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well, my wife was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication she switched to smoking weed at night and now she does not take any prescriptions. I also did the same thing, but in addition, I was an alcoholic for 20 years and now I just smoke weed in the evenings and I haven’t had a drink in four years.


My favorite way to utilize weed is to go into my man shed, turn on the galaxy ceiling projector, throw on one love soundtrack light some incense and just let my mind be at peace. OR if I use a sativa strain it helps me create new ideas, improve on previous ideas, strategize with my wife around finances and plans on projects on the house or just in life. It’s pretty incredible the creativity and clear headed thinking that comes with the right strain. If your dad asks your source well I have a M.S. In organizational development and human resources, my wife has 2 Masters 1 in teaching and 1 in rhetoric. We own 3 homes and in our late 30’s and early 40’s. So despite the negative nonsense, people say about stoners, I can tell you firsthand that it’s false we are incredibly successful and well educated if we did not believe that cannabis was helpful we would not use it. but it just so happens that we have found immense medical benefits, as well as relationship benefits, as well as creative benefits that contribute to success at work and at home all through cannabis.


I think if you hang out too long in these Reddit threads one can only conclude that the stoners who post are just a bunch of complete idiots. Questions like,’Can I pass a drug test if I’m ripping bong hits  in the lobby on my way to the piss test’, have made me conclude we will never get legalization because these people give smokers a terrible name. People just can’t be responsible.


But think about all the drunks and how they make alcohol look bad, how is that any different?


No one will ever be able to explain how alcohol is acceptable but weed is not. Weed is superior in every way. Even now in Canada where it’s been fully legal for 6 years they’re is still stigma around weed use. Especially in a work type setting. Have a lunch beer on Friday, no problem. Roll up a lunch joint in the office and you go straight to hr


Right? I had a business partner send me a wine and cheese basket to the office. Everyone thought it was great and It was but I don’t drink. Gave away the wine. I can only wonder though if it was a doobie basket and I gave away a few pre rolls, what would be the general consensus? 😁. I live in a legal rec state but I don’t think it would go over well.


Uhhh..p sure we’ve known for a hot minute it’s bc racism & capitalism. Not saying it’s right by any stretch of the imagination but that’s basically why.


Great point. Also, it's very rare that alcoholics get tested. I worked with so many drunks in my lifetime that probably drove to work in the morning at well above .15 bac. But God forbid someone gets high in their bed at 9pm and falls asleep. They get fired, and the drunks get a pass to stay out til 3AM and then pass several school kids at a bus stop racing to make it to work on time and still drunk.


I feel like this one relates to me pretty well as i also take meds for anxiety and depression, and i too want to eventually get off most of them. I think ill always need my seroquel but. The other 2 can go


I realize you may not like it, but sometimes meditation is necessary. It’s not a reflection on you


Do you use any apps or music to meditate? Any specific methods?


I think he meant medication...


Damn bruh im fried. U probably right. I was boutta ask him what he meant by the last part too but it makes sense now💀


I mean, meditation might help too! I find a lot of peace when sitting in a trance. My goal is to observe what thoughts arise and to let them go as quick as they appear. It's a great way to learn who you are and what you want in life, and also how to be okay with things that aren't okay. It's okay to not be okay, you know?


That's beautiful ❤️


Since you asked anyways, I use the Calm app. I was lucky enough to get a free subscription from work and now I’m hooked on it. It has great guided meditations but also a lot of other really relaxing content like ASMR, White/Green/Brown noise, relaxing audio stories. Worth checking out.


Me too. I will have an occasional glass of wine at a restaurant dinner with beef. my 24+ beer and half a bottle of Jack a week days are far in my rear view mirror. I also use weed to avoid prescription painkillers that my doctor wants to put me on for a chronic neck injury. I prefer to avoid that since i have a addiction tenancies. I tell people that my weed us is a less harm tactic, not a solution to all of my problems. The disconnect is people see me using weed recreationally as well so im sure that confuses the argument.


>The disconnect is people see me using weed recreationally as well so im sure that confuses the argument. That's the fine line i walked with family. If it improves my overall condition and life, where do we draw the line to recreational? "I need coffee to function" is somehow socially acceptable, but weed to get my head in order is one step into the junkie grave.


Dude I’m riding the same wave as you, only I drank cheaper whiskey. Weed saved my life for sure. Hell I’m down like 35lbs since I kicked the cause last year.


These are my reasons as well. I have diagnosed anxiety and a (now defunct) prescription for Xanax. Taking a hit or two of my vape makes me feel just as “relieved” as Xanax does. When I am high, I get clarity of mind and I realize the things I have been worrying about are not a big deal…and they truly aren’t, it’s not just me being a lazy, dumb stoner. My anxiety convinces my mind that the worst of all possible scenarios is “reality”, but weed *turns off those thoughts,* and I’m able to be present and calm. I’ve also greatly reduced my alcohol intake.


Shit, if this isn’t exactly how I feel. I have been trying to articulate this point. When I drank, it numbed my anxiety, which was bad for me. My mental existence was muted and exploded in different ways. Cannabis makes me feel, but damn if it doesn’t also make me not stress and overthink! I’m not lazy, I’m just not going to let that get me down or swallow me whole. I got this now.


Alcoholism runs in my family. I saw myself falling into similar patterns just before my friend got me into dry herb vaping. I haven’t touched alcohol in at least 3 years now. It also keeps my ulcerative colitis under control. It’s been almost a decade since I had a major flare up. No more toilet bowls full of purely liquid blood.


I also was taking anti-depressants to and anti-anxiety medication and was able to get off of both of them. I am feeling better than ever 🙌. I do smoke quite a bit and even started to grow my own since last year. There were a lot of negative side effects to the medications that I was on.


>I was an alcoholic for 20 years and now I just smoke weed in the evenings In AA they call this the MMP, Marijuana Maintenance Program.


i was also able to get over my anti depressants and just stick to weed, and it’s made me so much happier, idk if my meds were making me MORE sad or what. obviously this isn’t the case for everyone but i’m so glad it can help some people out


Helps me stay calm and rational. It’s good to remember that everyone has a different reaction to weed, for some it brings peace & balance and to others it’s borderline traumatic. Weed helps one person with anxiety and to another person it’s completely anxiety inducing. It’s something you have a personal experience with, unlike alcohol which feels pretty much the same for everybody


This is such an amazing way of explaining the plant. This is going to be one of the first ones i show him. Thank you for your insight


No worries! It’s a good way to help explain to someone who hasn’t smoked what it’s like to understand. You gotta level with them 😉


I'm autistic and it helps me unmask and just decompress


i feel you on this one, it really helps me to quiet the overthinking about how i'm perceived by others






I agree. I'm also pretty sure depression would've gotten me otherwise.


YES me too! And when my sensory issues get so bad I cant even eat without gagging, weed is a life saver.


Stop trying to legitimize it (in his eyes) individually and point out the hypocrisy of the stigma, propaganda, and negative research. 10,000 years of known cultivation and use—we are just now coming out of a 90yr period of prohibition, propaganda, and negative research. It’s arguably the safest anti inflammatory known.


I could try this, but like i said hes anti education about the subject to the point that he told me he wasnt going to educate himself on the topic because no matter what information he learned, his opinion wouldnt change


He’s a fundamentalist—don’t waste the effort.


Unfortunately i believe he is


Anti-education is a huge sign of total insecurity. "The world's too scary I don't wanna know." Very dangerous thinking, it allows all sorts of bad people to get away with bad things.


Like genociders shouting about lies from other genociders propaganda machine.


If someone isn't willing to think or learn for themselves, what hope do you have of teaching or convincing them of anything? Your dad has chosen a life of ignorance, bias, and (assuming he drinks alcohol) hypocrisy.   Sadly, you aren't going to be able to change him. You could tell him that weed is, at worst, not much different than alcohol. You could tell him that, at best, it can be medicine for some kids of illness. You could tell him that music sounds clearer and food tastes better. You could tell him that it makes you happy or helps you make friends. But if he's committed to being stubbornly ignorant about it, then none of it will make a difference in the end. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks", afterall. You're just going to have to agree to disagree.


Not to be a jerk but why bother showing him this thread. If scientific fact isn’t going to change his mind I doubt anecdotal evidence from internet strangers will change it


Imagine he’s teaching you 2+2=4 and then you tell him no matter what you read 2+2=5 and he won’t change your mind. Hear how stupid it sounds, OK then.


Sounds like a right proper moron. Let me guess, he loves things like Fox News too.


I’m a medical patient who suffers from a chronic neurological disorder that can leave me unable to function. Without weed I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed some days. Without weed I wouldn’t have been able to get my PhD in economics or work as a researcher for a university. It really is life changing for medical patients.


And that i am, the whole reason im making this post is because his panties are sorta twisted about me getting my med card. For some reason he never makes that connection. That its a MEDICAL marijuana card


Maybe reword comments like this if you plan on showing him this post 😅


You can also collapse comments and I doubt OP's dad knows much about how reddit works much less his kid's username lol, just say "oh some of the comments aren't related to anything so I didn't pull them up" 😂


Helps me with my chronic depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. If I have a headache or migraine I smoke and it makes me feel better. It helps me to not lash out at people and takes stress off of my everyday life. Yes, I can live without it. But it makes me more tolerable and nice to be around


I find the end of what you said to be really important. Because its true. I could live without it. But 1, i dont have to, and 2, it makes my life easier, while not giving me personally many negative side effects from what i can tell


Yup, Nothing like cigarettes or drinking. Most negative side effect of being high: door dashing food at 1am :P I think if your dad smoked a joint with you he might change his mind haha


Unfortunately, his career makes him unable to smoke due to drug tests. But ive heard from family members that he is open with them about wanting to smoke when he retires. I just dont understand why he cant be the same with me. He holds me to a different standard or something. Sometimes i feel that his anger towards it might come from a place of jealousy because he is unable to use it. Idk


Aw man. Hopefully once he’s retired all will mellow out and you can both be smoke buddies! My dad was the person that got me into all this, I’m sure your dad will reconsider once he has more time to himself


I have irritable bowel disease. It's an autoimmune disorder with no cure, that causes my immune system to do screwey shit to my digestive system. The obvious problems are constipation and diarrhea. I basically just always have one or the other. All the medication I've tried to help with digestion makes me feel nauseated. All the anti-nausea medication I've tried kills my appetite. The whole situation creates serious issues with calorie intake and subsequent absorbtion of nutrients. I've yet to find any medication that fixes more than one of the issues without just exacerbating another one. Weed is *literally* the only thing that gets rid of the nausea *and* increases my appetite. I've found nothing else that does that.


Plus there is CBG too that really helps get the bowels moving when you are constipated!


Your Dad was a D.A.R.E. kid, huh?


Big time😭


The cop who taught it most likely didn't believe that bullshit he taught your dad. ![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY)


Had to teach it tho or you lose your job! Buncha bullshit. How alot of misinformation spreads im sure


I have anxiety and depression, as well as chronic joint pain from repeated knee injuries. Cannabis helps me manage the symptoms of the aforementioned mental conditions as well as the pain in my knees. I never smoke before work or during work only after, but it makes my free hours far far more enjoyable,


I use cannabis as a preventative and as a rescue medication for my chronic migraine. It works more consistently than my prescribed pharmaceuticals! (I still take the pharmaceuticals) I also use it as my PTSD and MDD medication. Really helps me get up and do my day to day living tasks like nothing else. I can barely eat, but once I use cannabis, my appetite comes back and I can get something down my throat without fighting myself to do it.


Chronic migraines was what got me my green card many years ago now, total game changer. Went from almost monthly ER visits for Imitrex and Dilaudid, to never again.


I unfortunately do not share much in common with you so i wont be able to show him this comment and relate it to my situation on a personal note, but you make some very good points so im still gonna show him this one so hopefully he realizes its more of a medication than it is a “drug”


It's the best evening adhd medication I've found. It helps me keep my apartment clean, and make healthy dinners.


I cant even take my prescribed adhd medication. It fucks with my heart. While i will say that weed keep me quite as focused as pharmaceutical meth(ritalin), i work much much better when im high. Its like my brain just lets go and my body just knows what it needs to do


Lucky! I wish weed worked that way with me. I don’t want to do things when I’m high lol. I just have to use it to calm down or as a pain killer. Weed literally works better than any perception pain killer I know. Imagine the way we could curve the opiate crisis…


100%, i think if they actually do fully reschedule cannabis and more pain management research is done we could cripple the opioid crisis within the next 10 years. It'd be a huge breakthrough for sure


Unfortunately some peoples brains are like cement. When theyre young, their opinions on things are malleable as they are more impressionable. But as they get older their opinions start to stay stuck in whatever they believe in. My parents still think weed is as bad as cocaine


My dad is the same in most ways unfortunately. I think alot of it has to do with the older stigmatization of it. And like you said, the demonization of it was going on right around the time he was in his most impressionable years


I started smoking very recently. Prior to smoking, I loved nothing more than drinking 10+ pints, getting a bag in and gambling online for hours on end. I would stay up till the next day every time. Talk absolute shit with people who I was only really friends with because we shared mutually destructive habits. I’ve been very fortunate to never get hooked on cocaine and become a daily user. My career is great and so is my partner. That is what kept me from destroying my life on the stuff. Cocaine and alcohol are wicked drugs. I can’t drink too much because I do stupid shit and can’t remember it. To combat that and keep drinking I would just take cocaine. When I smoke I just have some nice food, stick to soft drinks, don’t gamble and I’m asleep for 11pm at the latest. The choice is clear for me.


I use because I’m an adult and I can give a flip what others want. I have control and don’t act like the conventional pothead


I have severe anxiety and depression and it keeps me from having 2am panic attacks. Which allows me to sleep better and my performance at my job has been better since I can sleep through the night.


The 2am panic attacks are too real. One of the loneliest times to be awake. Theres no outside distractions to keep your mind off itself. So i can definitely relate to this one


It helps me deal with people like your dad.


I have adhd and a disorder like tourettes. Weed makes my mind stop wandering and body free from any forced movement.


Ive always wondered how weed would help someone with tourettes or similar conditions, i always relate that thought process back to a video of a guy i saw that had parkinsons and after they took some rso, the tremors went away almost completely. Its crazy what this plant is capable of and unfortunately, theres just too many people that share the same thought process as my him. It makes it pretty difficult to fully research the true potential of thc and the other compounds found within weed


30F, have a normal job and a girlfriend/soon to be finance, three pets, a good life. I don’t drink much or consume any other drugs besides cannabis and I don’t miss any of the things I used to do in my younger punk days. I have very bad chronic pain, spinal stenosis and severe sciatica. There are times I wouldn’t be able to function or take care of myself if I didn’t have the relief that cannabis brings me. Traditional pain killers not only don’t work, but make me very sick. I don’t like taking them, because having to vomit from them means I am in a position that hurts me even more. Another one I recently realized; I was diagnosed with ADHD a few months back. I’ve struggled my whole life socially, cannabis takes some of the anxiety I’ve got around social stuff away but not in the way it did when I would heavily drink to cope. I used to be a punk rocker and would go crazy on drinking, it was not healthy. Now I feel much healthier, mentally I feel less depressed and more clear (despite the stereotypes about cannabis.) I smoke before bed for pain, and at home when I am not on the clock at work sometimes. Or socially. It does not negatively affect literally any aspect of my life besides maybe my wallet, because I love buying dab rig accessories lol. But that is mostly a joke; I have a “medicine” budget and stick well within it. If I ever went over it I’d enforce a t break immediately for a week or two. (Well, with CBD for pain.) For me, cannabis is a miracle solution for many of my issues (chronic pain, adhd, depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc.)


It helps me to function. I have MS, chronic migraines, depression and anxiety. One of my worst MS symptoms is spasticity, which is a fancy term for muscle tightening/cramping. This symptom can make my hands lock in position, or my feet very painfully cramp. I hate the way most meds make me feel, so I decided to give marijuana a try. Since starting medical marijuana instead of all the stuff I was on I very rarely have spasms and most of the time a quick extra puff makes them go away. I get to enjoy my life again. I sleep better, because pain or spasms aren't waking me up all night. My migraines are gone in a fraction of the time they used to be. An hour or two for the worst of them now, instead of days before I started using. My anxiety and depression are the most under control they have been in my life. Sadly it's still illegal in my state, but I don't live very far from a legal one. I find it cruel that people want to make illegal the one, very cheap drug (in comparison to meds list) that helps so many people like me. I hope this helps with getting him to understand that for some of us it's not about getting high, it's about the ability to function as a human being.


I work in a Cannabis Lab. It’s safer than caffeine because it has the same dependency levels but you can’t fatally overdose on weed where you can do so on caffeine. Check out the news reports of the kids dying from drinking the Starbucks lemonade and compare that to the no known or recorded deaths from Cannabis consumption. Your body has CB1 and CB2 receptors almost everywhere except your brain stem, which controls heart rate and breathing. This is what causes people to die from opioids more often than not, and cannabinoids don’t halt or alter those body functions.Your body makes its own Cannabinoid called anandinide. This is what is released during a “runners high” that people associate with intense work out. Your body has a whole endocannabinoid system that uses cannabinoids to help dial in and regulate all sorts of body controls from hunger down to hormone production. If you look in almost every ancient civilizations pharmacopaedia there are instances of medical cannabis all through out history and even as recently as the 1900’s. We only started attacking it in 1941 with the marijuana tax act because we wanted to hurt immigrants. When we made it fully illegal under Nixon we did so for much the same reasons. Culture war. In short? The plant is less harmful than caffeine when used appropriately. This is of course a frontier industry and we are learning new things every day, but people have been using it for centuries with little to no Ill effects so I’d say we’re pretty safe to call it a medicine when used properly. My two cents as someone who does the science every day.


I was taken by the state from my mom due to over a dozen broken bones I broke another dozen at least throughout the years in late 2020 I got shot and couldn’t walk. Weed saved me from becoming addicted to opiates. It helps with my mental health a lot as well.


Show him some videos of people with Parkinsons desease with the before and after, but don't tell him that's Cannabis related. Once he sees this "new magic medicine" you tell him that's CBD or THC, if he gets interested you say it's made using the medicinal properties of our beloved plant. I did this to my mom and after that she was really more open to at least learn about it.


100%. I don't talk about my weed use to my family because I'd probably get a similar reaction to OP (other than my cousin that I know smokes socially) and I've only ever been around family stoned once (bad idea), but this is the same approach I'd take. Show them the amazing results without bringing up weed, then tell them this thing they said was horrible had those amazing results. It's crazy how fast people's minds adapt when they're presented with information in ways they can grasp, in all kinds of ways.


Helps immensely w my anxiety. Some mornings I wake up w anxiety so bad my hands are shaking, heart racing, & I just feel like crying. So I smoke a bowl & it literally feels like an ugly demon that was sitting on my shoulders just got kicked back to hell & I can let out a breath of relief. Same feeling & like I can actually take a deep breath when I’m getting overstimulated! (Tbh probably holding the smoke regulating my breathing lol) Also bc of the anxiety, my mind races & it can be annoying especially when I want to sleep or wake up in the middle of the night & all I can think about is the time til I need to wake up/dread of work. Take a hit & I’m bound to drift off.


Kids that have untreatable seizures that are drastically reduced with Cannabis..specifically RSO https://nyulangone.org/news/study-reveals-how-cannabidiol-counters-epileptic-seizures https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425767/


It honestly helped me recover from anorexia. I had been starving myself for so long that my hunger cues were completely gone (as in I never felt hungry even when I really should have). Moved to a rec state for work/school and started consuming weed during the height of my disorder. All of a sudden I was getting hungry again! So basically, getting the munchies saved me.


Am I a functioning member of society, working full time and not in jail? Cool, thanks for your input dad.


What’s dad’s take on alcohol?


Drinks it every weekend and sometimes in between. Skips weekends sometimes too but just abt your average older white guy


I use cannabis for headache prevention & relief. Had a brain tumor removed in 1997. 3 surgeries, one, a major craniotomy - they took the front top of my skull off. Have daily headaches caused by nerve damage as a result of the trauma from the tumor & subsequent surgeries. From 1997-2017 (20 years) I did the big pharma route. Went to many doctors, many specialists, tried hundreds of legal prescribed meds, Botox, acupuncture, physical therapy. Have spent thousands & thousands on healthcare out of pocket costs that my insurance didn’t cover. Dealt with 20 years of drug side effects. Went cold turkey to all meds for 2018. Got my medical card in 2019. Life is livable now. Before that I spent more days in bed than out. Missed 1/2 of my 16 year old’s life because I could not function with legal prescribed meds. Why does your dad use alcohol?


It is a much better way for me to manage body pain from 15 years in construction over taking opiods. Also, when my daughter passed away last year being able to smoke and find some happiness did a phenomenal job of keeping me away from the bottle. I could smoke on nights and weekends while dealing with the grief but still be in good shape to work the next day. Trying to deal with my emotions using alcohol would have definitely ended badly.


My uncle developed cancer and going through chemo it affected him drastically, couldn’t eat / always sick and nauseous so My father and I got him started taking RSO caps / THC gummies and a CBD regimene. Let me tell you, this man started eating well, gaining his weight back and he wasn’t throwing up constantly. He was able to live without so much pain and do what he wanted. Today, he is cancer free and still takes the same stuff and he loves it. It helps him live without as much pain still and he does so much more.


Edibles helped me ace a phys paper. Stopped overthinking shit and just got on with it. Turns out that's what I needed.


I like a few puffs of cannabis to help me wind down at the end of the day. Many people do the same with alcohol. But alcohol gives me a headache, affects my eating habits, disrupts my sleep, gives me a hangover, costs more money, causes more health problems, and contains more calories.


I'm autistic with adhd and on a daily struggle to connect with my emotions on a human level and smoking has made it much easier to feel anything on a daily basis


I’ve found taking the “personal freedoms” route seems to work with older conservative folks. Drugs, at the end of the day, are used to alter a state of mind. If you don’t want the government involved in your life, why would you give them free reign to regulate your own state of mind?


i have an inoperable tumor inside my spinal cord, i was diagnosed when i was 15 (im 23 now). i have chronic nerve pain, muscle spasms, issues/pain with my upper back, other issues with my lower back, not to mention all of the other dysfunctions and random pains as a result of having a mass smack dab in the middle of pretty much the most important part of my nervous system. i am pretty much bed ridden most of the time. all of this comes with some pretty heavy depression, anxiety, and PTSD. weed can help distract me from all of it. it doesn’t necessarily take away all of the pain, but it genuinely does help the physical pain a lot sometimes. it also calms my anxiety and almost never fails to lift my mood. being stuck in my bed in pain is much easier on my brain with weed. it also helps with my pain & anxiety enough to be able to go to physical therapy and work on getting better, as much as i can. there are also some incredible terpenes out there. a-humulene, for example, has been found to inhibit cell proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma & can also help enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy for colon cancer. they can also be anti inflammatory, and weed is arguably far less bad for you than taking ibuprofen multiple times a day. if you’re against weed for negative health effects, there are now far safer ways to smoke that are much easier on your lungs, like vaporizing flower instead of combusting, or using concentrate, + certain devices for concentrate that make it even healthier. also, edibles. the DOJ also just recently proposed that weed be transferred from a schedule 1 substance to schedule 3, which will put it in the same class as Suboxone, a medication used to ween people off opioids (and weed’s pretty good at getting people off alcohol!) sorry this was super long but weed & all that comes with it has sooooo many benefits for so many people. weed is a medicine, and there’s no reason to treat it any differently in this day and age. (also even when used recreationally it’s genuinely just as or less harmful than a lot of other things people use recreationally, and when it’s edibles being used i really see 0 argument against it)


Work in a wearhouse 8-10 hours, 5 days a week, all of it on my feet. Millions of dollars worth of product goes through my hand monthly. Have to be able to pilot a forklift at a moments notice. Always having to turn on a dime, always be flexible, always save the day. >at a [4] or [5] most of the time


Keeps me from feeling and being stuck in my dying body. Allows me to live in the moment


Extremist requires extreme results.  Good luck. 


I'm watching my mates slowly becoming alcoholics and honestly I feel safer with weed (+ it's more fun and doesn't make people wanna beat the shit out of each other)


I have terminal cancer. Decided not to further any treatment. Weed helps my mood, but also keeps my appetite up so I can keep weight on..


I lost a nut in a car accident and it helps with the pain. Before that experience I was always like “yeah but how addictive could pain killers be?” They gave me a small dose of Tramadol and it scared me how strong it was so I switched to RSO and PT. Not about to become a zombie with one nut, that’s a fresh hell right there.


His generation grew up with weed. Do you believe we can change his mind with our opposing views? You may find Phyiccuss has an easier task.


Frankly I don’t care about convincing some old man set in his ways about anything, let alone weed


I’m a nurse, I have an entire career working for a doctor and have for years now. I don’t “smoke” but I do use edibles. I had a suicide attempt in 2014 and was on loads of antidepressants. Since I starting medicinally dosing myself with edibles, I no longer need antidepressants, I got an education and now have a wonderful career. Marijuana literally changed my life for the better. Please send him some articles on how it is medicinally useful. Even the doctor I work for agrees and encourages use, as do many others in the medical field.


This, replaced my antidepressant (was super close to the max dose too because it was treating 3 different problems 😰) with weed and it was a game changer. I couldn't feel anything at all on pills for years, now I still have issues but I'm equipped to handle them.


I sleep awesome, and fall asleep earlier. I average about 7 hours of deep sleep and I wake up feeling rested . I'm able to establish a routine because weed combined with post -dinner stomach settling sends me off to bed within 2 hours (we eat late, admittedly). I've become an avid hiker. The combination of weed (edibles), head phone and nature just kind of puts me in a trance where I don't feel the pain/fatigue as much. I lost 100lbs after I got out of a bad marriage and I've been able to keep it off for 6 years with how much I hike. I started meditating because weed made me more introspective . That's lead to me being a kinder and more thoughtful person. People say it holds you back, but I've trippled my salary since I became a regular user, I graduated from a top masters program. I had a start up raise $1M in funding and I got married again, and we've been better than great for almost 6 years. We just bought a house . Have paid down a bunch of debt and now have a 800+ credit score My dad started using weed after he retired, and he's just an all around cooler, less uptight individual, and it's something we connect over. Seriously they should induct me in the weed hall of Fame with how much good has entered my life since I started smoking regularly


keeps away the bad thoughts


Not fully sure how to describe it, but weed definitely makes me think deeper/more critically about things, particularly psychological-type topics. I’ve noticed a real change in my overall mentality since starting to smoke- not even just when I’m actively high but constantly- and it’s 100% for the better. Less anger and stress and more contentment and optimism.


Almost completely eliminated my daily migraines. I use it to be more present and stop fidgeting so wildly too due to ADHD, etc. I use it nightly and have a very well paying respectable job and family. Without it, I'd be on who knows how many more pills.


Weed has greatly affected my tolerance for people as someone with a horrible anxiety disorder. I can genuinely go out into public and converse better with using cannabis. If your dad doesn’t sway- at least you tried. My parents are very anti weed. They threatened to kick me out so many times over it when I was younger (found my pearlescent bong and threw it out, along with the rest of my stash 🤷‍♀️). Moving out on my own and getting to do my own thing doesn’t make it an issue anymore, so there’s no harm in trying, but don’t get too upset if you don’t get anywhere when you try to reason with them.


So I have ptsd and marijuana helps me in a few ways. Indica helps me sleep and it helps me relax and not be anxious or angry all the time. Sativa helps me have a good time when being social and it helps with my depression symptoms.


I have chronic pain from early onset arthritis. I also have PTSD from an assault when I was only 12 years old. It’s hard to balance anxiety medication with my arthritis and pain medication. They tend to conflict with each other. I’d have to choose which ailment to treat with medication. Cannabis helps with this much better than medication doctors prescribed for me. It treats pain, inflammation and anxiety all in one. No addiction danger with cannabis unlike the opioids some doctors have prescribed. PTSD meds don’t always prevent panic attacks or crippling anxiety. Cannabis does. I make edibles and infusions to treat my health conditions. I’m very precise in my dosages. I even purchased a potency tester so I can be sure the dosage is correct. It’s a natural medicine so I’ve not experienced any ill side effects.


I have had several serious head injuries over the course of a rough youth. Cannabis helps me connect the dots when I feel that angry/confused brain fog coming in. If I am ever arguing with my wife, I go out and have a toke and think about what we are actually fighting about. Usually it turns out to be nothing and I'll be the bigger man. I also have an autoimmune disease thanks to the sort of life I had for a handful of years, paired with my genetics. I have Crohn's. Cannabis helps me see past the nausea and pain when I come out of remission every so often. Some specialists have told me it even helps a bit with the inflammation. This is God sent as I can't take ANY NSAID/anti-inflammatories, thanks to my responses to this disease they put me in anaphylaxis. Consequently, without cannabis I would be unable to dependably work a career in the skilled trades like I am. In our economy, I can almost responsibly afford a kid in my nation's capital, and for my wife-to-be to stay at home with them. I owe a lot of where I am to the helping hand I have found with my steady, albeit increasingly limited, use of cannabis.


I'm a civil engineer legitimately diagnosed with ADHD. For me it works better than the stimulant medications. 10 years now and life's going well! Other than my wife getting cancer that is... But marijuana helped her through that too!


I'm a pharmacist, like actually with a Doctorate, weed when used appropriately has helped alot of people. Especially chronic pain and cancer patient to not have to use opioids which are legitimately more harmful and help increase appetite and mood overall. They can interact with their family again in a meaningful way and be in a good mood and not have to fear overdosing and needing narcan. We make capsules and tablets now of thc and other cannabinoids too so we can avoid the side effects of smoking. But I've also seen recreational use basically just been a mood stabilizer. Something similar to a drink or two with you SO or friends at the end of a work week but instead of being buzzed or trashed they seem to unwind and be back in a good healthy head space. The amount of people I have who come to me and say it helped them de stress and reasses life and be ina. Way nicer and happier place without causing detriment to their life as they are still productive and even more so sometimes cuz it clears their mind and gives them a reset that was needed to readjust their focus. It's great.


Def helps curb my alcohol intake lol


Maybe a discussion about [the patent the U.S. government holds would be a good start?](https://patents.google.com/patent/US6630507B1/en) Read about it with him and ask why they would do that?


if he drinks just give him the same treatment with his alcohol consumption made my mom realize that she is a hypocrite


Oh wow your dad much be such a big tough guy who doesn’t take any drugs at all huh? He hasn’t had wine or whiskey or a beer or a coffee or a Tylenol or painkillers or anesthesia during a surgery. I make these assumption because unless he is a doctor who studies the effects of marijuana, or he is some saint who has never sinned, then I really don’t care what his uninformed opinion is. Either he is the toughest man alive, or he has been incredibly privelidged and lucky not to experience any misfortune that might necessitate a drug, OR he is a hypocrite. OR maybe he had a bad experience or saw a friend have one and is projecting an isolated anecdotal experience on everyone else. There was a recent special edition of Time magazine all about marijuana. Including many articles about health effects, effects of society where’s it’s been legalized, and some articles for parents dealing with kids who enjoy weed. The whole things is actually well informed and is in a relatively well respected magazine. If your dad isn’t listening to you, or stranger on reddit, maybe he’ll listen to Pulitzer Prize winners.


If I didn't smoke weed I'd end up like your old man, closeminded. You know he won't change his mind based on a bunch of random Internet stoners, right?


Weed helps me in a lot of ways. For instance, I use it to manage my anxiety and stress. It’s not like a magic cure, but it does make things more bearable. It also helps me sleep better, which is super important for my overall mood and energy levels. Plus, it can make mundane tasks a bit more enjoyable, like doing chores or even just relaxing after a long day. Maybe your dad could understand that it's not just about getting high, but more about improving quality of life. Also, it's important to listen to him and hear his perspective and acknowledge it, because he could have a good point about marijuana. Marijuana is not all good, especially if it isn't consumed properly and mindfully.


Helps with my chronic pain, insomnia, and it’s the best anti-nausea I’ve ever tried. Also it’s fun to get fried and watch dumb comedy.




Helps me with anxiety, helps me sleep, makes me a calmer person. Been smoking for over 20 years and it’s all I need.


Sounds like he doesn’t want to change his mindset. Should ask him how he feels about alcohol. Probably thinks it’s gods gift. I’ve seen alcohol ruin lives. There’s nothing medical about alcohol it’s poison. Sure some can see Cannabis as being bad but the benefits out way everything in my opinion. I’ve seen videos of people with Parkinson’s use cannabis oil extract and almost instantly their Parkinson’s is better.


Best thing for my joint and muscle pain i’ve ever tried. helps me slow down and enjoy life instead of always looking for the next thing to do


If he’s anti education on the subject I highly doubt you showing him a thread of a bunch of stoners will have any change on his opinions. My dad was the same way. Never did come around and that’s fine. You can’t force people to approve of weed. It is what it is. Smoke a bowl and live your life.


Your hopeful attitude about education is good. Authority however doesn't accept education from whatever they deem below them, so the answers from this thread will certainly not impact your father's mindset short of agitating him. It's a sad truth.


Medical user here. Let me just list all the things it helps me with: PTSD, MDD (Clinical Depression), RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria), Chronic Stress, Anxiety, ASD (Autism), Tourettes, Insomnia. It quite literally keeps me functioning.


I tried about a dozen medications over a decade, side effects and decorating health while trying to keep working and maintain my career. My physician recommended I try medical marijuana but at the time, my job didn't permit it and I could lose substantial benefits if I failed a drug test. I had to stop working, apply for and receive disability, and once I tried it, I use marijuana almost every day to ease chronic pain. The exciting, but also retrospectively sad part? Weed really, really helps me to tolerate the light exercise and stretching I need, and I wonder all the time if I'd still have my health and career if I could have medicated with cannabis over a decade ago, when I was employed and my health problems started getting bad. You don't mention the political leaning, but I think my story would be funny if they think people on weed don't want to work. My old job still tests, I can't go back, and it's about the only thing I could try to go back to right now IF I could keep using medical marijuana. So, in a nutshell, if not for anti-marijuana stigma and laws, I'd probably still be a working tax payer. If I had marijuana to help me unwind, sleep, and exercise when I was younger, I almost certainly wouldn't have deteriorated as fast as I did, and I at least could have made it closer to a normal retirement age. At least I'm a veteran and my disability benefits are great, but I'd take better health and a career I could be proud of over this in a heartbeat.


I suffer from insomnia due to autism/adhd. I've had sleeping issues since I was a baby. I've stayed awake through Ambien. Weed's been one of the few things that actually help me sleep at night without feeling groggy the next day.


I'm epileptic with nocturnal seizures and hybrid THC/CBD strains help me sleep and almost functions as a rescue med in some cases. I have actual rescue meds but a couple hits from a pen helps me come down if I'm feeling "seizure-y." I also get migraines and THC or THC/CBD helps manage the pain and nausea, and it helps immensely with eating during an episode.


My husband takes it in place of addictive sleep aids when he can’t turn his mind off at night. I use it for chronic wrist and back pain from my terrible posture while drawing


People like this are hopeless to educate because they will never see any reason but their own. This is a very common thing in society now, and why we are all failing each other.


I just like to get high after work and on the weekend. For me it's about personal liberty, shouldn't need government approval. Jesse Ventura shared his story, which ai think is pretty powerful. https://youtu.be/jEWZAOwgeWc?si=_SQgmsgLzf7UyB6p


My Dad will never agree with it, but at least now he doesn't say anything. Usually in my experience these kinds of people are also anti-opinion or anti-fact and they are always right in their mind. I wish you luck though.


I can’t remember the last time I took Ambien, after being on it for 10 years. Less pain when doing day to day tasks. I rarely drink. I’ve always been rather melancholy, and it helps improve my overall mood. Haven’t gotten off my antidepressants yet, but in the future I may try, and I had resigned myself to probably being on them for the rest of my life.


The best feeling I have ever felt on this subject is by not bringing up my cannabis use. Just go about your life and let others that are against it not think about it. Then, in chance, you do great things over a longer period of time, and they finally complement you for your accomplishments... you can say it was due to daily cannabis use. There is a bit more to it than that, but that's the quick version. But for example, dad finally says good job son. You finally have a place of your own, got a good job and got that promotion, blah blah,... see what straitening yourself out and working hard can do for you... Thanks dad, I wouldn't have gotten this far in life if it wasn't for... smoking weed every single day and using it as a medicine to better myself and to help provide for my family. 99 times out of 100 it still won't work to convince someone like that, but if you can time it out just right to prove that regardless of your cannabis use you can still function and do great things it can feel real good, lol.


My mom started crying one night (we were drinking around the fire) because me and my brother smoke. It was tough but I didn't back down in that moment and said "mom look, I have a house, hold a job, pay my bills, pay taxes, and I'm a good and happy person every single day. What are you REALLY upset about?" It boiled down to being illegal and she watched her sister fuck her life up with drugs. My parents have come around now years later. So much so I found a pack of edibles at my parents house last week. It helps it's legal here now. But the biggest issue with the older generation is the fact they've been lied to for their entire life. If all the sudden the schools were saying 2+2=5 you'd have a hard time believing it.


Forget about it. One day he will witness a public application by a care professional. Won't say shit.


He's been lied to about it his entire life. It's not his fault he believes what he believes. But what is his fault is not being a big enough person to be open to learning something. Tell him his own dad would be disappointed with him blindly believing in a falsehood and being too much of a coward to find out the truth.


Tell him he would enjoy the Redneck Strain.


It helps with my motivation and anxiety. I am a SAHM, and a few hits of my favorite Sativa strain will immediately lower my anxiety and helps me deal with the noise of young children, without feeling high. (I have ADHD, and loud, repetitive, competing noises are very difficult for me.) So it helps me get stuff done and listen to my children's unending verbal assault (or ya know, just kids being kids 😆) without snapping at them because my brain is overwhelmed. I switch to my favorite indica at night after they go to bed to help me sleep and that's also when I get stoned AF and relax with music, a show, or a video game. It helped me kick alcohol almost completely. I only drink socially now, and barely even then. My alcohol consumption was quickly becoming a problem, and was beginning to affect my family and my health in negative ways. Weed doesn't do that. The only real negative is I have to smoke outside, away from the kids, so I do have to be mindful of time, not allowing it to get away from me. Otherwise, it's only brought positive to my life. I'm still functioning, I'm calmer, I'm infinitely more patient, and it simply makes me happy. My spouse is a nonsmoker, but very supportive, as he's seen the difference since I began smoking (he was hesitant at first, in all honesty.) My experience is anecdotal, weed affects people very differently, so YMMV. If it causes you paranoia, or any other negative responses, it CAN be harmful. But so can anything, really.


The best way is to become successful in your own life, don’t make smoking marijuana a personality trait. And let your results speak for themselves.


Smoke daily, helps with my general anxiety more than my medication. Helps me focus and stay on task. Sitting outside and smoking a bowl after a long day way work is just bliss. Let me relax and feel better


Spike his food with weed /s _(this is a joke do not do that it is wrong)_


If he’s anti-education on the subject just tell him he’s ignorant and move on


Get him high. The stoned version of him will understand.


I get extremely bad pain sometimes. Doctors said it’s fine, just take OTC medication. Except it doesn’t really work anymore, and it’s the worst when it was at night. Instead of destroying my liver just for temporary comfort, I found weed works wonders for it. Also helps me calm down from panic attacks and helps me focus on tasks more because I have ADHD. ADHD medications made me throw up. Antidepressants worked until I was able to manage my anxiety and depression on my own, then they kind of felt like a hindrance because I was tired. Sleeping up to 12 hours a day, and not wanting to do anything but play video games. No I’m not anti medicine, I just personally did not have a good experience.


I’m a professional in a high level finance job and a daily weed smoker when I’m not at work. It calms down my mind, lets me relax, and helps me sleep. Tell him it’s like when one would come home and have a beer or a bourbon to de-stress from work but without feeling like crap if you have a few more.


Be better than him in any way possible and smoke weed everyday


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mangunito: *Be better than him* *In any way possible* *And smoke weed everyday* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m a young dad. After my son was born, my anxiety was taken to levels I’d never even thought was possible. I am still very anxious, but a quick porch joint once the kiddo goes to bed helps me relax/focus. Usually only do it when I’m writing or playing video games.


I use to wake up at night no joke like 4 times and would be tired everyday because of it. It seem like no matter what I did to change my diet or trying to go to bed at a different time would help at all. I didn’t want to go on a sleeping med because of a lot of reasons, but when I smoke before bed I can sleep like the dead again. Not a major thing in life, but glad I got it solved because over time it’s really taking a toll on me until now!


I developed uc, ibd and had to have my colon removed in ny. They only offered dialuadid and oxy for pain. I denied pain pills for my first surgery just gabba pentin and tylenol. I couldn’t laugh and I could not cough for weeks. i was lucky enough to move to california a few weeks later in 2020. Here I am able to medicate properly using actual cannabis tinctures, edidbles, rso and dabs. I used this for the next 3 surgeries that were free. Because of medi- Cal. Hope your pops hears that one. Shoutout to everyone who shits blood 8-10 times a day. The j pouch works.


I have an engineering degree and a well paying career- salary, 401k, a company vehicle, lots of responsibility and am a known go-to person when you need help with.... basically anything. I'm a single homeowner and not from money- I grew up pretty poor, truck driver and teacher parents. I have a deere lawn tractor and cats and plants and a garden. I run half marathons and have a trail ultramarathon at the end of July. I've won in my bracket, and placed 2nd twice in the past three years I've done this race. So I'm competent and, in my opinion, pretty dang successful. And with all this, I smoke weed. Almost every night, two or more bowls in a bong. Honestly, weed has been a big benefit to my life. I really enjoy doing yard work or cleaning while stoned. Maintaining a house alone is a lot of work, and I'm a pretty clean and tidy person, with an acre and a half to mow and a driveway to snowblow. Weed has actually improved my productivity in the evenings. I used to drink- not much, just a glass of wine or two, or a gin and tonic, maybe 4 or 5 nights a week. It's more socially acceptable. That's about all alcohol has going for it. Alcohol has hangovers, gut rot, beer shits, and alcohol poisoning. You can OD on alcohol. It's a downer, so it brought out a lot of depressive episodes. It's high calorie. And I promise I've made a lot stupider decisions under the influence of alcohol than weed. Drunk people commit crimes and hurt themselves and others. Stoned people want to clean windows and eat corn chips. I smoke cannabis that I've purchased legally at a friendly dispensary, where everything has been tested for safety and a knowledgeable budtender can discuss weed culture with the same passion and nuance as coffee culture. Weed culture has always been so narrowly defined as one thing. But look at alcohol- sure, there's the bad eggs, but there's a lot of different ways and reasons and even styles of consumption. You have your beer rednecks operating heavy machinery and having bonfires, yeah, but you also have wine connoisseurs, and distillery tours, and passionate microbreweries, and so much more. People know this about alcohol, that there are many different ways to partake, some more responsible than others. I don't know why people act like it's not the same with weed. It's not some back alley drug anymore. There's culture- multiple forms of culture- to cannabis. good luck, OP!


I work full-time and go to school full while maintaining a magna cum laude status and the only reason why I haven't gone insane with stress because of weed


The older generation were indoctrinated at a young age to believe weed is the devil. You cant fight that level of ignorance with a few reddit posts.


Just stop trying to argue with him. People like that just don’t get it


Relaxes me in multiple ways at once without changing who I am


I have Chrons disease. Daily life was a struggle until I started smoking. Going on smoking for 4 years now and I won’t turn back!


I’m an active cancer patient and it’s the only thing that helps me with appetite, and it helps with pain and depression too. My quality of life is greatly improved with cannabis.


The absolute number one best thing it does….it helps me not give 2 shits about what anyone else thinks. I’m almost 50 and I’ve been a daily user since I was 18. I have a degree from NCSU, 3 healthy, successful children, an amazing wife, great job making great money, and I am starting another business with one of my sons. Life is great. Especially when I roll a blunt after a long day of work and relax on my back porch.


It helps me manage my fibromyalgia (chronic musculoskeletal pain), insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, and depression. It's medicine, and it doesn't come with the awful side effects many prescription medications come with.


I have severe ADHD to the point I will literally spin in circles trying to remember everything and doing anything and getting distracted 30 minutes to fill my water type shit. It’s almost debilitating. I smoke weed for that. It calms my mind down and lets me organize my thoughts at my own pace. On top of that I also have bad depression likely as a result of the ADHD. And it’s kinda hard to be sad if you’re eating and giggling like a child all the time. I’m okay with people being anti weed but I don’t like when they’re purposefully uninformed about it. It’s not your thing. That’s cool. But to be uneducated on the topic and still be against it is like a child saying “I don’t like it” to a food they’ve never tried just because it’s green. I get that the negative narrative was pushed back in the 60s even well in to the late 2010s. But the negative narrative was all absolute bullshit. Entirely absolute bullshit and it was all because some guy in the drug department was bored and wanted to make a problem so he had something to do. To be honest. I feel like I get a bigger kick in the balls from cigarettes as far as my coordination is concerned. If you live in a legal state you should get edibles and have him give that a shot. It’s slow it’s gentle and generally pretty tasty


Never used cannabis growing up. Was against it. Always a big drinker. Two combat tours in Iraq in the marines post high school graduation. Post deployment drinking got worse and even moreso after discharge. About ten years of a half gallon of vodka a day while the va was experimenting on me with meds. Multiple rehabs. Arrested 4/19/17 for my last dui. Rehab the next day (3rd attempt). Wanted to make changes. Researched cannabis and decided to give it an educated honest attempt. Sobriety date 4/20 (go figure, not using weed at the time). Over 7 years now without a drink and 6 without a prescription medication. Daily cannabis consumer now. Changed and saved my life. The happiest and healthiest I have ever been


In a perfect world. Weed serves no purpose but we don't live in a perfect world. Enjoy it while you can!


My wife suffers from IBS and weed works wonders to keep her symptoms controlled.


I’m anti dad’s and nothing can change my mind.


I’m a veteran and it helps with my physical pain and emotions. I get heated and short with people without it. Helps me sleep when my mind wanders to dark places. My gf doesn’t even know when I’m high, but she definitely knows when I’m not. MJ just puts me all together and makes me normal


I threw away a big pile of sleep aids (pharma, melatonin, and OTC). Now I just take 1 dab and drift off to sleep peacefully.


It has helped me be able to approach myself with more empathy and calmness when I am self reflecting.


I use it recreationally. It’s just nice to unwind with after a hard day’s work. I especially love the body buzz from edibles, just like a super relaxing feeling. Also, medically speaking it’s fairly harmless if that’s a concern of his.


Lucky you. My dad steals my weed. Lol


I smoke it for pain, anxiety, and ADHD. It's helped me a lot more than meds have in regards to ADHD and anxiety. I can actually get up and get through a day with minimal body pain (birth defect) when I smoke and the anxiety benefits far outweigh any anti anxiety meds I've taken. Compared to when I don't smoke for a while, I'm in extreme pain and can barely get outta bed.


I'm a neurodivergent artist with bi-polar depression and cptst. It helps me stay focused on my work without all the distractions


Ancient peoples used weed and other plants all the time, the only reason it was considered a drug is due to modern governments and peoples. From an internet search: “Overt racism, combined with New Deal reforms and bureaucratic self-interest”


I gotta say, as an anti anxiety and an anti depressant it’s pretty abysmal imho. Weed is awesome but I truly think I have a receptor imbalance because I’ve gotten more functional benefit from my meds like Wellbutrin than I ever did from weed. My issue though, was I would sleep 20 hours a day on it, ended up on stimulants just to stay awake (I requested it cause I was scared to get off a med that works) and ended up just delaying the inevitable anyways. Which in turn meant I went off the med too quick, now always feel just as exhausted and never really recovered my energy from that time. I was also given mirtazapine when I was on Wellbutrin… that one idek what my doc was thinking. He said it’d wake me up or put me out. Welp, after sleeping probably 15 hours and taking my mirtazapine I was asleep like half an hour later on the kitchen table, only waking up when my uncle came in from his farm rounds. Which he starts at 5am. lol, not a good time. I even tried Cymbalta a year ago (Wellbutrin was probably 2.5 years ago now but I wasn’t working or doing anything productive and it sticks out like a sore thumb in memory) and I didn’t even make it past one pill. Ngl, I didn’t even know that was possible! My drowsiness from Wellbutrin was about a 10% chance, so low they don’t even warn you of the risk. Cymbalta after one pill made me so shaky I was concerned. And I mean my jaw, hands, everything. I looked it up and a very few who take Cymbalta can have drug induced Parkinsonism, another risk never mentioned. So although weed may not have been a good mediator for my problems, neither is the other options. And weed can be beneficial as long as I am always retaining some awareness at to how I’m doing. Sounds simple, lol, but I’ve had long stints where I don’t consider how little I’m trying to improve health wise so even something small like smoking weed can be a big problem when it ends up being the only thing that you do every day. But now onto the positives :D sorry, felt I needed to be devil’s advocate cause my dad still thinks weed is one of the worst things about my life. Despite me drinking more due to debilitating back pain which has cascaded throughout my entire body. Don’t get me wrong, he hates that just as much but he doesn’t realize that weed was the only thing stopping me for so long from simply drinking myself to death. Tbh my back pain is such a constant I’ve found regular exercise impossible, just doing my jobs are rigorous and exhausting at the age of 23 and they aren’t laborious jobs. If I didn’t have weed, I couldn’t ever sleep. One day I was up for 2 days straight cause of back pain and when I finally fell asleep I had a physio appointment so I only got 2 hours of sleep before going and I don’t think I slept again till that night. Without weed, the cold sweats that creep up on you in the early mornings since all you did was lay in bed for hours, tossing and turning and wincing, would never have ceased. Without weed, I’d never consider living my life without trying something extreme like opiates just to get rid of the pain for a little while. Even with weed, I was looking up opium tea and all this scary shit which will kill you just as easily as give you relief. But in the end, weed has been my parachute. The only thing that has slowed this sensation of free falling to bedridden-ness. Quite frankly, it felt like it stopped the pain altogether up till a couple years ago, now nothing stops it except being blackout.


I left home 40 years ago over this issue and my mother still is disgusted by the fact that I smoked cannabis. I 🤦It didn't matter to her that I had IBS and other medical problems that they neglected. So when I was 18 I moved into my car and worked part-time until I could get a place. She has a 32-year-old grandson she doesn't even know. He has Crohn's disease and guess what he uses for it?


Don’t waste your breath, he’s not gonna change his mind, he’s already proven as much by refusing to even entertain listening to reason. Cut your losses, live your life, and if you’re reliant on him for housing take measures to become self reliant for that need.


I have a job I enjoy, good pay with great benefits, can fully support my family, pay my bills on time each month, pay my taxes every year, own 5 cars and have smoked everyday for the last roughly 10 years. I'm no different than anyone else. I don't drink, maybe on very rare occasion, a wedding or something along those lines. Never really been my thing. Whats the difference of coming home after a hard days work and cracking open a few cold ones or coming home and smoking a bit of grass?




Weed has helped me not kill myself for over 20 years. It eases my back pain and inflammation. It allows me to function normally in my day to day tasks. This world is such a fucking shit show and I hate being force fed bullshit online and being gaslit by our world leaders - weed helps me care less, it helps ease my anxiety and unending sense of dread and hopelessness. If it weren’t for weed, I’d have killed myself long ago and at best, I’d be institutionalized in some way. I hope your dad lightens up and takes a hit, he sounds like a knob.


Emotion overrules when it's your own flesh & blood. He wants to try it when he retires, but "it's for me, not for thee." That's how the parental brain works, trying to be protective of their loved ones. Older white guy here. Not grandpa-like older, but very well old by people your age. I survived cancer 15 years ago, but was not the same after. Last year, I got a case of shingles I couldn't fight off. Left me with neuropathy and scarring. Also dealt with IBS, wicked back spasms/discovered issues, and apparently some PTSD from it all. The prescriptions were a combination of debilitating and ineffective. It took me a little while for my brain to know what to expect from weed. A lot of trial and error on strains. The general advise to stick with heavy Indicas was wrong for me.....I do much better with balanced hybrid strains. And I don't need 30% THC, that's just nuts. A young budtender suggested I try a 60/40 Sativa leaning strain, with some good terps for my pains, and 23-24% THC. He was dead-on. No more couchlock or greening out. Best part- weed let's me be honest with myself. Worst part- not knowing if it will always work this well. No more Cymbalta. No more Ativan. No more back issues, no more running to find a bathroom, no more being barely able to wear a shirt due to nerve pain. Pretty good, if I say so myself. If I happen to enjoy it, oh well. Anyone who doesn't like that part can bug off.


When I go to bed at night, I'm not being bombarded in my head by myself calling me a useless loser.


I’ve had surgery on both of my legs from injuries. Like many people who have had major surgery on their legs, I would get a lot of inflammation and pain/discomfort in my lower extremities. Even after 20 years, I still get swelling from being on my feet. Prescription and OTC anti inflammatory medication does very little to help. If I use cannabis just a few times per week, I can take my boots and socks off without seeing the “rings” on my lower legs. The swelling stays away with cannabis and so does the majority of the pain and discomfort. It just works.


It makes menial everyday tasks more fun. I can never do the dishes without weed again. I'll be jamming with the bluetooth speaker on while cleaning too! 


It’s kept me alive. I have anxiety/depression (wish I didn’t, but facts are facts), I have Lupus which creates all kinds of physical problems and sometimes I’m literally unable to sleep because I hurt all over and THC fixes it almost instantly. It’s an anti-inflammatory so my disease activity significantly increases if I stop ingesting THC. It calms my essential tremor. And it helps me get through parenting a teenager and two tweens (all girls 😰). Editing to add: it keeps me from taking pain medications which I refuse to take for various reasons. I also no longer drink, except maybe 3x per year.


Due to chronic back pain and multiple surgeries, the Dr has me smoking rather than taking loads of opiates to control pain. Keeps me from being a Dr subscribed drug addict.


It helps this veteran sleep.


I was very ANTI due to ignorance from 0-26. When I was 26 with an unfinished bachelors divorced and nothing much left to do I said fuckit. HOLY MOLY. Not only did I get surprised but EVERYONE around me did too. My ADHD went away. I finished my bachelors 3.8 gpa and entered the masters program, didn’t even blink. I have the energy to clean my house, I cook almost daily, I spend the most fun times with my kids and I’m just a good person to be around lol. I grow my own shit now. I’m thriving.


i have pretty severe autism with adhd, possible ocd, etc. weed has helped me immensely in stifling panic attacks, helped my sensory differences, helped me feel like a full person instead of someone pretending. i can socialize and have a good time, now, when i used to cry at the thought of ordering a drink at a cafe.


I have a couple herniated disks in my lower back. Without weed it’s either spinal fusions or I’m pretty immobilized from the pain