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“A rising tide lifts all boats.”


This is exactly why I vote liberal.




We can tax the rich or we can eat the rich. I'm open to either, but they've been markedly averse to taxation, so...


Do you think liberal policies enrich your boss more or less than conservative policies? If you're only making 1.5x as much as you did when you started your job in 2016, maybe you should jump ship and start applying to places that pay you your worth.


I vote yes for education taxes because I benefited from a strong public school system, and I believe every child deserves the same (or better) opportunities as I was lucky enough to have.


Yup, same here on both points.


Exactly. I see paying that tax as paying back your time in school.


I see it as hopefully paying so that kids in the current system can have *more* than I did. I can't envision wanting to pull up the ladder behind me...


No doubt. It most definitely can be both.


"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit" Providing the tax makes sense - aka well rounded and will fund the school in a meaningful way - I will always vote for it. The next generation is our future and deserves support, even if I will never have children.


Yeah, I don’t want kids to have a bad time, I just don’t want my own


This 👆


Well, even people who are not sick are paying taxes for healthcare, people who are working are paying to unemployed, etc. There is stuff we need to cover to be a functional society, and there is stuff which some people feel entitled for just because they have kids. Just because I don't want nor have kids, doesn't mean I don't need someone else having them and growing them as someone who can work as my doctor in old age.


I will always be for social supports like universal healthcare, education funding, social welfare, and investment in infrastructure that benefits all. Just because I don’t want children doesn’t mean I don’t see the benefit of ensuring everyone has access to the things that make communities healthy and prosperous. Concepts like [One Health](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/one-health) and this illustration [What influences health and wellbeing](https://www.health.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/2304413_vic-health-wellbeing-plan_2023_2027_web.pdf) (pg 16) demonstrate this.


Yes, this hits the spot on all points. And thanks for the link. I'm not Australian, but that illustration shows a government that gets it.


I don’t even work in the jurisdiction that the illustration is from, but I have it printed and placed prominently in my workplace. I feel like I’m constantly pointing at it to evidence that the interconnectivity of what is required to make a healthy and well person is so much more than access to a doctor or eating well.


Yep. And that’s exactly my reason. I don’t want to live in a country of stupid ppl. Also I had a bad childhood. I dont want other kids to go through what I went through.


It's not my main issue in voting. I generally am in favor of school taxes because I don't want to live in a world of uneducated imbeciles. But, my vote is usually determined by other issues.


If not, you wind up with a society with a lower intellect. Flat earth, hurricanes are caused by gay marriage, prayer cures cancer and other nonsense is detrimental to the progress of humanity


I don’t live in a state where school systems can levy taxes themselves. But yes, I 100% support public education. Well-funded schools = stronger, healthier communities for a multitude of reasons. It is in everyone’s best interest and having/not having kids isn’t really relevant, in my opinion. Obviously people have more of a personal stake if they do, but strong schools are important for many reasons.


Absolutely for the same reasons. Education benefits everyone in the society. Which is also why it's frustrating to me when people argue against things like free college and universal healthcare because they "don't want to pay for others" . I like to point out to them that as a childfree person who was homeschooled K-12, I have never directly benefited from the public school system yet my taxes probably supported them or their child getting an education and I am perfectly fine with this.


I believe we should get a tax break for not reproducing.


Yes. Both for the reason stated in your post and because part of living in a society is paying for things you don’t personally use. I also work in a public school.


In the us we spend more on education than nearly all other countries yet score way down the list in testing. It’s very clear at this point more $$$ isn’t the solution….


Yup. We should emulate the school districts that spend the least on pupils but have high graduation rates and test scores. OTOH, we're way too obsessed with testing and have been for decades. That needs to change IMHO. "No Child Left Behind" has just come to mean that we pass all kids automatically. smh ...


Agreed. Throwing money at a problem rarely fixes anything and currently I feel like our public schools are the equivalent of the people dumping sand on a beach trying to stop erosion. Our local infrastructure is crumbling, roads are in shambles, every public service is running on a shoestring budget yet all the public schools are adding on, building up as if they’re expecting to double the amount of students they will be teaching. News flash, all of us are too broke to have kids! If anything the schools should be preparing to downsize. Looking at my taxes about 95% of my tax money goes towards the school. Wouldn’t it be smarter to spend a little more money on the rest of the infrastructure?


And less on our enormous war-making machinery as well imho.


Absolutely… don’t even get me started there lol. I lean pretty hard libertarian so it’s really gotta be really necessary for me to want to give the government any money.


Same here. I'm a left-leaning libertarian as well.


I work for a public school and let me tell you that’s not where our taxes go. If I ever have kids they’re going to private school if I can afford it.


Yes. Because we live in a society.


As a teacher without kids, in favor lol. Unfortunately I live in a retirement community and they vetted voted down all the time. I now have 2 foster kids and don’t understand why anyone would vote against it, kids or not.


“We all do better, when we all do better.” - Paul Wellstone.




Yes. I'm a former teacher and have always supported education.


I will not have kids, ever, but I will gladly pay to fund schools (and in Sweden, that includes free school lunches and free tuition for university) because I'm not selfish enough to not give a damn about what the planet will look like once I die.


Thanks for this. Exactly on point. And: Sweden gets it, as do all the Nordic countries and most of Europe. Anything as critically important as education and healthcare should just be free to all, no questions asked. The US is woefully far behind.


if other people can vote against my interest for things that they have no business involving themselves in I don't have any issue voting for things that create a greater benefit for most


Damn straight! Well said.


Yes, i believe deeply in the power of education to lift up communities. We need working citizens to create markets, and informed citizens to make better communities. Public education is the vehicle for that.


Absolutely. I went to public school. All my nieces, nephews, and cousins go to public school. One day, I'll be old and kids who went to public school will be in charge, and I want them to learn to be wise, empathetic, and curious people. Lastly, I absolutely do not trust private (especially religious) schools. Even if I didn't have all those reasons, it's just the right thing to do.


1) I’m part of society and I owe society my contribution, for things like healthcare and education, as we all do 2) Todays kids are the doctors who I’ll be going to as an old man


Yes, I do. *Precisely* because of John Green's quote you quoted. Further, I'm doing a "pay it forward" with paying for school taxes because I grew up in extreme poverty - I was actually homeless for the last year and a half of high school. If it weren't for public education I would never have been able to claw myself out of poverty. I pay in hopes that if one more child can get out of poverty via education, fantastic.


Yes. Of course. I have friends with kids, neighbors with kids, and nieces and nephews. Kids turn into adults. I want all adults to be reasonably well rounded and know a certain set of basics. Also, I grew up in homeschool and know how much I had to catch up to public school kids in terms of those basics, but also just in general socialization. Ideally, I want public schools to be well funded so parents are less likely to homeschool (more will do it if they feel like their kid is not getting a good education) and I want the children in my life to grow up to be decent adults.


None of us have kids. These are the people who will be taking care of us in our old folks homes.


Part of why I don't want kids is so there's more resources available for the kids who already exist. I support paying education taxes etc.


I will absolutely gladly pay taxes for schools. Studies show time and again how children benefit from early school with good resources. Children are our future, and deserve all the best advantages from out the gate. 


100% I think society as a whole benefits when education is well funded.


Yes not only for the reason stated by John Green, but also because education has numerous positive externalities as an investment in society. I don’t want to live in a society with high crime, high mortality, poor health, low life expectancy, and low economic productivity. Investing in education (through at least community college) is a great way to avoid all of that.


Depends on what they want. We need we educated people to make a good society.


I vote against them. Not because I'm against more money going to students, but because the more money schools get, the more they bloat their administration instead of helping students. I'll support these once the out of control administrations are brought back in line and the money can be depended on to go to education. Obviously(I hope) this strongly depends on where we're talking about and the details of the levies.


I'm OK with school taxes - what I don't like are proposed, frivolous plans from the school district that they try to use to get people to increase school taxes. Enriching educational experiences? Hiring more teachers? Cool, fine by me. Expanding the gym AGAIN, building a 4th full size football field, redoing the entire Olympic-size pool to make it even bigger and more grand? No and I will vote against that shit (my local school spends too much on sports and it shows)


I agree. I wish the sports stuff would be put on a different ballot measure. I think it would probably usually pass, but I'd like the opportunity to vote against it.


A lot of the projects are separate and I'll vote against them. That said, if they didn't post separately and continued to just spend frivolously on sports then I'd be likely to start voting against consistently and may voice my frustrations as well.


I will always support education because ignorance is how you control the masses. Because I don't want to deal with ignorant adults and children grow to be adults I have to deal with. I want the best for humanity, I'm not preheating but humans will always procreate. If humans are going to be here I want our species to move forward, education is how we do that. 


I haven't had much chance to vote on such things yet because I'm still young, but if it ever came up I would. Funding for public education is a public service. Whether I have a kid in it or not, or even if I were to have one and want to send it to private school, has no bearing on my responsibility to participate in the education of other kids. That's why I'm anti-school choice, as the issue is traditionally framed. You don't like public school, you can choose not to use it. But you don't get to choose to not fund it.


We live in a society


Yes, for exactly the reason behind that quote. I'd rather live in a well educated society than an idiocracy.


Yeah, I think kids deserve a good education I just don't want kids of my own.


Even though I don’t have kids, it’s important to make sure that the next generation has a good education. One day when I’m old they’re going to be running the world around me!


Yupp! My mom is a teacher and I’ve seen how much her schools have struggled from levies not passing. My high school was literally falling apart, and we wouldn’t have gotten a new one without a levies. While I don’t have kids, nor want them, education is still important


My taxes are currently going to the military and the CIA, which benefits me zero percent. My taxes going toward a robust education system benefits me greatly. I like being surrounded by well-educated and thoughtful people.


Yes. Education benefits everyone.


Yes. We need a well educated population


Yes, because I hate the dumbing down of America.


And yet they are anyways.


Yes, this, entirely.


Yes, I want the next generation too be smarter than us


Every governmental leader that has ever been in office has gone to school first. I would very much rather those future leaders be well-educated. Also, my little sister is still in grade school, so for all intents and purposes I do have actual stake in the wellbeing of the school system. So yes, tax away


It's my paycheck so absolutely. There are a lot of child free people on education. We're the only ones who don't have to take our work home.


No. Hear me out. I used to all the time. I think every kid should have access to public schools. Teachers need to be paid more for sure and we do have some great things like free healthy school lunches and breakfasts. But... Admin budgets are super bloated while I and many others are struggling to survive. So, it's not because I'm child free or hate children but I will be voting no for the foreseeable future and yes, it's on the ballot a lot.


I’m fine paying taxes for public schools, but I hate paying taxes that go to Catholic and other religious schools.


Yes - I don’t have children, but they are going to be the ones taking care of us as we get older. I’d much rather have a smart(er) person processing my Medicare paperwork when I get to that age, or to know how to take my blood pressure now.


I vote yes. Better educational opportunities for kids help us all. They’re going to be adults with us in not so long.


Yes. I want to live in an educated society.


100%, I want to live in a society with plenty of doctors, engineers, teachers, etc. Even from a completely selfish perspective, when I'm 75, a society with an educated populace is going to be cheaper and more pleasant to live in *for me.*


Yes, I vote for them. I don’t want kids myself but I want kids that DO exist to have it good. Refusing to contribute to a social society is a new negative for everyone. We should do what we can to improve the lives of others around us.


I live in a state that uses property taxes to fund schools (no sales tax) as a home owner I contribute to school funding. So when they want a bond or some other school tax and it’s on the ballot I will vote no if it’s not something I think should have an additional tax.


Generally yes. I want kids to have what they need; I just don't want my own.


These are the people who will be running the country when I'm old. I'd rather they be well educated. 


Yes because I don’t want to live in a world of stupid people.


Supporting a strong education system has little to do with having a kid in school. It benefits society as a whole.


Totally in favor because thats my responsibility as a member of society who wants to continue to live in a functioning world.


A decent, free public education is vital to society. As a CF person who generally dislikes other people. I usually vote in favor of additional school taxes.




You had me in the first bit and I wholeheartedly agree with you there. As for the rest there’s plenty of idiots in blue areas and cities as well. The crime statistics do not lie. Blue areas are typically crime hotspots. I do agree that we spend way too much on the military and the bloated political system. Parents should most certainly be responsible for their children’s education as well. I don’t ask the public to pay for my hobbies, just because their hobby is having unprotected sex isn’t my problem.


Unfortunately, I think people are going to be stupid no matter what, and at this point, throwing more money at schools isn't going to help (especially when it's just going into people's pockets instead). There would need to be a fundamental change in how we (the US) operate schools. Standardized testing encourages short-term cram learning versus actual understanding. If schools were actual institutions for learning versus glorified babysitters, I would be happy to pay taxes. But as it is now, paying school taxes just doesn't benefit anyone other than the parents who don't want to deal with their children 24/7.


Nailed it


I agree with this as well, I just don't think the answer is to give less funding to schools when it's pretty clear that underfunded schools still do worse than well funded schools. The American school system needs to be fixed and education is undervalued.


Yes. I want children to be able to go to school even if they don't have the money. They should all have the same or similar starts. It's unfair that if poort parents decided to have children, that those children don't get to have an education and no start in life.


Yep. I don't want children of my own. I still recognize the importance of everyone receiving a quality education.


it's cute that he thinks that American schools counter stupidity


Was my thoughts as well. But reading through the comments is pretty scary. A lot of indoctrinated folks here…


Single, no kids and I am a strong believer in well funded education and contributing to it.


Well that’s already how it works in a lot of countries, my own included. You pay taxes to keep systems that benefit us all - schools, roads, healthcare etc. So of course I want to continue such a system. I benefited from it myself; in my country all education is free (tax-funded) up to and including university. I went to vet school and had no student loans. I’m very thankful for that because I know in other countries that isn’t always the case.


Yes, I do. I benefit from living in an educated society. We are currently seeing the effects of villainizing intellectualism all around us and it's terrifying.  Plus, like, learning things is super fun and I want future generations to have that pleasure. 


Yes, I do, I use the public school system, and I want to make sure that it’s available for the children in my community as well.


The bulk of our property taxes are going to the local school system. We *need* an educated populace. Without it, the (now rapidly increasing) slide into Idiocracy is going to happen. Stupidity should not be as celebrated as it is. We want good schools. They're good for society overall and good for property values. I want kids today to have better tools than we did.


Yes, always. If I wanted to just think about it from a financial perspective, better schools mean better property values. That’s really a secondary reason for me. Primarily, I’m a firm believer in the value of education and I think it’s critical for society to have as educated of a populace as possible. Even though I don’t have kids nor ever want them, it’s important to me that the kids in my town have every opportunity possible. So I put my money where my mouth is! (The levies don’t always pass though, unfortunately imo)


I will always vote yes on education proposals because education is important. Great education systems keep property values high, and it increases the chances that kids will be become functioning members of society. It’s a win-win.


A well educated populace is one of the most important factors for a well functioning and happy society. Imo it would be incredibly stupid to not want to fund schools with my taxes simply because I myself don't have children. Its like not funding science research because I'm not a scientist.


Well, I’m a teacher, so I’m not going to vote against my own interests and the ease of my job. But also, these kids are going to be the ones in government one day. Doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers. Do we want them getting the best education we can afford? Or do we want to shrug because it doesn’t directly affect us? Let me tell you, part of the reason things are hard right now is because there’s been a war on education since the 80s.


Smarter people are better people, for the most part. I always vote yes on educational levies.


Yes. I don’t have kids I never will. But I benefit from an educated society. Please take more money from my check because the education is in the toilet in the US.


I think taxes are evil but can also see the good in them for things like school and free healthcare… not that we have the latter in America:/


*USA. I need to stop calling the United States just “America” but clearly it’s deeply engrained in my mind


Hell yes! Investing in the younger generation is the smartest thing you can do as a society. Very selfishly, they will be the ones in charge when you are old and vulnerable. You want to teach them well so society is a better place for you (and everyone else!).


Always. Because children's education is important, even when they're not mine 🤷🏻‍♀️


Of course. I don’t have or want kids, but I am in favor of education, feeding children, providing care, etc. I want kids to be safe, fed, and educated. Being childfree doesn’t make me a monster like some people think 😂


Better to fund schools than a genocide. But I'm an American, we get little choice.


I vote for education taxes/referendums because it benefits all of society to have an educated society. Those kids are going to go on to provide essential services one day so I’m all for providing them with the best start possible.


As a comfortably middle class gal in a low income neighborhood, I don't let my taxes get to me. Education and access to community places like libraries and housing partnerships are so critical to the success of areas with large immigrant populations. Most of my neighbors, the OG grandparents barely speak English, but their kids are working blue collar jobs, and their kids are in college. I have mad respect for how difficult their lives had to have been so if my money helps pay for services that makes lives more accessible for people just like them coming here now, I'm down.


To quote the late, great Senator Paul Wellstone, “We all do better when we all do better.” The amount my taxes go up from levies is pretty small and I want kids to have the best schools possible.