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A thousand a day keeps the invasion at bay. Absolute insanity.


How do they like dem apples??


Through a tennis racket probably


And it seems that 40 arty is on par for the party.


The doctor approves of this.


1170 eliminated Russians so far this month average per day. Total 30410 for this month with four days left to go in June.


Insane Russia is still able to muster 30,000 replacements a month.


If we believe all the numbers, of course, that often goes without saying. But assuming, that these numbers to match reality, my guess is, that the economical situation for large swathes of the population are so bad, that they hope to get at least _something_ out of joining the military, other than death. And their economical situation will probably worsen still, creating more desperate people in Russia, more Putin cannonfodder. Misery that begets more misery.


All you get is death and misery in russia.


From previous reports, they promise lots of money knowing that they won't have to pay some 70% of the salaries because the people signing up will be dead. But if you are earning $10,000 a year or whatever Russians make on average, and are promised 10x that to go fight, it'd probably be pretty enticing. I'm sure Russians on average aren't allowed to know exactly how badly this war is going for them.


My jaw dropped when I saw those numbers! What a waste of lives! Whoever starts a war should be hung.


The number of Russian army attacks on the frontlines increased yesterday: - On the Kharkiv front, Russian forces unsuccessfully attempted to regain lost positions. A drone attack and a major explosion occurred in the city of Belgorod. The local governor reported an attack by six drones causing damage to residential buildings, with no signs of Russian air defense activity. - In the Svatove and Severodonetsk region, the Russian army's assault towards Kupiansk continues, though it has lost intensity in this sector. The Russian army was very active on the Luhansk and Siversk fronts. There are no reports of persistent progress by Russian units. - In the area around Bakhmut, Russian army attacks on the city of Chasiv Yar continue, but without results. Attacks further south towards Toretsk also have not been successful. - The most significant Russian offensive continues towards the town of Pokrovsk. Reports from yesterday indicate minor improvements in Russian unit positions. Over time, such continuous minor progress could potentially become dangerous. Battles continue south in the area around Krasnohorivka. No significant changes occurred yesterday. Yesterday, the Russian army attacked the town of Pokrovsk with an Iskander-M ballistic missile, resulting in 5 civilian deaths and over 40 injuries. - On the southern front, battles are low intensity. The most serious attempt by the Russian army was near the village of Urozhaine, but no results were achieved. On the eastern bank of the Dnieper, Russian unit attacks continue without success.


1000 personnel losses a day? Last few weeks it has been like that. That is quite telling. Not sure if this adds to the value of the post, but extensive corruption, poor coordination, and poor leadership are three problems that have long plagued the Russian military. Those reasons could explain why Russia is incurring heavy losses day by day. A side note: Transparency International ranks Russia as one of the most corrupt nations on planet earth. Mexico, a country notorious for its extreme corruption, is less corrupt than Russia.


1170 eliminated Russians so far this month average per day. Total 30410 for this month with four days left to go in June.


Probably losing them as fast as they are getting them.


Nit probably, i believe official estimates are russia recruits roughly 30k people a month.


30k is lower than the reported monthly losses


I think it’s hard to rank countries exactly by corruption but Russia definitely is up there. The war has shown they have a serious issue of money going *somewhere* I know Ukraine has its issues (every country has to a degree) but if they had the same level of theft Russia has they wouldn’t have lasted 3 months in this war


"If Ukraine didn't have oligarchs stealing from the budget the war would be won by now" said my friend in Kyiv.


We can only hope those leaks are going to be plugged really soon...


For me the most important point is that Ukraine is committed and working very hard to improve itself while Russia sinks lower and lower as it actively endorses corruption for the benefit of a few.


In addition, the AFU has learnt and adapted and have, as a result are progressively more efficient at eliminating the invaders and their equipment.


Absolutely. That's what happens when people around the world join hands to fight against Russia.


According to Shopro's stats the average for last 6 months is now 1003 a day. For last 3 months 1090 and for last month 1190. The average for the entire war is 658.


> Last few weeks it has been like that. That is quite telling. Actually, since yesterday, the 6 month average crossed the 1000 per day so its been half a year of this.


Only 4 tanks… light day. Hopefully a sign of lack of equipment …


Quite possibly. But possibly they're holding some back for another part of the front, since the attack on Kharkiv has gone so swimmingly.


Tanks rate falling? Are they running out finally? Guess what they have most of now is nuclear threats. Seems to be a endless arsenal


One day doesn't tell anything, I looked at shopro's statistics for "armoured" (i.e. tanks+APVs) over the last weeks. Between 8th and 3rd week ago the ratio of personnell/armored was slowly rising from ~29:1 to ~33:1. The last 2 weeks this trend accelerated a lot - 39.6:1 and 44.7:1. But we can't attribute it completely to "running out". All numbers except artillery were ~10% lower during the last 3 weeks. --> The artillery has a higher share on the personnel losses than before, this also drives the ratio up. I'd say clear signs of shortages but no collapse, yet.


They had to run out eventually. Now is as good a time as any.


Could also be in the counter


Knew the artillery counter was asleep yesterday, another great counter artillery day yesterday


Walking 1220 orcs to the k i ll mill like backyard breeders do to dogs that can't be sold or reproduced.


The 1220 are not all dead, that is dead and injured. The actual number dead is probably only 30 to 40% of that


We've seen enough videos of them executing the wounded to know it's higher than 40%.


Also their evac. and field hospital systems are so poor 50% of their wounded die shortly so with a 1:2 killed to wounded ratio the net result is a 2:1 ratio with some of the remaining wounded amputated or maimed beyond further service.


For russia they are dead. Think they will be treated as heroes and have a fair life at home? 😅


No, they'll be patched up and sent back out. Injuries could include concussions, broken bones, fixable stuff even for the medical capabilities of a country like Russia. Sure it will also include amputees, severe burn survivors, or gunshot/shrapnel survivors that will never see military service again, but not all are like that


Unmaned wheelchair orchs?


Injured troops are arguably a bigger drain than KIA. They need to be transported from the front which consumes manpower, fuel and vehicles. They need often extensive surgical treatment, physiotherapy and convalescence which consumes resources. Well, that's the case in a civilised society any. In Russia who knows!


Well apparently they frag a lot of injured soldiers so the KIA is probably pretty high.


Of those about 45-50% are KIA. And additional 20-25% are heavily wounded that get discharged from military duty. 30-35% are also heavily injured, but get eventually sent back to the meatgrinder. Lightly wounded are extra.


Слава Україні!


Героем слава


Artillery figure needs to be higher, destroying those will bring an end sooner, hopefully!


Higher is better but the current rate is just fine if they can keep it up. Ukraine is mowing down Russian artillery like a batwing brushhog going through high weeds. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXlGiaXHkBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXlGiaXHkBc)


How many fucking artillery systems do orcs have?


I think all ~145 million of them have or had one. The number of tanks, APCs and artillery is mind blowing.


A lot less then they started with. LOL! I don't know as there is any public figure on How many guns Iran and North Korea have sent to Russia but that should be all they have left plus any real new production they have managed.


You have to wonder at which point they can no longer effectively cover the entire front with artillery. They'll never "run out", but there's a point where this becomes a big disadvantage for them.


I expect we will find out that point has been reached when Ukraine can advance unopposed by artillery at several points along the front. If the Russians are down to say 600 guns that is less then one per kilometer of front and those points that are at the far end of Russian supply lines will become very weak.


Covert Cabal estimated in February that they had under 7000 towed artillery and under 3000 self-propelled artillery left in storage, plus whatever they had in the field. At about 40 pieces lost per day times 120 days, that's about 4800 artillery pieces subtracted from that total. Which is about what Russia had estimated to have in the field in Ukraine at that time, so if we assume they've been able to keep up with the loss rate, that would suggest they've got about 5000 or so left in storage and 5000 in the field now. That is not a particularly data-backed assumption, just one that makes the numbers easy to follow. But if they keep relying on artillery that's being drawn from older and worse stocks with shorter ranges, worse accuracy, and longer repositioning times, they'll have to keep those artillery pieces near to the front lines where counterbattery fire can rain down on them more easily, so they'll keep their loss rate up. Four more months at that rate could see them genuinely exhaust their stockpile and be down to only whatever replacements they can build or buy from Iran and North Korea going forward.


[Daily stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1dopq9g/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/)




Cheapest solution. Cant take that away from russia. They know how 🙈


Boys ain't slowing down. Good job.


>1200 - it seems to be steadily getting worse


So is Russia running out of tanks? Artillery being burned through so quickly mean they are onto. Crappy less mobile reserve prices? Or my assumptions wrong?


Given their production capabilities, they've always been "running out" (AKA losing more than they are making, with respect to the rate at which they are achieving their war goals) since the war began. But yes, they're certainly over halfway through their tank and artillery supplies they started the war with. Unfortunately they just started with so many that they can afford their current losses and still remain more or less combat effective as an army. By most accounts/estimations, they have enough artillery and tanks to last another year or two at current rates before they're down to absolute bare bones/levels hardly sufficient for even national defense, let alone offensive wars.


There's reason to expect the losses are just going to get worse for the russians, because they are going to be using older and older equipment as time goes on that will get destroyed faster. We're seeing that in artillery because they have had to resort to using older towed artillery that is literally sitting ducks for counter-battery fire. It may take two years, but the shortages will begin to feed on themselves, and they may have a front collapse much sooner.


When is enough enough?! Has Russian warcraft done anythin useful lately?


Russian warcraft fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, duh....I fail to see how this rate of attrition can be maintained. I wish it would stop. Go the fuck home, RuZZIA!!!! P.S. Of all the bots you're the bestest :-)


After golf carts and motorcycles run out I think they will attack with wheelchairs.


where are my tanks?


Is that 1220 casualty which would be some injured not all killed. Or is that 1220 killed in one day?


Total casualties, but using 1:2 kill wounded ratio it’s still 400+ people killed


The ratio is much higher for killed than is normally experienced because the Russians have such poor Medical evacuation and Medical Care, along with the near disregard for human life even their own. An empty key who would normally live guys in russia. A badly wounded limb which could be saved with rapid Medical Care is lost due to leaving the tourniquet on too long. These numbers represent eliminated russians, those that cannot return to fight. I also represent only those that ukrainians can see, with many die or being permanently disabled inside of buildings or long after the fight is over


The ratio of killed/severely wounded must be unaffected by poor medivac. Surely many wounded will die because of this but they still weren't killed by Ukraine who also doesn't add a plane to the list when one crashes in russian training. Moreover Ukraine will have little knowledge of the woundeds further fate.


Its not total casualties but killed and severely wounded and hence "lost" as they won't fight again. Lightly wounded are not included and the total casualties are therefore higher. When Zelensky in february explained the numbers he gave away that of the lost personel some 45% have been killed.


Typical ratios for killed/wounded in combat casualties over the last 80 years or so is 1:3, meaning for every 1 death, there are 3 wounded. We don't have any data on breakdown of which for these numbers, so it's safest to use the average. 1220/4 is 300; so 305 deaths, 915 wounded. Or, for the total so far (bear in mind the daily and total numbers are approximations and rounded to the nearest 10 as well), 134,515 deaths and 403,545 wounded to date.


Keep slaying the orc bastards ☠️


550k is coming up soon....incredible for 2024


Are artillery losses going to exceed armored infantry vehicles? It sure looks like it will.


It's like the intensity of the war doubled after 2 years. For the first 2 years, the average daily number of dead orcs was 600. It's 1200 now. Ukraine is killing twice as many per day.


Still true


I still think these are casualties and not actual deaths but geez that's a lot of people taken out. And now Putler will have NK forces to continue the zerg.


How many Russian soldiers need to die before Russians rise up against Putin?


What happened to all the tanks


What will NK provide you think? Artilleri and meat?