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Tuition well spent , am I right?


University students have time and time again advocated for just causes throughout history: Vietnam, Iraq, Civil Rights, etc. and each time, history vindicated us. This is no different, the nay sayers are the liberal moderate that MLK warned of. Free Palestine.


Yeah! University students have always been on the right side of history....oh wait...https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/goebbels-burnings/


Yes, Nazis in Nazi Germany were very Nazi lmao


- **/u/animatuum**: This far, has Reyes arrested more students than he’s graduated? - https://www.reddit.com/r/umass/comments/1co1f6u/this_far_has_reyes_arrested_more_students_than/ - **Post content**: ``` That’s the question! ``` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/umass) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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I love how there a bunch of people in the comments saying how maybe the protesters are to blame. My favorite part is how they just downvote the without giving any reason why they’re wrong… it just seems like you guys don’t like authority but actually have no valid reason why Reyes was in the wrong smh


Well…the “protesters” are supporting a group that's screams for intifada and becomes more and more antisemitic by the day. Many of these “protesters” include privileged white women and men who are appropriating a culture by wearing keffiyehs and screaming for intifada and "from the river to the sea". The "protesters" are "useful idiots" just parroting Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc propaganda while actively spewing hate toward Americas biggest and most valuable ally, and America!! The same countries who funded, backed, and committed 9/11 they're now supporting. And now these “protesters” are being influenced by a terrorist organization according to Argentina, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the UK, the US, and the European Union. So these “protesters” are supporting a terrorist organization, committing disorderly conduct, and screaming and supporting an antisemitic movement so that’s what they’re doing wrong.


The US doesn’t even classify the KKK as a terrorist group. Maybe because they aren’t always right. Lots of $ coming from Israel to our politicians for their unwavering support. Also the protestors aren’t pro Hamas. They are anti genocide. But good to know you support slaughtering innocent children


When was the last time the KKK actually committed a terrorist act? They’re not classified as a terrorist group because they’ve (thankfully) been squashed and are essentially irrelevant in the US. Yes they receive $ because Israel is America’s biggest and most important ally. They share their technology with us and vice versa. What about the $ that Hamas is receiving from Iran and Qatar? Why don’t you hold those countries to the same standard as the US? How is there a genocide when Israel is calling people in Rafeh telling them to leave? They would have just bombed them without warning in a genocide. How is there a genocide when the Palestinian population has only GROWN since 1948. There is no genocide happening, there is a WAR happening and just because you scream genocide doesn’t mean it’s actually happening and intelligent people realize this and you’re just parroting buzzwords to sympathize with terrorists.


Literal genocide denial … check yourself bro and read about what qualifies as a genocide


“[The definition contained in Article II of the Convention](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/Genocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf) describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. It does not include political groups or so called “cultural genocide”.” Is Hamas a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group?? No, they’re a political group and the UN’s definition clearly states that political groups are not included in this definition. Sounds like you need to check yourself, bro.


fun fact we dropped leaflets over Japan before we dropped the atom bombs that killed hundreds of thousands of people. I guess it was cool though because we warned them in advance. Hamas murdering people and Iran and Qatar sending them money is bad. Why can't you say the same for Israel? Also, what exactly happened before 1948? Sure their population is increasing until Israel bombed Gaza flat. I'm pretty sure in wars you're supposed to have the majority of the people you kill be combatants, not civilians.


Actually, it was pretty cool that we warned them in advance. It was consistent with American ideals and international law. The leaflets that were dropped told the Japanese that: > Read this carefully as it may save your life or the life of a relative or friend. In the next few days, some or all of the cities named on the reverse side will be destroyed by American bombs. These cities contain military installations and workshops or factories which produce military goods. We are determined to destroy all of the tools of the military clique which they are using to prolong this useless war. But, unfortunately, bombs have no eyes. So, in accordance with America’s humanitarian policies, the American Air Force, which does not wish to injure innocent people, now gives you warning to evacuate the cities named and save your lives. America is not fighting the Japanese people but is fighting the military clique which has enslaved the Japanese people. The peace which America will bring will free the people from the oppression of the military clique and mean the emergence of a new and better Japan. You can restore peace by demanding new and good leaders who will end the war. We cannot promise that only these cities will be among those attacked but some or all of them will be, so heed this warning and evacuate these cities immediately. Who knows how many people were saved from the horror of the atomic bomb by the US giving advance notice and encouraging people to leave. And, just like Israel, we encouraged them to overthrow their government which started the war and was continuing to fight it despite facing constant losses. Also, since 1947, including the current conflict, about 55K Palestinians have lost their life. That number included combatants. Compare that to Rwanda, where 600K were killed in 100 days. Or the Armenians, where 1 million were killed over two years. Or yes, the Jews, where 6 million were killed over 4 years. Every innocent life is precious, but the fact remains that this is not a genocide by any stretch of the imagination. Moreover, when you look at other wars, especially urban warfare, Israel's combatant to civilian fatality ratio is outstanding. Interestingly, while it would be nice if the majority of the people that die as a result of war be combatants, that is never the case. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio


Thanks for your rational and well thought out response. The brain rot these people have who support legitimate terrorist organizations is actually concerning. I hope they wake up one day, once they experience the real world and not just their college echo chamber that has actively been infiltrated with anti-American rhetoric.


And was America charged with a genocide…no we weren’t. I’m not excusing it at all but genocide is about intent, not the death toll. Israels intent is to destroy Hamas, not Palestinian citizens or else they wouldn’t take the precautions they do. Israel wants America to send them bombs that are more precise so they can do their best to minimize civilian casualties. But that’s also hard when Hamas commits legitimate war crimes by operating and setting up bases inside hospitals, schools, etc and when Israel bombs them, they say “they’re killing our kids!” when Hamas put them in harms was in the first place. This is their war strategy and the “useful idiots” are falling for their propaganda. It’s a horrible situation regardless of who’s side you’re on but just because Israel has the Iron Dome to shoot down all of Hamas’ rockets which significantly reduces their civilian casualties, doesn’t mean Hamas’ intent isn’t to destroy Israel and kill Jews.


what precautions? Evacuating everyone to Rafah then bombing it? and don't say leaflets you know they don't do anything. They were dropping dumb bombs even when they had the smart ones from the US. Even if they were, they fucking bomb them children and all. If they're trying to hide behind civilians it's clearly not working, since Israel doesn't care about civilians. Hamas tried to have a ceasefire recently, the one that Israel proposed. Israel rejected it after proposing it. At this point I'm pretty sure all Hamas wants is to stop Palestinians being bombed, and all Israel wants is to keep bombing Palestinians


Weird that civilians were told to go to Rafah from the start and guess who followed them…Hamas. Guess who then created tunnels in Rafah…Hamas. Guess which country borders Rafah that isn’t letting any Palestinian people in…wonder why that is? Maybe because Hamas now occupies Rafah because they know that’s where their shields are. Leaflets DO save lives. As pointed out by another commenter, it saved lives in Japan and I’m sure it’s saved lives in Gaza. Ever hear the statement, “Don’t negotiate with terrorist”?! You have some much brain rot that you legitimately think Hamas are the good guys…you seriously need to seek mental health help or go to the Middle East and see it for yourself


"hamas is always where the civilians are so we should just bomb the civilians" ok dude


The police didn’t just show up and start cracking skulls they told everyone to fuck off 100 times. The UMass cops are actually chill you basically have to be the king of morons at a 28k person school to get arrested.


Lol UMPD pigs will pull you over for a license plate light being out they’ve got nothing better to do. And there were hundreds of staties the most corrupt state police force in the country.


The protesters were also shouting extremely vulgar and aggressive insults and comments at the staff there trying to mitigate the situation.


My gosh, I'm sure the cops' egos were absolutely crushed!


Did I say anything about cops? The protesters were being assholes to the university staff trying to do their jobs. Stop being so obtuse.


King of the Morons......... will this be some sort of consolation prize at UMass?


Now i realize most people here are college students. Do not like authority, etc.. Probably got an awesome tattoo. But rebels without a clue are coming to mind. Welcome to the great wide open.


“Now I realize most people on a college subreddit are college students” Aren’t you sharp?


Not really. I went to UMASS.


🤣🤣🤣 good one


I think the more tragic reality is that leaders today - leaders always, perhaps - are not concerned with having a clue, just lining their pockets. Maybe what's different today is that they simply can't hide their corruptions as well as they used to.


So some students, faculty, and outsiders broke some rules set by UMASS and you are upset he assisted in enforcing the rules by removing the encampment? Did I summarize your current disagreement with Reyes? Did I break it down in the most simple terms possible? Are you possibly biased against his part in the decision because you supported the "cause" the protestors were pushing? That you resent his authority and decision? I have no idea what "lining their pockets" has to do with anything. "Corruption". Strawman much? I will gladly accept my downvotes for my first comment. I was a college student once upon a time at UMASS and I understand how young adults think for the most part. I am a parent of a UMASS student on campus as I type this.


Well, you ended your stupid comment filled with stupid condescending questions with “I understand how young adults think”, when you just flat out don’t


He doesn’t arrest people. He’s not a police officer


Talk about literally interpreting


He also doesn’t direct anyone to arrest people. He has no role in it whatsoever.


Not necessarily completely true. UMPD police chief reports to one of the vice chancellors, and that person directly reports to Reyes. Reyes may or may not have issued the directive to UMPD to arrest people and clear the encampment. But it is entirely possible that he did.


Also possible the police enforced the law - it’s really all they can do. They don’t arrest people based on someone’s “say so” unless there is a violation. That wouldn’t hold up in court.


That can be less clear cut than you make it sound. Police have been known for doing many things that are not enforcing the law, and that includes officers at UMPD, Amherst PD, and MA State Police. And that has included arresting people based on someone's "say so". It will be interesting just how many charges actually hold up in court versus how many just get dismissed or not pursued by the DAs assigned to to handle the cases.


This may be true, but would you mind providing an example or two?


Well, lets start with the mid-'80s. UMass got sued for a run of excessive force and false arrests related to students at he Blue Wall bar. Later analysis turned up the fact that about 4-5 officers and their superiors on that shift were responsible for more than 2/3 of the complaints. UMass ended up paying out in settlements quite a bit. Fast forward to about 1990 there were a number of fires set in dorm trash rooms. Much pressure on UMPD to find and arrest the person doing it. They brought in outside investigators including a FBI profiler who supplied the opinion it might be an employee and a minority. Well UMPD took that and focused on a senior RA and arrested her, the administrators used that arrest to push through an emergency ban from campus bypassing the normal procedures. That complete ban on final semester senior did not fly in court, the judge ruled she was innocent until proven otherwise. Compromise was she was allowed on campus for classes accompanied by her mother. Further problem, eventually they did find the actual culprit during the Summer and quietly fired them. The student RA sued and got a 6 figure settlement. There is more, but UMPD continues to enjoy its special relationship with the university administration.


While I'd like to believe there's been some improvements in accountability in the last 40 years, and those examples don't exactly feel like "arrest them on my say so, without suspicion or charges" - I do appreciate the thoughtful response. A rarity on Reddit.


That’s just not true buddy.




I think the question is, "What next?" - I'm going to get downvoted - fine, but I wish someone would give a thoughtful response. Let's say all universities cave and meet all the demands of the protesters. (a tangent, but "What next?" when the next protest group calls for something). Then, let's say all this pressure from US universities has the desired effect - Israel has a ceasefire. Then, let's say the Hamas keep their word and have another major attack against Israel, and again, hide behind Palestinian civilians. Israel will respond, historically with significantly more Palestinian fatalities than Israeli. So - unless you see any other scenario happening, these protests are for far more Palestinian deaths, not less. The support really is for Hamas, not Palestinian civilians. If you believe the Palestinian civilians are innocent victims, then eliminating Hamas is in their best interest.


I think the wrong assumption here is that Hamas would attack Israel gratuitously, when years of history proves you otherwise. It seems to me that if Israel meets the conditions for a negotiation, then Hamas would really have no reason to attack a military force that has clearly overwhelmed them. Also, in both cases you mention they’d die at hands of the IDF. I find it hard to believe that one of the military forces with some of the most advanced equipment in the world (financed by the US and other imperialistic forces) cannot dismantle a paramilitary group, of people severely impoverished by the apartheid established by Israel. It’s just a matter of seeing the death tolls of civilians, and particularly children.


No, the assumption is correct. The main protestors misunderstanding is that Gazans are mostly normal people who just want to live a happy life in peace. Everything is based on that assumption. That assumption is false. Hamas has indoctrinated the population of Gaza to violently hate Israel and teaches Islamism in schools. Islamism teaches to glorify dying for the cause. If Hamas is not removed from Gaza they will definitely lead to more terror attscks and more violence. Get the job done now. Free Palestine from Hamas


When can I catch your standup act? Are tickets even available still for this level of wit and humor? You should ask this question again on May 19. At that point the answer won’t fit your uninformed political agenda, so I doubt you will post it.


Reyes is a legend. I stand with Israel