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>During the first night, half the company immediately died. I'll take that as a thank you.


Better than dying slowly, anyway.


Arent we all dying slowly...




"Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers. "


Next group present yourself and go over there... đŸ’„âš°ïž


If it's anything like a bar of soap, there will always be something left to lather yourself up with.


So we need to send twice as many weapons and they will all be gone!




What does he want, sympathy, or the better solution of sending more weapons to Ukraine?


I vote for sending more weapons to Ukraine.


The whole point of sending weapons is to kill Russians. If they succeed it means the plan is working . đŸ’Ș đŸ‡ș🇩


I mean, the best way to prevent Russian deaths, is for the war to be as short as possible. So even if you don't want Russians to die, the best way to achieve that is to give Ukraine as many weapons as possible. The alternative is a years long war or insurgency that'll end up costing far more Russian lives. Not as if Russia can afford to hold on to Ukraine anyway, so it's all entirely pointless. But I suppose the sunk cost fallacy is why the Russians keep going. Better to throw a hundred thousand more Russians into the grinder and delay a bit longer, than admit they were wrong.


Normally these kinds of conundrums are solved by a revolution or mass desertion.


Honestly, if the army had just shot up the FBS goons planting bombs in 1999, then shot Putin, most of the dead ones right now would be alive 😂. Talk about having a excess of machismo being bad for your health, supporting a dictator only ends with you in a grave.


Presumably if whole groups start immediately dying on the first night instead of just half groups Russia might actually give up on this front. Realistically though, they will probably just start invading Poland, or something.


Belarus will become a "region" for real.


I mean those weapons were designed to kill Russians. Using them for anything else just seems disingenuous.


Won't somebody think of the weapons!!


There is a hfy fic where they have to assign soldiers to calm the munitions in the ammo dump. It seems the imperial and metric argue over the which is the best caliber


I had a russian troll trying to convince me that Ukraine started the war, and russia just wants to end it peacefully.


Not unusual at all. Russian trolls like to claim Euromaidan started the war. Ignore, of course, that Yanukovych's own party turned on him after he gave the order to shoot protestors.


Ah the old "stop making me hit you" defence.


I wonder sometimes if they believe it


I think some do. russians steeped in the propaganda who strive to defend the motherland.


Well of course Russia wants to end it peacefully, all Ukraine has to do is vacate the regions Russia invaded and promise to do nothing to prepare to defend themselves while Russia reloads and rearms to invade the rest of Ukraine. Can't imagine why Ukraine won't agree to those terms.


Not sure he actually wants anything other than to just speak about his experience. I don't know about you but I don't find it hard to believe a lot of them don't want to be there and if they try to leave they are shot. It's literally a rock and a hard place. Ukraine's army has been saying this has been happening since almost day one. I have zero sympathy for Russia but I do for individual kids who are just thrown into a meat grinder. And before you think I'm shilling for Russia please believe me I'm not. I absolutely support helping Ukraine but can still acknowledge the hell that war is.


I don’t think you are at all, in fact I think you make a valid point. There are those though that are enjoying what they are doing in Ukraine, they are the real problem along with those sending them there.


It's a fair point. The whole Christian nationalist thing we all have seen that supports Putin's behavior is really problematic in the long term. And that's a global problem.


And the only way how to stop it is unfortunatelly, make the firepower of Ukraine so big, that the Russian military would have to reconsider if it is worth fighting meaningless war.


That is likely the case. Or Putin somehow dies and a more sane leader takes over. Not holding my breath mind you.


Sympathy is when the Ukrainian military blows your head off with an anti-tank mine, all other Russian fucks must to suffer.


Probably should just surrender instead of asking for sympathy


I think he just wants someone, anyone, to know what happened to the 88 that died? Seems to think his government will hide the losses and they will have just disappeared? I am not necessarily sympathizing with his plight, just offering a possible answer to your question.


You're right, he will never know the answer to his question, for two reasons: If he persists in asking he will "cease to exist", if he stops asking, nobody will answer.


Literally could not give a shit about any of them. At this stage they know what they're doing. They know that it's wrong. And they know they will be killing innocent people, and that they themselves will die. Fuck them.


Honestly, sometimes some deep part of my brain feels sorry for Russian soldiers, then I quickly get reminded what they’re actually like, especially after seeing the photos from Vovchansk when this new offensive started followed the usual trend of Orcs murdering civilians who were simply trying to escape the fighting. Orc deaths can’t happen soon enough.


I'm well aware that at the start of the war a lot of them were misled but at this stage there's no excuse.


There's definitely excuses, which is why a decent amount still surrender/defect when able. I think the issue is that there's sort of a silent understanding for most of them that defying orders is a quick way to earn a bullet, and defying the government has consequences for the family. I just wish I knew how crazy it really was. Are they straight up misled about what they're walking into? We've seen huge groups of Russian soldiers simply walking towards their own doom so many times.


From talking to Russians living in Russia (a small number, so this is not a scientific survey), they say that most are either pro-war, or just don't care Once they're in Ukraine, I suspect a mix of lies ("it'll go great!") and fear of being shot, has most of them follow whatever orders they're given


Especially at the start of the war, the Russian propaganda was lacking. The war was supposed to be a complete surprise attack, so AFAIK there were no built up of vilification of Ukraine that you would normally see. Putin said on TV a few days before the invasion that Russia would not invade Ukraine. Russia completely failed to give a justification for the invasion, even after the invasion had actually started.


Very much so. So much information out there any Russian soldier in Ukraine knows what's up


Any Russian soldier with the conscious to say this war is wrong already defected 2 years ago. The only ones that remain and the new arrivals are criminals or sheep.


Exactly. I have no empathy. I'm well aware that there are Russians on this sub. Just to be clear to you, unless YOU stand up against Putlet YOU are part of the problem. It isn't everyone else's responsibility to do it for you. When you get fucked, and you will, your inaction, your willingness to go along with a stupid invasion is your fault not anybody else's. Stand up against Putlet or I have zero respect for you.


After Bucha, I realized what they were like. These guys straight up executed 458 civilians in the street for no reason. They weren’t even fighting, just occupying some small town.


Russia as a culture/society has poisoned itself so much over the last 60 years that it knows no other way. Will take generations to repair.


Isn’t this just par for course for russian society? Just generations of being apathetic and living hard lives to allow ruling elites to keep living their fancy lives?


Think it's worse, an entire country with PTSD that self medicates with booze.


More like last 300years


This ! And dont forget, they started 1st and 2nd world war. By being complicit by financing the black hand in serbia that killed franz ferdinand and then be the first country to fully mobilize (which is an act of war on its own). 2nd WW they invaded and split up poland with germany. This deal was made before Germany even attacked poland. Then they surprised attacked finland immediately.


Twice. They attacked Finland twice.


They get duped into thinking they'll spend their whole time in Ukraine freely killing and torturing people, only to find themselves getting marched into Ukrainian positions. Fuck them.


The only ones I feel sorry for are the ones who surrendered within the first week of arriving on Ukrainian soil.




I'm kind of the same mindset. Those that stand up against the regime actually do something I think should be offered the hand of friendship. Those that resolutely continue to kill, rape, forcibly relocate, and invade Ukraine can go to hell. I have no empathy.


Exactly, no sympathy from me for the orcs


Yet useless/useful fools still repeat Russia's sympathy propaganda: *"It's Putin's war! The Russian people have no choice!"* The majority of Russians always knew what they were complicit in, and at this point none have an excuse to not know.


In the ear with a bayonet. So sensual. Fuck them indeed


lets be real, at this stage they know even less of the truth than they did before the war started. The propaganda in Russia is absolutely insane, almost North Korea levels. The crackdown on anyone "asking questions" is swift and severe. There's not a single person left who "knows the truth" - they all been brainwashed and zombified


Pretty much. Oddly enough the only one who was in the media space being relatively open about the war was Prigozhin, and he was only open about it because he just wanted to use nukes and be done with it.


Give me a button that magically removes every one last of these depraved fuckers from my country and I'd push it in a heart beat.


A magical button where I would knee them in the face in turn, and I would take it. And I'm not Ukrainian, and before 2014 was interested in traveling Russia. They can go duck themselves.


I'm reminded of a scene from Woody Allen's Love and Death: "We started the battle with 12,000 men. When it was over, we had 14 survivors. We got a message from the tsar saying "Keep up the good work." The more things change, the more they stay the same, except I doubt Pootin is sending messages of encouragement.


Pootie calls them meat, he refuses to call them soldiers.


Brother of a soldier he hasn't heard from since May wonders if the week of training his brother received is even legal. Maybe he should have worried about what was legal before someone he cared about got blown up.


The war’s perfectly above board mate, it’s just the issue of the raping and pillaging; If that bloke only got a week’s training, how can they expect him to live long enough to torture the ukies? Fucking travesty.


After what bad neighbors did to them in the 1940s you'd think they'd want to be nice neighbors.


I just wish that he and his comrades would just lay down arms, return to the hole they came from to die a normal death
.by alcohol poisoning.




You confused by the degenerate life of the modern Russian? Low IQ, wife abuse, alcoholism, rape, child porn safe haven, etc.


Get, and I cannot emphasise this enough, fucked.


"only 12 or of 100 survived" - "his unit has been decimated". Actually, decimation would be reduced by a tenth. His unit was 9x decimated!


According to my calculations, Russia is fucked!


It's worse. Getting decimated 9 times in a row would leave 39 people alive out of 100. 0.9^9 ≈ 0.39


So assuming 12 out of 100 survived, they were log(0.12)/log(0.9) ≈ 20.123891... times decimated. And before that, they were turned into murderous puppets in a pointless and unlawful invasion driven by vengeance of a crazy old ex-KGB agent. This is even worse, even though it happened only once.


And not even a good ex-KGB agent. Wasn't the chucklefuck just a desk jockey?


I have seen such claims, but truth is we have no real knowledge about his performance. As a president he is terrible, as a mafia boss he is quite competent. But my pet conspiration theory is that Putin is an undercover elite CIA agent tasked with complete destruction of Russia. If this is true, he has been working extremely carefully over last 30 years to this ultimate end. It's pity that CIA apparently somehow lost their means of securely withdrawing him from his mission. /s


Thats not good odds


Math geek.


Nah, didn't even provide the correct amount of decimations.


The correct answer is 21.8543 decimations!! 0.9^x = 0.1 Then solve for x :)


Ooo a math smith


I wish that could be my flair


41 people alive, since you can only kill an integer number of people.


Why we need to arm the Ukrainians even more.


The worst thing about all of this is that any survivors are thrown right back into the frontline meat grinder.


Someone read the post from the other day ;)


Good news


Good, fuck the aggressor and their bags of worthless meat.


Russian soldier fucked himself. Good. You, Russian soldier, should not be in Ukraine. If you make choice to be there anyway, you deserve all that comes to you.


Continue to suffer! Suffer until there's no more of you all on Ukrainian land!


Not heavy enough. MOAR losses!!!


The last paragraph of the article is sobering.


I know it's being interpreted more liberally these days, but the original definition of decimated meant losing 10%, not close to 90%. A unit being deemed no longer combat effective happens way before then. I'm just another armchair general with no real-life experience, but I do keep wondering what the factors are in why not more Russians are defecting or turning on their officers. Simple indoctrination and zealotry and information paucity only explain so much...


For real, as much as "decimation" is used for "killing a whole lot of them", it's actually 1 in 10 killed, which is very low casualties for a war


Maybe try retreating back to Mordor


Well they were told they would all die so what’s the carping about?


And still the comments of those ruzzians searching for missing relatives is concern for them. They couldn’t care less about what horrors their family members are/were inflicting on a neighbouring country


Did it occur to you guys that you're not welcome in Ukraine?


Like alot of people with Ukrainian ancestry I have some Russian mixed in. Fortunately it's far eastern Russia. As for Ruzzians dying in Ukraine, zero f%$ks are given by me.


No pity for them at all. At this point theres all kinds of information out there that can change their minds. But no they still go for the money and bloodlust.


What happened to your father dear boy? He thought he could make money as a soldier but fucked off this earth instead, leaving mother and I in even more poverty.


Sucks to be an Invader


Ukraine is getting stronger while Russia is getting weaker. I think I can predict how this mutherfucker's gonna end.


That's a good result. Well done Ukraine!


Fuck the shit out of them!


Well, somebody has to be congratulated!


Too bad the Russians aren't intelligent enough to organize and go after their commanding officers




The sad part is that they can facilitate gains with these insane casualty rates. Horrific.


Only good Russian is a dead Russian. Fuck em.


Hold on, this is still going on? I thought russians had their main advantage being they can fire from their own land without getting hit back. Now thats gone, having these huge losses and why still keep going? They got a bdsm fetish 100%


Are they still pushing there?


Your losing is the way.


Fuck 'em


>His unit had been decimated, \[said Russian soldier Anton Andreev\], with only 12 out of 100 soldiers still alive. His unit wasn't "decimated". [There would be 90 still alive if it had been](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimation_(punishment)). His unit would have been fortunate to have been decimated. Misuse of that perfectly good word is annoying.


Yeah, we too saw the top rated comment but didn't feel the need to copy it.


Incredible restraint


A bunch of people read a post about decimation from the other day and now they're all crusty and experts at linguistics.