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If you live in Orlando you have to commit to the commute. Everything worth seeing is 30 minutes away. You’re lucky it’s not an hour away in Clermont! Try Universal they’re always hiring and about 20-30 minutes away


I live in Clermont and it sucks😭😭😭


I’m glad I’m not alone in the pain lmao


I would not recommend this. The traffic and walking will definitely force you to wake up 2 hours early if you think you’d make it from UCF area to Universal within 30 minutes.


i currently live near ucf and work at universal and its really not that bad at all


no it’s not that bad idk what they’re talking ab lol I NEVER really had an issue going to universal, it was like 25-30 min from my apartment and I went constantly. I lived like 10 min up the street from UCF


It's not bad if you need a job. They can find another place later, but if they need a job now, universal is a good bet


Truth. Right next to the school, I couldn’t find anything lol and somehow their Applebees even shut down (there used to be one!)


yeahh but then what if u don’t have a car 🙃🙃


The job market is legitimately terrible right now


What should we do about it? Maybe make it easier to start small businesses, that be cool


find a niche, open a shop up on etsy. ive made a lot of money that way through 3d printing and have managed to pay off about half of my classes that way each semester and still have money left over, just from that alone.


Out of curiosity, what’s the demand for in 3d printing? Like, what kind of products are people buying?


You gotta find a niche, I can’t speak on 3d printing as a whole, but I do cosplay pieces, and I find myself having more business than I can handle so I have limited commissions


It’s like 20 away but koi sushi is hiring iirc


if you enjoy working with kids i recommend looking into becoming an americorps early learning corp, it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. you can commit to 18, 25, or 35 hours a week, if you do 35 hours you get insurance and it’s a stipend so even if you miss hours you get the same amount. it’s not that much money but i think the job is very rewarding and if you live close to a preschool they most likely are affiliated with americorps.


what exactly do you do? that sounds kinda sick actually


i tutor preschool kids to help them transition into kindergarten, i conduct assessments and get a caseload assigned, divided into numeracy and literacy and it’s pretty cool because you get a script but you also have the freedom to add things to the small groups like incentives or songs. it’s rly nice! also HUGE pro that i forgot to add, you get an educational award that you can pay your student loans with. if you start working in august (you can start in august, october or january) i think you get 5k at the end of the school year


It indeed is sick


Go to the chick Fil a on university if ur really desperate, but if ur love ur life don’t. I just got fired and my boy left to another job. But I’m sure they are desperate. Just don’t expect your promised pay raise and working short handed with no body in the back.


That’s just the restaurant industry


Both the Raising Cane's and City Barbeque at University and 436 have Now Hiring banners up. Still looks like they're a few weeks from opening, but likely actively interviewing. If transportation is an issue, I can understand wanting to stay closer to campus. But if it's not, you're just going to have to expand your search radius. I worked at Universal all 6 years of college and it was great experience. Yeah the daily drive sucked but they worked around my school schedule and I had benefits.


30 minutes isnt that bad of a commute. i just listen to my favorite podcast


Honestly felt this; being full time and each class demands 8 hours of studying and then commuting back and forth from class hitting traffic without fail. I’ve walked to places, handed them my resume to the hiring manager, told another store is hiring because “they’re low” and then travel to that store to be referred to the previous store that they’re also low. If I ever call them out that, they tell me that since student are gone for the summer that business is low. Even with military background and management experience, I still get shot down. I barely got bread for gas and if I don’t stick to my study plan I know my grades will suffer. With inflation being this crazy, it makes me miss being with my parents but on god I wouldn’t want to put the same stress on them to support me.


A lot of companies are putting on a hiring freeze in place. Thats why your not getting any jobs.


Why do you think they are putting a hiring freeze?


Probably to spend less money on employees and hiring, this exact same thing that OP is going through happened to me in Late 2022/Early 2023.


Less money, cut down on any bloat , unsure economic and global forecast, conflicts, presidential election.


Can’t speak for all industries, but every restaurant I’ve worked in for the last 3 years has been overstaffed. With exceptions for full-time workers (who get their 40 hours a week), the part-timers pretty much never got more than 2 shifts scheduled a week, and had to either bargain to trade shifts or find a second job.


Obviously wouldn't be the experience of a lifetime, but maybe try the Woodbury McDonald's.


I used to live at Orion and that was MY McDonald’s. How that McDonald’s functions is completely beyond me


I suggest a call center job. They are always hiring. I’ll be honest, they are not the best jobs because dealing with irate and frustrated customers day in and day out is exhausting but it at least gets you a job. You can look on indeed or other job websites.


Your mental health isn't worth it. I did that job for three years, and people were constantly quitting because the abuse gets to you. It's not rewarding, the pay is terrible, and it will destroy your sense of work-life balance if you do it from home. I had to go to therapy because of it. Never again. I'd rather cease to exist.


I get it, and I agree. However, the OP seems desperate to get a job right now. So that’s why I say in the meantime to get a call center job. I only worked at one for 6 months, it gave me something to put on my resume and then I was able to get other office-type jobs from that.


Here’s what you gotta do to get a job. Learn to be like an annoyance to a store/place that is hiring and be unapologetic about it. Apply online and get comfortable with one or a few employees to slither your way to the hiring manager. You are not gonna get the job by just simply applying, you gotta be always asking about your application and what they are doing, always. This should happen until they out right say no or you get an interview. It’s a harsh reality of the Orlando Job market that is better to learn now than later.


Create a LinkIN profile and submit to Advent Health, FedEx, United States Postal Service, Amazon, HCA, Goodwill Industries, Amelie Arena, Disney, and Life Care Centers Inc… Apply for Customer Service or Sales Associate or Data entry… good luck 🍀


Go work at a nearby used car dealer and sell some cars ! I did that at 18 and it became an addiction and now I'm making six figures plus in the auto industry ...


Is there a legitimate reason you can’t do something more than 30 minutes away? I feel like you’re limiting yourself a lot there. Edit: nowhere in my comment did I say they should drive 1 hour. I asked them why because if they can sacrifice an additional 15 minutes for a 45 minute commute, wouldn’t that be better than no job at all? And whether or not they have a car gives a lot of context, which is why I asked.


Some people don't have cars


That’s why I asked OP what their reason was.


If it was a choice between a 30 min bus ride and starving because I had no job, that choice is easy peasy.


30 mins by car is not 30 mins by bus


Fine then, an hour by bus. My point still stands.


Not an hour by bus, 30 minute drive to this one location is a 2 hour bus ride. No car.


Then starve bro, not sure what to tell ya.


Only responded to point out it’s not that easy. You feel obligated to comment or something?


Yup. Life is just one shit choice after another and you hope you make enough of the correct shit choices to have slightly lesser shit choices in the future. It is what it is.


Type shit i guess


This is what I am trying to get at :) if a 45 minute (extra 15 minutes) commute exists then why not sacrifice the extra 15 minutes for a job versus no job at all? Everyone’s jumping to conclusions with my original comment that I think an hour drive is what they should do.


Especially when, because this is a UCF sub, they could study on the bus.


I drive about 700-1000 miles a week, sometimes more. I highly recommend you find a job you can commute to in under 20 minutes. Don’t spend your life driving like I do, it is genuinely a waste of your life


I drive 80 miles a day to get to UCF and I hate it. I wouldn’t recommend it, but I have to in order to save money on rent. Just sometimes sacrifices have to be made. If they really need a job right now, and can’t find one close by, and it’s only 45 minutes then they need to weigh their options.


who would want to drive an hour for work? total waste of gas money and time


I mean it is, I drove an hour to school every day and hated it, but if you need a job and can’t find something closer then you may need to make the sacrifice if making money and surviving is important to you. There are also a lot of lengths between 30 min and an hour such as 45 min if OP is cutting strictly at 30. I never spoke to the annoyance of driving I just asked why they chose this time.


My boss is hiring a coordinator. Temp work. 1 month. 4160 a month + some other benefits. It can be hard work sometimes and I think it’s a good trade off for the benefits and the skills learned


Do you mind giving me a description about the job and what you guys are looking for? I don’t really know about being a coordinator but learning skills is something I really like to do.


Totally forgot that I was doing work on my personal Reddit lol. Ima send you a pm


Have you tried Applebees in casselberry? About 15 min from Oviedo, I worked there and loved it


were you a server ? how was the pay compared to the amount of work you had to do?


They pay minimum wage it’s not terrible at least it wasn’t when I worked there. Hosting is pretty easy too. Sorry I just saw this




What is your restaurant experience? Foh, boh, drive thru? Gnarly Barley is hiring boh. Not sure what their pay structure is or what the hours needed are. Good restaurant in ivanhoe.


I’m in the same boat bro I don’t know what I am going to do. I took the summer semester off on purpose to work and I haven’t gotten hired at all since school ended🥹…


The Alafaya library is hiring: https://ocls.applicantstack.com/x/openings


Ive been dealing with the same issue. Im lucky enough to have a car and can do UberEats, but the chance ill be getting an entry level job in the medical field is slim to none right now.


What’s your major? If you’re in business i highly HIGHLY recommend getting an internship instead. I was struggling to find a job in Orlando in like retail or food and I was about to go back home. I ended up getting an internship that paid me enough (and over) what I need to live comfortably here. Internships tend to pay much more and have more hours, esp in finance or accounting.


Substitute teaching pays $120