoke every day, I smoke every day. If I feel like its affecting my performance I cut back for a bit. As long as you're listening to your body, your mind, amd being truely honest with yourself - you're good.


Honestly I started getting this from my spouse and it's slightly concerning. I know she doesn't like it, but I love it. I don't burn and only eat edibles, smoke a flower vape, or concentrate in a e-rig, so smell is not too bad but I mostly so it outside now and I only do so at night, unless something on a weekend could be made more fun with weed. She makes me feel like I'm the one with the cognitive dissonance. I can smoke and rip an engine apart without any troubles, but somehow I'm made to feel like I can't function? It's BS and quiet frankly she's going to have to get over it cause I'm never gonna stop. Almost 40, working professional making 6 figs, have a house, cars, etc. I for sure function fine lol. Fuck the stigma. Keep on smoking. I know I will till the end.


Rarely did I feel like that. Usually had to do with something else. Get your smoke on chief.


Nope, it helps me sleep & silences my anxiety. I've never felt bad about making myself feel better.


Pff. I wake and bake. I function fine, have a PhD, and a respectable job. It's cognitive dissonance only if you hold the belief that getting stoned makes you a loser.


I've been using for 40 years. It's kept me sane and helped me with pain since I can't take opiates. When my son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and nothing else helped him I showed him how to use it too. I've been to jail for possession. I don't care. I'm a good person. The laws, propaganda against it and the prohibition of it is wrong.


My short-term memory is shot. I can tell as I took a year-long T-Break. It went pretty quick. *And yet,* **I will persisted**.


I’m a grown ass man and don’t give a flying fuck on a rolling donut what anyone thinks about anything I do. I don’t need anyone’s approval.


Society ingrains these ideas. We need to not really give a shit about what others are saying about living our lives. Live your life folks.


I have only been smoking /eating weed for 3 years or so now so I do get waves of that feeling especially as I'm 39 with 3 kids and a job so noone would eve really guess 😆 but! Without it I was a much more stressed,miserable,anxious,sleep deprived person (who drank alot of alcohol). I don't drink anymore and only smoke or have an edible once a day in the evening when life responsibilities are done, so I see it no different to a nightly glass of wine ! In fact, its better for me than that alcohol


I've been toking since 1971, and I have never been affected by this phenomenon.


Bro i don’t think it’s the weed making you feel like that


feel ya, my main gripe that i really can’t shake is the amount of money i spend on this plant. i love it, it treats me very well, it slows my brain down to a functional speed, but man does it hurt my wallet.


You aren’t getting “high” you are changing your perspective. Anyone who thinks you are a loser for that can piss up a rope.


How I get over it is to never give a fuck. I’m almost 50; I do what I want.


I use it for a chronic disease. If it helps you relax it’s all good. Still better than having a bottle of booze nightly. You’re fine.


Don’t feel guilty, let the weed help you. BPD is a tough battle. 🫂


Consider the fact that there has been a long known deliberate policy of disinformation, stigmatization, and ridicule surrounding any open cannabis usage. People have been using it happily for thousands and thousands of years. Disregard haters, acquire currency lol


It’s something I’m currently working through myself. It’s all in my head since I’m not getting any negative feedback from my loved ones. It’s more of me feeling lazy if I smoke after work and zone out. I’ve decided to push my use to later in the evening, close to bedtime (cannabis helps with my restless leg). I’ve also started tracking how much I consume because I like numbers and quantitating.


Same thing giving up religion for atheism. It’s a process.


If you see yourself as a loser, that's not because you use cannabis. I think that's more likely just an easy cause for your brain to place against a feeling you don't quite understand.


You would make a good therapist!


more people consume than you think. people i wouldn’t even think to use cannabis do. you’re not a loser and almost everyone does it or has at some point in their lif e


Yep every night pretty much


by meeting people through university. some people just earned my respect through a million tiny things while spending time with them, and it turned out they do hella drugs in their own time. made me realize good character and fortitude of mind has nothing to do with what drugs people take.


I smoke everyday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Because I have to.


We’ve been programmed since we were born that weed is bad. Even tho we now know that to be false, it’s still an ongoing internal battle with yourself because so many ppl, parents including don’t accept it.


Nightly? What about the day?


As my life continued to improve as I continued to use cannabis daily, I realized anyone who had a different belief or experience wasn't me, and therefore their opinion was just, like, their opinion, man. Daily cannabis use makes my life better, that's an experiential fact.


It probably helps that I didn’t try weed until I was in my early 40s… but no. I do think that everyone should occasionally go through an exercise of self-reflection to determine if their use of cannabis is healthy or not. I am something of an overachiever/workaholic. I am often very charged up at the end of the day and I use cannabis to calm me down so that I can more easily fall asleep. I don’t even have cravings. I don’t get high when I travel. Weed never gets in the way of me living a life that I want to live. Ergo, I believe that my relationship with weed is healthy. HOWEVER, I was once evaluated for addiction to cannabis and I was told that I was a severe addict. So there’s that.


I did for a long time even though I was responsible and successful in my personal life. Now I’m dealing with debilitating tinnitus and it has made me wish I was easier on my healthier self. I guess I felt guilty a lot for things I shouldn’t have and now I wish I hadn’t wasted any of my precious time with those thoughts when I was really in a much better state to enjoy life.


I guess I'd start with the question: would you feel the same if it happened to be a prescribed medication for your mental well-being? Not everyone's brain is wired the same. Or to put another way: not everyone is neurotypical. If we can achieve balance via medicating, we shouldn't see that as harmful. Mindful usage (moderation) and knowing that we are being honest with ourselves: am I gaining benefit from this level of usage? If the answer is yes, then it would seem counterintuitive to fight it.


Yes. But now I’m in my 30s and embracing the “I don’t give a fuck what you think” attitude.


I feel that way to the point that I still don't do it. In my own defense, I do struggle with anxiety and depression which I'm working on in therapy, and I don't want to feel like I'm leaning on my altered state to avoid dealing with those feelings. But even within that rationale, I do recognize the impact of that stigma. What helps is to remind myself of a lot of things, primarily that judging others for their habits is lame. Even if it were having a detrimental effect (which, it's not), the response should be compassion and meaningful examination rather than judgement, so unless someone approaches it with real care, I won't care what they have to say.


The stigma around weed is still pretty strong for some people, even though it's becoming more accepted. From what I've observed, a lot of this guilt comes from internalized societal norms that have been ingrained in us for years, especially from the War on Drugs era. We’ve been told for so long that weed is bad, lazy, or harmful, and those stereotypes can stick with us even if we know better now. Using weed responsibly and knowing it’s not negatively impacting your life is key. If you're handling your responsibilities and feeling good, it's more about shaking off those old stigmas. I found that focusing on the benefits weed provides, like helping with sleep or anxiety, can help combat those negative feelings.


Most people thought I was a loser before smoking weed, so whatevs


I’m in the later half of my 20s, daily spliffer, part time law school student, full time worker, father and husband, so I have this conversation with myself regularly.


I think if you’re living your best life, things are going according to plan and no one’s getting hurt, then it’s fine.


stopped using it since i went to a trip in taiwan for 35 days, illegal to grow or use, go to jail for it, once i got back (4 days ago) i realized i dont need to use it daily any more, when you’re not spending time to get high and waste time being high, your life opens up




I'm with u pardner, I have no advice but at least ur not alone But I don't think ur a loser tho 🫶🏼


You only have that feeling because of PTSD from years of negative disinformation.


Do they know what it's like to live in your shoes? Do they pay your bills? Doesn't matter anyway -- fuck em You're an adult making informed decision to use an empirically proven form of natural medicine. That stigma just goes to show just how powerful propaganda is and hard it is to escape once it takes place in the nation's psyche. It is your body...and it harm no one else, do what thou wilt.


I felt that way when I was younger. At 19-20 years old I thought I'd end up quitting weed one day, and that I was being irresponsible by being a stoner. Fast forward a decade and fuck that, I'm going to smoke weed until I die. All the coolest people I know are stoners!


We are active and productive members of society. If there can be wine moms and nightly beers, then you have nothing to feel bad about! Haters gonna hate!


At 50 I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me smoking a bowl or two at night. I still get up at 6 daily to workout, work a corporate job for a fortune 5, workout again every evening. I own my home, with my wife who also smokes, raised two kids and paid for both of their college educations. I love blowing peoples minds when they start in about lazy stoners by telling them I smoke. Reefer madness did a number on the boomers.


I stopped caring about weed when I found out, after her death, that my grandma smoked. She hid it very well, and was a functioning member of society.


Does it feel bad to be addicted to a drug. Yes.


I used but then stopped because everyone handles weed differently. Just because my tolerance is super high doesn't mean I become catatonic when other get really high off 1 bowl.


Maybe you've attached yourself to your parent's opinions. How long have you had this feeling?


I make my own edibles, one cookie every day after dinner for dessert, there's nothing wrong with having dessert


I literally talked to my therapist about it and realized that in my own life at this point, my relationship with weed was solely positive. I only started smoking when I wanted to, it really helps with my anxiety and has just generally chilled me out, but it doesn't impact my work, and I was a straight-A student only AFTER I started smoking regularly. If other people are stigmatizing you, that's on them, but only you really know what your relationship to it is, and if you don't think you're a loser, just accept that means you're probably not!


Nahhh friend!! Smoking or using cannabis on a daily basis is where it’s at. The rest of everyone else does WAY TOO MUCH all the time and it leads to so many damn conflicts. Everyone needs to light up a joint and chill the fuck out for a minute. So you are 1000% on the right track, my friend! There is an old Native American tale, the Cherokee tribe believed that weed was a gift from the Star People that were from another planet. The Star People gave humans weed (or gatunlati) because they thought that we could not survive without it


I went through those thoughts as well, and then asked myself one question: is it hindering any part of my life? No. I still get my ass out of bed early and get a good workout in, I go to my job, and do the shit that needs to get done. So unless it turns into a problem, it's not one......


I'm just wondering why this is cognitive dissonance. You're just beating yourself up over nothing.


I blame the war on drugs and the propaganda that came with it for a lot of people feeling this type of way. So long as enjoying weed doesn’t stop you from doing your normal life activities like work or visiting family/friends I think you’re good. Personally as a daily user myself I have subscribed to a few simple ground rules that help make sure I don’t go overboard. 1. No smoking before 5PM on weekdays. 2. No smoking before any life event that would require me to be 100% attentive at whatever I am doing. 3. Goes with 2 but no smoking on the clock at work. 4. Proper storage/smell mitigation of whatever I am smoking. Basically I don’t want guests in my home being punched in the nose by weed smell when they come over. 5. Use weed productively when possible, chores are a great thing to do mildly stoned imo. Using weed as a reward for doing other healthy activities like an after workout joint is a good way to help mitigate these kinds of feelings as well. 6. Take an occasional weed break, could be a couple days could be a week, month, whatever, but essentially do this every so often to help gauge if you feel like you are doing too much or not.


Study the history of cannabis in US history. It's never been illegal for any public safety reason. It's actually good for you and we've all been brainwashed into thinking that its something it's not. It should be regulated like aloe vera.


All the time. Being married to a non smoker will do that.


Easy. I smoke enough weed not to care what others think. My credit payment history is at 100% and I never miss other bills. I have a job. As far as im concerned im doing just fine. If anything i just feel bad smelling like weed more than anything. Just take care of your business. If it helps, i only indulge at the end of the day. After work and chores. That way I know im not fucking aroundz


By making goals and accomplishing them. Best way to not be a loser is to be a winner.


I never really cared much what other people think of my usage. The only time I feel bad about using weed is when I don't get the desired results.


I think i get what you mean? Its not about what other people think about using weed every night/day, it drives me personally into feeling like im in a rut sometimes. So i just try to be productive during the day. That could mean anything from decluttering my desk/room, working on job applications or interviews, going to the gym, or just extra self care. And stay on track with whatever stuff i have to do. the second i start falling behind on everything is when i start feeling like shit and know that its time to take a step back. If your shit is getting done and all is well then who cares you know?


Holy shit yes... I beat myself up all the time. I think it stems from my upbringing. Weed forces me to face it and come to terms with it. I can't just push it aside like I can when I am sober.


Fuck em


Life is way too short to worry about what other people think. Do what makes you happy and helps you chill.


I used to struggle with this, but then I've started paying more attention to the cognitive dissonance of the elected officials and power brokers of western society. Many of their evils make weed look like literal candy.


Every day I reflect on how much happier I am since starting cannabis use. Every night I toil over my cannabis use. The cycle never stops.


How old are you just for my curiosity?


Never! I did recently redecorate the top of my credenza with a fancy wood humidor and a wooden tray for my favourite zig zag bong to make it a bit more fancy and grown up looking


Don’t get high, stay high!


Not a bit. If I felt like it was somehow holding me back or causing problems for me I'd feel different.




I use cannabis (mostly) daily, in small amounts (I’m talking 0.2g in a joint with tobacco *kill me im European”). I use it to relax, to aid sleep, and to prevent anxiety spiralling. It costs me less than £30 a month, yet I still feel like a waster. Until my actual GP said “that’s causing fewer side effects than the benzodiazepines you were on”. It’s about perspective, if you think you’re taking the piss, you probably are


It's not about "the feeling" its about being factually stigmatized, aint no use in putting a band-aid on a buckshot entry or exit wound. Fuck em for all i care.


I’ve been trying to keep up with all the comments, I suck at Reddit though and replying to everyone isn’t going to happen. I have been reading and doing a lot of thinking about why I personally feel this way and had several epiphanies. I didn’t start using edibles (I’ve only smoked ONCE in my life) until after quitting drinking during the 2020 shitshow of all times. It started to be a handful of times a year. Then last year it got more and more frequent and now is every night. I am in therapy and have been for a long time and it wasn’t until a few months ago I was diagnosed with adhd and BPD. Around that time I was also trying to learn whatever I could about cannabis because the guilt. I came across the Huberman podcast episode about cannabis and essentially psyched my self into thinking I was being harmed by weed. The guilt only increased. Today I stupidly started to listen to his latest episode about finding your true self and what not. He then compared the internet to having borderline personality disorder in that it doesn’t know it wants. In a way this relates to the weed thing because I never got to know myself which is a BPD hallmark. I digested and heard all the disparaging things and just felt even more confused. Dude should take his own advice and acknowledge that his own podcast is giving some people an inaccurate portrayal of weed which is perpetuating the stigma. Sorry if this is word salad (like some call his weed episode), just writing all my thoughts. P.S I am 38, female, married, and thanks to this thread, becoming more aware of why I feel this way.


I’m starting to work through it. It’s especially hard as someone who has quit using other drugs and alcohol too. I give myself breaks but I also use it as medicine and some days are rougher than others. It’s damn near impossible for me to be truly active in recovery groups because of the negative thoughts towards marijuana use while getting clean.


lol no


I haven't and it's destroying me


I don't feel that way. Also really don't care what anyone else thinks. I like being high. I also get really gnarly episodes of sleep paralysis and weed helps with that. Doesn't defeat the demon every night but most nights it does.


Do you like to do a thing? Is it hurting anyone? Is it hurting you? Enjoy yourself.


My parents were(are) stoners and were damn awesome parents. I've never experienced having any such stigma towards weed. All the anti-drug rhetoric they tried to feed us had no effect on me. At no point was trying weed some kind of "act of rebellion" or doing something "bad" and/or "wrong". Especially in any kind of moral sense. It just made me a "chip off the old block" if anything. I honestly wouldn't recognize a life without cannabis. Such a life would be completely alien to me.


Used to but then I got healthy


If what I consume bothers you, try focusing less on me and more on yourself.


Do the people around you ostracize you for using it or just your younger self telling you that? I’ve never really felt guilty for smoking, I used to smoke like a chimney in highscool but now that I’m older and have a job and take care of the things that need to be taken care I only smoke at night, but it’s my way to relax after a long day. And bro you’re not a loser.


I think about my cannabis use about as deeply and frequently as I do my diet MTN dew use. I don't, unless I'm running low on either. Simple as that.


I figured out that no one’s opinion on my smoking adds benefit to my life, smoking daily does benefit me. I have chronic illnesses so it’s a prescription but so many people treat me badly because of it. Which is nuts to me cause it’s such a mild drug


Weed is medicine.


I feel like that off and on. Probably because my mom always bashed pot smokers. My dad on the other hand, Used to smoke all day every day. I didn’t grow up with my father. Met him much later in life. But I know that it helps my pain, my mind calm down and I can sleep through the night. So it helps me! I smoke a J almost every night. I can’t believe my wife is ok with it…Her and I truly got each others backs. Shes supportive of my newish routine. Been smoking; not quite 2 years now. She takes an edible most nights to help her relax and sleep as well. You just got to own it. Doesn’t mean you have to tell everyone… I’m not gonna tell my mother thats for sure. warmest regards.


Does anyone feel guilty about having 1-2 beers a night? No so no I don’t lol


May I ask, who is judging you anyways to make you feel that way? How would anyone even know lol 😆


Honestly most people are too dumb for me to care about their opinions. The best I’ve ever functioned has also been the times I smoked the most. And I function at a high level, much higher than anyone who judges me for what I do in my free time.


I dont have any issues with my usage when its nightly, now when its several times a day everyday then i start to feel more guilty abt taking my 4th dab of the day by noon


We are on a random planet just trying to survive. No I do not feel guilty!!!


Yeaaahhh. I don't feel guilt about much of anything. And DEFINITELY not for smoking weed. That is nothing to feel guilty about.


You'll stop caring when you get into your late 30s / 40s. Are you paying your bills? Are your dependents taken care of? If the answer is yes then you're doing better than a large large portion of the world.


Wowwww lmao ... "how do I convince myself im not a loser for eating ONE gummy a night" Are you trolling, really old, or like ex mormon or something?? Where'd you get the 'cannabis use daily = loser from?'You got Reefer Madness type crap goin on in your head. Cannabis IS MEDICINE! And NO ONE is a loser for using it! Whether once a day to sleep, or multiple times a day for seizures, pain ect. Its 2024, damn near everyone uses cannabis. Id say the only kindof loserish thing you could do regarding cannabis is to walk into a public place or doctors office REEKING like pot, esp if kids are around. Chill out and eat 2 gummies tonight. bc WHO CARES as long as you still function the next day and keep your life going as normal.


Kinda explained above. The Huberman podcast in combination with also not knowing myself led me down the rabbit hole. Was raised religious in the height of the DARE era. Parents drink every night and dad does a bong hit nightly now. Not a troll or really old (if 38 is considered old I quit) just trying to figure out why I have this feeling on occasion.


I take edibles daily. There are people who take the same dose daily and don't need any resets. So as long as you feel the edible Everytime, you are good my man. I'm staying in the 11-22mg range, slowly resetting my wrecked tolerance. I also stopped caring about what others think, I tell myself I follow my own path in life.


I get absolutely fucking max blasted every night and I’m very successful. I never felt guilt because I know myself and my ambition. Weed gives me what I need to function like a normal person while sober


Meh. It helps me, helps everyone else around me too because I’m less pessimistic.


Just dont give af about what other people think. Smoking weed nightly myself. I dont smole all day but i also dont give a shit about what people think of me. The same people judging you think its okay to get blackout drunk at lest omce ever 3 weeks or dayly drink, or use other substances. Domt waist your time.worrying about what others think and who cares what theu use/do on there time. Edit. Also legal were I am bit honestly it was cared about a lot less before legalization here. No one gave a shit unless you were a minor. Now its apart of every traffic stop cause "weed and driving is bad" no argument to thc levels or strains or how each strain.effects you diffrent. Its just all bad cause ita intoxicating every time regardless [ dont get confused im not advocating that driving high is perfectly okay, its just not cut n dry like alcohol, and our testing isnt concidered comstitutional in other places in the world)


I would look at your situation from an outside objective view and ask yourself why you feel that way. Using cannabis doesn’t make you a loser, so why do you feel like a loser? I’m from Oregon so maybe with a lack of stigma comes a lack of guilt, but I was chiefing before legalization and never really felt that way, unless I was doing some loser-ish shit and not taking care of my responsibilities. Not saying that you aren’t taking care of business, but when I start to feel that way, it’s because from my perspective, I’m not taking care of responsibilities. But as I grow older, I am kinder to myself. Can’t get up if you beat yourself down constantly.


Ah yes, 1 meat please.


I will be 40 next week. I have friends who went through messy divorces. Had their kids taken away. Became alcoholics and spend all their time at the bar. I have friends who gambled their life savings away. I’ve lost more than a a handful of friends to suicide or hard drug OD. Me? I grind up a little flower in a 1:3 THC:CBD ratio and vape and watch tv with my wife after we put our kids to bed. Anybody wants to fight me about my use of cannabis to take the edge off can shit in a hat and wear it to church for all I care. Fuck ‘em.


u/Sing4life86 My wife was diagnosed around 2020 with bipolar. It was scary when it started, but way more in control now that medications are balanced (it took a couple of years to get it right). We both have smoked or vaped or eaten various forms of THC together for at least a decade, and it doesn't do well with her BPD. Different strands get her deeper into her head, which is hard to get out of, and sends her into a spiral of bad thoughts. We have found a strand, or species? of cannabis that helps. It's called CBG. Unlike CBD, it actually gets us high, but it's way less "in-your-head" than any other variation we've tried. I don't know what your local laws are, but if you have shops with options, you should ask about it.


Thank you for that info! It’s legal here as of 2020. I normally stick with a certain brand but they were out of it last week so the husband got me a new one. I wonder if that’s why I’ve been feeling more guilt and introspection.


I justified my smoking by knowing that I’m paying the bills, I have a steady job and no kids, so my evenings belong to ME :)


When I would get high on leave in the air force I would green out a panic that I was gonna get drug tested or caught lol it was worse on shrooms


I feel bad for my lungs because I used to stick to edibles but when the mental illnesses hit hard I need the almost-instant relief of a hit :( I do need it daily though or else the symptoms get really bad. I tried to take a tolerance break because I hate how much I need to even FEEL high but that's the trade off of being a medicinal user. Use it when you need it! I know this quote might be a bit morbid for some, but if you like dark humor: >!be me smoking my silly little weed so I don't end my silly little life!!< if it's necessary, then it is necessary! Happy toking without judgement or stigma OP :)


The night of the weed, you may feel a slight sting. That's stigma fucking with you. Fuck stigma. Stigma only hurts, it never helps.


Smoke as much as you want dude :))))


I think it’s probably because of all the lies we were told growing up about how terrible weed is, it fries your brain, makes you lazy, etc. granted those can be true, but it can also be true with alcohol, prescription medication, and so on. Kids growing up today won’t have those same feelings when they grow up and start smoking weed. There isnt a bad stigma around it anymore like their used to be. Like all the commercials of kids smoking and then killing themselves. That shit was blatant propaganda to help pharmaceutical companies from taking a massive hit


Yeah I felt bad about it. But I just cut down my use to every few weeks just to make myself fell better about it


You're over thinking it. Our culture is still in the potheads are lazy phase. If you're worried about productivity or something, set some goals before you take the edibles and make sure you're meeting them. If not, cut back on the edibles. If yes, well heck enjoy some more. And, even tho I think it's irrelevant to the issue, weed is soooo much better for you than the alternatives.


Nah, I have a gummy every night and top it off on weekends with a j or 2. I'm usually sitting by a fire in the backyard listening as my neighbor opens beer after beer. Just pick your poison and be happy with it.


Over 30 you stop giving fucks for anyone else opinion but what really helps is being financially stable


Most people who judge you for weed sit on facebook all day or do tik tok dances or spend too much time at the bar. You gotta think, do they ever feel like losers? You are living a much more healthy and interesting life than they are. Eat more edibles and grow your own is what I say!


Idk. I used to smoke weed, and feel bad for it. Then I constantly reminded myself like man Im smoking weed, and not going broke over it. Other people are doing tranquilizers, methamphetamines, opiates, etc etc so why should I feel bad for blazing some tree after a hard day of work? It’s weird how some of us had this point where we felt like we were doing more than what we were actually doing. Now I just smoke weed how I want. Some people depersonalize when they are high 24/7 but I dont. My life doesn’t feel like it’s crashing down cuz I smoke weed. I feel exactly the same as I did as a kid, before weed. My life is going fine 😂 yours is too. You will get over that soon.


If you have everything you need and you still feel that way you are a fool. Look up Deadliest Roads on Youtube and watch basically any of those documentaries and they will give you some perspective. Especially the one for Java to me is probably the most humbling and motivating documentary I've ever seen. I keep it in my mind always, the men in that film are my rolemodels. I still get stoned xD but I practice eternal gratitude, and every time I feel my spirit falter I bring my mind back to the people in that film.


I'm 45 and have been smoking since I was 12. I've never once felt guilty nor have I ever cared what others think. Do what you want, it's your life and you only get 1!!!!


Talk to someone irl about it. I don’t mean a therapist, although it probably wouldn’t hurt. But like talk to a friend or family member about it. Or try to find a local community to share with. The less you speak openly about it the more stigmatized you’re going to feel and vice versa


Something that helped was a reframing. If you're being honest with yourself and using the edibles for your (physical/mental/emotional) health: If the thing you needed wasn't a cannabis product, and instead was this random berry that grew wildly wherever you lived, would you feel the same way? This was helpful for me, because it helped me recognize the impact of the LEGACY of cannabis had on my perspective. Whether it be war on drugs, media portrayals of cannabis, generational trauma, etc. When I started down the path of learning the legacy, I could start learning OTHER perspectives (as well as find community), especially others that use it medicinely, and the importance of building a PERSONAL relationship with cannabis.


It’s better than alcohol