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Congrats, this post has officialy caused world peace!


Josh please look up the definition of fascism and stop making new accounts


Who the heck are you and what the heck are you talking about?


Tbf, you posting this does absolutely nothing. Someone truly racist would laugh at this post and double down on their beliefs lol


I thought that was next week


Can you provide examples of this hate, racism, fascism and anti-semitism that’s going on at UMass?


This man is not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed. Racism is no more


This is not about being a hero. You and I have a right to get an education and work anywhere without being targets. People seriously need to stop using Reddit to bash others. There's no place for stuff like that.


Anti-semitism? Maybe. Racism? Probably. But fascism? Where on campus is there fascism?


Talking about Josh on Reddit probably is fascism according to op


Everywhere on campus.


Brother you aren't the second coming of Jesus Christ, calm down.


This isn't about Jesus Christ.


Then mind explaining what all this "call to action" bullshit, which is ripped straight from the likes of r/lookatmyhalo, is all about?


Let me tell you something. This not is bs. I saw all the disgusting garbage that was said about the guy that's known to make TikTok videos and the stuff that was said about him is too offensive for me to repeat.


People on the internet say horrible shit because they have no filter? What a fucking shock that no one saw coming 😱. Tf do you expect people to do with your half assed post, rally behind your messiah looking ass and track down every third bozo that dares say something fucked up on the internet? Get over yourself.


You're the one that needs to get over yourself. You sound like one of the people that was outside of Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey's house in Arlington the other night


And you sound like the most pathetic piece of shit that thinks he's doing sth with this sad little display, calling randos on the internet white supremacists because they call you out on your bullshit. Please do everyone a favor and piss off, clearly no one wants you here.


I'm glad to see that support racism and anti-semitism. You're the one that's pathetic.


Mf I'm flaming *you* for being a moron. How is me calling you a dumbass related to anti semitism and racism you underdeveloped embryo of a Twitter lurker.


You're trying to is escalate it by flaming people. That is clearly your intentions. If that's not your intentions, then stop flaming people because it always has consequences. Always.


Standing against racism and anti-semitism does not make me a dumbass. Also for the record I don't have Twitter. You're clearly mistaken me for someone else.


Sometimes it's better to keep your comments to yourself and keep it off social media. You clearly flaming people to escalate things. Last thing we all need is series of fights in schools and colleges campuses because of comments like yours.


Another reason why you're pathetic because you give people shit for doing something positive.


About 6 years too late. The big slogan used to be "Hate Has No Home at UMass" before it was changed to the somehow even more gag inducing "Be Revolutionary" slogan.


Both of the slogans are a joke, but that's not my point. The bottom line is all that disgusting hate towards the guy that makes positive TikTok videos gotta end. He didn't anything to warrant that.


So, what did you guys have for dinner last night?