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Delays and issues aside, that's quite good going for £500!Hopefully it'll all work out and with some perseverence you'll be super happy with it. Please report back when it's all operational!


Yeah i really can't complain about the price. The Octopus installers have been amazing and super cool to chat with. I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end 😊


I'd love to get a heat pump for my home. I recently moved into a new build built in 2022 and what's been putting me off is that the loft would really be the only place I can put a tank too as well as I can't really justify replacing a new boiler! So it gives me hope that it may actually be possible to utilise my loft. I'm quite keen to be fully electric one day.


I think those who are going to have the least hassle from heat pump installs are those who are still on antiquated back boilers etc where they've still got a separate cold and hot water tank.


Why does it help to have separate tanks, etc?


Half the plumbing is already there


You'd think but we have a 20 year old house with a hot water cylinder and S plan heating, and octopus want £4500 for the install. The only thing I can think of is that there's microbore to the rads upstairs but most of the piping, including to all the downstairs rads and to the cylinder, is 22mm copper. It can't be that difficult to lift the floors upstairs to run copper. I'm semi considering doing that bit myself...


Wow, only £500 . . such a deal.. I'd wait it out for a while.. that's about 20% of what it should cost.


£6500 grand courtesy of tax payers, so really £7000, plus I think it's all VAT free.


The grant is actually £7.5k


Finally getting our money back for something. God knows it's not going to the NHS 😭


Did they not come out to your house to do a survey in advance? If not how did they size your system?


They did, they were surveying it for about 6 hours or so, I think it was their first time. They do heat loss calculations in every room, and figure out where it's all going. They noted the only place it could be was in the loft, and mentioned it probably needs a survey in advance, but I never got told this was needed.


Good! I was worried they hadn’t done the heat loss calculations and you were getting a (probably) incorrectly sized system. It sounds like a bit of faff getting the install done, but look at it this way, you’re paying basically nothing to get significantly cheaper electricity for something in the region of 20 years. A week or two of faff is worth it.


Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to seeing the rest as it goes on. I was originally quoted around £3.5k but didn't like that i couldn't be given a survey date, so got the £500 refunded. Checked afterwards, and the quote had gone up to £5k.


Have they said when you should expect the report? Can't they get the up in the loft and plumbed in but not fill it with water until you have the report? Any word on who's paying for it?


No idea. It's an independent company in my local area doing the report, Octopus are as frustrated as i am. They can't do anything in the loft until they get the report. I had a chat with them today, it cost £700 and Octopus is fitting the bill. Apparently any unexpected costs, Octopus are happy to cover.


Good to hear about them coving the bill. Shame it's taking so long, though. Please keep us posted.


Your quote is exactly the same as mine, and the upgrade details almost exactly the same. Still waiting on an installation date, but should be September. I’ll do a similar post, as I think it’s worthwhile keeping people in the loop on what happens. Hopefully you can let us know what your running costs have been as the year progresses?