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Blacklist & Restraining Order


Literally. This driver is super sweet too like this guy is not the one to yell at lmao


I get screamed at, cursed at, flipped off, threatened for going 8 mph in a 10 mph mobile home park on a daily basis 🤦‍♀️


gee, I wonder why they don't deliver to your house...


Fuck that noise.


if i was a driver this would be an immediate blacklist lmao. try getting your packages delivered now!


If I was the driver that package would be reclassified from package to pancake.


If I was a driver I would the call the cops on that psycho


i hope they hit their pinky toe every single morning. i hope the shower curtain touches them the entire time they shower. i hope they catch every red light especially when they’re running late. i hope their coffee order is wrong every single time 🙂


Just because we have Fetch!!! Um, I looked up how Fetch works, and actually that's exactly what it means. If you have Fetch, your package is sent to Fetch and you either pick it up or they redeliver at your convenience. Maybe the reason nobody is delivering your packages to your residence is because you signed up to have them all go somewhere else???


Literally! And I get it, it’s the whole apartment complex that makes the decision on having fetch be their delivery service, not the individual, but that would make me personally wanna talk to the apartment complex and not tell that the UPS driver LMAO


Sounds like they just don't understand how this whole thing works. It looks like it's so apartment complexes or dorms can have off-site package storage instead of delivery to the office, but maybe it's not that convenient for residents. Hmmmm. Sounds like a whole nearby apartment complex that could be interested in a convenient PMB... just not this unhinged nutter.




Whelp, never delivering to this psycho


Blacklist. Let them file all the complaints they want.


What’s the reasoning for skipping?


Basically a lot of apartments by our store use Fetch as their delivery service instead of UPS or Amazon, so the apartments don’t give UPS drivers the right gate codes to actually enter the complexes, and the drivers route doesn’t allow them to deliver while the apartment offices are open, so it’s not like they can go into the office and ask to be let in through the gate. Bc of this, a lot of peoples packages end up getting rerouted for pickup instead


Sounds like an apartment office issue not a UPS issue, also I doubt she contacted the supervisors, she doesn't have that number. "the apartments don’t give UPS drivers the right gate codes to actually enter the complexes, and the drivers route doesn’t allow them to deliver while the apartment offices are open" Yeah, not really a driver issue there.


I have anger issues, I couldn’t. I’d match their energy.


Close door turn on fan, turn up radio. Eat lunch and laugh! Oh and also, YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR SHIT EVER AGAIN!